Just when he stood firm, he was hit by heavy firepower behind him. The huge monster turned around abruptly and let out a deafening roar at the coalition soldiers who were pressing in. Holding the mace in the other hand, he slammed the ground, and at the same time stomped his feet in the same rhythm, just like a legendary troll. For a moment, the whole street shook like an earthquake .

"Hit that mace! There's a guard on the mace! Hit that way! Hit it to death!" Will, beside the armored vehicle, raised his voice, squinted his eyes, and growled hysterically. He raised the gun, locked on the gauntlet that kept shaking with the movement of the huge monster as much as possible through the scope, and then pulled the trigger, but after firing a few rounds, he put down the gun and said angrily: "It's just nonsense!" ! How could this be possible?!"

Right now, the monster is constantly waving the mace. The violent movement and the shaking of the ground make it difficult for the soldiers of the coalition army to lock the target and aim. A large number of bullets hit the monster's arm and the mace. , and more of them flew into the sky indiscriminately. Even if a few shots could hit the gauntlet on the monster's mace by chance, they would be blocked by the ribs, and those who wanted to pass through the ribs Hitting the heart covered by the ribs is simply as difficult as climbing the sky.

"Are you sure we want to hit that damn gauntlet?" Fired again, emptying the bullet in the magazine. Seeing that the effect of the attack was not ideal, Will frowned, and he changed the magazine while He said loudly to Li Zhiyu who was standing next to him: "Instructor Li can't make a mistake, right?!"

Li Zhiyu opened his face coldly, thinking how would I know such a thing?I'm just a security captain who was sent to do some harmless tricks with the regiment. Besides, isn't it somewhat unreasonable for the security force officer of Black Umbrella to teach the BSAA how to deal with BOW?

"Expert Li can't make mistakes!" Just as Li Zhiyu was thinking about how to prevaricate the BSAA commander, Chu Chen who was on the side said loudly: "Besides, take a closer look, our attack really has an effect!"

Will was slightly taken aback, then turned his head, only to see that the monster was still furious. After changing the magazine, he continued to follow Li Yexing's instructions and kept trying to chase the madly dancing wolf fangs. Stick fired, and frowned at the same time: "How can this female horse have any effect?! Isn't it still alive and kicking?"

"Look carefully, Will..." Having also emptied the bullets in the magazine, Chu Chen said loudly to Will while reloading: "According to the violent temper of this monster, it is so focused on fire by us. It should have pounced on it a long time ago, but now, it keeps spinning in circles! Obviously! It's worried!"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Will turned his head and stared at the monster. In an instant, his rich combat experience made him realize that what Chu Chen said was right. When he was bombarded by Li Yexing and Kanan with RPG before, this The monster pounced on it without hesitation, and now, facing the concentrated fire of the coalition forces, not only did the monster not directly attack, but it seemed a little hesitant. There is no doubt that the blow against the mace gauntlet was indeed true. It really caused damage to the monster, and it began to fear!

The anger in his heart finally found a place to vent, and Will roared while firing: "Just hit it! Fire at the gauntlet! That ugly monster is already scared! Don't give it a chance to swing its stick!"

Accompanied by Will's roar, the bullets and shells kept tracking the gauntlet of the huge mace, and the shells that hit by chance exploded outside the solid bones, shaking the heart protected by the bones, And the dense barrage scrambled to pass through the gaps between the bones, opening small holes in the thick heart. Under the firepower like splashing water, the hit rate was meaningless. No matter how you dodge, bullets will eventually hit the monster's weak point.

Finally, as if preparing to put all their eggs in one basket, the monster suddenly raised the mace in its hand, roaring and staggering towards the coalition forces, Will immediately shouted after seeing this: "Don't mess up! Everyone retreat! Everyone retreat! Keep the distance!"

After receiving Will's order, the whole team began to retreat slowly, firing continuously while retreating, because the mace in their hands was raised high, so it became easier to aim, and for a while, they fired more violently On the monster's heart, the monster charged forward shaking, and then ran slower and slower. When it was about to hit the retreating coalition troops, it finally couldn't hold on anymore, and the mace it held high suddenly fell down. Sticking to the armored vehicle, it was hammered fiercely on the street, with such force that even the armored vehicle that was not hit trembled. Immediately afterwards, the monster propped its knees on one hand and gasped violently. The sticky pus And saliva dripping from between the fangs that pierced the flesh.

