At this moment, the captain of the security force suddenly looked away, and at the same time raised his hand to press the communicator next to his ear.

"Here is Black 1, please tell..."

"Armed team? Where is it? How big is it?"

"Understood, we will move closer to that side immediately."

After the communication was over, the team leader turned his head and shouted to the team members behind him: "Okay, villains, we have work to do, a convoy of police cars is heading out of High Oak City, Golden Eye predicts that they will It's likely going to be two blocks away on Franklin Avenue, where we'll be in ambush with a couple of other teams, ready to set up an ambush and wipe those guys out."

After introducing the task to his team members, the captain of the security force clapped the gun in his hand and continued loudly: "Okay! Scoundrels, let's move! Let those guys taste our power! This mission is over, I invite you to go to the A area of ​​the cafeteria, there are enough drinks, and there may be girls from the technical department!"

After the captain gave impassioned encouragement before the battle, the security forces hurriedly left the alley according to the instructions of their superiors, and headed towards the scheduled ambush site, leaving behind only a cold body of the slanderer and the man hiding on the metal stairs on the upper floor. Li Yexing and Benford.

"It's so dangerous..." Benford breathed a sigh of relief, his expression looked a little tired, and he whispered: "I haven't experienced such a tense moment for a long time."

Putting away the gun, and moving his stiff fingers a little, Li Yexing wiped the rain off his face with his sleeve, and then said in a low voice, "A team under me has been targeted by them."

"Your team?" Benford was slightly taken aback, then asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"Code name 'Timberwolves'..." Seeing Benford's puzzled face, Li Yexing didn't hide it anymore, he frowned and explained in a low voice: "The mission of this team is to cooperate with the people of High Oak City. The police communicated and reached a cooperation to save as many survivors as possible in the early stage of the disaster. Now that High Oak City is experiencing a power outage, they may not be able to save more people under this situation, so they must prepare to evacuate."

"And the troops under Simmons are going to lay an ambush on the retreat route?" Benford's brows were filled with confusion, and then the suddenness was replaced by anger, and he whispered: "That damned bastard, He's completely insane!"

Leaning against the pile of debris, Li Yexing raised his hand, pressed his finger on the communicator next to his ear, and said in a low voice, "This is a wolf, Timberwolf, can you hear me?"

"This is...wolf...listen..." Immediately, intermittent replies sounded from the communicator.

Through the previous several communications, Li Yexing can basically come to the conclusion that all units should be able to clearly hear what he said, but there is a problem on his side, and he cannot hear the communications of other teams clearly, so he continues to whisper Said: "Listen, if you and the police in High Oak City are retreating, be careful where you go, there may be a large number of enemies preparing to ambush you around a street that seems to be called 'Franklin Avenue'."

"Received...we...asked the locals...not" Intermittent replies came from the other side.

"I can't hear you clearly. There seems to be something wrong with my communicator..." Wiping the rain off his face, Li Yexing continued: "I'll give you another piece of news that I can be sure of. This time we The opponents are old friends from three years ago. They were smashed by us back then, and now they come here, as if they want to get back the field..."

As soon as the voice fell, the communicator suddenly became noisy. Li Yexing seemed to hear a group of old men cheering vaguely. Even if it was intermittent, Li Yexing could feel the excitement of the opposite person through the communicator.

"Stop barking! Be careful that the boat capsizes in the gutter!" Li Yexing smiled and cursed with a slight arc on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, bastards, I still have my job. Next, I will I leave it to you, the old rules, let me get out alive!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yexing hung up the communication. He poked his head out and looked around from the roof. After confirming that there were no drones, he turned his head and said to Benford beside him, "All that needs to be said With that said, I think we can move on."

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Benford didn't move. He frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something, until Li Yexing couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder, then he suddenly raised his head.

I don't know if it's Li Yexing's illusion, the rain in the sky seems to be getting smaller, instead of pouring down like just now, the raindrops hit Benford's somewhat messy gray-white hair, and then flow down the hair between the hair. There was no smiling face flowing through the gap, and Benford stared at Li Yexing's eyes through the glasses lenses full of water droplets. After a long while, he suddenly said to Li Yexing with a serious face: "Mr. Li, I think we can join the fight!"


Four shifts, work is over after finishing work, these few days are not in good condition and there are too many postings, the saved manuscript has been eaten up for a few chapters, and I have to risk my life again.

Give a py: "I'm just a puppet without emotion"

It seems to be a post-apocalyptic background. Friends of Neil, who are gay, should be able to take a look. Old rules, good-looking, tell me.

Speaking of it, I also kind of want to write about machine sex, but my brain is immature, so wait a few years before thinking about it.

Chapter 38

"Mr. Li, I think we can join the fight!"

