Volume 13 Mission.DLC. Frozen Chapter A-[-]. The macho forgot a py bit

It has to be said that in various senses, Bai Muqing is a very vigorous girl. She has accepted the elite since she was a child and always thinks that her time is valuable, so most of the time, no matter what she does, she is in a hurry. This caused Li Yexing to be a little overwhelmed by her actions.

When he saw Kanan entering the office, Li Yexing breathed a sigh of relief, saying that he is indeed a good brother who can always save lives at critical moments.

Then, in front of Li Yexing, Kanan locked the door of the office again, she walked briskly to Li Yexing, sat on Li Yexing's lap, pressed Li Yexing's chest and said with a smile : "Boss, I haven't been on the battlefield for so long, I'm a little nervous, as a good brother, should you help me decompress?"

Seeing the lust in Kanan's eyes, Li Yexing knew that the battle was not over yet.

Next, the offense and defense were switched, Miss Kanan was in charge of the offense, and Bai Muqing, who had already been nourished, was the assistant. The female employee and the secretary who had a good relationship in private started the pleasant work of squeezing the boss together.

Time passed by gradually, until Bai Muqing answered the phone.

"Kanan, the people from Durand Technology and Medicine are here, hurry up..." After hanging up the phone, Bai Muqing whispered to Kanan.

"Oh, I see..." Hearing Bai Muqing's words, the flushed Kanan responded with a smile while panting, and at the same time increased her movements. After a while, she suddenly turned her head and said to Bai Muqing: "How about Go pick them up first."

"No, I will clean up the wild dog after you are finished..." Bai Muqing frowned slightly and said, "As the secretary of the wild dog, I can't let the wild dog go to see our partners in a dirty state."

"It's okay, I'll help him clean after a while..." Kanan panted, seeing a trace of hesitation flashed between Bai Muqing's brows, she smiled, kissed Li Yexing lightly on the lips, and continued: "Don't worry, the boss and I have known each other for so many years, we have a tacit understanding."

In the end, Bai Muqing agreed, she nodded and said to Kanan: "Hurry up, don't make Mr. Andre wait too long, and also, you must clean up." Then she left the office, her high heels hitting the ground. The sound went away little by little, and for a while, only Li Yexing and Kanan were left in the office.

"To be honest, I believed in your evil..." After a while, Li Yexing said in a low voice: "I thought you were here to save me, but you helped Mu Qing bully me together, you are really my good brother .”

"Don't say that, Boss..." Kanan said with a smile, "Helping each other is part of getting along between good brothers, isn't it?"

It seems that because of being urged by Bai Muqing, Kanan was much more aggressive than before. After the preliminary work was over, Kanan began to follow Bai Muqing's example and help Li Yexing clean up. After a while, the work was completely over, and the two stood up. Dressed up for each other.

"Are you comfortable now?" Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's comfortable, hehe..." Kanan held Li Yexing's arm, with a happy smile on his face.

"Let's go..." Li Yexing patted his good brother's buttocks, and said in a low voice, "Mu Qing should be in a hurry."

The two who were close to each other left the office together, and it was not until they returned to the corridor that Kanan reluctantly let go of Li Yexing's arm, and she whispered, "Boss, why do I feel that I am becoming more and more like those little girls... "

"Is there any question?" Li Yexing asked casually.

"I don't think this is good..." Kanan shook his head and whispered to Li Yexing: "I enjoy this relationship with the boss very much. I am both the boss' brother and the boss's girl, but well, if I change If you become more and more like a bitch, won't you be able to do it as a good brother?"

Li Yexing stopped suddenly, turned his head, and looked at Kanan in surprise. He didn't expect Kanan to be entangled in such a strange problem.

"What kind of eyes do you have..." Looking at Li Yexing who seemed to be looking at something strange, Kanan couldn't help turning his head and whispered with a blushing face.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought you were so cute, I couldn't help but want to hug you..." Li Yexing smiled, then hugged Kanan, and pressed his lips on it.

After a long while, Kanan pushed Li Yexing away, thumped him lightly on the shoulder, and lowered his eyebrows and said: "It's almost done, Xiaobai is going to be angry."

"Then make her angry..." Li Yexing smiled, raised his arm and said to Kanan, "Come on, hold it."

"Don't make trouble..." Kanan blushed and frowned slightly.

"Hurry up, don't be hypocritical." Li Yexing urged with a smile.

Therefore, Bai Muqing, who was negotiating with Andre, the person in charge of Durand Technology and Medicine, was surprised to see Kanan holding Li Yexing's arm, and blushing into the secretary's office.

The wine-red eyes widened a little bit, and Bai Muqing suddenly remembered that she had never held Li Yexing's arm like a lover. In an instant, a trace of coldness occupied the brows, and she threw the responsibility for this incident on Li Yexing's head in her heart and began to figure out how to punish Li Yexing after he came back.

