"Mama girl, I won't take you out to drink again...at least not this week..." Li Yexing cursed in a low voice, helping Kanan step by step, and finally, almost fell down several times After that, Li Yexing finally arrived at the door of the bar. He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and was about to push open the glass door of the bar, but Hank's shout sounded behind him.

"Boss Li!" Behind the counter, Hank no longer raised his chin. He stood up and shouted to Li Yexing, "Does your promise to Miss Tilly Lian still count?"

Pressing his finger lightly on the cold glass door, Li Yexing was stunned. He lowered his eyebrows and thought for a moment, but he didn't answer Hank's question directly.

"Let Tilly Lian take her luggage to the office tomorrow..." Giving his answer tactfully, Li Yexing said with a trace of helplessness on his face: "As long as Tilly Lisi doesn't mind, she can squeeze with Tilly Lisi." one room."

After all, Li Yexing pushed the door and walked out, dragging Kanan and disappearing into the night.

The building was empty, and the bar became quiet, only Hank was left standing behind the counter. After a moment of silence, he picked up a slightly dusty wine glass, wiped it lightly and said with a smile, "Did you hear that?" , Miss Tillylian?"

"My lord heard it." Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Tillylian went downstairs empty-handed, with a smug smile on her face.

Medical report?

How could there be such a thing?

Does Casimir's father seem like someone who can report honestly?


One more.

Chapter 84

Pushing open the heavy glass door with difficulty, he staggered out of the Frantic Bar. The dry and cold wind rushed in, rolled up the fine ice crystals floating on the snow on the side of the road, and gently knocked on Li Yexing's face. Li Yexing's spirit was shaken.

"Hmm..." Seemingly stimulated by the cold, Kanan frowned slightly. She shrank and squeezed towards Li Yexing's body, trying to absorb some warmth, but in this Yidonia In the cold wind of a winter night, this poor temperature meant nothing at all. She was supported by Li Yexing, and there were constant tugging sensations on her arms. Finally, she raised her head slightly, her eyes bleary.

Feeling his body being dragged away in the snow, Kanan squinted his eyes slightly and turned his head, then asked in a daze, "Boss?"

"Are you awake?" Li Yexing frowned and said, "Don't hang on to me when you wake up, I'm so tired."

"I don't, I don't, hehe..." There was a hint of mischievous joy in his slack eyes. Kanan lowered his body and completely pressed the weight of his body on Li Yexing. Under the sudden weight, he staggered and nearly fell to the ground.

"Kanan, stop making trouble, go back quickly..." Shaking Kanan who was smirking slightly, Li Yexing said softly: "You drink too much, you need to rest early."

"Boss, haven't you drank a lot?" Kanan said with a smirk, and stretched out two fingers, stubbornly sticking them into Li Yexing's nostrils.

"Tsk, be obedient..." Turning his head to avoid Kanan's fingers, Li Yexing put his arms around Kanan's waist so that she would not be completely dragged on the ground, and at the same time frowned and said in a low voice: "If you do this again, I'll just leave you here and go back by myself, you lie on the side of the road and sleep all night like a drunk."

"Oh?" Kanan was startled slightly, and murmured softly, "Boss, you don't want me anymore?"

"No, I'm talking nonsense..." After hesitating for a while, Li Yexing sighed.

Kanan was drunk, and Li Yexing was afraid that his joke would be taken seriously by Kanan.

"Hey, I knew, the boss treats me the best, hey..." On the other side, when Li Yexing's answer came, Kanan laughed again, and she became more unscrupulous, pulling her arm from Li Yexing She stretched out her hand and caressed Li Yexing's cheek, and kept trying to bring her face closer while smiling, "Come on, boss, give me a kiss..."

"I've said it all, stop making trouble, do you want the two of us to freeze to death outside?" Because of Kanan's hind legs, the two of them couldn't leave the dark alley for a long time. As if going crazy, whispering softly while kissing his side face again and again, Li Yexing couldn't help but slapped Kanan's ass hard, and at the same time said a little angrily: "Enough!"

