"What..." Leon was slightly taken aback, but in the next second, he suddenly realized something.

Facing the glass window of the lounge, Leon glanced vaguely at the woman standing beside him.

I have to say that it was a very beautiful woman. She was tall and tall, with shoulder-length brown hair, a light green pendant hanging on her delicate snow-white neck, and a tight-fitting leather vest on her upper body, wrapped in a white shirt Among them, under the black belt, are bound black trousers that are slim. The trouser legs are slightly longer, and the toes of the dark leather shoes are exposed from the front of the trouser legs. At this moment, the woman is holding a pistol and looking at Leon. There was a trace of panic.

After a moment of contemplation, Leon distanced himself from the woman without any trace, and at the same time lowered his voice, "The president... is dead?"

"Dead." Li Yexing replied decisively on the other side of the phone.

Turning his gaze, he looked at the cell phone that had been thrown on the ground. Leon recognized the cell phone, it was the president's cell phone.

There is no doubt that if Li Yexing took the president away, then Li Yexing must have deliberately left the president's mobile phone here.

There seemed to be a glimmer of understanding in his heart, and Leon asked in a low voice, "How did you die?"

"Dead from a biochemical terrorist attack, turned into a zombie, and was shot in the head by you." Li Yexing said on the other side of the phone.

"Why does it have to be me?" There was a trace of displeasure between Leon's brows. He lowered his voice again, and at the same time turned his back and said, "This is the assassination of the president! I can't take the blame for this!"

"Listen, Leon, you have to recite!" Li Yexing frowned and said, "The road ahead may be difficult and dangerous, and you will be involved in a game, but I believe you will be able to overcome all difficulties and discover the truth .”

"I don't want to find out the truth by myself, can you tell me directly?" Leon frowned and said, "I'm about to be confused by all kinds of situations! What happened here?"

"It's okay, Leon, although I can't talk to you too much, but I can give you a hint..." A few seconds later, Li Yexing on the other side of the phone lowered his voice and said word by word: "The woman next to you is The key to the truth."

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Leon was slightly taken aback. He glanced at the woman beside him again, and then he frowned and said, "Who is she?"

"Ask me? You should know better than me, Mr. Kennedy of DSO..." Li Yexing teased without a smile: "Listen, speak according to my script, follow my prompts, maybe before There will be many difficulties on the road, but don't worry, in order to prevent the exam questions from exceeding the standard, the cheating device I lent you is already on the way, you just move forward, they will definitely find you."

"They..." After a short period of confusion, Leon immediately realized what Li Yexing was talking about, he was instantly dumbfounded, his fingers subconsciously clenched the phone, and he couldn't help but shouted: "You bastard! You sent your girls to High Oaks?! More than one?!"

"Believe me, Leon, they will be good helpers..." Li Yexing finally smiled when he mentioned his girl, and he said softly: "It's just right, anyway, High Oak City is rotten, so it's just convenient for them to have nothing to do." Those who are reserved will kill."

After a moment of entanglement, Leon finally compromised, he sighed, and then whispered: "Li, I trust you, so please don't disappoint my trust, okay?"

"Don't worry, I will safely send the president out of High Oak City..." Li Yexing said solemnly: "You just need to focus on what you want to do."

"I see. See you later." After hanging up the phone, Leon looked at his phone screen and sighed again.

"Agent Kennedy..." Seeing that Leon hung up the phone, the woman on the side finally had a chance to speak. She leaned in front of Leon and said, "Who are you talking on the phone with?"

"A friend..." Leon replied subconsciously, and then he was stunned, focusing his eyes on the woman in front of him again, Leon frowned and said, "You know me?"

"Forget about this..." Frowning slightly, her expression was full of anxiety, the woman in front of her asked Leon urgently: "Agent Kennedy, do you know where the president is?"

Hearing the woman's question in front of him, Leon suddenly felt dizzy.

Female horse, Li Yexing, you damn bastard, next time we meet, I will kill you severely!

