Who are you on the phone with?

After a while, the nurse's voice disappeared. She returned to the ward with the shotgun in her hand, sat down next to the middle-aged man's bed again, and said expressionlessly, "Don't worry, your friend will be here soon."

"My...friend?" The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, and the hazy sense of disobedience seemed to be even stronger.

Gunshots and shouts came from the corridor of the hospital from time to time. The sound became clearer without the barrier of the door. But looking at the indifferent and indifferent nurse beside him, the middle-aged man felt that it was not good for him to overreact.

Time passed by, just as the middle-aged man was thinking about whether to ask the nurse any more questions, the half-open door of the ward was suddenly pulled open, and then, a man was carrying a small suitcase , led a girl into the ward, and when he entered the ward, he saw the middle-aged man sitting on the bed at a glance.

"You're here, Boss Li..." Seeing the man enter the ward, the nurse stood up, raised her calf and raised the heel of her heel, and said to the man expressionlessly, "Since you are here, I won't bother you any more."

Nodding to the nurse, the man smiled and said, "I have troubled you for the past two days, Miss Spokaria..."

"It should be..." The nurse nodded and said, "After all, you paid for it..."

After all, the nurse took sexy steps and left the ward without looking back.

Standing on the same spot, holding the girl's hand and looking at the door of the ward, after confirming that the nurse had gone far away, the man smiled and touched the girl's head, then sat on the chair where the nurse had been sitting before, and took the skin The box was placed at the feet, and the woman at the side glanced at the middle-aged man blankly, and then naturally sat on the man's lap.

Hugging the girl sitting on his lap, the man nodded to him on the hospital bed, and then smiled and said, "Long time no see, brother."


Six more, owed 6 more.

Chapter 65. The hunk loses his memory

"Long time no see, brother..." Sitting by the hospital bed, the strange man hugged the girl who entered the room with him, and said to the middle-aged man sitting on the hospital bed with a smile.

"Br...brother?" There was a hint of doubt between the brows, and the middle-aged man began to carefully look at this strange visitor. It was a very young looking man with a typical Asian face. , with short black hair cut neatly. He is wearing a black leather jacket and black leather mittens on his hands. Along the slightly open collar, he can see the white shirt showing faint muscle lines. Down, a black belt was tied around his waist, binding the dark jeans on his lower body. As for the shoes, when the man entered the room just now, the middle-aged man vaguely saw that he was wearing gray sneakers.

As for the girl sitting on the man's lap, to be honest, the middle-aged man was a little surprised when he first saw it, because the girl was so beautiful that she hardly seemed human.

The girl's figure looks very petite, her skin is slightly sickly pale, her face is expressionless, as if she is indifferent to everything, she has a pair of crimson eyes, and a head of soft silver long hair hanging behind her, Hanging on the gray fur collar of the black leather coat, the coat has a zipper, but it is completely open, revealing the girl's delicate collarbone, and the white blouse with red Russian writing inside, the girl's lower body is decorated with silver locks Buttoned black shorts, snow-white and slender thighs protruding from the trousers, then bound by black knee socks, extending to the ankles, and then inserted straight into the slightly larger black boots with silver buckles middle.

Is this girl albino?No, not quite, and what's that thing written on her dress?

Although he couldn't understand Russian, the middle-aged man vaguely felt that it seemed to be a dirty word...

The sense of disobedience surrounding his thoughts became more and more intense. Before the middle-aged man could think about it, the Asian man beside the hospital bed frowned slightly and said, "Brother, what is that expression on your face? Don't you remember me? "

As he said that, the Asian man turned his head and whispered, "Could it be that he broke his head?"

"Break your head?" Hearing the Asian man's words, the middle-aged man was slightly startled, but saw that the Asian man suddenly turned his head, stared at the middle-aged man with a serious expression and said, "Brother, can you still remember your name?" ?"

"My name?" Without thinking, the middle-aged man blurted out, "Chris Redfield."

I don't know if it's the illusion of the middle-aged man, just when he said his name, the girl in the Asian man's arms seemed to flash some kind of emotion in the eyes, as if conveying some kind of faint danger signal, This feeling made the middle-aged man a little uncomfortable.

