"Pervert...brother-in-law?" With difficulty combining the two words, Chris looked at the girl in Li Yexing's arms, raised his eyebrows and said, "This is..."

"Bearded face, don't you know me?" Seeing that Chris couldn't say his name, Tillylian pursed her mouth and pretended to be angry.

"Chris lost his memory. He fell from the warehouse while sweeping the snow a few days ago and broke his head." Li Yexing patiently explained to Ti Lilian.

"Oh..." Putting on an expression of sudden realization, Tillylian turned her head and stuck out her tongue at Chris: "Bearded face, so ugly."

Seeing Tilly Lian greet him, Li Yexing smiled and introduced to Chris: "Let's get to know each other again, this is my sister-in-law, Tilly Lisi's younger sister."

"Miss Tiriris' younger sister?" Chris was taken aback for a moment, then asked in confusion, "Isn't Miss Tiriris..."

"This is Tilly Lisi's own sister, and it was originally a commodity..." Li Yexing explained with a smile: "The bastard who sells sheep said that the price is high when sisters sell together. , simply give it to me as a favor, I was poor at the time and couldn’t afford to support two girls, so I gave her to Hank as an adopted daughter.”

"That's it..." Chris suddenly realized, and he subconsciously said. "Li, restrain yourself, she's still young..."

"Who is so young! Bearded face! My lord is twenty-four years old!" Before Li Yexing could speak, Tillylian screamed like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

Perhaps because he was drunk, Chris became a little outspoken. He put on a Jiang Wen face, pointed at Tilly Lian and stared at Li Yexing and said, "This girl is twenty-four years old?!"

Accompanied by the unnutritive laughter among the men, the atmosphere gradually became high. Except for Hank who barely drank much to stay awake, Li Yexing, Kanan and Chris all drank too much until Kanan Nan slapped his face on the counter, and Chris stood up unsteadily and said, "No... I won't drink... I'm going to throw up... I'm going back..."

"I'll accompany you back..." Li Yexing wanted to get up subconsciously, but was pushed back by Chris, only to hear Chris say drunkenly: "Li, you...don't...don't send me off, I... ..I'm going to blow some cold air, and then... go back to the dormitory..."

As he said that, Chris turned his gaze to Kanan who was lying on the counter with a smirk, and he said softly: "Li, you are different from me... different, I am alone... alone, it doesn't matter, you... You five...he has five wives, please go back early, don't let them...worry..."

In the end, Chris dragged his back, with a happy smirk on his face, staggered and disappeared into the darkness outside the bar door.


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 83

Leaning in Li Yexing's arms under the shadows, Tilly Lian blushed slightly, her eyes were blurred, she kept nibbling on Li Yexing's collarbone like a kitten, Li Yexing wrapped her arms around Tilly Lian's waist, her eyes Sleepy, as if about to fall asleep, at this moment, Kanan, who was lying on the counter, suddenly groaned and waved his arms, and swept the empty beer bottle off the counter, accompanied by a burst of glass bottles hitting the ground. With a loud noise, Li Yexing suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hmm—" There was a strange sound of unknown meaning, Li Yexing shook his head vigorously as if he had just woken up, and when he sensed his movement, Tilly Lian raised his head against Li Yexing's chest, and used that The crisp and slightly milky voice called softly: "Perverted brother-in-law..."

Lowering his head, facing the pair of heterochromatic pupils of one red and one purple and blue, feeling the cool damp feeling remaining between his collarbones, Li Yexing's head that was about to be soaked by alcohol suddenly became clear, He wrapped his arms around Tillylian, stood up unsteadily under Tillylian's surprised eyes, put Tillylian on the ground, and whispered: "Young lady, I almost made a mistake..."

"What mistake did the perverted brother-in-law make?" Tillylian asked in confusion, tilting her head.

Stretching out his hand and gently stroking Tilly's blond hair, Li Yexing turned his head and said to Hank, who was behind the counter with his chin poised, "I'm going back."

Hank didn't reply, but just nodded silently, but Tilly Lian hugged Li Yexing's waist, frowned slightly and said, "Why are you going back? The perverted brother-in-law drank so much wine that he couldn't stand still No, let's stay here, just because women's dress fetishes, bipolar disorder, sadism, and good-for-nothings are not here, just throw the silly dog ​​into any room. Tonight, my lord is in a good mood, and I will hug my perverted brother-in-law to sleep. "

"Don't make trouble, your sister will be angry..." Li Yexing said in a low voice with a smile.

