As soon as the voice fell, the whole room suddenly became silent.

Kanan's eyes widened subconsciously, but immediately after, she felt her arm being gently pulled, and turned her head, only to see Terese pinching Gretel and Hansel to her chest with one hand, Shaking his head slightly at her, Kanan was slightly taken aback, then sighed with a complex expression, she took two steps back, sat down against the corner of the wall, and hid herself in the darkness where the light could not reach. The expression on Li Zhiyu's face remained unchanged, as if he didn't care about the surrounding things at all, but Lang Pu, the captain of Durand's medical team, raised his eyebrows indistinctly, as if he smelled something unusual.

After a long silence, Will asked in a low voice: "Instructor Li, may I ask, have you found any clues about the whereabouts of Mr. Redfield and his team?"

Looking at Will's eyes hiding the last bit of hope, Li Yexing closed his eyes gently, as if he was brewing emotions, and after a while, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Will, you know that my legs are How did you get hurt?"

Before Will could answer, Li Yexing said to himself: "After successfully rescuing Mr. Nevins, I took my adjutant to go deep into the war zone. Behind the war zone, we encountered a very difficult monster. My leg It was injured by that monster."

"Our team didn't encounter any very difficult monsters in the final attack..." Will whispered.

"That's because we got rid of it..." Sighing lightly, Li Yexing's face showed neither the luck of surviving a catastrophe nor the joy of defeating a powerful enemy. He put his hands deep into his arms with difficulty, He took out a large handful of odds and ends from under his combat uniform, and handed it to Will silently.

"This is what I found from the pile of ashes after the monster's body spontaneously ignited..." Looking into Will's eyes, Li Yexing said in a deep voice, "Go on."

Looking at Li Yexing's clenched fist, Will felt as if he had been punched in the chest, and his breathing became difficult due to the oppressive atmosphere. He stretched out his hand tremblingly, and put his palm on Li Yexing's clenched fist. Under the fist, in the next second, Li Yexing let go of his hand, and sprinkled all the fragments of his palm on Will's palm with a soft sound.

Feeling the metal touch from his palm, Will withdrew his outstretched hand tremblingly, and saw metal dog tags scattered on the palm, they were either incomplete, or scorched, and some were stained with already Dried blood.

"They're all here..." Li Yexing said in a low voice, looking at Will whose lips were trembling slightly.

Looking at the familiar names on the dog tags, Will felt his eyes darken. After a while, a light flashed in his eyes, which seemed to ignite a glimmer of hope. He said excitedly to Li Yexing: "Wait!" Wait, Instructor Li, there doesn't seem to be Redfield in there! Redfield, he..."

"Oh..." As if he suddenly remembered something, Li Yexing reached into his arms again, took out a blood-stained wallet, and handed it to Will while whispering: "Sorry, I forgot this..."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Will snatched the blood-stained wallet from Li Yexing's hand like a broken jar, and then opened it roughly, only to see that the wallet was oozing with blood, and the transparent interlayer branch In the photo, the BSAA certificate with the words "Chris Redfield" was even more blood-stained.

His legs gave way, and Will almost sat down on the ground. Chu Chen, who was beside him, supported Will with quick eyes and quick hands. He frowned and kept saying, "Will, calm down, Will..."

"Chu, you don't understand..." Shaking his head slightly, Will stared blankly at the wallet in his hand, and kept muttering: "Redfield is gone, it's over, this is over ..."

"Because I was injured, I won't stay here any longer. The helicopter that will take the team back to the headquarters of the Huanya Armed Forces is already on its way. The follow-up processing of this entrustment is beyond the control of me alone as an instructor. The boss, Ms. Bai, will have further communication with the BSAA and the ITonia government army..." On the other side, lying on the desk, Li Yexing turned his head, squinted his eyes, and fixed his gaze on the dim light bulb above his head again He muttered softly: "This time, Heart 2, I found them all..."


Five shifts, seven shifts owed, well, that's it for today.

Chapter 64.

Swimming in the boundless darkness, his body seemed to be wrapped in icy cold water. He subconsciously waved his arms vigorously, as if trying to surface, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the suffocation that suppressed his chest. Up, down, left, right, no east, west, north, no matter which direction you go, the scenery in your eyes is shrouded in chaos.

In a daze, the lock was opened, and something seemed to disappear from his body. He lowered his head, and saw a middle-aged man with a face full of resentment waving his arms and falling into the abyss little by little.

what is that?

Before he had time to think about it, suddenly, a huge force grabbed his body, and there seemed to be something softly ringing in his ears. The next second, his body suddenly rose, and darkness and chaos passed by the corners of his eyes, gradually The sound in the ear is getting louder and clearer.

