"Then there's no need for the eldest lady to beat him!" Kanan said with his eyes widened, "Aren't you afraid that the eldest lady will accidentally beat him to death?!"

"No..." Li Yexing shook his head. Li Yexing was still very confident about Chris's head. After all, in the original "Resident Evil 6", when Chris's head hit the ground, it knocked the ground Broken!Its difficulty is second only to smashing a big hole in a solid concrete wall with its head. This kind of iron-headed baby will definitely not cause any major problems if it takes a hard punch from Tilly Lis.

Looking at Li Yexing's embarrassing smiling face, Kanan just sighed after all, and she said helplessly, "Boss, you... oh..."


One watch, and ten minutes later the second watch.

Chapter 72. That night of the hunk

That night, when the war was coming to an end, Teres finally picked up Li Yexing by car.

"Li, how are you?" After getting out of the car, the tall woman with a light machine gun rushed towards Li Yexing and shouted loudly as she ran, "They pushed the front line too far! I have to Take a long detour!"

Then she saw Li Yexing unscathed, with a stern expression on his lap, lying on his lap lay an unconscious middle-aged man wearing a BSAA uniform, beside him, Kanan stood there silently, looking down Foggy.

Terris was as confused as Kanan. Although the light was dim, she recognized the man lying on Li Yexing's lap at a glance by the light of the car lights. He was one of the targets of this commission. Captain of the BSAA Silver Blade, the wartime commander of the Heart 2 team-Chris Redfield!

"Li, you actually found him!" Tyrese couldn't help being surprised.

"That's right, I found it..." Li Yexing nodded and said.

Seeing that Li Yexing was intact, Tyrese couldn't help but said, "Then your injury..."

"I'm not injured, that's a lie..." Li Yexing replied directly.

"Oh? Then I..." Teres was still about to say something, but Li Yexing immediately helped Chris stand up, and he said to Teres in a low voice: "I will explain to you later, Let's get in the car first."

Just like that, Li Yexing and Kanan stuffed Chris into the back seat, Tyrese took the driver's seat, Li Yexing took the co-pilot, and Kanan sat on Li Yexing's lap.

The sound of the engine sounded again, and the black Hummer turned a corner on the street, preparing to return the same way, but at this moment, Li Yexing said to Teres: "We won't go back."

"Don't go back? Where are you going if you don't go back?" Terris looked puzzled. She turned her gaze to Kanan, but Kanan shook her head at her. There was no doubt that she was also confused.

"Listen to me, go to the place where our helicopter landed, there is the logistics team of the Huanya Armed Forces..." Li Yexing looked serious, and after instructing Tyrese the destination, Li Yexing took out his mobile phone and started making calls , Not long after, the familiar Qingliang rang from the other side of the phone with concern: "What's the matter? Wild dog?"

"I'm hurt." Li Yexing said directly

"What are you talking about..." The other side of the phone panicked instantly, but it was only for a moment, and the panic was suppressed. Even so, Bai Muqing's pretendingly cold voice was still a little out of tune, and she said anxiously: "Where is the injury? Is it serious? Where is Kanan? Can you withdraw? Is the medical team on Durand's side not in place yet? Do you need..."

"Stop, Muqing, don't ask so many questions at once..." Interrupting Bai Muqing, Li Yexing said with a serious expression: "Listen, I'm not hurt, but I need you to think I'm hurt."

There was no sound on the other side of the phone, as if she was stunned. After a while, Bai Muqing's angry voice suddenly came, and she said angrily, "Wild dog! What the hell are you doing?!"

"Listen, Mu Qing, listen to me..." Forcibly suppressing Bai Muqing's anger, Li Yexing said in a deep voice, "Listen, Mu Qing, I need to secretly transport a person to Lopulus, and let the Huanya Armed Forces Get ready to receive it over there."

There was no sound on the other side of the phone again, as if she was thinking about something, after a while, Bai Muqing's voice became cold again, without exploring the reason, she asked directly: "How secret?"

"Before the handover with the BSAA is completed, this matter must be handled in an airtight manner..." Li Yexing said with a stern expression: "It doesn't matter when the handover is completed."

"I see, your commission is over, right?" Bai Muqing asked directly.

"That's right, it's over." Li Yexing nodded.