On the other side, sitting on the sofa at the side of the office, Andre in a suit was taken aback for a moment, and then said happily from the bottom of his heart: "The relationship is really good..."

I don't know if it was Li Yexing's illusion, but the excitement in Andre's eyes seemed to be a biologist observing the mating process of rare animals.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I accidentally committed an occupational disease..." Sensing the scrutiny in Li Yexing's eyes, Andre was suddenly pulled out of the cold fantasy full of DNA chains, and he nodded at Li Yexing Nodding, and then said: "Since Mr. Li is here, some things can be said openly and honestly..."

Containing the smile on his brows, Andre said to Li Yexing in a deep voice: "It's like this, Mr. Li, we plan to put a staff member from the first agency in your team. She is the most senior member of the European branch. One of the best field biologists, Director Kasimir hopes to let her follow you to the battlefield to collect various BOW samples and actual combat data."

"Scientist?" Li Yexing frowned and said, "Don't you know how complicated the battle over there is? Our task is already very difficult, and now we have to bring a drag bottle?"

"Don't worry, she won't become a burden, not only that, but she will also provide you with all kinds of help..." Andre said with a smile: "That woman used to work in the Security Department, and now she is the Durand Technology Medical The security captain is a part-time researcher. She came from the East Asia branch in the early years. For some reason, she has been applying to join the crazy team. According to the original plan, she should have entered the crazy team in January next year for trial, but considering your side , I plan to directly use this action of following you as her test to enter the frantic team, if she can successfully complete the task, Director Kasimir will directly let her join the frenzy team."

Hearing what Andre said, Li Yexing groped his chin subconsciously. You must know that the Frenzy Squad is led by Hank himself. Although the military quality is a bit strange, the strength is indeed not weak. It shouldn't be a drag on this operation.

"If you just put one person in our team to pick up the leaks, I must get some benefits, right?" Li Yexing asked in a deep voice after a long while.

"Don't worry, Ms. Bai and I have already talked about this matter..." Andre smiled slightly: "A medical team with strong versatility will accompany you, and they can treat not only human beings. ..."

As he said that, Andre focused his attention on Kanan, and he smiled and said, "If your girl is injured, I'm afraid she won't be able to receive treatment at the BSAA or the local hospital, right?


Volume 14 Mission.DLC. Frostbite Chapter A-[-]. The macho is about to leave

"Medical team..." Li Yexing couldn't help frowning as he silently murmured about Andre's bargaining chip for the first agency.

Logically speaking, from Li Yexing's point of view, the price Andre offered him was almost equivalent to sending him a usable combat force, and by the way, a medical team, which was very profitable. From a different perspective, they only sent a team in charge of non-important projects in Durand Technology Pharmaceuticals, and they could follow Li Yexing to prostitute a wave of BOW data that appeared on the Yidonia battlefield, and it was also very profitable. This seems like a real win-win situation.

However, Li Yexing was still a little worried, worried that the person Andre stuffed in would become a drag.

For the development of the Ring Asia Armed Forces, the secret assistance from the European branch of Black Umbrella is very important, so the status of the first agency in this cooperative relationship has been invisibly improved, and this commission is likely to be very Dangerous, if you accidentally compensate the people from the first agency, it may have some negative effects on future cooperation.

"What's the matter? Mr. Li? Are you not satisfied with our price?" Seeing Li Yexing frowning slightly in thought, Andre couldn't help but said, "Don't worry, Mr. Li, our medical The team is definitely professional enough. All three members are from the fourth-level laboratory in the D area of ​​the European branch. The captain himself is my right-hand man. He has participated in Nibelung-level projects many times. They can definitely play a huge role at critical moments .”

"I'm not worried that you will get mixed up in the medical team, Andre..." Li Yexing didn't understand the terms like "D area four" and "Nibelungen level" in Andre's mouth He probably understands that these terms are just to highlight the professionalism of this medical team. Looking at Andre's earnest eyes, Li Yexing said to Andre seriously: "I'm just thinking about our cooperative relationship with the first agency..."

As he said that, Li Yexing subconsciously reached into his pocket, wanting to take out a cigarette, but just as he reached in, Li Yexing suddenly remembered that Bai Muqing was still sitting in the office, so he had no choice but to give up. Yexing reached into his pocket but didn't take out anything. Andre, who was good at observing words and expressions, immediately took out a pack of cigarettes from his suit pocket and handed it to Li Yexing, while smiling and saying, "It's okay, I have it, smoke mine."

Li Yexing didn't speak, just winked, and Andre was taken aback for a moment, he turned his head while maintaining the posture of passing the cigarette, and then saw Bai Muqing behind the desk staring at him, although there was a smile on that pretty face. There was no expression, but Andre felt a sense of panic about being targeted by a predator.

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