Looking at the man in yellow hiding in the shadows in front of him, Jack's face turned sullen, and he clenched half of the apple in his gloved hand, and then fell hard to the ground. The man in yellow said in a slightly hoarse voice, "It's much higher...


One more.

Volume 2 Mission.DLC. Frozen Chapter A-[-]. Beside the Macho, Butterfly Wings

It was the first time for Jack to encounter such a thing that one of his own people suddenly drew a knife and slashed at him. Dead people, there is only one important thing in this world, and that is money. As long as he has money, he can turn a living person into a dead person, no matter whether the opponent is his own or an enemy.

On the opposite side, the guy in yellow finally pulled out the dagger that had been pierced into the wall. It screamed and rushed out of the shadows, waving the dagger, and went straight to Jack. When he stood in front of Jack, he suddenly raised his hand The dagger stabbed fiercely at Jack. Jack was unhurried. He held the man's arm with one hand, while the other hand jammed the man's wrist. He gritted his teeth slightly. Jack suppressed the man's violent struggle. Its arm holding the dagger was lowered a little bit, revealing its ferocious face.

Looking at the other person's face, Jack was slightly taken aback.

This face is really ugly...

I saw that person, no, I can no longer use "person" to refer to each other, I saw that the monster's face was covered with cracks, and its skin was cracked like a dried mud flat. The cracks were full of dark red flesh, above the gloomy hooked nose, cloudy gray and white mixed eyeballs tore the skin and squeezed out, because the skin was violently torn, so blood flowed everywhere Yes, it was covered with that ferocious face. At this moment, under the cracked lips, it clenched its teeth, panting like a mad bull while trying hard to get rid of Jack's parry.

Looking down that ferocious face, he saw that the cracks stretched all the way from his neck to under his clothes. Jack could already imagine what this guy's body had become.

Make no mistake, this thing is BOW!

"There is no such content in the contract..." As an experienced mercenary, Jack certainly recognized BOW. He tried hard to suppress the monster's resistance, and then snapped off the monster's arm, twisting its joints, and the monster seemed to feel it. Painful, subconsciously turning his back, Jack took down the dagger in the monster's hand, and then slapped it on the back of the monster's head. He raised his arms to change his position, and when the monster stood up from the pain, Jack flew up and kicked the monster's chest fiercely. Under the impact of this huge force, the monster almost flew out , his back slammed into the wall behind him, and was bounced up. Before it could regain its posture, Jack jumped up and stretched out his hand to pinch the monster's face.

What a strange touch, it doesn't look like human skin at all, but more like some kind of carapace...

"However, I am willing to renegotiate." Looking at the ugly face pinched by himself, Jack said with disgust.

The monster whose face was pinched gasped angrily. It raised its hand and grabbed Jack's arm, struggling fiercely. Just when Jack was about to kill this guy, suddenly, the monster let out a roar, followed by , large sheets of white steam, wrapped in high temperature, burst out from the cracks on its body.

The heat rushed to his cheeks, and Jack subconsciously let go of his hand and took two steps back. When he looked up, he saw the monster rushing up madly with steam. It screamed strangely and swung its fist at Jack. , quickly turned sideways to dodge the punch dangerously, and before the monster had time to regain its posture, he kicked the monster's abdomen hard with a whip leg. The monster was in pain, and its figure froze slightly , but before it could retreat, Jack kicked out again, and this kick directly hit the monster's face, several eyeballs burst instantly, and the monster flew upside down.

Feeling that the speed of the monster was obviously faster, Jack said in a low voice with a cold face. He stepped forward again, and was about to knock the monster to the ground, but saw the monster kicked by him suddenly adjusted its figure in the air , It landed on all fours like a wild beast, and then screamed strangely, spouting steam and rushing towards Jack.

