"No, don't disgust me..." Li Yexing shook his head vigorously at first, then frowned while taking out a new RPG and said, "Shit, this damn thing is going to see you again!"

"Wait, boss..." Just as Li Yexing turned around to take the RPG, Kanan, who had already taken out a new RPG and aimed at the huge monster, suddenly looked away from the sight. Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "Tell me, is this bastard looking at us?"

"Huh?" Li Yexing, who proposed the RPG, was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, and saw that the ugly face of the huge monster seemed to be facing him and Kanan, because the monster's eye sockets were too deep, so Li Yexing was a little confused for a while. It's hard to tell where this guy is looking, but when the frightening red light flashed past his eye sockets, Li Yexing was sure in an instant that this thing must be staring at him!

Sure enough, as if in response to Li Yexing's judgment, the monster suddenly raised its half-sunken chest, stomped its feet and let out a terrifying roar. After a while of shaking, it lowered its figure, and then directly headed against the coalition forces The firepower rushed up like shells.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Chu Chen and Will on the street yelled at the soldiers, but in the next moment, accompanied by the violent tremor of the street, the armored vehicles stopped in the middle of the street brought several coalition troops with them The soldier flew into the sky, and the monster knocked everything in front of him into the sky, roaring and coming straight to Li Yexing and Kanan.

"Don't aim! Don't kill me?!" In an instant, Li Yexing felt his scalp go numb. He grabbed Kanan's arm and dragged Kanan to run backwards. The RPG in his hand was fired. At the moment when the firing sound sounded, the charging monster suddenly raised a huge mace, and directly detonated the rocket from the air. In the next second, only a loud noise was heard, and the monster It crashed directly into the two-story building next to the street. Like a hydraulic machine, it squeezed the turret on the platform and the walls into pieces. With the scattered debris, more than half of the entire row of two-story buildings collapsed.

After missing a single hit, the monster pulled out its head from the ruins, then turned its head to look at the corridor next to it, and saw Li Yexing was carrying the RPG in one hand, and was running fast while pulling Kanan in the other. The irritable monster roared immediately When it got up, it held up the mace in its hand, and then slammed down on the platform on the second floor. In an instant, the solid bone structure destroyed the floor of the unfinished building. He narrowly escaped the blow that would crush his bones, but saw that the monster refused to give up. While advancing along the entire row of two-story buildings, it kept swinging its mace, trying to kill the monster on the second-floor platform. The galloping Li Yexing and Kanan smashed into meat paste, the mace was swept, mixed, or picked, just like a chaotic dance, Li Yexing led Kanan to run, jump, or lower his figure, Dodge the attacks of this and that monster continuously.

In just a few seconds, it seemed extremely long. In a blink of an eye, there were only tens of meters left on the road ahead, but Li Yexing didn't have the slightest intention to slow down. Sweeping in front of him, Li Yexing let go of Kanan's hand abruptly. At the same time, a sliding shovel was attached to the mace and slid across the bottom. Kanan suddenly jumped up, and his whole body stuck to the ceiling like a lizard. Generally crawling quickly, when the mace swept by, there was no way ahead, and with the help of the huge body of the monster to block himself, in the blind spot of the coalition forces, Kanan kicked the ceiling fiercely, and shot towards the ground of the street like a shell. Go, while Li Yexing turned over and fell directly along the break to the street.

In mid-air, the monster waved the mace again. For it that could block rockets, it was easy to hit two targets that could not be turned in the air. Seeing that the mace was about to hit Li Yexing's body On him, Li Yexing and the RPG were set up in the air, and fired directly at the rib gauntlet of the mace in the monster's hand. Turning around, his arms stretched like rubber bands, he grabbed Li Yexing who was in the air, and forcibly changed his position in the air. The next second, the sound of rocket explosions sounded, and a huge mace swept over him. On top of Li Yexing's head, Li Yexing fell into Kanan's arms fiercely. Under the huge impact, the two of them flew out backwards and fell to the ground.