On the other side, seeing the monster stop, the firepower of the allied forces directly greeted the monster's weak point. Accompanied by gunshots and explosions, the monster let out bursts of wailing, and it began to stagger back, dragging The mace hanging on the ground wanted to avoid the fierce firepower, but this was meaningless. Bullets and shells kept hitting the weak point of the mace, and the turret on the armored vehicle roared. Finally, there seemed to be a light sound, the ribs protecting the heart were finally overwhelmed by the explosion of a certain shell, broke on the spot, and then pierced into the huge beating heart.

In an instant, the huge monster stood up straight as if struck by lightning, then spun around on the spot like a dancing clown, and then fell headlong into the building next to the street. Under the rubble, the monster Supporting its body with difficulty, it knelt down on one knee. It grabbed the broken roof with one hand, and propped up the huge mace with the other. To win a little respite for itself, however, it seems to have forgotten that if it hides its weakness in a place where the coalition forces cannot hit, it means that it exposes its weakness to Li Yexing and Li Yexing, who have been silent before. Kanan!

"Are you ready? Good brother?" Fingers passed through the ring of the grenade, and he hung the grenade on his fist like a knuckle tiger. Li Yexing stared at the monster kneeling on one knee and asked Kanan softly.

"Of course, boss..." Kanan nodded, with a wild smile on her face, she said excitedly, "I can't wait!"

"Very good..." Li Yexing nodded, accompanied by his whisper, on the street, two people wearing the same black combat uniform lowered their figures slightly at the same time, leaning forward, ready to attack their prey The next second, as if they had a tacit understanding, the two of them kicked the ground at the same time, and rushed towards the huge monster leaning against the building and kneeling on one knee. Li Yexing's speed was very fast, but Kanan's speed Faster than him, the wheat-colored Valkyrie catapulted herself out like a cannonball, leaped over Li Yexing and ran towards the monster, and then turned around not far from the monster. For a moment, the inertia pushed her body, Kanan Stretch your feet like brakes to stabilize your figure, then squat down, cross your hands and fingers, and shout to Li Yexing who is running towards you: "Go!"

"Here we come!" Li Yexing responded loudly, and ran towards Kanan at a very high speed. When he was in front of Kanan, he suddenly got up and stepped on the palms of Kanan's hands, and Kanan stood up straight suddenly. At the same time, he lifted his hands vigorously to the top of his head. In the next second, Li Yexing flew straight up. He hung a grenade and went straight to the outer wall of the two-story building in mid-air, waiting for the person who was about to hit the wall. In an instant, he kicked his legs fiercely, stepped on the wall and exerted his strength again, and went straight to the mace gauntlet of the huge monster. His body smashed through the steam, and his eyes were fixed on the ribs. Li Yexing could even see the gap between the ribs. That huge heart.

"Eat my macho execution!"

Accompanied by the full roar of the second class, Li Yexing pointed at the gap in the ribs and threw out both fists, and instantly stuffed four grenades in at the same time. Then, with the help of gravity, his body began to fall, and his fingers took advantage of the situation. After tearing off the tabs on the grenade, the four grenades immediately rolled along the ribs towards the huge heart.

Landing on the ground, Li Yexing made a tactical roll to remove the impact from his body. He knelt on one knee, with the shiny grenade ring still hanging on his finger. In the next second, there was only a loud noise, and four grenades were on the ground at the same time. The huge monster's rib guard exploded, and accompanied by a shrill howl, the monster stood up straight. In the guard, the huge heart was incomplete like an apple that had been bitten carelessly, full of wounds. Kong, for a moment, blood spurted out like a spring, splashed around with the monster's spinning body, and then burned in the air, turning into sparks all over the sky, floating towards the surroundings like snow, in the sparks, Li Yexing Standing up slowly, he lightly shook off the pull ring on his finger, then raised his head, with a slight arc on the corner of his mouth, and walked towards Kanan step by step.

Looking at the man passing through the fireworks, Kanan was stunned for a moment.


Two more.