"What..." This was beyond Jack's expectation. Even though he had stopped for the first time, Jack still took an extra step forward due to inertia, but it was this step that won the monster a chance. When Jack raised his hand, the monster slammed into Jack's abdomen. It hugged Jack's waist, pushed Jack against the wall, and hit the wall with his back. Jack's breathing was stagnant. Regardless of this Clearly in pain, Jack gritted his teeth and raised his knee to hit the monster's face fiercely. After hitting again and again, the monster's arms finally loosened slightly. Jack seized the opportunity to hold the monster's head in his arms. Under the arm, and lifted up at the same time, only a crisp sound was heard, the bones behind the monster's neck suddenly bulged, as if it was about to pierce the skin, and the monster's arms immediately dropped down.

After breaking the monster's neck, Jack kicked the monster away. He rubbed his own neck, looked at the monster lying on the ground, frowned and said in a low voice: "The effect is really good, this nutrient seems to be a bit of a sell-off It's..."

As soon as the words fell, a rustling sound suddenly sounded. Jack was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head, and saw the monster whose neck had been broken stood up little by little with a low growl. With a neck supported by bones, its head hanging, panting constantly, and its body is like a broken steam engine constantly spewing steam indiscriminately. The next second, the monster twitched violently amidst the roar. Immediately afterwards, his head suddenly bent in the opposite direction, protruding the twisted neck, under the neck, the torn skin suddenly opened, the hard black horniness tore apart the flesh, and violently drilled out.

In an instant, a pair of horny horns like beetle tongs grew out from under the monster's neck. The blood-colored, pitch-black tongs were covered with hideous spikes, and they opened and closed like knives. beep.

"Tsk, you just don't want to die?" With a trace of annoyance on his face, Jack stretched out his hand to the pistol at his waist, but before the gun could be drawn out, the monster suddenly bent down and took the pair of hands full of blood. The sharp tongs pointed at Jack, and then rushed towards Jack again, the head full of eyeballs hanging under the tongs was still making a high-pitched roar.

Seeing the pair of tongs stabbing towards him like spears, Jack dodged like a matador. The next second, the pair of tongs pierced fiercely into the wall behind Jack. Jack took the opportunity to pull out his pistol and pointed at the monster The back of the gun fired continuously, and the bloody flowers exploded on the monster's back in an instant, but the monster didn't care at all, and suddenly pulled out the tongs that had pierced into the wall, bringing out a cloud of dust and small pieces of debris, The monster bent down and rushed towards Jack again. Jack shrugged his shoulders and was about to do the same thing again when he heard a burst of continuous and rapid gunshots in front of him, punching holes in the back of the monster. Finally, when the monster was about to bump into Jack, it limp and fell to Jack's feet.

On the other side, hearing the gunshot, Jack quickly turned around and pointed the gun in the direction of the gunshot, but the next second, he froze.

I saw a girl standing at the door of the room


Two more.

Volume 3 Mission.DLC. Frostbite Chapter A-[-]. Except for the macho, twisted

To be honest, it was the first time Jack had seen a girl like this.

The girl in front of her has short blond hair and a cute baby face. Her skin is fair and tender, her facial features are delicate, her eyes are as blue as the sky, and her lips are as thin as pink petals. She wears a white fur collar coat on her upper body. A white belt is wrapped around the waist, and the lower body is wearing black slim-fit pants that are easy to move, highlighting the girl's toned but not overly bloated legs. Further down, there are tall black leather boots, the boots are almost To get on the knees.

At this moment, the girl was holding a pistol in her hand, but she was not pointing it at Jack. Facing Jack's muzzle, instead of panicking, she asked Jack anxiously, "Did you get the injection?"

Realizing that the girl was not hostile, Jack put down his gun and at the same time looked at the girl carefully. I have to say that after staying in Itonia for a long time, I am used to seeing those coquettish sluts. The girl gave Jack a different feeling.

If it's just for fun, maybe it's not bad, but in the long run, this girl's bed skills are definitely not as good as the big sisters.

