"Change?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then frowned.

"That's right, they have changed a lot..." Chu Chen nodded, and said in a deep voice, "The ghost zombies that appeared in Itonia are smarter than those that appeared in Japan, and their skins are also different. Different degrees of chapping appeared. In contrast, their skin became thicker and harder, and its texture was somewhat similar to that of an insect's carapace. From the current point of view, their skin can effectively reduce the damage to the body caused by small and medium-caliber firepower. At the same time, their ability to mutate has become stronger..."

As he spoke, Chu Chen moved the small squares on the light and shadow, and released a few new pictures. He saw that the pictures were full of all kinds of ghost zombies with mutated limbs. After all the pictures popped up, he continued to introduce: "Compared to Due to the previous excessive repair, they have become more sensitive and tend to actively mutate. Even a slight injury to the body may directly lead to their large-scale mutation. In addition, they also have a certain ability similar to pupation , when they suffer damage that is difficult to repair, they will directly turn themselves into pupae, and the pupae shell of this pupae can completely withstand small and medium-caliber firepower."

"Then they will completely mutate in the pupae, won't they?" Li Yexing said suddenly.

"That's right, that's right..." Seeing Li Yexing directly mentioning the characteristics of the monster, Chu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and said in his heart that he is indeed an expert, even if he has never seen such a monster before, he can still infer the characteristics of the monster through his own words , he nodded to Li Yexing, and then continued: "Once these monsters finish their chrysalis and break out of the cocoon, they will directly become monsters that completely lose their human form. These monsters are very difficult to deal with. Although their intelligence has declined seriously , but certain abilities will be specialized to be very powerful.”

Speaking of this, Chu Chen switched folders again, brought up a new picture, and said: "These are the several known variants that have appeared so far, some of which have greatly enhanced mobility, and some have very powerful anti-strike abilities. Ability, and some directly grow wings and fly!"

Li Yexing looked at the monsters in the picture, and his expression became more and more serious. He found that although the monsters were roughly the same as he remembered in his previous life, there were many changes in the details. The most obvious change was , The skin of these completely mutated monsters was severely cracked, directly exposing the dark red flesh under the skin.

"Oh, have you noticed those cracks too..." As if sensing Li Yexing's thoughts, Chu Chen looked at the picture on the wall and said, "According to the information sent back by the people in front, it seems that this is not caused by a simple malignant mutation. The skin of the skin is chapped, and the function of those cracks is very similar to that of heat dissipation vents. These monsters have the ability to greatly increase their mobility in a short period of time. Steam erupts from the rift in what we currently refer to as the 'Superheated Frenzy'."

"Overheated and violent..." Listening to Chu Chen's description, a light flashed in Li Yexing's eyes, and he finally knew what the problem was!

Hitomi Chishima


Second watch, old rules, don't wait for three.

Volume 16 Mission.DLC. Frozen Chapter A-[-]. Rumors of the macho

Li Yexing still remembered that night, during the decisive battle at the top of the long leaves, Hitomi Qiandao continuously spewed steam from the cracks in his skin.

Now, the ghost zombies that appeared on the Yidonia battlefield also have the ability to enhance mobility by exhaling steam to dissipate heat, so there is no doubt that after injecting Hitomi Qiandao with the unfinished version of the C virus that day, Kara Na Take Chishima Hitomi's DNA sample, and according to Chishima Hitomi's DNA sample, the C virus is greatly strengthened!

No wonder yesterday's general attack failed to take down the city occupied by the anti-ZF armed forces, no wonder Chris's team fell down before reaching the city hall, it turns out that the world line has changed as early as in Nagaba, Japan!

"The female horse, was it at that time..." Biting the fingernail of his thumb lightly, Li Yexing couldn't help frowning and cursing in a low voice: "Kara, a bitch..."

On the other side, Chu Chen was still fiddling with the flashlight-like instrument in his hand, he switched folders again, released a new picture, and then said to Li Yexing: "Next, I will introduce a new BOW, this kind BOW appeared on the battlefield yesterday, it is very difficult, we call it 'giant' for the time being."

Hearing Chu Chen's voice, Li Yexing raised his head subconsciously, and then he saw the familiar monster. On the other side, Chu Chen was still explaining: "This is the BOW released by the anti-ZF forces during the attack yesterday." , Their physique is very huge, the height exceeds two floors, and at the same time, they are extremely powerful. Those guys used Chinooks to drop these monsters from the air, causing great trouble for our attack..."

Li Yexing still remembers this monster. It first appeared in the Chris line of "Resident Evil 6" as a small boss blocking the way. They have pale skin, huge stature, deformed bones, and terrifying destructive power. Due to the rush of work, these giant BOWs were thrown into the battlefield before they were finished. Their mouths were severely festered, so they were very fragile, and the most terrible thing was that their weaknesses were directly exposed on the back!

Seriously, these giants are weaker than their relatives from "Resident Evil 4" and "Resident Evil 5", at least their distant relatives know how to hide their weaknesses well in their bodies...

