With a serious look, but not aggressive, with calmness and reliability written between his brows, Chris reached out and patted Finn on the shoulder, and said to him in a deep voice: "I know you're a little nervous, Finn, but you have The support of the whole group, understand?"

Looking at the mountain-like man in front of him, Finn was stunned for a moment, and after a breath, he nodded hastily and said: "Understood! Sir! I will do my best!"

Seeing that the tension on Finn's face eased, Chris curled his lips and nodded in satisfaction. He watched Finn take two steps back, then turned around and walked towards the armored vehicle waiting for him.

Staring at Chris's back in a daze, Finn was in a daze for a moment. After a while, he turned his head and asked Pierce beside him, "Is he always this domineering?"

Pierce opened his lips slightly, and Pierce wanted to say something, but in the next second, he stopped his impulse and gave Finn a deep look, as if a veteran was sizing up a new rookie in the camp, he turned around , holding the gun in his hand, and followed Chris up without looking back. Finn, who was left in place, felt a little embarrassed for a moment. He looked around, then quickly stepped out of the shadows, followed out of Pierce's pace.

On the street, soldiers from the BSAA and soldiers from the Itonia government army mixed together and passed through from time to time. The engines of the armored vehicles roared, mixing this sound with the sound of the spiral wings of the helicopters in the sky. Walking transport planes and even fighter jets passing overhead, everyone boarded the armored vehicle in the face of the gunpowder smoke.

As everyone boarded the armored vehicles, the three armored vehicles lined up, moved a little bit, and drove towards the front line.

In front of you, there is a city completely occupied by the anti-government armed forces. This is also the last city under the control of the anti-government armed forces. Previously, this armed force relied on more advanced tactics than the Itonia government army. The unexpected attack captured almost half of Itonia in one breath, but then came the counterattack of the Itonia government army. Facing the common enemy, these old warlords finally let go of their intrigue. Began to unanimously external.

Of course, the bigger reason is that these old foxes want to carve up and snatch the territory that has been controlled by the anti-government forces.

In short, under the fierce counterattack of the Itonia government army, cities that had not yet been stabilized fell one after another, and the control area of ​​the guerrillas was continuously compressed. A certain senior officer of the Itonia government army even began to speak boldly , Claiming that it will completely recover the lost ground for the Itonia government before Christmas Eve in 2012.

However, what happened next was beyond the expectations of the ITonia government army. As the control range of the anti-government armed forces was compressed, the war began to become more and more difficult. I don’t know where they got financial assistance. A large number of mercenaries began to be recruited. At the same time, their equipment began to be continuously upgraded. From the beginning, the overall equipment level was slightly weaker than that of the government army, and later they began to use helicopters and armored vehicles. The equipment was on par with the government army, and then transport planes appeared. When only the last city was left, the equipment strength of the anti-government armed forces had completely surpassed the government forces.

Armored vehicles, tanks, machine gun turrets, mortars, anti-aircraft guns, even train guns, and a large number of transport planes, even the government army in Itonia can hardly make up such equipment. However, these are not the most terrible Yes, the most terrible thing is that a large number of monsters appeared on the frontal battlefield!

Undoubtedly, in order to defend the last city, those anti-government militias have fallen into madness, and they have started to use BOW!

The emergence of BOW caused the ITonia government to panic. Soon, the ITonia government had to apply for assistance from the United Nations, and the large-scale biochemical crisis in ITonia also attracted the attention of the international community. , Order after order was issued with astonishing efficiency, passed, and soon, BSAA joined the battlefield.

At the beginning of the battle, even the BSAA, an armed force that specializes in dealing with biochemical terrorism, did not have enough experience to deal with such a large-scale frontal battlefield. They could only draw up combat plans based on past combat experience and limited intelligence at hand. And soon, they were hit hard.

Ghost zombies, this new type of BOW is completely beyond the BSAA's imagination. The battle plan formulated based on the BSAA's internal files on the Changye Commercial Building incident is simply not feasible. Compared with the "compound-eyed demon" that appeared in that incident, the ghost The evil zombies have more powerful intelligence, almost no different from ordinary people, and can carry out tacit tactical coordination. At the same time, they are also more aggressive. They can use various weapons proficiently with only simple training. On this basis, their appearance has also undergone a certain transformation. The skin is cracked and carapaceized, which can effectively reduce the lethality of small and medium-caliber bullets, can emit steam, and even the mutation ability has been significantly improved. There is no doubt that in the The virus used in this war is an improved version of the virus used in the Changye Commercial Building incident.

Under the obstruction of this new BOW and various heavy firepower, BSAA suffered heavy losses for a while.

Although it is a little hard to say, it is clear that the situation has gotten out of control, and more and more anti-government fighters have begun to inject viruses to become ghosts and zombies. This war has exceeded the capabilities of BSAA, and they must ask the United Nations for help.

But this time, the attitude of the United Nations has become somewhat ambiguous. All kinds of material support is a drop in the bucket, and fire support is even declined for various reasons. Finally, under the repeated applications of the BSAA, the United Nations reluctantly agreed to the request of the BSAA and passed it. Related Resolutions Permitting Small Area Air Force Strike Assistance to BSAA.