It's a pity that the girl wasn't in Jack's strike zone.

"Yes..." A few seconds later, Jack answered the girl's question in a leisurely manner, but the girl opposite did not pay attention to his answer, but raised her hand to look at the watch on her wrist, with a look of anxiety. She looked like a school girl who was going to miss school and had to take the bus. Jack looked cold when he saw this, raised his finger and pointed down, and at the same time said to the girl: "But if you want your own share, you have to Sign the contract with the lady downstairs..."

As soon as the words fell, a strange sound suddenly sounded in his ears. The sound seemed to be burning. Jack's expression suddenly became tense. He quickly lowered his head and looked at his feet. He saw that he and the girl had been together The monster that was shot and killed actually burned itself, and the clothes were ignited. The fire spread little by little, and then quickly dissipated. Together with the monster's self-immolated body, it turned into ashes, and disappeared without a trace after a while. .

Looking at the monster that was burned to ashes, Jack raised his head and continued to the girl: "But I don't recommend you to do this..."

On the other side, the girl was still looking at the time on the watch. After a while, she put down her raised hand, and a serious expression that didn't match that face appeared on her milky face. She looked at Jack's serious expression. Said: "There is no doubt that you have antibodies."

After all, the girl hurriedly ran to the other side.

"Thank you very much..." Jack shook his head slightly, and responded casually as if joking, and then he froze.

Wait... What did the girl just say?Antibody?

"Wait a minute, what did you just say?" Like a student who was suddenly called by the teacher after being distracted in class, the confused Jack asked the girl. When he looked up, he saw the girl standing on the wall He was pulling open the small metal door full of rust, revealing the garbage path behind the door.

On the other side, after hearing Jack's question, the girl who opened the trash can turned around and said to Jack with a serious face: "You may be the key to saving the world, Jack Muller."

"Heh..." The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, looking at the serious girl in front of him, Jack couldn't help laughing.

The key to saving the world?Do you think this is a movie?

With a cynical smile on his face, Jack was thinking about whether to open his mouth to ridicule the girl. Suddenly, a rush of footsteps came from behind him. Hearing this sound, the smile on Jack's face disappeared instantly, and he suddenly Together with the girl, they turned their heads in the direction of the sound. In the dark corridor behind, several multi-eyed monsters with grenades on their bodies and guns on their backs rushed out from the corner. Panting like a mad bull, he stood over his head in the direction of Jack and the girl. When they found them, the monsters rushed towards them with strange screams.

Seeing those difficult monsters getting closer and closer, a slight disgust flashed across Jack's face, is this still saving the world?Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turned his head and said to the girl in white beside him, "Save myself first."

After all, Jack rushed directly to the garbage channel opened by the girl, grasping the edge with both hands, he got up lightly, then jumped directly, and slid down the garbage channel full of wet mucus and smell. On the other side, look Seeing those difficult monsters constantly rushing towards this side, the blond girl in white clothes had a serious expression. She resolutely raised the pistol in her hand and pointed it at the monsters. At the same time, she turned on the burst switch, and then pulled it without hesitation Trigger the trigger, and in an instant, a round of bullets shot out of the monster's body, and then exploded into tiny blood flowers. Although they were hit in the front, the monsters didn't care. He rushed forward with teeth and claws.

"Damn it, I should have taken the big guy if I knew it earlier..." Seeing that her pistol had limited effect on those monsters, the girl couldn't help but gritted her teeth, and pulled out a shock bomb from behind, she skillfully tore off the tab and pointed at those monsters. The monster was thrown out, and at the same time, it turned around and grabbed the edge of the garbage path, then turned over and jumped off, closing the door of the garbage path by the way.

On the other side, after crossing the garbage road for a long time, Jack finally slid out. Against the stench, he bent his legs slightly, let out a muffled grunt, and stepped directly into the sewage of the small waterway. In the process, the dark green sewage was splashed everywhere.

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