"Although I didn't bring any food, since you're awake, it means you can be discharged from the hospital, doesn't it?" Seeing Chris staring straight at the black combat uniform in the suitcase, Li Yexing smiled and took a picture. Pat Chris on the shoulder, and then said to Chris: "Come on, brother, put on your clothes, let's go have a drink."


Seven more, owe 5 more.

Chapter 66.

After pulling out the needle and stopping the bleeding, Chris took off the hospital gown on his body, and then put on the black combat uniform brought by Li Yexing with a rustling sound.

"Okay..." Seeing that Chris got dressed, Li Yexing patted Tilly Liss lying on his chest lightly, so Tilly Liss turned her head, looked at it with Li Yexing and changed the clothes Chris.

The man in front of him is still as handsome as before, but his eyes are a little less resolute and a little more confused. Because he has been lying on the hospital bed for two days, his complexion is not very good, but I have to say that this combat uniform and Chris is still a good fit. At first glance, it seems that this is just a standard ring Asian armed combat uniform, but there are some small changes in the details, such as more pockets and more protective gear.

It looks very much like Chris in "Resident Evil 7", except that there is a silver wolf head logo of Huanya Armed Forces on his shoulders.

"Well, not bad..." Nodding to Chris, Li Yexing smiled and said: "There is something inside."

"What?" Chris raised his eyebrows subconsciously without hearing what Li Yexing said.

"It's nothing..." Shaking his head, Li Yexing patted Tilly Lisi's shoulder, and Tilly Lisi immediately slid down Li Yexing's thigh knowingly, so Li Yexing stood up and smiled at Chris: " Let's go, Chris."

In this way, Li Yexing held Tiliris's hand, and directly led Chris out of the ward. In the corridor of the hospital, gunshots still rang out from time to time, but when Li Yexing passed by, both doctors and patients would Subconsciously cease fire, they watched Li Yexing leave with gloomy faces, then showed ferocious smiles, took out their pistols again and started to settle the doctor-patient dispute.

After a while, a group of people left the gate of the hospital.

"Mr. Li..." He hesitated to stop Li Yexing, and Chris who followed behind couldn't help but wondered, "We... didn't go through the discharge procedures?"

"There is no such thing..." Li Yexing shook his head, smiled and said to Chris: "In Loples, as long as you think you can be discharged from the hospital, you can be discharged at any time, no one cares about you."

"Then...the patient has a problem..." Although he lost his memory, common sense still existed, so Chris continued to ask hesitantly.

"What's wrong with the patient? What can happen to the patient? At most, I'll die outside..." Shrugging his shoulders, Li Yexing smiled and said, "Besides, what does your death have to do with the hospital?"

"Then if there is a doctor-patient dispute..." Chris subconsciously wanted to ask something, but in the next second, the scene of the doctor and the patient in the corridor just now came to mind.

In an instant, Chris only felt that his heart was shrouded in a strong sense of disobedience. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell clearly.

"Forget it, don't think so much, today is a good day, look, how good the weather is?" Looking at the clear sky with no clouds at a glance, Li Yexing said with a smile: "Let's go, let's have a drink first, and then I will bring You go back to your residence, and get to know the old guys again by the way."

As he said that, Li Yexing held Tilly Lisi's hand and walked along the street. Chris, who was left at the hospital gate, thought about it, and then followed decisively.

On the way, looking at the unfamiliar scenery around him, Chris felt a faint sense of familiarity, as if he had been here before, which made him more convinced of Li Yexing's words. It seems that before he lost his memory, he was indeed in the Living here, looking at the back of the man holding the silver-haired girl in front of him, he always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something important. After a moment of deliberation, Chris said: "Mr. Li, would you mind introducing me to me?" The girl next to me?"

As soon as the words came out, Chris regretted it. Such an inquiry was too abrupt and seemed disrespectful at all, so he immediately added: "I'm just curious, that's all."