Therefore, on Christmas Eve, the BSAA command issued a new order. They will gather together and join hands with the government forces in Itonia to carry out the largest attack since this war with the support of the United Nations Air Force. The target is directed at the city hall where the anti-government armed forces are used as the headquarters. What they have to do is to tear up the defense line of the anti-government armed forces, rush into the city hall, capture the leader of the anti-government armed forces alive and send him to the international court!

Under the sky shrouded in gunpowder smoke, Chris stretched out his upper body from the armored vehicle, and watched the road ahead silently against the cold wind.

At this moment, he still doesn't know what kind of terrifying abyss the butterfly effect brought by a traverser will push him into...

Two more.

Volume 6 Mission.DLC. Frostbite Chapter A-[-]. The macho shot "?"

On December 2012, 12, Christmas Day, 25 hours after the start of a large-scale military operation by the coalition forces.

On the cold and noisy street, a middle-aged man wearing a BSAA green combat uniform frowned, silently waiting for the trucks in front of him to drive past. On the truck, blood was still dripping down. The uniformed corpses of the Kenyan government army piled up together, shaking slightly with the bumps of the road.

"It's hell..." After a while, the middle-aged man frowned and said in a low voice.

The man's name is Bruce Will, a New Yorker from Country A, who belongs to the North American branch of the BSAA. He got off the plane in the early hours of this morning. Because of the setback in the war in Itonia, he and his team had to make emergency arrangements with the large forces. Towards this point, when they landed, the Far East branch that arrived earlier than them had already started to go to the front line one after another, and the local government army officers were waiting to pick them up at the airport.

It was a man who looked very serious, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, but his spirit didn't look good, his face was ashamed, his eyes were bloodshot, and his dirty military uniform was neatly worn on his body , The military boots under his feet are already covered with mud.

"Yeger, the Itonian government army..." the officer stretched out his hand towards him, and at the same time spoke to him in English with a thick retroflex.

"Will, BSAA North American Branch." Will shook hands with the officer, and while the soldiers behind him got off the plane one by one and began to carry supplies and check equipment, he frowned slightly and asked the officer, "What is this?" What's going on with Bian? It seems to be different from what we know."

"Then you'd better find out quickly, Mr. Will..." The officer named Yegel said with a gloomy face: "The BSAA troops that attacked during the day yesterday did not end well, too many people are missing..."

Saying that, Yegel shrugged his shoulders and said with a sneer: "After all, as long as you don't see the body, you can't be counted as killed in battle, can you?"

Will swallowed subconsciously.

"Forget it, that's all for now, my task is to welcome you and introduce you to the situation on the front line, but to be honest, I still have a lot to do, my time is precious, and we don't intend to fully hope It's because of BSAA..." Blinking his dry eyes, Yegel turned his head, pointed to the warehouse on the other side and said, "This is the supplies we can provide for you, and those piled on the ground next to it are from the United Nations. The plane can only take you here, if you go deeper, you will eat the anti-aircraft guns of those bastards, and you have to go on your own for the rest of the way. You have received orders and know where to go, right?"

"We are very clear." Will nodded.

"Very good, I wish you all good luck..." Yegel turned his head, and at the same time he took out his mobile phone and dialed a certain number. After a few seconds, Will heard the officer curse: "Kay, these bastards Where did it go?"

"Of course I know it's the outer city! Their mortars almost hit the BSAA's temporary headquarters a few hours ago!"

"It doesn't matter, if you can't hold it, you should retreat appropriately. Only when you live can you continue to fight..."

"Reinforcement from BSAA? Forget it, you can still count on those veteran soldiers who have no sense of the battlefield?"

Standing behind Yegel, Will felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, but he couldn't say anything. After all, the battle situation here is really bad. The large-scale offensive of the coalition forces failed to achieve decent results. The top management of BSAA is going crazy, but these are not the worst.

The most terrible thing is that one of the founders of BSAA, the golden sign of BSAA, Mr. Chris Redfield, the anti-terrorist pioneer, and his team lost contact collectively!

According to intelligence, after miraculously crossing half of the town, this force successfully arrived near the city hall, and then they lost contact!

The heads of the BSAA's top management are about to crack. They are constantly communicating with ITonia, hoping to organize a search and rescue force. What is the significance of organizing a special force to rescue Chris?

The negotiations reached a stalemate, and the BSAA had to put pressure on the Yidonian government on the grounds that "the loss is too large and needs to be withdrawn from the battlefield for repairs". In the end, the Yidonian side finally reluctantly agreed to the BSAA's request, and the corresponding , BSAA began to put more troops into the battlefield, preparing to launch the next large-scale attack immediately on the 25th.

It was in support of this massive attack that Will had been transferred to Itonia.

The cold wind blew, and Will, who was standing on the side of the street, couldn't help shivering. He cursed in a low voice: "This damn place is so cold."

With that, he crossed the street.

Surroundings, soldiers from the BSAA and soldiers from the Itonia government army were mixed together everywhere. Armored vehicles and trucks continued to pass by the nearby streets, raising their heads, and helicopters took off with roaring sounds, and this To Will, the sound was almost like the buzzing of a fly.

Shaking his head slightly to dispel the messy thoughts, Will, who was crossing the street, pushed open the wooden door of the shop on the street, walked into a rather spacious room, walked through the corridor, and received greetings from the surrounding BSAA soldiers , he entered the innermost room, where sundries and equipment were randomly piled up, and under the dim light, a map full of various marks was spread on the large table in the center of the room.

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