On the dial, there is still the familiar black lily pattern, but the case of the watch is a bit blurred, and, I don't know if it is an illusion, the beating rhythm of the second hand seems a bit strange, as if all the time has been sucked away.

"I'm sorry, I picked it up on the road when I was going back to Loples that night. At the time, I thought you were dead anyway, so you might as well leave the watch to me, so I never returned it to you..." Looking at Bai Muqing's eyes Li Yexing scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "No way, the old guy in the shooting range said that your watch is a big brand, and there is no way to repair it here, so I can only try my best to repair it myself. The case must be It's not as good as your previous one, and since I repaired it, the second hand runs faster than our water meter, it was assembled according to the photos taken before, and I don't know what went wrong..."

Sighing lightly, Li Yexing said helplessly, "I know you are very dissatisfied with me. I don't care about any of the romantic, handsome and motivated things you mentioned, but I can guarantee..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yexing's slender fingers gently covered Li Yexing's lips. Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, but Bai Muqing was looking at him silently. On the bed, there were still red clouds and black tear stains caused by drunkenness. After a while, she squinted her eyes slightly and moved closer.

The soft fingers moved away, and immediately, a softer touch overlapped with the lips.

This is Li Yexing's first kiss with Bai Muqing


Three shifts, 3k+, call it a day.

When the role of Bai Muqing first appeared on the stage, I said that her relationship line would be the most interesting. Now, the foreshadowing of the Vacheron Constantin watch with black lily pattern is finally recovered.

Volume 6.5 Extra.28-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

On the sofa in the office, Tilly Lisi was holding the handle with a blank face, her slender white fingers were constantly jumping between the buttons, and at the corner of the TV screen, the flashing "SSS" was still beating crazily, as if to Jumping out of the screen, with the jumping of fingers getting faster and faster, the silver-haired man wearing a big red cloak flying in the air on the screen jumped back and forth crazily, and various weapons were constantly switching in his hands. The hideous monster seemed to be nailed Like in the air, unable to move under the continuous gorgeous blows.

Suddenly, the nimble fingers stopped, and the man in the red cloak on the screen stopped together with the fingers. The monster pinned to the air was finally freed, and fell to the ground into red fragments all over the place.

"Ah, Mr. Kennedy has landed..." Tilly Liss murmured softly, a trace of regret flashed in her ruby-like eyes, she raised her head and silently looked at the ceiling above her head.

On her lap, the drunk Tillylian was sound asleep, with a smirk on her face, muttering vulgar words from time to time, such as "My lord is going to fry your female horse..." Beside her, see The people on the screen stopped moving, Kanan leaned over and whispered to Tilly Liss: "Boss and Xiaobai are over?"

"It's over." Tiriris whispered.

"My god, it took almost an hour from the beginning to the end..." Looking at the wall clock on the wall, Kanan raised his eyebrows and said: "As expected of the boss, if this is an ordinary person, the corpse may be frozen hard .”

"They should be back soon..." Rita, who was sitting by the side, stood up, and slightly bowed to Tilly Liss, "I'm going to make a cup of hot tea for Mr. and Miss Bai to warm up."

"Go..." Tilly Lisi nodded, and then said: "I want to too."

"Give me a glass, too, maid." Kanan said with a smile.

"Wait, please give it to me too..." Hitomi Qiandao put down the book in her hand and raised her hand behind the desk.

"Hey, my lord wants it too, my lord wants it too..." Tillylian smirked in her sleep, but in the next second, her brows frowned, her small mouth was pursed, and she said angrily: "It's all about me. My lord wants to eat talismans! Spider, do you want to be an orphan too?!"

"Really..." Looking at the girl lying on the sofa, Rita smiled helplessly and said, "Mister taught the second lady too much..."

"Tiliris thinks it's good..." the girl with silver hair and red eyes said expressionlessly, "Tililian needs to learn how to protect herself, and it's the same on the Internet."

"Since Miss thinks it's okay, then it's okay..." Nodding her head, with an elegant and calm smile on her face again, Rita whispered, "I'm going to make tea..."

With that said, Rita turned and went to the kitchen.