When Li Yexing heard Benford say this, his first reaction was that Benford was joking, but seeing Benford's serious expression, he knew that Benford seemed to be serious.

"Mr. General, your life is the most important..." After a while, Li Yexing reminded in a low voice: "Have you forgotten? At this moment, Leon is still charged with assassinating the president. If you die There are three long and two short, how can Leon explain to the people above? How can I explain to Leon?"

With that said, Li Yexing shook his head and rejected Benford's proposal. He frowned and said, "We will withdraw along the scheduled route as originally planned."

"Mr. Li, this is not my hotheaded idea, I have thought it through..." Stretching out his hand to catch the raindrops falling from the sky, Benford explained in a low voice: "The rain is getting lighter, I'm afraid it won't be long, The rain will stop completely. Without this rain, it may be difficult for the two of us to fight out from the invisible monsters. For safety reasons, we need a large enough armed team, and you said That squad and the High Oaks police just fit right in."

Under Li Yexing's surprised eyes, Benford continued to analyze: "According to what you said, Simmons put a lot of BOW in High Oak City. If we only rely on the two of us, there are no heavy weapons and no support. We The road ahead may be difficult, but if we can reunite with your team, our situation will be much better."

"My team is going to fight soon." Li Yexing reminded, frowning.

"That's why I said, we want to join this battle..." The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Benford's face showed a confidence that ordinary people could not match. Kill all the soldiers. This is a breakout operation. Our goal is to meet up with your team, then tear through the blockade of those guys, and rush out. Although bullets are flying everywhere in the firefight, I firmly believe that this is better It would be more appropriate for us to move forward in the dark, after all, the darkness will not only limit us, but also our enemies, won't it?"

Looking at the confident Benford, Li Yexing frowned slightly and fell into thought.

Indeed, according to Director Casimir, Black Umbrella invested a lot of BOW in High Oak, who knows what those guys invested, especially Casimir, a bastard who also funded three bad brains My brother-in-law seems to be called "Tia Adam". If my brother-in-law's combat power can reach two-thirds of Tiliris's, even if he hits one, it will be enough to burn Li Yexing, who has no heavy firepower.

If you go alone, it seems safe, but once you hit some inexplicable BOW, there is a risk of overturning the car. On the contrary, although the target on the frontal battlefield is too big, bullets may fly across, but there is heavy fire protection, and there is a group of elites enough The Roples villains and a large number of High Oak City police officers, as long as they break through the blockade, they can directly follow the convoy out of High Oak City. The speed is faster than walking, so it will be safer...?

Rubbing his chin, Li Yexing began to think seriously about Benford's proposal, while on the other side, Benford urged in a low voice: "Make a decision, Mr. Li, we may not have much time."

After struggling for a while, Li Yexing nodded, then raised his head and said to Benford, "Just do what Mr. President said."

"Very good, as expected of a young man..." There was a trace of approval in his eyes, Benford smiled and said: "No wonder Leon likes you so much, we may be unexpectedly angry."

As he said that, as if he suddenly remembered something, Benford smiled at Li Yexing with the eyes of an old father-in-law looking at his son-in-law: "Speaking of which, Mr. Li, are you interested in joining DSO and working for country A? As long as If you are willing to join, I will immediately issue you a green card and make you a proud citizen of country A."

"Forget it..." Li Yexing shook his head and refused, "I'm a big family now, and my situation is a little...complicated."

Li Yexing looks forward to one day bringing his girls back to a civilized society and living a warm and happy life as ordinary people, but Li Yexing doesn't think that the government of country A will also provide green card status for his girls.

If he and his girls were not all sent to the laboratory, Li Yexing would have already become very popular.

"Okay..." On the other side, seeing Li Yexing refused without hesitation, Benford said with some regret: "Lyon seems to be looking forward to business with you, how should I put it? The stubbornness of the yellow race is really a headache ..."

"Okay, we're almost ready to leave..." After confirming the safety of the surrounding area, Li Yexing stood up and said to Benford: "Since we are going to join this battle, we have to make some preparations in advance to prepare for this battle." Will break through to buy time."

"No problem, sir..." Benford stood up with a smile. He twisted the corner of his clothes, and then asked Li Yexing, "Now, what's your plan?"

"Find that Franklin Street first, we need information..." Li Yexing said with a smile: "I want to find a good position and see how many of those guys are there? What kind of equipment configuration? How do you plan to welcome my people? In order to be able to Stop my team, they must occupy a good position, and then set up the scene, I guess they will set up roadblocks or explosives on the street, trying to intercept the convoy and blow it up, so I have to pay attention to the location of the explosives, other than that In addition, if conditions permit, I hope to grab a tongue and ask about the specific situation."

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