"It seems that the brain is not bad..." The Asian man raised his eyebrows, looking a little puzzled, and then he continued to ask the middle-aged man: "Then do you remember who I am? Brother?"

"You are..." Looking at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar Asian face in front of him, the middle-aged man was about to say something, but suddenly a sharp pain came from his head, which made him subconsciously cover his head. head.

Wait...Who is this Asian guy?

On the other side, seeing the pain on the middle-aged man's face, and the Asian man's expression turned cold, he leaned forward and said to Chris: "It's okay, don't worry, it doesn't matter if you don't know me, do you remember this girl?"

As he spoke, the Asian man lightly patted the shoulder of the silver-haired girl in his arms.

Looking at the silver-haired girl, the middle-aged man always felt that he had forgotten something, but whenever he tried to recall, his head would feel a tingling pain.

"Tsk, don't you even remember Tilly Lis..." Turning his head, the young man's eyes became deep, as if he was hiding something, and then he continued to ask: "Forget it, Chris, Do you remember how you ended up in the hospital?"

"I...I don't remember..." The middle-aged man named Chris shook his head in pain.

"Do you remember who you worked for?"

"No...don't remember..."

Under the questions of the Asian men, the middle-aged man Chris finally realized what the sense of disobedience that enveloped him was...

He lost his memory!

Although a little confused about the situation, there is no doubt that Chris can't remember anything except his own name!

"Tsk, have you lost your memory..." On the other side, seeing that Chris didn't know anything about the question he asked, the Asian man withdrew his upper body leaning forward, leaning against the back of the chair, his face didn't seem very good-looking. While gently stroking the silver hair of the girl in his arms, he said to Chris: "It seems...you fell hard this time..."

"Fall?" The pain in his head seemed to have eased, and Chris asked Li Yexing anxiously, "Who are you? Who am I? Where is this place? Why am I here?"

"Relax, brother, relax, it doesn't matter if you lose your memory, I will answer all your questions...", the Asian man clasped his hands together, smiled and said to Chris: "First of all, the first question, my name is Li Yexing, is the instructor of the Armed Security Contractor of Uniasia International, and also your best friend. The second question, your name is Chris Redfield, and you are an employee of the Uniasia Armed Forces. The third question , this is Idonia, Lopulus..."

After a slight pause, the corners of his mouth curled into a sly arc, as if thinking of something funny, Li Yexing smiled and said: "About the last question, why are you here? There was a heavy snowfall, and when Secretary Bai organized the employees to sweep the snow, you slipped on your feet, fell from the roof of the warehouse, hit your head, and passed out on the spot."

"He hit his head?" A trace of doubt flashed between his brows, Chris subconsciously stretched out his hand to the back of his head and pressed it lightly. Immediately, a clear pain came from the back of his head, confirming Li Yexing's words.

"Hiss—" Feeling the clear pain coming from the back of his head, Chris couldn't help taking a breath, and Li Yexing, who was sitting by the hospital bed, flashed a subtle emotion between his brows, and said with a light smile: " When we first brought you here, the doctor here told us to be mentally prepared that you would never wake up, but we didn't pay much attention, after all, that idiot doctor said so to everyone."

After a while, Chris nodded silently, believing Li Yexing's words, and continued to ask Li Yexing, "How long have I been in the hospital?"

"Exactly two days..." Li Yexing said with a smile.

"No wonder, I feel like I'm starving..." There was a rare smile on the corner of his mouth. Although there was a slight vigilance subconsciously hidden in his heart, Chris believed eight or nine percent of Li Yexing's words. He could feel that, Li Yexing's enthusiastic attitude was not a lie, the other party was sincerely caring about him, so Chris let go of his guard, he touched his abdominal muscles lightly, and then said to Li Yexing as if chatting with an old friend: "Have you brought food?"

"Sorry, I really didn't think about it..." Smiling and shaking his head, Li Yexing continued to Chris: "However, I brought you something else..."

With that said, Li Yexing picked up the suitcase at his feet, put it on Chris's lap, and said to Chris, "Come on, open it and have a look, this is your work clothes."

Looking at the suitcase in front of him, Chris took a deep breath, then unlocked the lock on the suitcase, lifted the lid of the suitcase, and saw a set of black combat uniforms inside.

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