Seemingly not interested in studying, Hitomi Qiandao finally put away the book in her hand. She stood up and walked towards the sofa. It seemed that she was worried about disturbing Tillian. Her steps were very light, and she stayed in front of the sofa. , she sat on the coffee table, and then whispered: "By the way, do you think Miss Bai will remain so cold after tonight?"

"Of course not..." Kanan waved his hand, and then said with a smile: "It's all like this, how can you always keep a cold face? To be honest, Xiaobai has been taking medicine for two months. Keep that face tight, it's strange!"

"That's right..." Hitomi Qiandao whispered in Japanese, and then said in English with a smile: "That is to say, after today, Miss Bai will officially become one of us. It's really gratifying."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Tilly Lisi said with a blank expression: "No, even if I have done it with Ye Xing, I will still keep a cold face."

"Why?" In an instant, questions in Japanese and English came from Chishima Hitomi and Kanan.

Tiliris thought for a while, and then whispered: "Because Ye Xing likes her to keep a cold face."

As soon as these words came out, there was no sound in the office.

After a while, Kanan waved his hands and said with a smile: "No, no matter how unrepentant Xiaobai is, she is still a woman after all. How could she still have that stinky face?"

"It's the same..." Tilly Lisi said quietly: "It's just that the cold face that was not frank has changed to the cold face that is frank."

"Frankly... with a cold face?" Hitomi Qiandao showed doubts. She suspected that her English was not good enough to understand what Tiliris said.

"Don't worry, it won't!" Seemingly a little bit of interest, Kanan approached Tiriris with a smirk and said, "Would you like to bet? Miss? If Xiaobai doesn't have that stinky face Now, this week you will give me all the time to make out with your boss!"

"Gambling." Tilly Lisi said blankly, she turned her head and looked at Kanan, her eyes seemed to be sizing up a defeated dog.

Tillyris and Kanan were competing with each other when a bunch of golden hairs suddenly stood up from Tillylian's head. Immediately afterwards, Tillylian suddenly opened her eyes like a machine, revealing the pair of strange-colored pupils , she sat up in a daze, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and then whispered: "Master Tillylian's perverted brother-in-law Radar is moving."

Accompanied by Tillylian's words, the key was inserted into the lock, and then, there was a sound of opening the door.

In an instant, Kanan and Hitomi Qiandao turned their gazes to the entrance at the same time, but Tirilith didn't care at all, as if an old monk had settled down.

A few seconds later, Li Yexing was the first to enter the office. He was wearing a thin unlined upper body, and his face was stiff from the cold. Behind him was Bai Muqing. She was wearing high heels, her upper body was wrapped in Li Yexing's coat, her legs Wearing stockings full of holes, his face was as cold as ever.

The smile on Kanan's face froze immediately.

The corridor door was slowly pushed open, Rita came out with a tray, she bowed slightly to Li Yexing and Bai Muqing, then smiled and said: "Sir, Miss Bai, thank you for your hard work, this is hot black tea, drink it quickly Warm up."

"Save Rita!" He strode forward and picked up two cups of black tea from the tray. Li Yexing took a sip and kept muttering in a low voice, "I'm alive, I'm alive..." At the same time, he handed the other Passed a cup to Bai Muqing and said, "Come on, Muqing, drink a cup of black tea to warm yourself up."

Hanging Li Yexing's coat on the hook, Bai Muqing came to Li Yexing's side, took the black tea in his hand, and drank it little by little. Rita said: "I'm going to change clothes, this silk stocking can't be worn anymore."

"The second drawer under the closet..." Rita smiled slightly: "Considering that this situation may happen anytime today, I have prepared a lot of spare pantyhose for you."

The blush on her face that couldn't dissipate due to the lingering rhyme finally deepened a little, Bai Muqing frowned slightly and said, "Got it."

After finishing speaking, Bai Muqing pushed open the corridor door with hasty steps, and went straight to Rita's bedroom.

For a while, the atmosphere in the office cooled down.

"Ahhhhhh!" A moment later, Kanan let out a scream, and Tilly Lian was so frightened that she almost slid off the sofa. Hitomi Qiandao also shuddered, and Tiriris was only slightly crooked. Nodding her head, with a trace of boredom and contempt in her eyes, she saw Kanan stepping on the tea table and jumping in front of Li Yexing. Her expression seemed to be suspicious of life. She stared at Li Yexing and said, "You did it?"

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