The pressure dropped suddenly, and the monster finally stepped out of the ruins. It bent its body, and its face and chest were covered with large scorched marks. Under the scorched marks, the dark red flesh and blood were faintly exposed. There is no doubt that the monster's The wrinkled gray-white skin was thicker and harder than the skin of the huge body before. Even if it was hit continuously by two small-caliber cannons, it only broke some skin and did not affect the combat effectiveness at all.

Just as the armored vehicle retreated a little bit, the turret under Kanan and the AR-15 in Li Yexing's hand misfired at the same time. The former fired out the shells, while the latter ran out of bullets. Just as Li Yexing lowered his head to change the magazine At that moment, Kanan jumped directly from the fort. She fixed Li Yexing's face with both hands, then tiptoed, and kissed Li Yexing's lips fiercely, sticking out her tongue, like a robber prying open the mouth. Touching Li Yexing's lips and teeth, after a quick plunder, Kanan let go of Li Yexing before Li Yexing realized what happened. She wiped the corners of her mouth, frowned slightly and said to Li Yexing: "I'll give you one first, and I'll make you a longer one after I kill this big guy."

After all, Kanan left Li Yexing with a confused face, and ran to the shadow behind the platform alone. There, the ghost zombies killed by the two earlier left a lot of equipment. Kanan first picked it up After picking up an AK-47, she seemed to be a little dissatisfied. She threw the AK she picked up on the ground, and then picked up a light machine gun, but the next second, her eyes were caught by the person in the corner. The seemingly inconspicuous wooden box is attractive.

With a hint of expectation, Kanan kicked open the lid of the wooden box in the corner of the platform. Immediately, there seemed to be a light shining in the box, and Kanan's eyes lit up accordingly.

"Boss! Come here quickly! See what I found?!" Like a husky who found a new toy, Kanan turned his head excitedly and shouted at Li Yexing while waving his hands.

He touched his lips lightly, as if he was still in the aftertaste of the kiss just now, Kanan's shout brought Li Yexing's thoughts back to reality, listening to the continuous sound of gunfire and artillery, He turned around and ran towards Kanan and said loudly, "Here, come, what did you find?"

Quickly coming to Kanan's side, Li Yexing lowered his head when he saw Kanan pointing at the box under his feet with a smirk on his face. After seeing the contents of the box clearly, Li Yexing felt his heart beat faster.

"How?" Lightly bumping Li Yexing's arm with his shoulder, Kanan grinned and said, "This thing is more exciting than my kiss?"

"No, not as motivated as you..." Li Yexing shook his head, looked at the wooden box under his feet and said, "However, it is indeed a good thing..."

After all, the two turned their heads to look at each other, then smiled at each other, and saw a whole box of RPG-7 in the wooden box under their feet!


One more.

Chapter 40. The second stage of the macho boss battle

Always in the middle of the battlefield, the atmosphere is still inexplicably joyful, and "good luck" seems to be lingering in my ears, and even the dense gunfire has turned into festive firecrackers. In the atmosphere, Kanan rushed to the side of the turret on the platform on the second floor with his RPG in his arms, carried it on his shoulders with excitement, and aimed at the behemoth that was trying to keep throwing things at the coalition forces.

"Come on, ugly, try my big dick!" Grinning an unrestrained arc at the corner of his mouth, Kanan directly fired the sugar cane in his hand. The tail smoke went straight to the monster's chest. At this moment, the monster was holding a huge piece of gravel and was about to throw it towards the coalition forces, but the next second, the rocket directly cut through the air and hit its chest. The chest, accompanied by a burst of flames, exploded suddenly, and there was a bang, and the monster lost its balance. The large piece of gravel that was raised above its head fell directly from its hand and fell on its head. The chest and head suffered simultaneously. With a blow, the monster let out a deafening howl, then staggered and sat down in the ruins.

"Nice!" Throwing down the sugar cane in his hand, Kanan waved his fist excitedly, then turned around and shouted: "Boss! Are you alright?!"

"Here we come!" The next second, accompanied by a response, Li Yexing rushed out from the corner behind with two wooden boxes in his arms. When he reached Kanan's side, he directly put the two heavy wooden boxes Throwing it behind the fort, he shook his arms at the same time and said, "Mama, those guys have quite a lot of good things."

