Standing up, Jack shook his arms lightly, and then looked around vigilantly. At this moment, a sound came from the garbage path, and the sound became louder and louder, as if something slipped down from it. Immediately afterwards, the girl in white fell out of the garbage chute. With a muffled grunt, she knelt down on one knee, supported her body with one hand, and splashed sewage all over Jack.

After being splashed with dirty water, Jack frowned slightly, as if a little upset, but seeing the embarrassed look of the immature girl when she fell down, he found it a little funny, and walked forward slowly. He joked, "Are you looking for something?"

"It's just that I didn't stand firm..." Hearing Jack's teasing, the girl's brows were stained with a trace of stubbornness. She stood up and gently wiped off the dirty water on her boots through her gloves. When she stood up straight, she turned around. He turned to Jack and said, "I'm fine."

After getting the girl's answer, Jack didn't reply, but turned around and continued to watch his surroundings. On the other side, seeing that Jack didn't focus on himself, the girl stretched her hand behind her and took out a pair of clothes from her waist. Opening the wallet to Jack, he introduced himself, "Shirley Birkin, from country A..."

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to introduce each other..." He faintly felt that the girl was going to make a long speech, so Jack directly interrupted the girl's words. He raised his hand and pointed to the garbage path above his head, signaling that the enemy might jump down at any time. The woman who claimed to be Shirley walked by, but before he had walked a few steps, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he turned around and said to Shirley Birkin, "Aren't you going?"

Shirley thought for a while, then raised her hand to Jack and said, "Men first."

After all, the girl followed


At the third watch, send out in one go, and call it a day.

Do you feel it?Something is starting to look different.

Volume 4 Mission.DLC. Frostbite Chapter A-[-]. Besides the strong man, the big war will start

December 2012, 12, Itonia.

Under the shadows, the cold black helmet was stained with dried blood and hung with a silver metal nameplate, leaning against the corner alone.

This is Itonia, a small country in Eastern Europe, which has been under the rule of warlords, political chaos, and anti-government armed forces all year round. Here, wars may start at any time, and many armed forces may do nothing to win. Needless to say, at this moment, the gunpowder smoke covering the sky is the best interpretation of this cruel land.

In the cold, armored vehicles rolled over the snow with the roar of engines, and drove past the devastated streets. A middle-aged man in army green combat uniform and bulletproof vest was holding an automatic rifle, quietly Standing on the side of the street, when the armored vehicle passed by, he walked to the other side of the street with steady steps. There, under the shadow of the shop, a group of people wearing the same combat uniform as him gathered together. , or standing, or squatting, the atmosphere is extraordinarily heavy.

The middle-aged man's name is Chris Redfield, a native of country A, who belongs to the BSAA. He is both a soldier and a commander.

Crossing the street against the vaguely cold wind, Chris came to the side of the group of soldiers, and on the other side, seeing Chris approaching, the surrounding soldiers stood up and made way for him. .

Passing over the surrounding soldiers, Chris looked serious. Finally, he stopped and fixed his gaze on the center of the crowd. There, a soldier wearing a BSAA uniform was lying quietly on a stretcher. The dark green bulletproof Under the clothes, the soldier's abdomen was almost completely torn apart, even with simple battlefield treatment, the bleeding still couldn't be stopped.

Looking at the soldiers on the stretcher, Chris' heart sank a little bit.

"He was alone at the time, on a reconnaissance mission..." A familiar voice sounded in his ear, Chris turned his head and looked at the person standing beside him talking. It was a very handsome young man with long hair. With short hair, a scarf around his neck, and a sniper rifle in his hand, at this moment, he looked at Chris with a serious expression, and said in a low voice: "Those guys attacked him, he... couldn't hold on..."

The soldier who spoke was named Pierce Nevins. He was the sniper of this unit and Chris' partner.

Chris didn't speak, but silently refocused his eyes on the soldier who was pressing the stretcher. There were two BSAA soldiers on both sides of the stretcher. They squatted down, held the stretcher tightly, and then lifted the stretcher steadily. For fear of shaking a little, although the soldier on the stretcher has lost his life, he still deserves everyone's respect when he died as a soldier.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the soldier's body was carried away.

A strange weight weighed on his heart, Chris glanced around, and saw the soldiers around him bowed their heads in silence, they were either sad or gnashing their teeth, but most of them just hid the weight of losing their comrades in their arms. From the bottom of my heart, occasionally leaking out with the eyes.

This war is extremely difficult, and the morale of the soldiers has fallen to the bottom.

