"Tsk..." Already accustomed to Li Yexing's yin and yang aura, Bai Muqing didn't care, just picked up the wine bottle and took another sip.

For a while, the two fell silent, only the coldness and distant gunshots remained in the air.

"It's such a cold day to come out to make an appointment, I'm really out of my mind..." Hearing the gunshot, Li Yexing muttered in a low voice, he rubbed towards Bai Muqing, stuck to Bai Muqing's body, and then whispered: "No, It's too cold, I have to get closer to you, don't freeze you."

Who actually feels cold?Bai Muqing didn't bother to say anything, besides, even if they were stuck together, it would be useless in the face of this degree of cold.

After a while, the gunshots in the air dissipated, Bai Muqing tightened Li Yexing's coat, and then suddenly said: "Sure enough, after so long, I'm still not used to this place."

"What? Don't Californians shoot in the street?" Li Yexing turned his head and asked with raised eyebrows.

Bai Muqing was about to say "no", but after thinking about it carefully, her tone lost firmness, and she whispered, "I won't shoot like this, we have the police..."

"We have gangsters..." Li Yexing shrugged his shoulders and said, "Italians are much more efficient than your donut cops."

There was another silence, Bai Muqing's expression was complicated, she mumbled her lips, and in the end she just managed to say: "Lopulus, that's amazing..."

"It's really amazing..." Li Yexing nodded and said: "Those who can stand here have a history that is not easy to talk about, either magnificent or unbearable. To put it simply, we are A bunch of unlucky bastards who can't do anything but kill..."

"What about you?" Bai Muqing suddenly turned her head to look into Li Yexing's eyes, her expression was less cold and more searching, and she asked in a low voice: "What was your past like?


Two more.

I was a little angry at first, and wanted to say a lot of impassioned words, but after finishing this chapter, I suddenly lost my anger. After all, the previous chapters had a lot of words, and some of them were still more than [-] words. what energy.

But, I'm curious about one thing, I want to know whether you read my book because you are lustful, or because you like my story, for my book and for my beautiful girl editor Dim Sum, I will write according to Qingshui Wen's standards in the future. If it is the former, you can basically abandon the book. If it is the latter, I beg you to do something. Until the end of this book, please put me on the top of the list, okay?If you can’t make it to the list without writing below the neck, it means that I’m nothing more than that. If I’m still on the list, I’m guessing Pinkeye will be pissed off. So, help me smack my pinkeye’s face, okay?

Volume 6.5 Extra.27-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

"my past?"

In the cold wind, Li Yexing turned his head and stared at the pair of wine red eyes hiding his search. After a while, he smiled and said, "Are you very interested?"

"No..." Bai Muqing subconsciously responded in a cold voice, but after thinking about it, she turned her head and said in a low voice: "However, if you want to talk, I don't mind listening."

"It's okay, please listen to me..." He stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Bai Muqing's cold and disgusted eyes, Li Yexing stepped forward and smiled, "Let me tell you, My past, that's too awesome..."

Clearing his throat, Li Yexing smiled and said, "Back then, I was pure and lovely. I was only a teenager at that time, and I was sitting in the classroom, reading a book, and swipe the front seat with a pen, just like those ordinary children. The girl's suspenders, secretly going to the arcade hall, anyway, it's quite ordinary, and then, when I was sixteen..."

Leaning on Bai Muqing's body, Li Yexing whispered about the past. That year, he was sunk in the sea, and with the help of nobles, he began to make a living in the Golden Triangle. That year, he killed his enemies, broke the rules, and was forced to flee to Yidong Nia also met a new boss. That year, there was a chaotic battle, and the boss was beaten to death. Since then, he has been reduced to a lonely family and a widow again...

"Until that year, I took over the task of escorting the European branch of Black Umbrella..."

The following story began to become passionate. That year, he brought back Tiriris in the midst of chaos. The two fell in love at first sight, and they rebelled against each other. Together with the BSAA, they beat the European Division's pursuit force to pieces. , until in the warehouse, hoarse, blood flowed all over the ground, the bloodless and tearless mercenary interlocked with the tyrant girl who was born as a weapon, sounding the death knell of the pursuer's death.

In that year, in the Mediterranean Sea, the disputes among the nobles, the conspiracy of the evil slaves, the scheme of the black Umbrella, and the realization of the perfect maid, between life and death, she crossed the boundary between man and monster, and got rid of the darkness that imprisoned herself , hugged the master she swore to serve her whole life.

That year, in Malvia, the hounds and prey running wildly on the prairie let go of their grievances for survival and worked together in the same boat. In the darkness, two cigarettes were lit by a single flame, and the hounds showed their fangs to the impossible enemy for the prey. teeth, while the prey found hope and redemption from the hound, until the fire fell, the hound completed revenge for the prey, and the prey fulfilled the promise with the hound.

