After killing a zombie, Hitomi Qiandao lowered his head, looked at the zombie who was clinging to his thigh tightly, and saw that the zombie's rotten arm left traces mixed with blood and mud on his snow-white trousers, Qiandao A puff of steam burst out from Hitomi's collar. In a rage, she pulled out the leg that was hugged by the zombie, and then stepped on the zombie's head. Suddenly, the zombie's head seemed to be smashed into pieces. It burst like a watermelon, and all the rancid brains stuck to Hitomi Chishima's white boots.

In a trance, Hitomi Qiandao suddenly remembered that when he was in his bedroom a few days ago, that day, Li Yexing was carrying a bag mysteriously. After sitting on his bed, he opened the bag and took out a bag. A box that looks very delicately packaged, and at the same time smiled and said to Hitomi Qiandao: "Come, try."

Hitomi Qiandao was taken aback for a moment, and then opened the boxes one by one, only to see neatly folded new clothes inside.

"Yoxing-kun, this...was for me?" Hitomi Qiandao couldn't help but widen her eyes and said with joy.

"That's right, Rita and I picked it together..." Li Yexing scratched his head with a smile and said, "Accordingly, you should pick the clothes I bought for you, but I want to give you a surprise, after all I haven't bought you anything since you came here..."

"Yexing-kun has already given Tong a lot of tuition fees for self-study..." With a blushing face and pursed lips, Hitomi Qiandao muttered in a low voice. In front of Li Yexing, she had nothing to hide, so, just like this, Hitomi Qiandao Li Yexing began to change clothes in front of him, and after taking off the clothes one by one, for some reason, Qian Daotong suddenly thought of Bai Muqing.

Miss Bai...seems like she won't let go of any chance to show off her figure in front of Yaxing-kun...

So, this time, Hitomi Qiandao changed her clothes very slowly, and she didn't change her clothes until the atmosphere in the air became a little more charming.

"Is it suitable?" Seeing Li Yexing staring straight at him, Hitomi Qiandao asked with his head down, his face flushed slightly.

"It's suitable, it's very suitable, it's just too suitable..." His eyes seemed to be shining, and Li Yexing praised: "A pure white warrior girl? It's a bit like "Deadly Violet", wearing such cool clothes It is really suitable to complete the revenge of blood and fire."

In the dark, accompanied by the low roars of the zombies, Hitomi Chishima widened her eyes, lowered her head, and silently looked at the soiled pants and boots. For a moment, she only felt that her sanity was evaporating.

"This is... the clothes that Mr. Ye Xing carefully selected for me to wear... I am not willing to wear them..."

In an instant, a scorching steam lifted up the clothes and overflowed from the gap between the skins. When Hitomi Qiandao raised her head again, she saw the corners of her mouth grinning strangely, and her eyes were faintly red. On the forehead, a cloudy blue-gray eyeball is spinning like crazy.

Accompanied by the pleasant sound of the tip of the knife being unsheathed, bursts of cold light were enveloped by killing intent, instantly filling the entire room.


Through black leather gloves, Ada held a purple glass ball in her hand. She carried a mechanical crossbow, put the miniature submachine gun back on her waist, and then raised her legs to step over the red dress that was burning to ashes little by little. The zombies went straight to the corridor that was just opened in front of them.

After groping in the tunnel of High Oak Cathedral for so long, Ada probably figured out the pattern. The door opened after getting the key item is most likely a shortcut to return to the organ.

"However, it's really troublesome..." Ada sighed faintly, thinking of the ground that suddenly collapsed just now, the blades constantly turning in the narrow passage, and the fat zombies blocking the entrance of the tunnel.

Although the way is quite difficult and dangerous, this corridor is not deep. If the space design here is symmetrical, then the invincible Miss Qiandao might have already got the golden tooth, and she is already waiting in front of the mechanism, right?

It's better not to keep Miss Qiandao waiting too long.

With this in mind, Ada came to the end of the corridor. After crawling along the passage on the wall that was barely big enough for one person to pass through, Ada stood up and found herself back on the previous circular platform.

Is it really a shortcut?Although the mechanism here is cumbersome, it is too easy to be guessed.

The corner of her mouth curved slightly, and Ada jumped off the platform directly. Just as she expected, Hitomi Qiandao in white was already waiting in front of the skeleton mechanism.

"Did you come back faster than me?" Greeting Hitomi Qiandao, Ada walked up with a smile. As soon as she approached, she suddenly realized that Hitomi Qiandao's mood seemed to be a little off.

Under the reflection of the faint blue flame, Hitomi Qiandao who was hiding in the shadows said nothing, with a gloomy face and a terrifying low air pressure all over his body, looking like a female ghost who died unjustly.


Fourth watch, well, this time it's really time to call it a day.