"Sister-in-law won't be angry..." Tilly Lian buried her face under Li Yexing's chest, and said with a sigh of relief in her small mouth: "The perverted brother-in-law doesn't understand anything..."

Of course Li Yexing knew that Tilly Lisi wouldn't mind, he could even feel that when it came to the issue of Tilly Lian, Tilly Lisi, as the older sister, might be more anxious than Tilly Lian, and Li Yexing knew very well that as a BOW, Tilly Lisi An has been mature since the moment she left the cultivation tank. Age and human ethics are meaningless to a non-human organism like her, but the soul of the migrant worker from the Celestial Dynasty is always there. Obstructing Li Yexing, Li Yexing felt extremely awkward looking at Tililian's figure, which was a little smaller than Tiliris'.

"Tililian, be obedient, I like Tillylian very much, and I know what Tillylian wants..." Maybe it was because of drinking, Li Yexing said that sentence so easily, in his opinion, he should have said it carefully If so, he looked at the sister-in-law who was desperately trying to stick to him, smiled and said softly: "Wait until you grow a little taller, like your sister, until then, let's think about love."

"What should I do if my lord doesn't grow taller?" Tillylian said displeasedly with her small mouth puckered.

"Is it tall?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment. He hadn't thought about this issue yet. Seeing a mist in Tilly's eyes, as if he was about to cry, he hurriedly comforted him: "If the time comes, I won't grow taller." If you are high, let's have a romantic relationship."

"Really?" Tillylian asked with her watery eyes.

"Really." Li Yexing nodded with a smile.

"Really?" Tillylian continued to ask as if worried.

"Really..." Li Yexing smiled helplessly. He rubbed Tilly Lian's head and said, "When did I ever lie to you?"

"That's good..." In an instant, Tillylian burst into a smile, and she said proudly: "The perverted brother-in-law wants to keep his word, my lord will immediately go to Kasimir's father for the physical examination report for my lord." .”

With that said, Tillylian let go of Li Yexing's arm, turned around, and walked briskly towards the stairs leading to the second floor of the bar.

"Wait..." Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What physical examination report?"

"About the physical examination report that my lord's bones were fixed and my body couldn't grow taller because I entered the mature state in advance~" The heterochromatic pupils were bent like crescent moons, and Tillylian, who had succeeded in her plot, showed a sly smile like a little fox. With a happy face, he said: "Perverted brother-in-law, wait for me here, remember to keep your word!"

With that said, Tilly Lian ran up the stairs humming a strange tune, leaving Li Yexing who was bewildered in place.

Alcohol invaded his brain and lingered, crazily lowering Li Yexing's lack of thinking ability. After a while, he raised his head suddenly, with a big question mark in his head.

I'm... been tricked by a fool?

Shaking his head vigorously, Li Yexing turned his head to look at Hank, only to see that Hank was still leaning on his chin, but with a smile on his face.

"You know about this report, right?" Li Yexing asked.

"Well..." Hank nodded, and admitted it openly, he smiled and said, "I know."

"Then why didn't you remind me?" Li Yexing said in displeasure, "That child is still too young!"

"Sorry, I forgot..." Hank shrugged and said, "Besides, Miss Tillylian is not small at all, she is more mature than you look, but she is restricted by this artificial body That's all."

"You really are..." Seeing Hank's indifferent appearance, Li Yexing didn't know what to say for a moment. He forwarded it and gently pushed Kanan who was lying on the counter. Said: "Kanan, let's go."

Kanan snored and remained motionless.

"Tsk..." Smacking his lips, Li Yexing bent down and helped Kanan up. The dazed Kanan subconsciously hugged Li Yexing's neck, and stroked Li Yexing's neck with the other hand. Cheek, closed eyes and smirked, drooling like a dream, muttering: "Boss, lie down..."

"It seems that your good brother wants to stay overnight, Boss Li." Seeing Kanan dragging Li Yexing as hard as a weight, Hank joked with a smile.

"Stop messing around, Hank, let's go back first..." Li Yexing frowned and said, he helped Kanan to the door of the bar, Kanan's legs dragged on the ground, and one arm She was carried around the neck by Li Yexing, and the other arm was shaking wildly. Normally, Li Yexing would not be able to hold her back, but right now, even Li Yexing himself is suffering from drinking too much wine. And the door of the bar, which was rickety and close at hand, seemed to be far away in the sky at this moment.

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