As he spoke, Li Yexing kicked open the lid of the wooden box, bent down, took out an RPG from it, and launched it directly at the huge monster that had fallen on the ground and was still trying to get up. Amidst the explosion, the monster howled again. Li Yexing put down the sugarcane tube, looked at the rising mushroom cloud, and let the flames shine on his face. He turned his head and said to Kanan: "A moment later Remember to ask a few of them to come when you leave, we have to replenish here."

"I understand, I understand everything, let's not go empty..." Kanan smiled, she stretched out her hand, took out a cigarette from Li Yexing's trousers pocket, and then shook it lightly at Li Yexing, while shaking One side said: "Come on, before the big guys stand up, let's light a cigarette."

"If you light a cigarette, won't it smell weird when you kiss after a while?" Although he raised a question, Li Yexing did not refuse. This time, it was Kanan who was holding the lighter. Lit the cigarette in a flame, then bent down at the same time, and picked up an RPG from the wooden box.

"Boss, are you ready?" Kanan asked Li Yexing excitedly as he set up the RPG in his hand with a wild smile on his face.

"Of course..." Holding up the RPG as well, Li Yexing said with a rare naughty joke: "I can come out at any time!"

"Then, boss, let's go together, shall we?" The voice suddenly softened artificially, like a girl who was about to reach the critical point with her lover in the shop. With a smirk on Kanan's face, she actually directly connected to Li Yexing's call Dirty jokes.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, Li Yexing just liked Kanan, he cleared his throat, and said: "Come on, Kanan, get ready, three—"




Accompanied by the shouts of the two in unison, the soft sound of the rocket launch overlapped perfectly, dragging the tail smoke, approaching each other like lovers, advancing side by side, the two rockets tore through the air, and hit the monster's body again , The explosion sounded loudly, two huge mushroom clouds overlapped together, and the shock wave that was set off swept across like a gust of wind, and smashed into the surrounding ruins with scattered and flying debris, completely burying the behemoth.

In tacit understanding, they dropped the sugarcane tube in their hands. Li Yexing and Kanan turned around and looked at each other at the same time, their fists bumping lightly.

On the street, the soldiers of the coalition army have of course noticed the actions of Li Yexing and Kanan. Although they didn't say anything, their eyes always drifted to the two people on the second-floor platform. There was awe from the heart, but Will rarely reacted. He supported the armored vehicle with a gloomy face, like an impotent and furious wild dog.

"Will, forget it..." After struggling for a long time, Chu Chen stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and then whispered to him: "This is war, you and I both know that in war, there must be someone Sacrifice, they are all good..."

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Will closed his eyes, moistening the overly congested and dry eyeballs. After a while, he clenched his fists and thumped the armored vehicle, cursing in a low voice, "Mama, I Of course I know this kind of thing, but I'm not here to die, I'm here to make a living, so seeing those guys stuck on the ground like this, I... tsk, girl, I really can't accept it. ..”

After speaking, Will turned around and said to Chu Chen with a mournful face: "Chu, you know, I'm not a hero like Redfield, I'm just a small person, if Redfield didn't fall into it, this battle wouldn't have happened at all. It's not my turn to come to the front line to command, I...can't bear such pressure..."

Hearing Will's words, Chu Chen was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to comfort Will, in the end he had to pat Will on the shoulder again, just as he was about to give Will's order to move on, suddenly, there was a loud noise The terrifying roar came from the ruins again with the strong wind. With the roar, large pieces of rubble and gravel were suddenly lifted into the sky, and the turbid smoke rolled and dispersed around the ruins. In the smoke, the Dao Heiying stood up again, waving its arms indiscriminately, the chest protected by thick skin was already dripping with blood, and even the severely deformed sternum and ribs could be seen under the scorched black flesh.

Seeing the monster supporting his body in the ruins, Chu Chen was stunned, but in the next second, his expression turned into anger, and he shook his head vigorously. Chu Chen stared at his eyes and roared angrily: "Quick! Quick! Quick! Fire! Fire!"

On the platform on the second floor, Kanan tilted her head, stared, and couldn't close her mouth in surprise. She said with a look of disbelief: "This guy... is too resistant to beating, right? It is the same as the one you blew up before, the boss." Is that really a species?"

"It's not important..." Li Yexing shook his head, then bent down, picked up an RPG from the box, and said while pointing at the monster, "If you can't kill one box, then hit another box."