Originally, this chapter was supposed to be published yesterday to celebrate 520, but when I was about to change the chapter, I found that the system would not let me delete the chapters that had already been sent out, so it was delayed until today.

Let me talk about the queen's question. To be honest, the plot of RE6 has been progressing until now, but it is still just laying the groundwork for the huge Lanxiang war in the second half. Things must be written. During this period, the harem group will interact with the protagonists of the original work and develop relationships. Moreover, there are many readers of this book who are not gamers and do not understand the plot. If I don’t write in detail, it will affect Everyone's reading experience, so those who have played the original work, please bear with me.

Chapter 34. Hunk's new best friend?

Ada was a little confused about Hitomi Chishima's sudden low air pressure.

Are you in a hurry?

Didn't it mean that the way of the sword cultivates the mind?Ms. Qiandao shouldn't be so impatient, right?

After a moment of hesitation, Ada leaned forward cautiously. Accompanied by the crisp sound of high-heeled boots hitting the ground, Ada approached step by step. After confirming that Hitomi Chishima was not angry with herself, Ada relaxed slightly. Taking a deep breath, the corners of her mouth curled up again like a fox. She came to Hitomi Qiandao, then smiled lightly and said, "What's wrong? Miss Qiandao? Is something not going well?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Hitomi Qiandao frowned slightly. She reached into the pocket of her white leather jacket and took out a folded pink handkerchief. After opening the handkerchief, she saw lying quietly in the middle of the handkerchief. A gold tooth.

"Didn't you get it?" Ada smiled, and took the handkerchief handed over by Hitomi Qiandao. She pinched the gold tooth with her fingers and embedded it in the skull's mouth, completing the skeleton's teeth. , and then opened the other hand, and inlaid the purple glass ball he got into the missing eye socket of the skeleton.

Suddenly, a strange skull with dazzling purple eyes and two rows of big gold teeth in its mouth appeared.

All the missing parts were completed, and there was a click, and the skull's mouth opened at a strange angle, as if the jaw was about to be torn apart. Then, the locked iron door next to the skeleton mechanism The door slowly rose with a rumbling sound, revealing the new space behind the door.

"Okay... Disgusting..." Looking at the weird and exaggerated skeleton mechanism, Hitomi Chishima, who was already in a bad mood, finally couldn't help cursing in a low voice in Japanese: "It's really bad fun."

"So, Simmons is really a rare pervert..." After understanding Hitomi Chishima's simple Japanese, Ada shrugged her shoulders and echoed with a smile: "Look, what he made, Just as perverted as he is."

"Let's go..." Averting his eyes from the skull mechanism with the big mouth, Hitomi Chishima whispered: "I'm fed up with these endless retro mechanisms."

"Honestly, I've had enough..." Ada smiled at Hitomi Chishima, "Look at my clothes, they're all dirty like this."

Hearing Ada's words, Hitomi Qiandao was slightly taken aback, she looked at Ada subconsciously, and Ada was just as she said, at this moment, her red shirt was covered with stains and stains from rubbing the ground. The mud, black leather pants and black high-heeled boots were also covered with muddy water and mud spots. At first glance, it seemed that he was much more embarrassed than Hitomi Chishima who was hugged by a zombie on his thigh.

Subconsciously covering her mouth, Hitomi Chishima couldn't help but smile unkindly.

"Look, you look so pretty when you smile, so don't always have a sullen face..." Seeing Hitomi Qiandao finally smiled to herself, Ada said softly: "I don't know what you have gone through , but I probably guessed it, that's why Li tried every means to push you to me. I have no doubts. In fact, both you and Li know more than I do, but since Li asked you to act with me, there must be His reason, isn't it?"

Withholding that fox-like smile, Ada's eyes showed a rare trace of sincerity. She looked at Hitomi Chishima's sharp eyes that day, and then whispered: "So, whether we will turn our faces because of the people behind you , At least, when we act together, be more honest with each other, okay? After all, our interests are the same."

Looking at Ada, Hitomi Qiandao suddenly said: "There is no one behind us."

"Really?" Ada nodded, and glanced vaguely at the long alloy knife at Hitomi Qiandao's waist, as if she didn't quite believe Hitomi Qiandao's words. She straightened up, smiled and said to Hitomi Qiandao: The time is here, let's go see what's behind the door."

After finishing speaking, Ada turned around and stepped through the iron gate that was opened by the mechanism, while Hitomi Qiandao followed closely behind. When the two passed through the iron gate together, they saw a dilapidated area behind the gate. In the ruins of the ancient brazier, a faint blue flame is burning, illuminating this space that looks a bit old, together with the bricks and boulders that have collapsed on the ground. Among the ruins, there is a quiet Lying quietly was a silver metal box with a little rust.

"This seems to be the last one..." Hitomi Qiandao whispered after looking at Ada.

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