The winter in Itonia is indeed very cold, bitingly cold. In this kind of weather, even the natives would not choose to go out on a sunny night, but at this moment, Bai Muqing didn't realize it. Looking at the clothes on her body, the thin uniform, the black stockings that can reveal her skin color, and the high heels that reveal a large area of ​​her instep, if she was dressed like this at this time last year, let alone Itonia’s Winter, even California winter, she couldn't survive.

But now, facing the bone-piercing cold, Bai Muqing was very indifferent. It wasn't that she couldn't feel the cold, it was just that her tolerance to the cold had increased to the point that it far surpassed human beings.

Is it because this body has become less human-like?

Or, is there any other reason?

Thinking of this, Bai Muqing lowered his head and looked at the wine bottle in his hand that was filled with red wine and wrapped with exquisite illustrations. There was no doubt that it was a bottle of Lafite. Although Bai Muqing had never drunk it before, he often saw it.

That night, Bai Muqing did not lie to Li Yexing, she did not drink alcohol.

But there will always be a first time for everything. Once there is the first time, there will be countless times in the future. Habits will become a kind of nature.

Bai Muqing raised the wine bottle, and poured a big gulp into his mouth. In an instant, the ice-cold red wine that could almost freeze his mouth was swallowed together with some icy shards.

For human beings, this kind of low temperature is torment in the mouth. If they are forced to swallow mouthful after mouthful, the digestive system will definitely suffer severe damage, but Bai Muqing doesn't care at all. At this moment, she seems to have thrown away her reserve and looked up She drank happily, until she drank half of the bottle in one go, before she let out a mouthful of hot air.

Cold, dark night, rooftops, red wine, lonely working women, for a moment, this chaotic land seemed to reveal a silhouette from the civilized world, which seemed out of place.

Bai Muqing didn't know why she had to hide alone on the cold rooftop and drink, she just wanted to do it, that's all, at the dinner table, even though Kanan and Rita were talking to her deliberately, she still She could feel the faint embarrassment in the atmosphere. The dining table in front of her and the warm atmosphere surrounding it were tearing her nerves all the time. In a trance, it was not the wild dog and his monsters surrounding the dining table. Girls, but my parents, elders, and warm family, everyone is happy and happy, eating dumplings and drinking wine, my mother will persuade my father to drink less, but my father never listens. After drinking and eating, my father and grandpa run away Going to the garden to smoke, my mother and grandma looked helpless.

Suddenly, the camera cuts...

Under the gray sky, the raindrops washed the earth. Amidst the priest's prayers, the empty coffin was buried under the green grass. In front of the gray and white stone tablet with his name written on it, his parents, family elders, relatives and friends looked very pale. Solemn...

What kind of expressions will parents and grandparents show if they know the news of their death?

Bai Muqing didn't dare to think about it anymore, the warmth and beauty in front of her eyes were like a sharp knife piercing her heart, she hurriedly avoided, and after she realized it, she was already sitting on the rooftop led by her subconscious mind.

Is it to escape?

That is to say, what are you looking forward to?

No, there is nothing to look forward to. In such a cold day, instead of going out to find a stranger outside in the cold, why not spend it with your family in a warm house?

The eyelashes drooped slightly, and the light in the wine-red eyes gradually lost. Bai Muqing hugged her legs, and lowered her face and heart a little bit, until her vision was completely dark. In the cold wind, she seemed to be enjoying, enjoying. This cold and lonely, but it seems to be tortured, let yourself feel the pain that cannot be dispelled.

In a daze, there seemed to be footsteps in my ears, and then, something was covered on her body. Bai Muqing blushed, and when she raised her head, she saw Li Yexing, who had put his coat on her body, was hunched over. Body, exhaling white air as if rubbing his arms: "Damn, I'm freezing to death, why don't you stay indoors and run out in such a cold day?"

Seeing Li Yexing's funny face exposed by the cold, Bai Muqing suddenly couldn't help laughing...

One more.

It was reported again, and two chapters were directly removed from the shelves. It seems that my readers really don’t like to see me write below the neck. Some readers are not only unspiritual, but also play tricks. This is a bit difficult for me. I will do two updates today. Study how to change the previous two chapters, and then think about how to write the next few chapters. The possibility that this volume will be out of outline is not ruled out. There is no way, let’s understand it.

Volume 6.5 Extra.26-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

In the cold wind, Li Yexing stood on the roof, silently looking at Bai Muqing who was sitting in front of her with her legs crossed. At this moment, all the arrogance and coldness disappeared, and the low pressure of loss and sadness enveloped her heart. around, making her look like a homeless little black cat.

Sighing softly, Li Yexing took off his coat. In an instant, the cold air from Eastern Europe invaded every corner of his body, his brows furrowed instantly, and even his teeth couldn't help but began to collide with each other. Enduring the bone-piercing cold, Li Ye walked forward and put the overcoat with his own warmth on Bai Muqing's body.

Feeling the cold, Li Yexing couldn't help shrinking his body. He usually rubbed his arms to try to keep warm, while complaining softly to the girl sitting in front of him: "Damn, I'm freezing to death. You don't stay in the house on such a cold day. What are you doing running out?"

