Breathing calmly, Li Yexing poked his head out slightly under the cover of the darkness and rain, and saw that amidst the roaring gunshots, the zombies trying to get close to the alley changed direction, staggering towards the place where the gunshots sounded They walked over, and then they were shot to death randomly. After the dense blood burst out of their bodies, they groaned and fell limply on the ground. Just as their bodies were about to burn, they were extinguished by the rain, and finally turned into a puddle of mud .

After all the zombies on the street corner were cleaned up, accompanied by the sound of footsteps piercing through the rain curtain, in the darkness, a group of militants in black combat uniforms came out step by step with HK-416 in their arms.


Two more.

Chapter 36.

The gunshots subsided, and the light from the gun muzzle dissipated little by little in the rain with the faint smell of gunpowder smoke. In just a few seconds, the street returned to dead silence, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

In the alley, wearing a dirty gray suit, Benford's back was pressed against the wall washed by the rain, not daring to make a sound, until Li Yexing, who was standing in front of him with half of his face exposed, lowered his weight slightly , he leaned forward and lowered his voice: "Who are those people? Are they here to meet you?"

Benford vaguely remembered that Li Yexing once mentioned that an armed force under him had entered High Oak City, and the mission goal was to evacuate refugees as much as possible, so when he first heard the gunshots, Benford's first The reaction was: the team to meet Li Yexing arrived, but immediately after, Li Yexing put on an overly vigilant look, as if he was afraid of something.

Those people, I'm afraid they are not Li Yexing's subordinates!

Sure enough, just as Benford was worried, Li Yexing frowned and said in a low voice: "They are not my people."

"Then they are..." Benford was about to ask clearly, but Li Yexing suddenly turned his head, his brows were tightly frowned, his expression was extremely serious, and he completely disappeared from his previous indifferent appearance, his deep voice pierced through Through the rain, Li Yexing said to Benford, "They're coming, let's go up."

After all, Li Yexing pointed his finger at the back of Benford. Benford turned his head and found that Li Yexing was pointing at the place where the invisible BOW fell from before.

As if infected by the serious atmosphere of Li Yexing, Benford didn't speak, just nodded to Li Yexing, then he turned around and went straight to the metal stairs that looked a bit crumbling, Li Yexing Not in a hurry to follow, he probed again to confirm the positions of the militants.

Stepping on the technical stairs with the soles of the shoes, even though the footsteps could be lowered, there were still bursts of sound. Benford held his breath and moved up the stairs as quickly as possible. After a few seconds, the footsteps on the metal stairs The sound became a little random, and Benford looked back subconsciously, only to see Li Yexing followed him at some point, and was sticking closely behind him.

It didn't take long for Benford, who was walking in front, to reach the top of the building. The moment he was about to poke his head out, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and pressed him down.

"Look." Li Yexing whispered to Benford, eager to cover half of his head on the roof of the building and let his eyes see through the rain.

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Benford was slightly taken aback, then turned his head, and followed Li Yexing's line of sight to look over. For a while, Benford felt that he seemed to see something, but through the rain curtain, what he saw It was very unreal, so he lost his eyes, and after a while, Benford's face became ugly.

That's a drone!

I saw the drone skipping over the sky not far away with an inaudible buzzing sound. Its size seemed to be only a little larger than the plate, and it was completely dark. In harsh environments, this drone is simply invisible!

"See?" Seeing Benford's ugly face, Li Yexing asked in a low voice while staring at the sky.

"I see..." Benford nodded, frowned and whispered back: "That thing doesn't look like a civilian product..."

With that said, Benford lowered his figure, and whispered to Li Yexing, "Mr. Li, those guys, who are they?"

Still need to ask?Looking at the standard black combat uniform and the standard HK-416, Li Yexing knew that these guys were definitely the security forces of the black Umbrella!

However, considering the long-term cooperation with the European branch of Black Umbrella, Black Umbrella cannot be widely exposed to people's vision.

"They are the Far Eastern Legion under Simmons, and they are the private soldiers of the Simmons family..." After a while, Li Yexing's face was serious, and he said nonsense to Benford in a serious manner: "Obviously, our little tricks were discovered Now, my team is doing its best to evacuate the survivors, and Simmons certainly doesn't want any survivors in High Oak City, so these guys, they came to my team."

"Aren't the survivors in High Oak City very dangerous?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Benford subconsciously asked.