Quickly mobilizing his emotions, revealing frustration and sadness from between his brows, Leon lowered his head, hiding his eyes under the shadow of his hair, and whispered: "On the way here, I Seeing the president...turned into a zombie...I killed him."

"What?!" As if frightened by Leon's words, the woman froze in place. After a while, a few tears trickled down from the corners of her eyes. She turned her head, wiped the corners of her eyes and whispered, "Everyone It was my fault..."

"What?" Leon was keenly aware of the woman's emotional changes. Her exclamation just now seemed to contain a lot of information.

"I... I caused all this..." On the other side, the woman who fell into a state of self-blame whispered while wiping her tears.

"What's going on?!" Frowning again, Leon questioned the woman in front of him.

"High Oak Cathedral..." Without answering Lyon's question directly, the woman wiped away her tears, and a trace of determination flashed in her eyes, she said to Lyon in a deep voice: "When I get there, I will tell you everything, Agent Kennedy .”

"So why on earth do you know my name?" Leon couldn't help asking again, but at this moment, the familiar ringtone of the mobile phone suddenly rang, and Leon subconsciously looked at his mobile phone, but found that it was not his own It was ringing, and the woman standing beside him quickly took out a one-meter-sized mobile phone from her pocket, and connected the call at the same time.

"It's me." Looking at the phone screen, the woman replied immediately.

On the other side, seeing the woman holding a mobile phone exactly like his own, Leon was slightly taken aback, then quickly leaned over, and saw a familiar face suddenly appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

"Hangnigan!" Leon called out the woman's name in surprise. That's right, the person who appeared on the screen of the woman's mobile phone was the old seniority of FOS, his own liaison officer!

How did she get into this woman's cell phone? !

"Thank God, both of you are fine." Looking at Leon and the woman holding the phone through the screen, Hangnigan let out a long sigh of relief.

"How did you know each other?" Seeing that Hangnigan seemed to know this woman, Leon couldn't help frowning and asked.

"That's Helena Harper, she joined the Secret Service last year, it's great to see you both are okay..." Finally, with a happy smile on his face, Hangnigan explained to Leon that the woman He immediately said: "Listen, I don't want to rush to give orders, but I urgently need a report on the situation on your side."

Hearing what Hangnigan said, Leon and the woman named Helena turned their heads at the same time and looked at each other with complicated expressions.

After hesitating for a while, Leon scolded Li Yexing a hundred times in his heart, and then said to Hang Nigen on the screen with a troubled expression like constipation: "I...I shot and killed the president."


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 15. Macho Sanguang Didn't Eat Dinner

"What did you say?!"

On the other side of the phone, Hangnigan shouted in shock, her eyes widened, she leaned against the computer screen, and stared at Leon on the screen, as if she had been frightened silly by Leon.

"Before we found him, he was already infected!" Seeing that Hangnigan was about to say something more, Helena, who was holding a mobile phone, said suddenly. Looking at Helena, Helena looked at him, and then said in a serious tone: "Leon... Leon did what he should do, he saved my life."

In the dimness, the FOS office was already in chaos. Under the dim light, people in professional attire were running around, quickly delivering the latest information. The latest information about the biochemical crisis in High Oak City was being passed back and forth. In this panic In the atmosphere, Hangnigen sat silently in front of the computer, watching Leon and Helena on the screen. At this moment, she only felt that her scalp was numb. After a long while, Hangnigen whispered: "My God what..."

Although her mind was in chaos, as a veteran of FOS, Hangnigan quickly adjusted her state. Looking at the two people on the screen, she forcibly pulled herself together and said, "Okay, I will submit a report... "

Stretching out his hands, while typing on the keyboard rapidly while watching the three infected areas radiating outwards on the map of High Oak City, Hangnigan frowned at Leon and Helena on the screen and said: "You two Focus on how to get out of there, the virus has spread three kilometers away from the campus, and the speed of transmission is not slowing down, you must hurry up."

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