Her body trembled slightly, and the girl covered by Li Yexing's coat raised her head. She looked at Li Yexing with a slightly drunken complexion, and there seemed to be a bit of surprise in her wine-red eyes, but this little emotion was hidden in the girl's heart. There was only a moment in the eyes, and the next second, the girl suddenly laughed.

It was the first time for Li Yexing that Bai Muqing showed such a smile, without the obnoxious curve of her mouth, and without the irresistible coldness between her brows, her smile was like a girl on a garden outing accompanied by the spring breeze in March, Warm, genial, with a bit of playfulness.

For a while, Li Yexing was stunned. A moment later, a cold wind blew through and pulled Li Yexing out of the warmth. He shivered suddenly, then stared and said, "You still don't know what to do?" laugh?!"

As if infected by the cold wind, the coldness returned to Bai Muqing's eyebrows again. She put away her smile, as if the scene just now was just Li Yexing's hallucination. She tightened the coat with a faint tobacco aroma, and Bai Muqing was cold. Said: "What are you doing here?"

"This is my office, my rooftop, why can't I come?" Sitting down beside Bai Muqing, Li Yexing frowned and said, "It's you, why are you here?"

Bai Muqing didn't answer, but turned her head to look at the empty street. After a while, she picked up the bottle of Lafite and took a sip.

"No wonder there is a bottle missing, so you took it away..." Seeing Lafite in Bai Muqing's hand, Li Yexing snatched it, but Bai Muqing didn't say anything, and buried his face in his knees wrapped in black silk, revealing his Facing wine red eyes, his gaze was fixed on Li Yexing's body, as if he was observing Li Yexing's reaction.

Sure enough, just as Bai Muqing expected, Li Yexing directly picked up the wine bottle and took a sip, then vomited all over the floor, covered his mouth and widened his eyes, looked at Bai Muqing's urn and said with a sigh of relief: "Damn, my teeth are about to fall out. Come down, Miss Bai, are you drinking ice here?!"

The prank was successful, Bai Muqing smiled again, her eyes curved like crescent moons.

Seeing Bai Muqing's expression like this, Li Yexing knew that Bai Muqing must be drunk. He wanted to hold the wine bottle in his arms and warm up the wine in the bottle, but as soon as the bottle was attached to his belly, Li Yexing bit it. He gritted his teeth and let out a breath of cold air. He glanced at the wine bottle in his hand, then put it back on the ground beside him bitterly, and at the same time pretended to be angry and said, "Do you know what this is? Lafite from 82, let you It’s a waste to drink it cold…”

"Lafite from 82? Where did you buy it? The wine shop next door?" With frivolous eyebrows, Bai Muqing said disdainfully: "Read less online literature and read more classic literature, which will help fill your barren wild dog brain .”

"Why did you lie to you? This is really Lafite from 82. The boss of the BW security contractor in country A gave it to me. It's just Prince, I've never been willing to drink it!" Although Li Yexing didn't quite believe it was 82 Lafite, who was born in [-], but the awesomeness has already been blown out, he can only bite the bullet and say firmly: "He has a big family and a big business, so he won't give me a fake bar?"

"How can a wild dog like you know Mr. Prince from BW?"

Bai Muqing just wanted to sneer like this, but suddenly remembered the little details at that time. Before she put on the collar and entered the office, she asked Alexei to contact BW to see if she could borrow someone. But Prince, the president of BW, refused on the grounds that "the Middle East is too chaotic to find manpower". At that time, Bai Muqing knew that Prince was talking nonsense, but he didn't quite understand the reason for his rejection.

Now, Bai Muqing knew the reason.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing strange about it. Although Li Yexing's resume is difficult to check, Bai Muqing did find out about "the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere" and titles like "Lopulus' mad dog", but she didn't know too much about it. Just caring, after all, in her opinion, these little mercenaries in poor countries are wild dogs in the mud, how strong can they be?Is it possible that it can still be a humanoid terminator?

hell!It seems to be true!Which also makes sense why that old dog Prince doesn't want to take care of her mess...

Not necessarily because I don’t want to, but definitely because I dare not!

A hint of embarrassment appeared between her brows, and Bai Muqing was eager to get rid of the topic about BW and Prince, so she said coldly, "So what if it's Lafite from 82? You can drink red wine?"

"Of course I won't." Li Yexing shook his head and said.

"Then it's better for this wine to be ruined by me than by you, a wild dog..." After speaking, Bai Muqing picked up the wine bottle, took another big gulp, and exhaled hot air, "It's really bad."

"Don't drink if it tastes bad, don't you don't drink..." Seeing that Bai Muqing's expression did not seem to be fake, Li Yexing reached out to take back the wine bottle, but unexpectedly, Bai Muqing hugged the bottle directly in his arms and frowned at the same time Cold voice: "No!"

"Okay, then you can take it..." Li Yexing waved his hand and said, "Don't forget to hug and sleep at night, or I will steal it away."

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