Even though Kanan was on the pad, Li Yexing still felt his breathing was stagnant when he was hit hard on the back suddenly. In his vision, the rocket exploded at the gauntlet of the monster mace, expanding into a huge fireball, and the shot that was thrown into the air As if struck by lightning, the huge monster of the mace staggered backwards, let out a miserable howl, and at the same time stretched out the other hand to tightly cover the gauntlet of the mace, and then, as if It was a huge blow to the body, and the monster's center of gravity was unstable, and it knelt down on the street on one knee. It held the mace in one hand, and supported the second-floor platform that was hammered by it with the other. Difficulty breathing, generally panting with head down, letting saliva mixed with pus flow out of the mouth.

Seeing the monster's distressed appearance, Li Yexing's mouth twitched into a sneer, and while Ya was in Kanan's arms, he casually threw away the sugarcane tube in his hand, and said in a low voice, "It really is like this."


Go straight to the third watch and call it a day.

Yesterday was also a day when I didn't have the heart to touch the fish. This arm was so annoying, and the stiff neck didn't heal.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chapter 42.

"Don't think about it, this monster is not worthy of being compared with Hitomi..."

When Kanan expressed to Li Yexing in surprise that he felt that the monster's abilities were a bit like Hitomi Qiandao, Li Yexing replied in this way.

Is it similar to Hitomi Chishima?Indeed, at first glance, whether it is spraying out steam to dissipate heat, or pulling out a weapon made of bones from his chest, these characteristics seem to be very similar to Hitomi Chishima, but looking at the humming sound in the hands of the monster, Mace, listening to the faint pulsating sound filling the air, or the faint red light on the mace between the ribs turned into gauntlets, Li Yexing knew , compared to Hitomi Chishima, the nature of the monster in front of him is actually closer to something else.

Ubistvo, the chainsaw killer.

Perhaps Shinji Mikami's influence on the "Resident Evil" series is too far-reaching, or the roar of the chainsaw that fills the eardrum is too shocking. Starting from "Resident Evil 4", almost every new "Resident Evil" game In the game, there must be an enemy similar to the chainsaw maniac, whether it is the chainsaw man who directly followed the setting in "Resident Evil 5", the delirium monster in "Revelation", or the monster in "Revelation 2". The electric drill boy Pedro, they all have more or less the shadow of the chainsaw maniac in "Resident Evil 4", and in "Resident Evil 6", a brand new BOW took on this role, BOW codenamed " Ubistvo", translated name: chainsaw killer.

Unlike the chainsaw enemies in the fourth and fifth generations who directly hold the chainsaw, the chainsaw of the chainsaw killer is composed entirely of biological structures. Half of its ribs and some other bone structures wrap around the heart and leave the chest cavity directly , is held in the hand and used as a weapon, and the heart itself generates energy through rapid beating, allowing the biological chainsaw that is completely spliced ​​by bones to operate.

Well, there is no science at all, and it can almost be said to be one of the most ridiculous monsters in the history of games.

As a monster of the same origin as the C virus, it may be because the C virus used to make the specialized giant body in front of me has been strengthened by Hitomi Chishima's DNA. It is the true power of a high-intensity giant BOW shown in , but relatively, it also inherits some of the defects of the homologous BOW of the C virus, and it just so happens that seeing through the enemy's weaknesses is an essential quality for every game player.

The one wrapped by its ribs is its heart!

With some difficulty, he got up from Kanan, and before he had time to dust off his body, Li Yexing quickly turned around, stretched out his hand to Kanan who was lying on the ground, and said, "Kanan, are you okay?"

"That's all, how could I have something to do?" Shaking his head, he grabbed Li Yexing's hand, Kanan stood up and asked Li Yexing concerned: "It's you, didn't you fall hard?"

"I'm not so fragile..." Li Yexing shook his head, seeing Kanan holding his hand, he squeezed it subconsciously, Kanan was slightly taken aback, then blushed and said: " Boss, what are you doing..."

"What are you thinking?" The muscles on his face twitched slightly, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't know if it's my illusion, what happened to your arm just now?"

"Arm?" Kanan was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, with a weird smile on her face, she whispered excitedly: "Come on, boss, let me show you something fun!"