"Understood, I will take people to the front line immediately, and hand over work to the BSAA as a representative of the Central Asian Armed Forces..." Bai Muqing said coldly: "Since you are injured, I suggest you return to Loppler immediately after emergency treatment. Si, leave the rest of the matter to me."

"You?" Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, then frowned and said, "Mu Qing, with your current situation..."

"You play too much! I have to come forward to solve the problem myself!" Bai Muqing said in a low voice, with an unquestionable firmness, but then a little softness: "Don't worry, I'm better than you in dealing with this kind of matter." Proper."

"No problem..." After a moment of hesitation, Li Yexing nodded and said, "I believe in you."

"Of course you believe me, you must believe me..." The voice on the other side of the phone seemed to have a tinge of pride and excitement, but then it was suppressed, and Bai Muqing said seriously: "Okay, since you have made a decision, So just tell me briefly, what situation do I need to know?"

"The entrusted target, all members of the BSAA Heart 2 team were killed except Pierce Nevins, and I have recovered their relics..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice: "As for me, after assisting the coalition forces to penetrate the outer city defense I led the team alone and successfully rescued Pierce Nevins of the Heart 2 team in the inner city. After letting some team members cover his evacuation, Kanan Mafar and I continued to go deep into the enemy's rear, and encountered an enemy in the inner city. The powerful BOW mutated by the leader of the anti-ZF armed forces, although the relics of all the dead members of the Heart 2 team were obtained from the body of the BOW, but in the fierce battle, my leg was seriously injured, and I urgently needed to be withdrawn from the front line for further treatment .”

"Understood, I'll leave immediately..." There was a few seconds of silence, as if recording something, and then Bai Muqing replied, and finally, as if thinking of something, Bai Muqing's awkward voice came from the other side of the phone, She said in a not-so-frank cold voice: "Wild dog, your report...is a bit like a report..."

After all, the phone was hung up.

As soon as the call ended, Kanan, who sat on Li Yexing's lap and listened to the whole conversation, couldn't help tilting his head and said, "Boss, are you going to transport Redfield back to Loples?"

"That's right." Li Yexing nodded.

"Why are you transporting him?!" Kanan's eyes widened subconsciously, his face was full of puzzlement, and Tyrese, who was sitting in the driver's seat and holding the steering wheel, couldn't keep her steady, she tilted her head in doubt Said: "Li, isn't this the goal of our entrustment this time? Why should he be transported back? And? Why did he die in battle?"

As she said that, Tyrese suddenly thought of something. So far, that Redfield has kept his eyes closed, and he can't tell whether he is dead or alive...

Thinking of this, Tyrese finally couldn't hold back anymore, and she said in astonishment: "Li, did you kill him?!"

"Why should I kill him?! He is alive and well!" Li Yexing frowned and said, "Don't guess, the situation here is very complicated. I will tell you when necessary."

In this way, after leaving the inner city, the Humvee did not return to the camp. Instead, it detoured to the outer city and went straight to the logistics supply point of the Urania Armed Forces. Li Yexing sat in the car and drove the helicopter of the Urania Armed Forces. The driver called to get him ready, but the driver told him that he had been notified by Bai Muqing.

After hanging up the phone, Kanan, who was sitting on Li Yexing's lap, couldn't help but whispered: "Xiaobai's reaction is too fast, shouldn't it be said that he is from an elite background..."

Recalling the Asian-faced secretary lady who seemed to be respectful and polite to everyone, but rarely showed emotion in her eyes, as cold and efficient as a machine, Tyrese murmured in a low voice: "After all, it is the white secretary, The monster woman who supported the Huanya armed forces with one hand..."

After a long journey in the snow, the Humvee finally arrived at the supply point. As soon as the car stopped, four helicopter pilots belonging to the Central Asia Armed Forces rushed over. Without saying anything, they opened the rear door directly to release the unconscious Chris was carried down, and from getting off the car to getting on the helicopter, it took only a few seconds. Soon, the helicopter carrying Chris took off slowly with a roar, and then went straight to Lopulus.

Seeing the helicopter fly away, Li Yexing quickly got out of the car and lay down on the back seat of the Humvee like Chris did before. He said to Teres: "Go to the outer city first, and then go back to the camp along the outer city. , I will arrange everything on the way, and then we will put on a big show."


Second shift, ten minutes later third shift.

Chapter 73. The brief parting of the macho

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