"What's the matter? Don't like your good brother?" Seeing Li Yexing's frown, Kanan showed a hint of displeasure on his face, "You...do you despise me? I'm not girly enough? "

"I despise your drunken appearance..." Li Yexing grumbled, "If your drinking capacity is half that of Tirilith's, we should both be home by now."

"I...I can't walk..." While brushing Li Yexing's side face lightly, while kissing the other half of his face randomly, Kanan's face was slightly red, and he said coquettishly : "Why don't you carry me, boss?"

"Carrying you?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, "My legs are still swinging, how can I carry you?"

"Then there is no way..." Whistling and turning his head, Kanan muttered softly like a drunken rascal: "If you don't recite, I won't go."

"Forget it..." After a moment of entanglement, Li Yexing finally compromised. He squatted down with difficulty on his two legs, and then said angrily to Kanan: "Hurry up."

"Hey..." Seeing Li Yexing bent down, Kanan's slack eyes showed a hint of cunning, she stepped back a few steps with the corners of her mouth wobbly, and then rushed towards Li Yexing's back In the past, when she was behind Li Yexing, she stood up suddenly, slammed her body into Li Yexing's back, and at the same time stretched out her arms to wrap around Li Yexing's neck.

Suddenly being hit by a huge force on the back, caught off guard, Li Yexing, who was already standing unsteadily, subconsciously yelled "Damn it", then staggered and fell into the snow on the side of the road with Kanan on his back .

His face was instantly covered by icy snow, and Li Yexing's consciousness suddenly became wide awake. Fortunately, because Kanan wrapped his arms around his neck and sealed his collar, the snow didn't get into his clothes. He took a big mouthful of snow and was caught Kanan pressed under him, Li Yexing struggled to turn around, just about to complain to Kanan, but the soft touch and hot breath suddenly sealed his lips.

In the cold air, the unresolved darkness gradually solidified, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

Feeling Kanan's chaotic breath, and the bandit's fierce exploration and plunder, Li Yexing couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

The smell of smoke and alcohol, in this wolf-like movement, tilted down together...

Female horse, what kind of girl is this?

After a long while, Kanan licked the corners of her mouth, straightened her arms to prop up her shoulders, and put half of her weight on Li Yexing's body. She silently watched Li Yexing who was pressed under her, with an expression on her brows. There was a strong love and a touch of greed.

Raising his hand, he gently hooked some messy hair behind his ears. After making such a feminine movement, Kanan hooked the corners of his mouth, winking like silk, and gently parted his cherry lips and said softly: "Boss , remember your promise?"

"What promise?" Li Yexing was slightly taken aback by the drunkenness.

"What promise? Of course it's overtime pay..." Lying next to Li Yexing, leaning on Li Yexing's arm, Kanan put his cherry lips next to Li Yexing's ear and gently exhaled hot air while relaxing his hands. Slow down.

"Hiss—" Taking a deep breath, Li Yexing patted Kanan's shoulder lightly. He frowned and said, "It's too cold!"

"Isn't that good?" Kanan smiled and said, "Come on, boss, warm my hands."

For a while, only the breathing of the two remained in the cold darkness, and occasionally there would be a burst of light laughter from Kanan, as if the author was playing some prank, and the heat began to rise a little bit, but through the thick clothes, they couldn't breathe. Melting the soft snow under his body, until a gust of cold wind caressed the bodies of the two of them, Li Yexing couldn't help shivering and groaning.

Maybe it's because of the cold?

Pulling out the hand warmed by Li Yexing from under the clothes, the fingertips still exuded a faint heat, Kanan propped himself up, leaning on his chin with one hand, his face was flushed from drunkenness, and she smiled in a daze He said: "Boss, you are so warm."

"Kanan, can you go home first?" Li Yexing whispered, "It's still too cold, it's warmer at home."

"No, that's not right..." Kanan said with a foolish smile, "Boss, wherever you are, you will be warm..."

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