"They are always in a dangerous situation..." Li Yexing relaxed his frowning brows slightly, "But it doesn't matter, I am very confident in my team, these guys will not be the scum under me opponent."

joke!In this kind of battlefield, how could the black Umbrella's regular security forces win against the Huanya armed forces?I'm afraid I'm going to be beaten until I become incontinent!

Having said that, Li Yexing is also very clear that this battle may not be a reprint of the second Lopulus incident. After all, during the second Lopulus incident, the heads of the scum and villains There is not a tactical nuclear bomb hanging on the ground!

Different from the ring-Asian armed forces of elite soldiers, the security forces of Black Umbrella are almost all low-level scum from all over the world. Property is still the part that can be consumed at will. Even if they are buried in this city, the high-level officials of Black Umbrella probably won't care too much. The old brother and the irascible old sisters are in a lot of trouble, if they run into this group of stalkers again, it will be a big trouble!

Or...before they find out...take the first shot and kill the first team?

I'm afraid I can't, I still have the oil bottle of Benford with me. Although Benford was born in the army, but his body is so fat, I'm afraid he can't be expected to become a fighting force. What's more, in case of a firefight, I What if you can't keep Benford?Once the president dies in his hands, Lyon will not be able to tell!

Looking forward and backward, Li Yexing vaguely understood what it was like to escort Leon, the former president's daughter Ashley, in "Resident Evil 4".

Just as Li Yexing was weighing the pros and cons, the security force from the black Umbrella finally arrived at the entrance of the alley, and the drone hovering over the security force also approached. Putting down Benford's shoulders, the two of them hid together behind the flower pots and piles of debris on the metal stairs, narrowly avoiding the drone patrol, and when the drone flew away, Li Yexing Probe faintly from behind the pile of debris, watching the security forces passing by the entrance of the alley, they don't seem to intend to stay, and they are going to advance directly along the street.

However, at this moment, the leading security officer suddenly raised his hand, signaling the team to stop.

In the rain, the little officer turned his head and fixed his gaze on the alley. He seemed to have discovered something. After a long while, he waved his hand to signal the team to follow him, and then he raised his head. Gun, step by step into the dark alley.

The soles of the boots stepped on the bullet casings hidden in the stagnant water, and the leading squad leader walked more and more slowly, and finally stopped. In front of him, lay the corpse of a hunter with a collar around his neck. Under the washing of the rain, the eye sockets of the hunter's corpse were still bleeding, and it seemed that he had just died.


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 37. The critical moment of the hunk

Seeing through the gap between the steps under their feet, the black Umbrella security forces found the body of the slanderer that Li Yexing had killed before, and Li Yexing and Benford's nerves tensed up instantly.

Through the gap, Li Yexing saw the head man squatting in front of the victim's body, as if he was examining the body. He first turned over the victim's head, and then began to check the black mechanical collar tied around his neck. After a while, he stood up and seemed to say something to his teammates behind him. At the same time, he picked up his gun and began to look around.

On the upper stairs, Li Yexing frowned slightly. He poked his head again and looked at the drone hovering in the distance under the cover of rain and sundries. Under Benford's nervous eyes, Li Yexing raised his head. With the gun pointing down, the cross in the middle of the scope was firmly locked on the head of the security team leader who was looking around.

"If we are discovered in a while, you run directly to the top of your head. After I become that officer, I will try to destroy their drones as soon as possible..." Fingers rubbed repeatedly on the cold trigger, Li Yexing frowned and said in a low voice, "Do you understand?"

Benford didn't answer, just nodded, he turned slightly, put his hands on the sundries beside him, as soon as the gunfire sounded, he could immediately stand up, turn around and run away.

The icy rain continued to fall, adding a trace of noise to the silent street. Amidst the noise, the captain of the black Umbrella security force wearing a black combat uniform held the HK-416 in his hand, turned on the tactical flashlight hanging below, and slowly Stepping forward, he carefully searched for clues in the alley. Above his head, Benford was poised to go, ready to escape at any time, while Li Yexing pointed the muzzle of the gun down and pressed the trigger with his finger, as if the next shot It fires in seconds.

After some searching, he couldn't find any useful clues. The captain of the security force turned his head and stopped his sight on the metal ladder beside him. He slightly raised his head and looked towards the second floor. It was torn, and the torn place was facing the body of the slandered person on the ground.

There is no doubt that the slanderer fell from there before dying.

Feeling strange in his heart, the captain of the security force slowly raised his head subconsciously.

On the metal stairs, Li Yexing's finger on the trigger tightened tighter and tighter. As long as he caught sight of him, he could kill the captain with one shot!

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