As he spoke, Kanan raised one hand, exposing his middle finger, then let go of Li Yexing's hand, gently pinched the middle finger, and then pulled it towards the other side, only to see that finger was wrapped like a rubber band. A little stretched!Immediately afterwards, Kanan pointed his hand at Li Yexing coldly, and then let go of the hand that was holding the finger. Immediately, the elongated middle finger bounced on Li Yexing's forehead like a rubber band, hitting Li Yexing. Nocturnal pain.

Feeling the slight pain on his forehead, Li Yexing stared blankly at the scene in front of him. After a few seconds, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help being surprised and said, "Damn it! What is this?!"

"Haha, isn't it fun?" Seeing the fingers retract automatically, Kanan said with an excited smile on his face, "I also just found out when I jumped down. My body seems to have become super resilient!"

As he said that, Kanan pulled his fingers at each other indiscriminately again, as if he had discovered a new world. Seeing Kanan flailing his fingers indiscriminately, Li Yexing suddenly thought of the "regenerated body" in "Resident Evil 4", commonly known as "rubber" "Human", this is a special BOW bred by injecting multiple parasites into a human individual, and then using certain methods. In addition to the body can be pulled greatly, this BOW also has a very powerful self-healing ability .

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yexing understood that the trial version of the fourth-generation parasite sent by Director Casimir back then was likely to take effect, and his insane body fluid function directly made Kanan omit a series of follow-up developments The process has the ability to regenerate the body!

No wonder it becomes so tense when I'm excited, it's been two years, and I and this silly roe deer have never realized it!

"This is really...unexpected." He touched his nose.Li Yexing muttered softly.

"By the way, boss, speaking of which, what did you do to that big guy?" As if just remembering that there was still work to be done, Kanan stopped playing with her fingers and looked past Li Yexing. The gigantic monster kneeling on the side of the street and gasping heavily said: "Look at it, it looks like it has a heart attack."

"Heart...oh, yes, heart!" Attracted by Kanan's finger magic, Li Yexing remembered that there was a big guy behind him who hadn't solved it. Be honest.

Quickly raising his hand to press the communicator next to his ear, Li Yexing whispered, "Li Zhiyu, can you hear me?"

"I can hear you, Mr. Li..." Li Zhiyu's reply was immediately sent back through the communicator, and she said anxiously: "How is the situation over there? The coalition forces are pressing towards your position, you put that monster It's taken too far!"

"Press it up? Just press it up..." Nodding, Li Yexing said with a serious expression: "Listen, Miss Li Zhiyu, I need you to tell the commander of the coalition forces to aim at the gauntlet of the monster mace. Set the fire, and the monster's heart will be wrapped inside!"

"What? You said that the heart is..." Li Zhiyu subconsciously wanted to question it for a moment, but then she realized that no matter in what sense, Li Yexing was an expert in BOW. Questioning is pointless.

"Understood..." After only a momentary hesitation, Li Zhiyu's reply came from the other side of the communicator. She said in a serious tone: "I will immediately report this information to the commander of the coalition forces."

After all, the communication was cut off.

"Wait, boss, you said that big guy's weakness is..." Hearing what Li Yexing said, Kanan showed a puzzled expression. She was about to say something when Li Yexing suddenly turned his head and said to her: "Listen, Kanan, I have a plan and I need you to help me implement it..."

Not far away, on the side of the street, the sound of heavy breathing gradually subsided, and the huge monster kneeling on one knee stood up little by little. It shook its head, sprinkled the saliva mixed with pus everywhere, and then dragged The huge mace turned around, and under the sunken eye sockets, the pair of small eyes stared straight at Li Yexing and Kanan standing on the street. After a while, it opened its arms suddenly, stretched out head, and uttered a terrifying roar full of anger at the two of them.


One more.

Chapter 43. Execution of the Macho Man

Accompanied by the continuous gunshots and the roar of the turret on the armored vehicle, the coalition forces rushed towards the street on the east side. The soldiers either looked gloomy or stared angrily. It was obvious that they had already lost their anger. Over time, small-caliber shells were mixed in the dense barrage, violently bombarding the back of the huge monster in the distance, leaving scorched marks on the cracked and wrinkled skin.

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