"Who knows? It's probably because he stabbed the zombie nest and got gnawed."

"Ha ha..."

Accompanied by the voices of two members of the security forces, the light of the tactical flashlight randomly swept across the aisles in the supermarket, illuminating the collapsed shelves hiding Li Yexing and Benford several times. The loaded goods completely covered Li Yexing and Benford, and within a few seconds, the two left the supermarket along the gate.

"It's really easy..." A few seconds later, Benford mocked in a low voice: "It's like shopping."

"It's not surprising, they probably really thought they were here to go shopping..." Seeing the members of the security force leave, Li Yexing's frown eased slightly, and he whispered to Benford: "Let's go up , the top floor of the building should have a view of most of Franklin Avenue."

"There may be people from them here." Benford reminded in a low voice.

"No, they just came to step on the spot..." Li Yexing shook his head, and then said in a low voice: "If I were the opponent's sniper, I would not choose this building. The buildings next to this building are too dense. There are too many blind spots, and if the enemy spreads out, these low buildings will provide them with a lot of cover, and there is a danger of being raided. Relatively speaking, the building on the opposite side is more ideal, taller, more open, and surrounded by These are low green belts, which are convenient for your teammates to block the enemy."

"That's true..." Hearing Li Yexing's analysis, Benford nodded subconsciously.

"However, don't be too careless..." Seeing that Benford's expression was slightly relaxed, Li Yexing hurriedly reminded: "Although there should be no one above us, it's hard to guarantee whether there will be something else, after all This batch of BOW seems to have a high degree of controllability."

"Whether there is or not, we have to go up and see, don't we?" Benford asked in a low voice.

"That's right..." Holding the gun tightly, Li Yexing turned his head and glanced outside the shelf, then whispered: "Let's go."

Climbing out of the shelf little by little, Li Yexing raised his gun and scanned the surroundings. He didn't turn around until Benford also climbed out, and walked towards the stairway where the two security forces members came down just now.

Going up the stairs, after a few steps, the two of them came to the second floor of the supermarket, and continued inward along the second floor of the supermarket. Li Yexing found a folding staircase leading directly to the upper floor in the warehouse. The stairs are somewhat similar, quite a bit of the novelty of European and American architecture.

Stepping up the stairs without handrails, Li Yexing poked his head out and scanned the surroundings through the scope of the AR-15. He saw that this place seemed to be a private house, surrounded by tiles, and there was a dining table next to it. Below, Li Yexing could vaguely see the kitchen.

It looks a bit like a living room.

After confirming his safety, Li Yexing straightened up and turned over into the living room. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and pulled Benford up.

Stepping on the tiled floor, Li Yexing grabbed the apple on the table beside him, took a big bite, and then put it back. Benford, who followed behind, frowned subconsciously, but didn't say anything. After passing through the living room and the porch, he came directly to the main entrance of this private house, then pushed open the half-covered wooden door, and entered the corridor outside.

Compared with the inside of the private house just now, the corridor looks a lot more gloomy. It is almost too dark to see anything. The only light source is the window at the corner of the stairwell above his head. Li Yexing raised his gun and carefully took Ben Fu De walked along the stairway, while Benford held the snatched HK-416 and guarded Li Yexing's back like a real soldier from country A.

Almost without making a sound, Li Yexing quickly brought Benford to the top floor. Without the poor light from the upper staircase, this floor was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers. After a little hesitation, Li Yexing came from He took out his phone from his pocket, turned on the lock screen, and barely illuminated the road ahead with this weak light. Although the light would be much stronger when the flashlight was turned on, Li Yexing subconsciously felt that it was better to be more cautious.

With the weak light, they walked through the corridor silently, the soles of the shoes ran over the bullet casings that had long since dissipated the residual heat, and the dried blood that spread all the way to the wall. After a while, the two came to a place.

Sticking against the blood-stained wall, Li Yexing stretched out his hand, gently opened the half-closed door, and at the same time lowered his center of gravity and poked his head out, only to see a corpse lying on its stomach in the room. The lower body of the corpse was almost Only the bones were left, and the upper body had been eaten and riddled with holes. Blood stains spread along the corpse, vaguely covering the scorched marks on the wall. In addition to the strong smell of blood, Li Yexing could still smell a faint smell of burnt taste.

Obviously, the two security forces should have already come. They violently opened the door and shot the zombies that were eating the corpse.

"This is the room." Li Yexing turned around and nodded to Benford behind him.

