Everything was ready, and when the Humvee drove Li Yexing back to the camp behind the front line, the bewildered members of the Central Asian Armed Forces and the medical team from Durand Technology and Medicine accompanied Li Yexing to perform a big show, and cooperated with the corpse collection. The performance props that came directly bluffed the people from BSAA.

Let them preconceive that Chris has been sacrificed, and the rest will be easy to handle.

Lying on the table in the stronghold, surrounded by members of the Central Asian Armed Forces and the medical team, looking at the BSAA commander Will who had fallen into a sluggish state, Li Yexing felt very subtle in his heart. He knew very well that what he had done What he did was walk a tightrope, but his understanding of the original plot of the game and the various characters became the stick in his hand to maintain stability. Now, half of the distance of this tightrope is basically completed, and the next thing is to see Bai Muqing's performance up.

After a long wait, Will sat paralyzed in the corner of the room, with a ashen face, received a communication from the upper echelon of BSAA. The news came from the Yidonian government army, and the Central Asian Armed Forces demanded that the injured Li Yexing be transferred back directly. The BSAA was asked to cooperate as much as possible, so it didn't take much effort. Li Yexing was carried into the Humvee again. This time, all the members of the Huanya Armed Forces withdrew together, and several black Hummers drove directly back to the supply base behind. When he was carried out of the car again and put on the stretcher, he could see Bai Muqing who had just landed next to the helicopter at a glance. She had her hands wrapped, her expression was cold, and she looked very awkward. Around her, a group of dressed Wearing black combat uniforms, the staff members of the Ring Asia Armed Forces are constantly busy running around.

To Li Yexing's surprise, Rita also came, and she didn't wear the backless maid outfit, but chose the same business attire as Bai Muqing. Seeing Li Yexing being lifted out of the Humvee After coming out, Rita smiled and waved to Li Yexing, while Bai Muqing snorted coldly, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

Tsk, it's still the familiar smell, and I don't see the concerned look on the phone at all.

After boarding the helicopter, Gretel and Hansel placed them in the seats of the helicopter. Except for Kanan, all the members of the Ring Asia Armed Forces and the medical team of Durand Technology Medicine all consciously took another plane. For a while, besides Li Yexing, only Kanan was left in the helicopter.

The idlers waited to leave, and the sound of high heels stepping on the ground was heard. Stepping on the same style of black high heels, and with their slender legs wrapped in black stockings, Rita and Bai Muqing boarded the helicopter side by side, and they arrived beside Li Yexing. Beside, Li Yexing couldn't help but asked curiously, "Rita, why are you here?"

"Sir, you forgot, Rita is the assistant of the Huanya Armed Forces. For such a big event as sir being injured on the front line, of course Rita has to come here in person..." Unbuttoning the first button of her shirt, Rita leaned over While gently tugging on her collar, she smiled at Li Yexing. Because she knew that Li Yexing was pretending to be sick, Rita's tone was a little artificially sad, but there was a sly smile on her lips.

Hearing Rita's words, Li Yexing remembered that Bai Muqing had arranged positions for every girl in the office in Huanya Armed Forces, but most of them were by name, including Rita, the so-called assistant. In fact, because of the long-term failure to recruit excellent clerical personnel in Loples, Miss Bai had to do a lot of work that was not what a secretary should do as a secretary.

Fortunately, Bai Muqing is a workaholic, and she seems to enjoy this matter. According to Li Yexing's observation, besides herself, it seems that only work can make Bai Muqing excited.

On the other side, Rita, who was wearing business attire, turned around gently, then smiled and said to Li Yexing: "How is it? Sir? This is what Miss Bai lent me. The size is very suitable. Sir, do you like me wearing it like this?" ?”

"Well, don't have a taste..." Li Yexing nodded, and a strange thought suddenly came to his head. Rita and Bai Muqing's figures are very similar. Since Rita can wear Bai Muqing's business attire, doesn't that mean that? Can Bai Muqing wear Rita's backless maid outfit?

Immediately, a picture appeared in Li Yexing's head...

Miss maid with disgusted face?It seems to be quite interesting.

Thinking of this, Li Yexing couldn't help but turned his head, turned his gaze to Bai Muqing who had been silent all this time, and began to imagine what she would look like in Rita's maid outfit.

"Take back your dirty and disgusting eyes, wild dog..." Bai Muqing had a cold face, but after only a few seconds, the tense coldness relaxed a bit, Bai Muqing turned his face and murmured softly: " I can feel your dirty desire for me, but it shouldn't be here, we can..."

Bai Muqing's voice became smaller and smaller, until finally it was as thin as a mosquito, but at this moment, Li Yexing's attention was attracted by Bai Muqing's clothes. I don't know if it was Li Yexing's illusion. It also seemed to grow a lot, directly covering more than half of the thighs, and the fabric of the clothes seemed to have changed too. Compared with the previous set of business suits made by hand in Italy, the fabric of the suit Bai Muqing was wearing now It looks slightly rough.

"Muqing, have you changed your clothes?" Li Yexing asked curiously after interrupting Bai Muqing's ambiguous monologue.

"Ah?" Having been interrupted from thinking, Bai Muqing was slightly taken aback, and then pushed the broken hair behind her ears, as if to hide the faint blush on her face, she pretended to be cold and said to Li Yexing: " Did you just see that, wild dog?"

"I didn't pay attention just now. After all, the light here is so dark, and they are all professional attire..." Li Yexing smiled lightly and said, "To be honest, it may be because you are used to it, so I think the previous one is more suitable for you."

"Heh, do you want me to show that suit to men other than you? Wild dogs?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Bai Muqing's eyebrows showed a hint of irritation.