As soon as Li Yexing finished speaking, he saw that huge monster with teeth and claws suddenly stopped, as if it was held by something, but only for a moment, the monster moved again, and it crazily avoided its feet. Letting out a terrifying roar, the deformed giant hand kept scratching his body, as if he was enduring some pain. In the next second, there seemed to be a sound of skin and flesh being torn into his ears, and the folds on the huge monster's skin , unexpectedly cracked at the same time, exposing scarlet flesh and blood. Immediately afterwards, a large cloud of white steam suddenly sprayed out from the wrinkled opening, and the wound on the monster's chest seemed to be leaking air while spraying steam. There was a chirping sound.

The dull complexion lightened up little by little, and then began to turn red, and the tiny pieces of flesh began to fall off from the chest. With a crisp sound, the monster's breastbone split open, and even the skin on the chest was torn apart, creating a hideous scar. The crack, I saw the monster raised his right hand, and roughly stuffed his arm in along the crack in his chest. For a while, there were grinding sounds, the sound of bones being crushed, and the sound of flesh being torn apart. From the monster's body, the monster kept wailing, but it didn't stop the movement of its hands. Suddenly, it seemed to be grabbing something, and the right hand that the monster stretched into the chest suddenly exerted force. The next second, blood and water mixed As the pieces of meat and bones splashed out, the monster tore half of the ribs and sternum directly out of the chest cavity. Under the bloody flesh, a large cloud of steam was pulled out from the chest cavity, but was again Yellow tendons and cyan blood vessels are connected to the bones in the chest cavity, and a large number of them are sprayed out. On the breastbone, there is a thick, twisted, but full of bone spurs. Huge mace, with the steam It spewed out, and there seemed to be something pulsating in the air, and the bone spurs on the mace turned one by one!

Holding a giant mace in its hand, the huge scarlet-skinned monster spewed steam all over its body. It suddenly raised its head, puffed out its half-collapsed chest, and let out a deafening roar towards the sky.


Two more.

Chapter 41. The classic QTE of the macho man

" is this possible..." Seeing the huge monster among the ruins like a furious orangutan while waving a mace made of intertwined bones while making a deafening and terrifying roar, Chu Chen stared. His eyes widened, and his eyes were full of astonishment. He never thought that this giant BOW would also enter the "furious state" of blowing out steam.

There was a frightening red light in the deep-set eye sockets, and the slightly red skin seemed to be harder than before. A turbid air passed through the bent fangs and diffused outwards from the festering mouth. Just as the monster raised its mace, suddenly, it heard a familiar sound in front of itself, a rocket bomb carried The tail smoke jetted out from the platform on the second floor. It quickly passed over the heads of the coalition soldiers, and then directly hit the monster's chest. Accompanied by a burst of explosion, the heat wave rolled around, surrounding the rising mushroom cloud, However, before the smoke and dust diffused, a gust of wind suddenly interrupted it. With the sound of Chi Chi, the monster roared and sprayed steam around to disperse the smoke and dust.

"Boss, does this ghost look a bit like Hitomi?" Kanan looked a little ugly looking at the huge monster that ate an RPG but was almost unharmed: "Thinking about it, it's blowing out again. Steam, pulling out the weapon from the body again, isn't this a replica of Hitomi?"

A lot of thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning and flint. Li Yexing frowned slightly and dropped the sugarcane tube in his hand. While taking out a new RPG from the box, he said to Kanan: "Don't think wildly, this monster is not worthy to be with you." Pupils are compared together, and if you have time to worry about who this ghost thing looks like, it's better to just bury it here."

"Oh! That's right!" As if he suddenly remembered something, Kanan shuddered, then quickly turned around, took out the RPG from the box and carried it on his shoulders, and aimed at the monster with Li Yexing, whispering at the same time : "It's all because of this guy's sudden transformation or something. It made me look stupid."

This time, there was no countdown, but Li Yexing and Kanan fired the RPG at the huge monster at the same time as if they had a heart-to-heart. Immediately, the two rockets staggered through the cold air, pointing directly at the huge monster. However, at this moment, the huge monster turned around suddenly, and at the same time swung the huge bony mace in his hand, just like Hitomi Chishima splitting bullets, the monster's mace was like a bat hitting a baseball. Like a bat, it was surrounded by a gust of wind and directly detonated the two rockets.

"Wow! Boss! Look! It's getting more and more like Hitomi!" Kanan said with his eyes wide open.

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