A chill ran up his spine, and Andre smiled at Bai Muqing embarrassingly, then stuffed the cigarette back into his pocket.

Mr. Vallar Andre is really good at observing words and feelings.

After failing to light the cigarette, Li Yexing rubbed the bridge of his nose lightly, and then said to Andre: "Let's keep the issue simple, as you know, Kasimir and I attach great importance to our cooperation, but Now there's a question on the table, what if something goes wrong with your people on my side?"

As he said that, Li Yexing shrugged his shoulders, and then said: "This is not a corporate cooperation group to study abroad. This is a battlefield. I believe that your biological expert has a certain military quality, but our mission is not just relying on military quality. It can solve the problem. Judging from the information we have so far, our commission this time is very dangerous. Even I can't guarantee that I will get out unscathed. If something goes wrong with your people, how can I tell you? Casimir explain?"

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Andre was taken aback for a moment, and then a relaxed smile appeared on his face. He spread his hands and said, "It turns out that Mr. Li is worried about this kind of thing..."

"After all, you said that woman once worked in your security department, didn't you?" After a little deliberation, Li Yexing said euphemistically: "The security department of Black Umbrella seems a bit mediocre in terms of combat capabilities. I don't think so." I think she is capable of handling this extreme battlefield."

Shaking his head slightly, Andre raised his head to look at Li Yexing again, but this time, there was no smile on his face, looking into Li Yexing's eyes, Andre said seriously: "About this matter Don't worry, Mr. Li, as I said, accompanying you this time is her test to enter the frenzy team, if she loses her life on the battlefield, it can only mean that she is just that, and we will not blame you."

"If that's the case, then there's no problem..." Li Yexing stood up, stretched out his hand to Andre, and said with a smile, "Have you enjoyed your cooperation?"

"Happy cooperation." Andre also stood up and shook hands with Li Yexing, but the strength of the handshake was a bit heavy, as if he wanted to stick his hand to Li Yexing.

After shaking hands with Andre, Li Yexing turned to Bai Muqing and said, "Muqing, help Mr. Andre's staff arrange an official identity that can enter the battlefield."

"No problem, Mr. Li..." Bai Muqing stood up, and slightly bowed to Li Yexing holding the documents, "I will immediately incorporate the personnel assistance provided by Mr. The identity of the sub-armed medical team accompanies our ranks."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when Bai Muqing bowed slightly to him, Li Yexing seemed to see a bit of Rita's shadow on Bai Muqing.

Should it be said that it is Rita?Very well trained...

On the other side, after bowing to Li Yexing, Bai Muqing stood up straight and said to Andre: "Then Mr. Andre, when shall we sign the contract for this cooperation?"

"There is no need for a contract, it seems that we are too unfamiliar..." Andre smiled, turned his head to look at Li Yexing, and then continued: "After all, our boss and your boss are related, aren't they? "

Twirling the corners of her mouth slightly, Li Yexing smiled awkwardly, while Bai Muqing still had a cold face, as if she didn't understand Andre's cold joke at all, she nodded to Andre and said: "I understand Now, let’s sign a memorandum, so that it can be easily recorded in the file.”

"It's so serious, it's like Ms. Jialiya..." Andre muttered in a low voice, a chill flashed between his brows, it seemed that he was quite prejudiced against Director Kazimir's favorite secretary, and he had a crush on Bai Muqing Said: "The document of the memorandum will be sent to you by us tomorrow, and then you can decide how to modify it."

"No problem." Bai Muqing nodded.

"Okay, let's do it like this..." Andre said with a smile: "I have to meet with my assistant and tell him some things. After all, this is our first large-scale cooperation. I am afraid that he will suffer from occupational diseases." .”

After finishing speaking, Andre turned around and opened the door to leave. Only Li Yexing, Kanan and Bai Muqing were left in the office.

"It's kind of like that in front of people..." After a moment of silence, Li Yexing joked to Bai Muqing with a smile.

"As your secretary, I need to satisfy your poor vanity, but you, a wild dog, finally look a little decent..." Shaking her head lightly, Bai Muqing didn't seem to want to dwell on this topic, she kept a cold face He said to Li Yexing, "How long will it take you to come back?"

"One week at most?" Li Yexing thought for a while and then replied.

"Tsk..." A trace of displeasure flashed between her brows, and Bai Muqing subconsciously moved the toes wrapped in the black silk that smelled like Li Yexing in her high heels, with a trace of impatience in her tone, she said a little unhappy: " I originally planned to squeeze you and let you dye a few more socks of mine, but your dirty things will stink after a long time, ah, it's really annoying!"

In the end, everything was ready, and it wasn't until early in the morning that Li Yexing took Kanan to board the black helicopter with the logo of Huanya Armed Forces printed on it.

