Of course, black police officers would not say these words. After all, this unknown armed force that suddenly appeared at the police station's gate did resolve the crisis in the police station. They repelled those invisible monsters and helped Gao The police in Oak City rescued many survivors. At least for now, they should be on the side of the police.

However, due to the skepticism brought about by his profession and his sense of responsibility to the public, the black police officer had to be extremely vigilant. He knew very well that this old man had not told him the truth at all, and had already done so in High Oak City. He has been a policeman for more than ten years, and he has never heard of any NGO organization in High Oak City that only participates in offline rallies and secretly stores a large amount of arms.

It also has a weird name like "Zombie Fighting Club"...

"Don't worry, the information will definitely not go wrong, we have a very powerful instructor..." The corner of his mouth hidden by the silver beard evoked a proud smile, and Petronev proudly said: "That's my name. Young man, he can't go wrong."

As he spoke, Petronev took a puff of his cigarette, then flicked the ash and said, "Franklin Avenue is the only way to leave High Oak City and reach the evacuation site. If those bad guys really don't plan to let us out , they will definitely set up an ambush on Franklin Avenue, several other teams have successfully escorted the survivors to the extraction point, and want to stop us, Franklin Avenue is their last chance."

"Tsk..." Smacking his lips, the black police officer's face was a little ugly, and he whispered: "That is to say, next, we need to protect a large number of people from six heavily armed, vicious terrorists and Break out of the encirclement among countless monsters?"

"Generally speaking, it's like this..." Petronev whispered: "It's just that we don't have enough time. There are six enemy teams blocking us. There are only six teams, and if we drag it out for too long, they're likely to call in backup."

"The prerequisite is that we will not be eaten by these six terrorists who can command monsters." The black policeman said pessimistically.

"Eat them? Team Six? Eaten?" Petronev sneered, turned his head and raised his eyebrows at the black policeman who was driving: "Young man, do you look down on us?"

"No..." The black police officer shook his head vigorously. Having served in the military, he knew very well that this team, which calls itself "NGO" and is code-named "Timberwolves", is not generally able to fight, if it is not because of the team's The captain is a native of country R, ​​and he would suspect that these people are special forces secretly dispatched by the government of country A to save the citizens.

When the leading police transport vehicle passed an intersection again, the black police officer driving the car became more serious. He said to Petronev in a deep voice, "Mr. Petronev, Franklin Street is ahead."

"Slow down the speed a little bit, don't let people see that something is wrong..." Throwing the cigarette butt out of the car window, Petronev let his body lean against the back of the seat, and at the same time raised his hand to hold his ear He said in a deep voice: "Listen up, you scumbags, you are about to enter the ambush range of those guys, don't say too much, you all know how to entertain old friends, right? Remember to be enthusiastic for a while Don't let people think we are impolite."

On the other side, the black policeman was holding the steering wheel with one hand, and picked up the intercom hanging on his shoulder with the other hand: "This is Sheriff Emmons, we are about to enter Franklin Street, Mr. Petronev asked us to slow down." Speed ​​up and be ready to stop at any time."

"Sheriff Emmons, this is Chief Foster, you are allowed to slow down..." After a rustle, a middle-aged man's voice came from the other side of the intercom, and he said solemnly: "All units pay attention , follow the car in front, slow down, and prepare for battle, and if there is a firefight, the first priority is to protect and appease civilians."

Following the orders of the chief of the High Oak City Police Department, the leading police transport vehicle began to slow down. The special police officers in the compartment were fully armed and subconsciously held the M4 carbines in their hands. Several young ordinary police officers began to To appease the civilians, further back, in the carriage, a large group of militants in black combat uniforms and gas masks were holding various weapons and equipment in their hands, with evil and excited smiles on their faces.

Under the illumination of the headlights, Franklin Avenue was peaceful, without even a single zombie, and it looked eerily quiet. The black police officer driving the car became more and more tense, almost sweating. Just as the convoy was about to reach Franklin In the middle of the street, Petronev in the passenger seat suddenly said, "Stop!"

In the next second, a long queue of police cars came to a standstill in an instant.


One more.

Chapter 58

"They stopped."

In the communicator, the specially suppressed voice from his teammates came out. The security sniper lying on the roof of the roadside building did not reply. He just whispered: "I see, I am not blind..."

Through the scope of the black M110 sniper rifle, staring at the convoy of police cars stopped in the dark, the crosshairs of the scope swept across the windows, and the sniper of the security force frowned slightly. Twenty minutes ago, the friendly army set up explosives on the street under the cover of darkness. As long as the convoy passed by, it would be blown up immediately, but the problem is, seeing the convoy was about to pass by, it was so inexplicable stop!

Is our team exposed?