Chapter 44. Separation of macho men

What kind of man does Miss Kanan Mafar like?To be honest, even Kanan himself may not be clear about this matter. After all, she really didn’t have a good life for a few days. In the past twenty years, apart from fighting and drinking , It seems that there is nothing else in my life.

Fight for food, fight for revenge, always fight.

man?Don't be funny, men are savage and vulgar animals...

Although she is too.

Later, in a daze, Kanan was abducted home by a self-employed conscientious boss from Lopulus.

What does Kanan like about Li Yexing?In fact, Kanan did not explain this issue very clearly.

We are very happy together, very happy, so we are together, probably like this...

However, at this moment, under the sky full of sparks, the huge monster crashed to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust, and the man in the black combat uniform smiled and walked towards him step by step, like a brave man who had successfully killed a god, Seeing Li Yexing approaching, something called a girl's heart trembled violently in Kanan's chest.

Damn the female horse, what's the matter with this man?Shouldn't he be the sand sculpture good brother who smokes with me, drinks with me and goes to bed with me like a fight?

Is he so handsome? !

His complexion gradually turned red, and his breathing began to become short of breath. Looking at the man in front of him, Kanan couldn't help but swallowed. On the other side, Li Yexing came to Kanan with a steady pace and a smile on his face. Those deep black eyes stared at Kanan.

Then he "hissed" a breath of cold air.

"Damn it, I can't hold it anymore..." Facial muscles twitched slightly, Li Yexing frowned slightly and showed his hands to Kanan, he said with an ugly face: "That dog's ribs are burnt to death, I Burned my finger..."

Kanan was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously lowered his head to look at Li Yexing's outstretched hand. Except for his thumb, Li Yexing's fingers were covered with burns. Although the area was small, it didn't look serious, but It's just inexplicably painful.

"Really, are you stupid? You have to use your fists..." There was a hint of remorse between his brows and eyes, Kanan gave Li Yexing a white look, then reached out to his pocket, and found out the bag that Rita prepared for Li Yexing. , let herself keep the emergency medical supplies on her behalf, she first took out a small bottle of alcohol, soaked it quickly with a cotton pad, and then directly pressed the alcohol-soaked cotton pad on Li Yexing's burnt finger.

"Does it hurt?" Kanan asked Li Yexing softly while wiping Li Yexing's burn with cotton pads.

"Of course it hurts..." Li Yexing said with a slight frown. At this time, his feeling was very subtle. If he suffered a serious injury at the level of a broken tendon or bone, even if the pain was heartbreaking, Li Yexing would still grit his teeth and persist. , never shouting pain to his girl, but right now, suffering from such a minor injury that hardly affects him, Li Yexing desperately wants his girl to care about him.

"Tsk, you deserve it, it hurts to death..." Kanan muttered softly, but the movements of her hands became a little gentler. After wiping the wound, she threw away the cotton wool and rummaged through the burn ointment in her pocket , After finally finding it, Kanan turned her head and unscrewed the cover, glanced at the burn on Li Yexing's finger, then was slightly startled, a few seconds later, she raised her head, raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Yexing and said: " Boss, can you see if your injury has eased?"

Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing raised his hands, and saw that the burns on his fingers seemed to be lighter than before, and the weird color of the flesh after being burned seemed to have faded a lot.

"Put your paws away!" Gently patting Li Yexing's hand, Kanan frowned slightly and said, "Why is it hurting? It will be cured in a few minutes? It's a waste of a bottle of alcohol. Really, are you a fool?"

"Hey..." Li Yexing scratched his head and smiled embarrassingly, but he didn't see the bursting appearance just now.

"You..." Putting away the burn ointment on his hand, Kanan roughly smeared the alcohol on his hand on Li Yexing's combat uniform, then sighed helplessly, looked up again, and looked at Li Yexing With that smirking face, Kanan's eyes unconsciously drifted to Li Yexing's lips, as if remembering something, her face turned red again.

"Well, boss..." With his face slightly tilted, his eyes a little erratic, Kanan whispered with his lips: "Just now, I promised you, when this big guy is brought down, I will accompany you... kiss Enough... Come on..."

As he said that, Kanan turned his head, squinted his eyes and looked at Li Yexing, and at the same time stretched out his hands to Li Yexing.

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