"Of course not..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "It's enough to leave your cutest appearance to me."

"Of course..." The reddish Bai Muqing just wanted to taunt Li Yexing to cover up her shyness, when Rita hugged Bai Muqing directly from behind, and at the same time leaned over Bai Muqing's shoulder. In his early days, he smiled and said to Li Yexing while gently rubbing Bai Muqing's soft face, "Miss Bai cherishes that suit very much. walk around..."

"I...how could I..." There was a hint of embarrassment for a while, Bai Muqing subconsciously wanted to refute, but Kanan suddenly raised his hand and said: "I will testify! Xiaobai always does it intentionally or unintentionally." Show off your legs and curves in front of the boss! Both the eldest lady and the second lady have complained about this in private!"

"I...I..." After a long time without being able to hold back a single rebuttal, Bai Muqing lowered her head in despair, and said expressionlessly, "Yes, that's right, I'm just showing off my legs, I just want to show off my curves. I can use this low-level method to gain the attention of wild dogs, anyway, I am a woman with nothing but my body..."

"It doesn't need to be so exaggerated..." Kanan said with a delicate expression: "I am quite envious of you and the maid, after all, all I can show off in front of the boss is my abdominal muscles."

Seeing Bai Muqing's awkward look, Rita with a foxy smile on her face was playing with Bai Muqing's black lace collar while thinking about whether to bully her again. Outside the cabin, a man in black combat uniform suddenly poked his head out and shouted: " Miss Bai, everything is ready, can we prepare to take off?"

"Yes..." Hearing the words of the pilot outside the cabin, Bai Muqing immediately recovered from her distraught state, her eyebrows were stained with coldness, she turned her head to Li Yexing and said with a serious face: "To be honest, what is wrong with you?" What the hell is going on, I don't have a clue, but I don't want to delve into it, I believe you will tell us at the right time, before that, I just need to support you... After all, you beat me, no ?"

After speaking, she stood up straight, and then said to Li Yexing: "Next, I will prepare the whole group to deal with the situation here. I'm afraid I won't be able to provide any effective help on the Lopulus side."

"It's okay..." Li Yexing said with a smile, "I can figure it out."

"Then get ready to take off..." Nodded to Li Yexing with a cold face, Bai Muqing was about to get off the plane, but Rita didn't move, she watched Li Yexing, and said softly in that sweet voice : "Sir, I'm working with Ms. Bai this time, and I'm afraid I'll have to wait for several days before I can go home. Would you like to kiss me goodbye, sir?"

"Okay..." Li Yexing nodded with a smile.

With the master's permission, Rita squinted her eyes and licked her lips excitedly. She leaned down, looked into Li Yexing's eyes, and kissed Li Yexing without hesitation. For a while, there was a faint sound in the helicopter cabin. .

"Hey~" Kanan raised his eyebrows and said, "As expected of a maid, this kiss is too salty, right?"

After a while, the lips parted, and Rita stood up reluctantly, a little disappointed and said: "The next time I have a loving kiss with my husband, I'm afraid it will take a few days. It's really unacceptable."

"Then, goodbye, sir..." After waving with Li Yexing, Rita turned around and was about to leave with Bai Muqing, but she saw that Bai Muqing stopped at some point. She didn't get off the helicopter, but went straight Staring at Li Yexing, although her eyes were frighteningly cold, she just didn't speak, as if she was waiting for something.

Of course Li Yexing knew what Bai Muqing was waiting for, so he smiled and waved to Bai Muqing, and joked at the same time: "Come here, a woman with nothing but her body."

The eyebrows were suddenly occupied by embarrassment, Bai Muqing gritted her teeth, and stomped up. Before Li Yexing could speak, she grabbed Li Yexing's neck and kissed him brutally. Rita's action was even more intense before, and even Rita couldn't help clapping her hands. As for Kanan, she was already dumbstruck.

Parting her lips, Bai Muqing still didn't forget to bite Li Yexing's lower lip lightly, as if to vent her anger.

"Okay, I really want to say goodbye this time, sir..." After getting off the plane, Rita waved at Li Yexing, but Bai Muqing didn't want to look at Li Yexing again even if he was beaten to death. Yexing's words were a bit bitter, but when the helicopter pilot entered the cabin, she still couldn't help turning her head to look at Li Yexing, with a hint of reluctance in the coldness between her brows.

Under the watchful eyes of the two girls, the helicopter's cabin closed a little bit. After a while, the black helicopter with the silver wolf head logo carried Li Yexing and Kanan across the night sky and flew towards Lopulus.

"Mister has gone back, and the next thing will be handled by Miss Bai..." On the ground, watching the helicopter go away a little bit, Rita turned her head, her face no longer smiled, her expression was serious: "Miss Bai, how do you plan to hide your identity?"

Hearing Rita's words, Bai Muqing suddenly turned her head, looking at Bai Muqing's face, Rita was stunned.

I saw that Bai Muqing's appearance had undergone a huge change, from a strong oriental beauty to a passerby's face with some indistinguishable race, but the face was too stiff and seemed a little uncoordinated.

On the other side, looking at Rita's stunned expression, the changed Bai Muqing sneered and said with a stiff mouth: "The monster's body is really convenient."


Three shifts, 3k6+ chapters, call it a day.

Chapter 74.

On the sofa in the office of the firm, Kanan was leaning on her face, with some inexplicable eyes hidden, while enjoying the firmness of Li Yexing's abdominal muscles, she said delicately: "However, it's really lucky that you can activate the abdominal muscles in one day." Hundreds of people went to accompany you to perform this scene, I'm afraid it cost a lot of money..."

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