Benford looked down at the mutilated corpse, his brows twitched a little, seeing Li Yexing stepping in, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow, and closed the door that had already been locked. In the end, as if he felt that it was not safe enough, he frowned and bent down, forcibly tore the blood-stained mop from the stiff corpse's hand, and then pushed it against the door lock.

It wasn't until all these were done that Benford turned his head and carefully looked at the room in front of him.

I have to say that Li Yexing's taste in choosing a house is very bad. The not-so-clean living room is full of blood, and there are bloody handprints on the walls. It looks like the setting of a third-rate haunted house. Benford frowned. But obviously, Li Yexing himself didn't care. He went straight through the living room and came to the balcony. After closing the curtains, he lifted the curtains slightly, and observed the street outside the window through the gap.

"Did you see anything?" Benford leaned behind Li Yexing and asked in a low voice.

"I can see it, I can see it clearly..." Li Yexing frowned slightly, and whispered to Benford: "There is a sniper on the top of the opposite building, and there is at least one team in the building, and two teams are on the street. One team is approaching from one o'clock, and as for the other teams, they are probably near our building."

As he spoke, Li Yexing raised his hand and pressed the communicator next to his ear, while whispering, "Can you hear me? Timberwolves?"

"Listen...we..." Immediately, intermittent replies came from the other side of the communicator.

"Where are you guys?" Li Yexing continued to ask.

"We're...slow...from...convoy...less than...kilometers..." replied the other side.

"Forget it, I can't hear you clearly..." Frowning slightly, Li Yexing cleared his throat, and then said in a low voice: "Now, I'm around Franklin Avenue, and next, I will take those gang Tell you the number of guys, equipment configuration, and where in the street they have moved, and you are going to record it..."


Three shifts, call it a day.

Deborah won't enter the harem, is it because my sister writes too much, so that when you see a new girl, you think she will become a harem? !Seeing now, you should have a little understanding of my temperament. Girls who will enter the harem must at least have a super detailed appearance description when they first meet. This kind of "looks like Helena, but the lines are softer" My girl, she looks like a passerby at first glance, okay? !

Chapter 57.

On the street shrouded in darkness, a zombie let out a meaningless growl from its throat while wandering alone in the tranquility against the drizzle.

Suddenly, the road vibrated slightly, and there seemed to be bursts of engine sound in the distance. The sound was getting closer and closer, and then, a beam of white light illuminated the zombie in the darkness.

Gently tapping the upper and lower jaws, the blood-stained teeth made bursts of noise. The zombie followed the sound and passed through its head. It slammed into the zombie's body and sent the zombie flying.

It was a police transport vehicle, the whole body was black, the front of the vehicle was stained with blood, and "TST (Tall Oaks Special Combat Team)" was neatly written on the body of the vehicle in white print. Behind that police vehicle, there were There were several identical police transport vehicles, followed by ordinary police vehicles intertwined with black and white. In the dark, this convoy composed entirely of police vehicles did not sound their sirens, they just accompanied The sound of the engine drove across the street silently, and knocked into the zombies blocking the road one after another, which seemed quite strange in this quietness.

In the front car, a black police officer in a police uniform and a black body armor was holding the steering wheel, staring closely at the road ahead illuminated by the headlights. After a long while, he seemed to be unable to bear the loneliness. He frowned and said: "Sir, if we pass through this block again, we will reach Franklin Avenue."

"Hmm..." came an old reply, and the old man in the co-pilot wearing a black beret and wearing a black combat uniform knocked ash out of the car window, looking a little unmoved.

"Peter..." Seeing the indifference of the old man, the black police officer frowned subconsciously. He wanted to call out the old man's name, but he couldn't say it.

The name of the countryman R is too long, he forgot the name of the old man.

"Petronev, young man, call me Petronev..." Taking a deep breath, the old man turned his head and reminded with a smile. It was full of creases, but the black police officer somehow felt that the old man's clear blue eyes seemed to be shining, and those eyes were like a hunting dog.

"Okay, Mr. Petronev..." The black police officer nodded after calling out the old man's name, and then continued: "Is your information accurate?"

"Which one are you referring to?" the old man asked with a smile.

"About the ambush on Franklin Street..." the black police officer said with some doubts: "It is true that we encountered many invisible monsters in the police station, but since we left the police station, our convoy has passed through more than half of the height." Oak City, we didn't encounter any hostile armed terrorists..."

And, to be honest, you guys are more like terrorists...

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