Before boarding the plane, Bai Muqing suddenly hugged Li Yexing and leaned into his ear, Bai Muqing whispered: "Wild dog, when you come back, I will press you on the desk and let the whole office building Everyone can hear your screams..."

"Well, I'll give you as much as you want..." Patting Bai Muqing's back lightly, Li Yexing nodded. He knew that this was just Bai Muqing's expectation for his safe return.

After talking with Li Yexing, Bai Muqing let go of Li Yexing's arm, then turned around and said to Kanan: "The wild dog is over there... I'm counting on you, protect him well, and wear a collar if necessary. Don't lose him."

"Don't worry..." Kanan patted his chest and said with a smile, "Even if the sky falls, I can bring the boss back against the sky.


One more.

Volume 15 Mission.DLC. Frostbite Chapter A-[-]. Macho Information

"Expert? Expert?" There were bursts of pleading voices in his ears, pulling Li Yexing's thoughts back to reality. Li Yexing was slightly stunned, then turned his head, and saw the BSAA from Europe and the United States beside him. He stared at him expressionlessly, not knowing what he was planning, but the Asian face looked more polite, with a trace of searching in his eyes.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something..." Li Yexing shook his head slightly, and refocused on the map in front of him, after a while.He turned his head to look at the BSAA from Asia and asked, "What's the name?"

"Call me Chu Chen..." The man smiled and said, "I'm from the Celestial Dynasty, one of the combat commanders of the Far East Division."

"Your?" Li Yexing turned his gaze to the other BSAA and asked casually.

"Will, the combat command of the North American Division." The caucasian BSAA replied in a deep voice, looking less enthusiastic.

I don't know if it was Li Yexing's illusion, but that Will seemed to dislike him a little bit. After thinking about it for a while, Li Yexing understood that since entering the battle of Itonia, the BSAA seemed to be overwhelmed by those mercenaries. War dogs like him who depend on fighting for food have caused huge losses to BSAA, so it is not surprising that BSAA doesn't like him.

Thinking of this, Li Yexing couldn't help but take another look. A few seconds later, he nodded to Will as an expression of goodwill. This small gesture made Will slightly stunned. After a while, he also nodded at Li Yexing. Nodding his head, it was a response.

"Okay, let's get down to business..." Li Yexing patted the unrecognizable map, turned his head and said to the two BSAA commanders: "In general, I need information. I don’t know much about the offensive route of the Chris team, the distribution of the enemy, equipment, defensive facilities, and the characteristics of the enemy, can you please give me a brief introduction to the situation?”

"We only got here early in the morning, and we didn't participate in yesterday's attack. All the information at hand was provided by the people above..." Chu Chen nodded, and then took out a device like a flashlight to shine on the wall. Immediately, a red glowing ring appeared on the wall, and inside the light and shadow of the ring were small folder-like squares supported one by one. With Chu Chen's operation, those small squares slid rapidly on the ring.

Looking at the flashlight-like instrument in Chu Chen's hand and the light and shadow on the wall, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously said to Chu Chen, "How much is this thing for you?"

"How much is what?" Hearing Li Yexing's question, Chu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and after noticing Li Yexing's gaze, he smiled, shook the instrument in his hand and said to Li Yexing with a smile: "You said this , Sorry, this thing is specially provided by BSAA internally, and it is not for the market.”

"Oh..." Li Yexing nodded, a little disappointed. To be honest, he really wanted to get one for each of his girls. With this, Tilly Liss and Tilly Lian could nestle in the room and use the wall to watch. , Bai Muqing didn't have to touch that whiteboard every time something happened.

Sensing the disappointment in Li Yexing's eyes, Chu Chen just smiled after all. He operated the instrument and rummaged through the folder. After a while, pictures jumped out of a certain small box, and the pictures were full of All kinds of hideous monsters.

"This is our main enemy, ghost zombies..." Looking at the light and shadow on the wall, Chu Chen's face darkened, he turned his head to look at Li Yexing and said, "How is it? Expert? Does it look familiar?"

Frowning slightly, Li Yexing stared at the pictures on the wall. Although the pictures were very blurry, Li Yexing could still recognize that those monsters were compound-eyed demons created by injecting the C virus.

It's just... I don't know if it's an illusion, but there seems to be something wrong...

"It seems that you still remember them..." On the other side, seeing Li Yexing's solemn expression, Chu Chen said in a deep voice, "These monsters are very similar to the monsters we met in Japan back then. A large number of eyeballs will proliferate on the face of the infected person, and the body has the ability to repair and mutate the injured part excessively..."

After a slight pause, Chu Chen continued: "However, what I'm going to tell you next is the main point. Now, the ghost zombies that appear in Yidongya are a bit different from the monster we dealt with back then..."

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