That year, in Changye, Japan, the gangsters fought in chaos, and the power behind them was overwhelming. He fought gangsters, monsters, and that evil woman just for the remaining stubborn chivalry in his heart. The BSAA fought all the way to the top of the long leaves. The hopeless girl broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly. In the firelight, the tip of the knife rang. After all, he cut off the girl's past with one knife.

That year, the tropical isolated island was unfavorable and murderous intentions abounded. Various forces gathered here. The old umbrella Reaper reappeared in the arena. In the continuous artillery fire, he carried a girl with different-colored pupils on his back. He was as powerful as a broken bamboo. The Buddha finally shattered the remaining illusions of the old age and dispelled the long dark night without light.

"The rest...you will know..." After talking eloquently, Li Yexing turned his face to Bai Muqing and said with a smile: "That year, to be precise, a few months ago, I picked up a Secretary, although he was very reluctant at first, he always felt that this was messing with me, but later on..."

Holding Bai Muqing's arm tightly, Li Yexing smiled softly and said, "It smells so good."

Looking at Li Yexing's funny smiling face because of the cold, Bai Muqing said in a low voice, "No wonder they are so clingy to you, Rita never told me these things, and Kanan too..."

"Because you didn't ask, right?" Li Yexing joked with a smile.

"Who would be interested in the matter of you, a wild dog?" There was some insincere in the words, Bai Muqing turned her face, a little disappointed and said: "It's no wonder you look down on me, so you have experienced so much..."

As she said that, Bai Muqing tightened her arms holding her legs. Taking advantage of her drunkenness, she buried her face between her legs and said in frustration: "Compared to you, I am indeed just a young lady, but I also work hard. I Study hard, try hard to get into a better school, in order to become an excellent white family member, in order to let those white-skinned guys no longer look at me with colored glasses, I tried my best to do my best, I was admitted to a leading university, I got a degree far beyond most people, I got the top offer, I even successfully joined that huge organization, saw the reality of this world, and through my own efforts, I became the youngest executive..."

During the words, the emotion became more and more agitated, and the nails that had turned black due to ouroboros were dug hard into the legs wrapped in black stockings, Bai Muqing gritted his teeth and said, "I should have something worthy of my hard work. money and status, I will meet a man who loves me, who I love, he may not be rich, but he should be romantic, knowledgeable, handsome, motivated, with education and taste no less than mine , we will drink red wine and dance while drinking red wine at the top of tall buildings, and then look down at all living beings through the floor-to-ceiling windows, but...but..."

Suddenly, Bai Muqing raised her head, her wine-red eyes seemed to be stained with despair and unwillingness, and black tears trickled down from the corners of her eyes. She yelled at Li Yexing hoarsely: "Why you! Why you, a wild dog? Ah! What the hell went wrong?! What did I do wrong?! Why did God send you to punish me?!"

"Because I met you! I became a monster! I am no longer human! See my tears?! Even my tears turned black!"

"No, at least I'm still alive here, right? But I'm already dead outside! Because I met you! I'm dead!"

"My parents only have me as a daughter! What should they do when I die! What can they do!"

Stretching out her hand, she firmly grasped the corner of Li Yexing's clothes. The drunk girl finally couldn't suppress the pain and contradictions in her heart. She lowered her head and cried, "The saddest, most annoying, and the most annoying to me!" What is unacceptable is…”

"I love you!"

"I can't refuse you! I can't refuse your warmth! I can't refuse your caress! I can't refuse your smell! I can't refuse everything that belongs to you!"

Clutching Li Yexing's clothes tightly, Bai Muqing cried bitterly, "What should I do... you damn wild dog... tell me... what should I do..."

Li Yexing looked at Bai Muqing in a daze. He never thought that Bai Muqing's emotions would be gushed out in such a way at such a time. His predecessor used to roam Huajie, and there are many girls beside him at this moment, but Now, facing the crying Bai Muqing, he was at a loss for what to do.

Different from those who have lost everything or never had anything at all, Bai Muqing has her own family, her own career, and expectations for the future, but now, all of these are gone...

There was a hint of pampering and love in her eyes, Li Yexing stretched out her hand and wiped the black tears, this time Bai Muqing didn't resist, she was choked up and in pain, her hard and cold heart collapsed in all directions, after all, a strong woman is also a woman, Longing to love and be loved.

"Don't cry, Muqing, I have something for you..." The voice was soft, not like in the past, Li Yexing gently held Bai Muqing's hand, and the other hand was in the pocket of his trousers. After a while, he put the The small thing he took out of his pocket was placed on Bai Muqing's palm.

Feeling the metal touch with Li Yexing's body temperature, Bai Muqing suddenly opened her eyes, only to see a watch lying on her palm.

"This is..." Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar watch, Bai Muqing was stunned. After a while, she raised her head and asked in surprise, "Is this my watch?"

That's right, at this moment, what lies in Bai Muqing's hand is the Vacheron Constantin watch that her father gave her on her [-]th birthday. After the accident that night, she thought that this watch It has been lost, but I didn't expect to see it again today.

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