"We need to go to High Oak Cathedral to investigate first." At this moment, Helena interrupted Hangnigan's words, and said with a serious expression: "Agent Kennedy has a clue, and it is possible to directly track down the mastermind behind this incident .”

Hearing Helena's words, Leon frowned, and subconsciously looked at the woman standing beside him who was talking about running the train, while Hangnigan on the phone immediately asked: "Leon, is this true? "

On the side, Helena turned her head to look at Leon, with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

Looking at Helena, Leon suddenly remembered Li Yexing's reminder just now.

"The woman by your side is the key to the truth."

"Yes..." After a moment of entanglement, Leon nodded to Hangnigan on the phone and said, "I found some clues."

"Understood, I will mark the safest route for you." Without doubting him, Honigan quickly checked the map of High Oak City on the computer screen, and at the same time cut off the communication with Leon and Helena.

After hanging up the phone, Leon turned his attention to the woman in front of him again. Just now, when he told Hangnigan that he had shot and killed the president, Helena immediately excused him, but on the contrary, she also acted in disguise. Made a request of his own to Lyon.

"I have 'a clue'?" Frowning slightly, Leon stared at Helena and asked in a deep voice.

Looking into Leon's eyes, Helena nodded hesitantly, and said in a low voice with a serious expression: "If you go with me, you will."

Leon knew very well that no matter what, staying here would have no results, and Li Yexing seemed to be implying that he should follow this woman, so he turned around and prepared to leave the lounge, while saying to Helena Asked: "What's special about the church you're talking about? Do you have any sins to confess?"

Helena's expression darkened when she heard Leon say "confess your sins." She shook her head lightly and said, "It's hard to explain clearly. If I don't tell you until I get there, you might not believe me."

Tsk, so is that guy Li, and so is this woman, what's going on with each of them?Mysterious, am I the only one who doesn't know anything?

With some irritability, he walked to the door of the lounge with heavy steps. Leon was holding the doorframe with one hand. He turned his head, looked at Helena behind him and said in a deep voice: "When we get to the cathedral, you must How about telling me everything?"

"It's a deal." Helena nodded firmly.

Having received Helena's promise, Leon didn't say anything. He pulled out his pistol and led Helena out of the lounge. The two of them walked through the dark corridor carefully, as if they were afraid of disturbing those who should be sleeping. In front of an elegant wooden door, Leon lowered his center of gravity slightly and leaned against the door. Helena, who was following behind, immediately understood. side.

"When you see zombies, aim at their heads..." Looking at the immature DSO agent in front of him, Leon whispered: "The only way to save your life, understand?"

"Understood." Helena replied in a low voice with a serious expression.

After receiving Helena's answer, Leon nodded, and he slammed open the wooden door with his shoulder. At the same time, he sprinted out, raised his gun and aimed at the corridor on the left, and Helena followed closely behind, defending immediately. behind Leon.

The chandelier on the dome illuminated the entire hall on the first floor. Leon and Helena frowned and looked around. After seeing that there were no zombies on the platform on the second floor, he turned his head and put one hand on the wooden handrail next to the platform, watching silently. Looking at the hall on the first floor below, the hall is extremely bright under the illumination of the chandelier. The light penetrates the colorful balloons that are also hung on the dome, revealing various colors of light, which are reflected on the tables covered with white tablecloths. On the long dining table, viewed from the platform on the second floor, the dining tables are arranged very neatly, but the meals and vases are scattered and upside down. It seems that there has just been a chaos. I followed the line of sight to the end of the hall, You can still see the podium with the red carpet.

There are no zombies.

Adam was supposed to speak there tonight...

"There was going to be a reception here..." Thinking of this, Leon couldn't help but whispered, "If it wasn't for this incident, they might all be eating here now..."

Might as well fix my dinner by the way...

"Do you think anyone survived?" Looking at the messy hall below, Helena couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"I hope so." Leon frowned while crossing the wooden second-floor platform: "I can't believe this kind of thing will happen again, it's just like Raccoon City."

"Are you... a survivor of the Raccoon City incident?" Helena, who was following Leon, asked in surprise.

"Yes..." Leon nodded and said, "It was really an unforgettable encounter..."

Leading Helena down the stairs to the messy first-floor hall, Leon said in a deep voice, "We'll go to the church you mentioned, but if you really get involved in this mess, you won't be able to get involved in this whole life." got away..."

"I know..." For Leon's kind reminder, Helena just nodded, with a trace of worry and stubbornness on her brows.