"Will these guys also go into a berserk state?" Looking at the huge monster in the picture on the wall, Li Yexing thought it would be better to ask.

"Based on the current information, it's not likely..." Chu Chen shook his head and said, "Look carefully, they don't have that kind of cracks on their bodies for heat dissipation, do they?"

"You're right." Li Yexing nodded.

"In short, these are the various BOWs currently appearing on the battlefield in Itonia..." Chu Chen turned off the instrument in his hand, inserted it back into his waist, then turned his head and said to Li Yexing: "But speaking of it, We have a rumor here..."

"Rumor?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, and frowned, "What rumor?"

"It's just rumors about certain BOWs. There is no eyewitness report on the frontal battlefield. It's just news from the investigation, and the authenticity cannot be confirmed..." Chu Chen smiled and said to Li Yexing: "I heard rumors that , A humanoid BOW appeared on the battlefield. It looked gray and white, and it looked like a combination of machinery and creatures. At that time, it ran directly in front of the scouts, as if it was chasing something..."

"The combination of machinery and biology..." Listening to Chu Chen's description, Li Yexing instantly realized the real body of the monster. There is no doubt that the monster was Kara's bodyguard, a tyrant-like BOW codenamed "Ustana", and its IQ Extremely high, can directly understand human orders without any special equipment, is good at performing various complex tasks, and can use various complex weapons. He is a real "super soldier". In the original game, Kara hopes to be able to capture the Jack Muller, the son of Sk, used his DNA to create a strengthened C virus, and Justana was responsible for hunting Jack down!

On the other side, seeing Li Yexing frowned and lost in thought, Chu Chen smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's just a rumor, don't take it seriously, every time the BSAA conducts a large-scale operation, there will be similar rumors in the theater. We are used to it." It's..."

As he said that, Chu Chen joked with a smile: "If you believe this, I'll tell you something more interesting. Last night, a scout sent back news that he heard a large group of people underground shouting for help, but After he risked his life down the tunnel dug by the anti-government armed forces, the voice suddenly disappeared again, how is it? Does it look like the plot of a Lan Xiang horror movie?"

"That's not funny..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "Maybe the people calling for help in the tunnel were prisoners from the BSAA or the Yidonian government army? Because they shouted too loudly, they were executed."

"Impossible..." Will, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Those monsters never take prisoners, and BSAA soldiers won't shout on other people's territory."

Li Yexing thought about it, and felt that what Will said made sense, so he nodded, agreeing with Will.

According to the plot of "Resident Evil 6", when the time comes to the 25th, Kara's BOW Justana should have successfully captured Jack and Shirley, so in the next battle, they should not bump into Justana , and to be honest, even if it hits him, Li Yexing is confident that he will have a round with it.

Unless due to the improvement of the C virus, Justana is also strengthened.

"Is there any other useful information?" After briefly analyzing the known information, Li Yexing turned his head and asked Chu Chen and Will.

"If you want to know more details, you have to go to those guys who were withdrawn from the battlefield yesterday..." Will said with a gloomy face: "But I don't recommend you to go to them, their mental state is generally Something not so good…”

Speaking of this, Will suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly, he looked at Li Yexing and said: "But there is no need to worry about this kind of thing, maybe after today we will be lying with them, if we are lucky ,Hahaha…"

"Okay, I have understood the basic situation, thank you for sharing the information..." Without taking Will's cold joke, Li Yexing turned his head and said to Chu Chen: "Next, I'm going to see how my people are doing, after all Those guys... are quite disturbing."

"Go, expert..." Chu Chen said with a smile.

Li Yexing nodded, turned around and was about to leave the room. At this moment, Chu Chen stopped Li Yexing, and he stretched out his hand, "Wait a minute, expert!"

Li Yexing didn't speak, but stopped in his tracks. He turned his head and looked at Chu Chen with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Well, experts..." In the dim light, Chu Chen rubbed his hands shyly, then smiled at Li Yexing and said, "Will the experts join us in the next attack?"

"Maybe." After a while, Li Yexing replied in a deep voice, and then left.

In addition to the room, back to the corridor guarded by BSAA soldiers, Li Yexing kept a cold face and remained silent. In the shadows, Kanan, who was wearing the same black combat uniform, came out, with her hands in her trouser pockets and her lips stuck to her lips. Smoked, with a strange indifference between their brows and eyes, the two left the temporary foothold of BSAA under the watchful eyes of BSAA soldiers.

Back on the street, the cold air enveloped the two of them in an instant. Armored vehicles and trucks drove past the street one after another, and helicopters flew overhead one after another. Amid the noise, Kanan asked in a low voice: " Did you get any useful information, boss?"

Li Yexing silently took out the cigarette case, lit a cigarette for himself, and when the white mist escaped from his nostrils, he said with a gloomy face: "The girl is so tough, there is no good news...


Three shifts, call it a day.

My head hurts a lot today, but I still have to code and save the manuscript, which is uncomfortable.

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