"Don't be so reserved, Chris, just call me Li like before, and don't use honorifics, it seems that we are too unfamiliar..." Somewhat beyond Chris' expectations, Li Yexing didn't care about his abruptness. Inquiring, the young Asian man gently stroked the silver hair of the petite girl beside him and said to Chris: "This child is called Tirilith, and she is my wife."

"It's Ye Xing's wife..." On the other side, the silver-haired girl nodded, and then said to Chris with a blank expression: "Mr. Redfield forgot Tiliris, I'm not happy."

"So it's like this, it's your wife..." A subconscious smile appeared on his face, Chris nodded, and then froze, as if suddenly realizing something was wrong, he stared and looked He looked at the petite girl, then looked at Li Yexing, and then at the petite girl again. After a while, he said with a question mark on his white face, "Mr. Li, are you sure?"

"What? Is something wrong?" Li Yexing asked back.

"Mr. Li, your age..." Chris hesitated, but still couldn't suppress his curiosity and asked.

"I'm almost thirty..." Li Yexing said quietly, looking at the sky melancholy, stroking his beardless chin.

"You're almost thirty?!" Chris widened his eyes in surprise. After all, compared to the people who were in the third year, Li Yexing's face looked like he was about twenty years old.

The expression became horrified in an instant, Chris turned his head to look at Tilly Liss and said, "Then she..."

"Twenty-five." Tiriris said expressionlessly.

"Ti..." Chris was about to say the girl's name, but found that he seemed to have forgotten it.

"Tiliris..." the silver-haired girl reminded blankly.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Nodding to Tilly Lis, Chris twitched his brows slightly and said, "Miss Tilly Lis, are you twenty-five years old?"

"Does Mr. Redfield have any opinion on the fact that Tiriris is not tall?" Tiriris asked with a cold face. I don't know if it was Chris's illusion. A trace of anger seemed to flash in the girl's red eyes. .

"Sorry, not..." Seeing that the girl in front of him didn't seem to be joking, Chris apologized again, and then whispered: "Your age doesn't seem to match your appearance."

"Everyone says that." Li Yexing shrugged his shoulders as an answer.

Accompanied by the exchange of greetings without saying a word, the distance between Chris and Li Yexing was narrowed a little bit, so Chris lost the instinctive restraint in his words. After listening to Li Yexing chatting about some unnutritious topics :, Chris suddenly said: "Speaking of it, Li, do you know my age?"

"39..." directly reported Chris's age, Li Yexing smiled and said to Chris: "You were born in 1973, I remember it very clearly, because you like to tell us that you are in country A when you are drunk The shitty things that happened when..."

"Country A?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Chris was slightly taken aback, and then asked in surprise, "I'm not from Itonia?"

"Ah, I forgot to tell you, you are from country A..." Li Yexing smiled, and then said to Chris: "I don't know exactly where your hometown is, after all, every time you drink The places you say are different after you get drunk, but one thing is certain, you should have served in the Air Force of country A, and you were dispatched because you always talked to your boss. In order to make a living, you retired and became a mercenary directly ..."

"And then?" Haunted by a faint sense of disobedience, Chris asked subconsciously.

Hearing Chris' question, Li Yexing smiled slightly, and replied with the corner of his mouth curled up, "Then you got to know me."

"No..." Shaking his head instinctively, Chris was about to ask something more, but Li Yexing stopped suddenly. Then, he turned his head, pointed to the side of the street, and smiled at Chris Said: "Here, let's go in and talk about something."

Following Li Yexing's gaze, Chris turned his head, and saw a shop standing on the side of the street, with a few large characters written on the shop's signboard: Giant Bear Restaurant.


Eight more, owed 4 more.

Chapter 67. The Macho Meal

"Giant bear..." Looking up at the rough English on the sign, the Russian below, and the grinning brown bear beside him, Chris muttered the name of the restaurant in a low voice.

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