"Listen!" After a long silence, Chris raised his head again. He rushed away the sadness and heaviness in his eyes, and said loudly with burning fighting spirit. Hearing his voice, the surrounding soldiers quickly raised their heads. head, and subconsciously gathered towards him.

Seeing the soldiers approaching him, Chris nodded, and he said to the soldiers in a deep voice: "The purpose of the BSAA is to eradicate biochemical terrorism in the world. The only way to achieve this goal is to unite. Together."

"Everyone's life is very precious." Pierce, who was standing beside Chris, added in a deep voice.

"That's right..." Looking at his partner, Chris nodded in relief. He shifted his gaze, looked at the soldiers around him, and said with a serious expression: "Each of you may be ready to prepare for any time." Our cause is life-sacrificing preparations, but my job is to make sure everyone survives to the end."

Suddenly, a sound of nose twitching interrupted Chris's words. Chris turned his head and saw a young soldier beside Pierce twitching his nose. When he noticed that Chris was looking over, the soldier immediately used Covering his nose with his hand, there was a hint of embarrassment and anxiety between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Be patient, Finn." Pierce said solemnly to the young soldier.

"I'm sorry, sir." Hearing Pierce's words, the young soldier immediately stood up straight and replied. It seemed that because of his stuffy nose, his voice sounded a little funny. Even though he stood up straight, he couldn't help but sigh He twitched his nose slightly.

Waiting patiently for the young soldier to sniff his nose, Chris turned his head, looked around at the soldiers around him and said, "With me here, no one will be abandoned, understand?"

"Yes! Sir!" A tidy answer sounded, as if inspired by Chris's words, the soldiers raised their heads, fighting spirit rekindled in their eyes.

Seeing that the pre-war mobilization was over, Pierce turned his head to the sniffing soldier and said in a deep voice, "Finn, report the latest situation."

"Yes! Sir..." The young soldier nodded, picked up the flashlight-like instrument in his hand, pointed it at the ground, and then lightly pressed the switch. In the next second, a light shot out from the instrument and shone on the ground , and then quickly turned into a light green halo. On the halo, small squares representing folders were quickly unfolded and arranged in sequence. Immediately afterwards, pictures and supporting text popped out of one of the small squares.

Frowning slightly, Chris squatted down and looked at the pictures carefully. He saw that the pictures were full of various monsters. Most of them were in human shape, but their faces were covered with hideous eyeballs. The monster's limbs also turned into various strange shapes. These monsters reminded him of Nagaba in Japan two years ago. A biochemical terrorist attack broke out in Nagaba, Japan. In that attack, the terrorists also seemed to use this virus that can grow a large number of eyeballs on people's faces.

Those seems to be called "compound-eyed demons". Now that I think about it, it's more appropriate...

"The guerrillas are using a BOW that we know little about. This BOW is very similar to the BOW used in the Changye Commercial Building incident in March 2010, but it is more powerful. Now, the command calls them 'ghost zombies. '..." Seeing Chris squatting down, the young soldier named Finn sniffed, and then began to seriously introduce the information about these monsters. He said in a deep voice: "These guys are extremely smart and quite powerful. Their A certain mutation has taken place on the body surface, which allows them to resist the impact of small and medium-caliber bullets to a certain extent, and at the same time, they also have a certain ability to mutate in response to physical trauma."

After a slight pause, Finn continued: "According to the latest battle report, they seem to have some kind of ability to greatly improve the body's function in a short period of time. When fighting, they will constantly emit steam to dissipate heat."

Hearing Finn's introduction, Chris frowned slightly. These monsters seemed a little different from what he knew...

One more.

Volume 5 Mission.DLC. Frostbite A-[-]. Other than macho, frostbite

After finishing the report on the latest situation, Finn turned off the instrument in his hand and put it back on his waist. On the other side, Chris stood up and said solemnly to the surrounding soldiers: "Okay, everyone Now that we know what to do, we will divide into three groups and set off!"


"Yes, sir!"

After receiving Chris's order, the surrounding soldiers immediately responded loudly. They encouraged each other, and then walked to the armored vehicles waiting for them on the side of the street in groups. For a while, only Chris and Pierce were left in the shadows. And the recruit named Finn.

Chris has a little impression of this newcomer. He is a blaster with excellent test scores, but he doesn't have enough actual combat experience.

Walking towards the soldier who looked a bit nervous with firm steps, Chris said with encouragement in his eyes, "Are you new here?"

"Yes! Sir!" Seeing Chris asking himself a question, the soldier immediately stood up straight and responded with a cautious expression: "My name is Finn Macaulay."

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