Opening his mouth suddenly, he let out a fierce gasp. The middle-aged man opened his eyes, and cold sweat dripped from the corner of his forehead, as if he had had a nightmare.

The body was wrapped in a soft but slightly damp feeling, and the nasal cavity was filled with a faint musty smell. The middle-aged man who had just woken up from a dream couldn't help but frowned slightly. He looked at the ceiling and saw that what should have been The white ceiling looked a little mottled, while the opposite wall was covered with dots of mildew. Looking down, there was a yellowish white quilt covering his body.

It took about half a minute for the middle-aged man to realize that he seemed to be lying on a bed.

In confusion, he slowly sat up, and then looked around, only to see that in this spacious but slightly old room, there was only the bed under him, and water was hanging from the iron frame beside the bed, connecting his left hand , Looking along the side, there is a rough cement wall. The cement wall has not been scraped white, and it looks out of place with the moldy wall on the side, as if it was repaired hastily after violent demolition. Looking back at the wooden door embedded in the concrete wall, there are still cracks on the concrete floor next to it. In the middle of the crack is a conspicuous pit with a strange shape, which looks a bit like a molded face.

What the hell is this place?

With doubts, the middle-aged man continued to turn his eyes, and saw a woman in a white nurse's uniform sitting beside him. The woman was very beautiful, with golden curly hair, but her skin looked a little pale, and she looked pale. Looking unmotivated, she was sitting on a wooden chair, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, her slender legs wrapped in fleshy white silk were folded together, and the white high-heeled shoes were hanging on her toes, following the rhythm of her calves Gently shaking, at this time, the woman was smoking a cigarette, holding a shotgun in one hand, and a mobile phone in the other. The earphone cable extending from the mobile phone was inserted straight into the ear covered by the blond hair.

This is...the hospital?This is a... nurse?

Many questions arose in the middle-aged man's heart. After all, the place is not as dirty as a hospital at all, and the woman holding a shotgun at the side didn't look like a serious nurse. He wanted to ask this woman, but he looked With the shotgun in the woman's hand, he couldn't help but want to retreat.

Just like that, the middle-aged man sat on the bed, maintained an awkward posture, and quietly looked at the suspected nurse who was gently shaking his calf along with the music. After a long while, he finally couldn't help it, and stretched out his muscular arm. Gently touched the woman's arm.

The woman was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head, and when she saw the middle-aged man sitting on the bed, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes of dead fish with no motivation.

After taking off the earphones, the woman looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Are you awake?"

"Wake up..." The middle-aged man nodded subconsciously, but saw that the woman suddenly picked up the phone, covered the middle-aged man's face in the camera, exposed his muscular muscles just right, and pouted Take this selfie.

"What are you doing?" The middle-aged man couldn't help frowning and asked.

"Take a selfie, tweet..." The woman replied blankly, "Congratulations, the muscular man that the mad dog ordered me to take care of finally woke up."

After all, the woman stood up, as if she was about to leave, the middle-aged man couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Hello!"

After being stopped by the middle-aged man, the woman in a short skirt and nurse's attire turned her head to look at him. Although she didn't speak, there was a trace of inquiry in her eyes.

"Excuse me, where is this place?" Seeing the woman looking at him, the middle-aged man immediately asked.

"Here?" The woman was taken aback for a moment, and then replied, "This is Loples Hospital..."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a burst of gunshots, followed by shouts and curses from the other side of the door. Although the middle-aged man couldn't understand, he vaguely felt that the curses seemed to be in Russian.

Do not!wrong!Why are there gunshots in the hospital? !

The muscles tensed up subconsciously, and the body was driven by instinct. The middle-aged man was about to get out of bed to find cover, but saw the woman shaking the shotgun in her hand and said, "Calm down, it's just a doctor-patient dispute, nothing to make a fuss about." of."

Just a doctor-patient dispute?

The middle-aged man subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it out. He felt vaguely surrounded by a strange sense of disobedience.

On the other side, after appeasing the middle-aged man, the nurse holding a shotgun twisted her buttocks and walked to the door of the ward step by step. She shook the door of the ward lightly, but the door did not intend to open. She thought for a while, He took two steps back, and then kicked up fiercely, only to hear a loud noise, the wooden door was kicked open by the nurse lady, and the metal hinge fell off the wooden door with a scream.

"The door raised by this female cousin..." In the subtle eyes of the middle-aged man, the nurse left the ward with a blank expression, cursing, and faintly, the middle-aged man seemed to hear the sound coming from the corridor of the hospital. Nurse's voice...

"Boss Li, your friend is awake, he looks dumb..."

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