Just when Leon was about to say something more, he suddenly noticed that something seemed to run past behind the dining table in the distance.

"What is that?" Helena, who was behind Leon, also saw it, and she subconsciously asked in a low voice.

"There is only one way to figure out this problem..." Standing in the empty hall, Leon whispered: "Let's go up and have a look."


One more.

Chapter 16. The macho black umbrella enters the arena again

The street lights illuminating the street were flickering and flickering, surrounded by trees, and it looked extraordinarily silent. Under the black-stained night sky, 416 kilometers away from High Oak University, in front of a building located in the suburbs of High Oak City, the metal barricade was quickly removed. Set up and block the entrances and exits of this commercial land and the important intersections around them. Soldiers wearing black combat uniforms and carrying HK-[-] ran back and forth between the roadblocks, setting up cordons and fortifications. For a few hours, they will strictly execute the tasks from their superiors, stay here, block all possible threats, and buy time for the largest actual BOW test after the Raccoon City incident.

Stepping on polished black leather boots, wrapped in a black high-necked windbreaker, with a black alloy long knife with a black Umbrella logo on his waist, one cut his hair very short, with a scar on his cheek The middle-aged Asian male walked steadily through the dimly lit corridor. After crossing the cold and dark air, he pushed open the largest wooden door on the floor, and saw the bright lights on the other side of the wooden door. Dense black wires were randomly laid one after another on the somewhat dirty ground, and then connected to the laptops and various instruments on the desks. The technicians in white coats and the Soldiers in black combat uniforms kept walking through the office area, which made the office area, which was not tidy, appear extraordinarily chaotic.

This is the Kilgor Company located in High Oak City, which is mainly engaged in the real estate industry. Behind the company is the Simmons family.

It's just that, now, Simmons has provided this not-so-great office building to Black Umbrella to serve as the temporary command center for Black Umbrella's operation.

Standing at the door of the office area, looking at the chaos in the office area, the middle-aged man with the scar in the Asian face stretched out his finger and tapped his knife handle lightly. He has always had an instinctive aversion to noise and chaos Rather than staying in this noisy room with an asymmetric layout and crowded with people, he prefers to kneel on the tatami in a loose white samurai uniform after soaking in the hot springs, and soak in a square room. A cup of tea.

"Executive Miyamura..." The middle-aged man turned his head and saw a tall white man in a black combat uniform running towards him when he was pulled out of his slightly irritable thoughts by the sudden voice. In front of him, the tall white man put his legs together, straightened his chest, and respectfully said: "The technical department is ready and ready to start the first phase of the experiment at any time."


Looking past the tall white male in front of him, Masamichi Miyamura, the third executive officer of the executive department under the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, frowned slightly, watching the chaos in front of him. After a while, he shook his head and forcefully Resisting the distaste for this chaos, he whispered: "I am not from the technical department, so I can't give you any excellent advice on the details. If you are ready, then start directly."

Saying that, Masamichi Miyamura raised his sleeve slightly, revealing the black metal wristband with the black Umbrella logo on it. He lightly pressed the logo, and suddenly, a ray of light shot out from the wristband and shone on his face. On the arm, it seems that the screen of a mobile phone is projected on the skin.

Stretching out his finger, he slid gently on his arm, allowing rows of text to be continuously skipped. After a while, he clicked on an option, and rows of dense black characters immediately appeared on his arm.

That was the plan written by Masamichi Miyamura for this operation. According to the information provided by the intelligence department and the calculation of the speed of virus spread by the technical department, Masamichi Miyamura set the time and place for the first phase of the experiment.

Glancing at the time, Masamichi Miyamura raised his head and said to the tall white soldier in front of him: "The first phase of the experiment will start in fifteen minutes, and the Alpha team will stop the urban power supply system in High Oak City and release the code NH-EU03. 02. Drop location, High Oak City Police Department, quantity [-], drop location, on several main roads four kilometers away from High Oak University, at intervals of [-] minutes, drop code NT-EU[-], quantity three, drop location, distance from High Oak On several main roads four kilometers from Oak University, the identification friend or foe is turned on, and the goal is set to attack all survivors, so that the technical department is ready."

"Understood, Executive Officer Miyamura!" After receiving Masamichi Miyamura's order, the white soldier saluted Masamichi Miyamura, then turned around and went straight to the chaos in the office area behind him.

As if his ears were going to be filled with the noise, Masamichi Miyamura frowned and turned around, returning to the corridor.

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