The drizzle fell slowly from the darkness, and the atmosphere became a little weird for a while. After waiting for a while and finding that the convoy really had no intention of driving past, the sniper of the security force gently raised his hand and pressed the communication button next to his ear. Device, whispered: "Golden Eye, here is the Black 4 sniper, the convoy stopped moving forward, do you want to preemptively strike?"

After a while, the communicator responded, and a voice said: "This is Golden Eye, allow the Black 4 sniper to fire first."

"Very good..." There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the sniper of the security force began to search for the target. Soon, he locked the scope on the passenger seat of the first police transport vehicle. Sitting there was an old man wearing a black beret, with a cigarette sandwiched between his silver beard, and the flame of the cigarette was particularly conspicuous in the darkness.

"Lighting cigarettes at night, I really don't know how to live or die..." I pressed the trigger a little bit with my finger, and it was about to be pulled, but at this moment, I saw the old man wearing a black beret in the scope suddenly turn around. He turned his head and stared straight at the sniper of the security force. He smiled at the sniper of the security force through the scope, then raised his hand and pointed his thumb behind him.

The sniper of the security force was taken aback for a moment, and then, a creepy sense of crisis came down his spine instantly. He turned his gun sharply, and saw a silver-haired girl with a terrifying gun in a police car behind him aiming at He smiled sweetly.

In the next second, a terrifying roar pierced through the darkness in an instant, tearing apart the silent rainy night, the glass of the police car and the floor covering the snipers of the security forces exploded almost at the same time, rubble and rubble were scattered, followed by the M110 The black body of the sniper rifle snapped off suddenly, and the cracked parts were mixed with the scattered rubble. Before he could change his expression, the sniper's head disappeared along with his neck and a large piece of collarbone. Flesh and broken bones were splashed. one place.

The roaring gunshots from NTW-20 instantly turned into a signal for war, and the convoy composed entirely of police cars directly turned into a battle line. A large group of ordinary police officers in bulletproof vests and heavily armed special police officers smashed into the car doors, lowered their bodies They rushed out in a single file, quickly looking for cover, and then, one after another, armed men in black combat uniforms jumped out from the compartment of the police transport vehicle, with rippling smiles on their faces covered by gas masks .

"This is GoldenEye, we have been spotted, all teams are free to fire!" Seeing that the situation was out of control in an instant, the new command in the communicator was transmitted with a little anxiety, and the voice quickly deployed: "The black 4 sniper is dead, repeat, The black 4 sniper is killed, the black 3 sniper fills the position immediately, the black 5 is ready to detonate the explosives at any time, we can't let them walk out of this street!"

Accompanied by orders from above, the surrounding buildings and the security forces who had ambushed in advance in the alleys immediately moved. They either poked their heads out of the alleys, or exposed their bodies to the windows, and began to move towards the people on the street. Police and armed men poured out fire.

"This is the beginning?!" Hearing the violent gunshot that suddenly shattered the tranquility, the black police officer in the lead car shrank subconsciously, raised the M4 carbine in his hand, and pushed open the door beside him , and at the same time frowned and called out to Petronev on the co-pilot: "Mr. Petronev!"

"I heard you, young man, calm down, it's just a small scene..." As if he was deaf to the gunshots outside the window, the old man turned his head slightly, smiled at the black police officer, and said, "You just need to keep an eye on those people in the carriage. Attacking is our business..."

As he said, Petronev knocked the cigarette ash, and then stuffed the cigarette into his mouth. He held the AK-47, pushed open the car door, sneered and whispered: "Come on, little Bolsheviks, Feel the enthusiasm from the pennant."


"What kind of gun was that just now? Why was it so loud?" Hiding on the balcony on the top floor, watching the light of gunfire illuminate the entire street with continuous gunfire, Benford asked in surprise.

"It's a big gun..." Li Yexing smiled. Under the cover of the gunshots, he slightly opened the window, stretched out the muzzle, and pointed the muzzle at the gun from the opposite building through the scope. The drone floated out, and then directly pulled the trigger. In the semi-automatic mode, three bullets shot out of the muzzle of the gun one after another, and hit the drone's spiral wing through the sparse rain curtain. The drone exploded. There was an electric spark, and then turned straight down. Li Yexing smiled slightly when he saw this, and sat down leaning against the wall next to the glass of the balcony, and even gave Benford a hand.

Sitting down on the ground, Benford subconsciously turned his head to look at Li Yexing. Then, there was a crackling sound, the window above his head shattered, and bullets passed through the curtains and hit the people in the room. On the wall, broken glass kept falling on Li Yexing and Benford's heads from above.

Frowning tightly, Benford stroked his disheveled silver hair, swept away the shards of glass, then turned his head to look at Li Yexing, only to see Li Yexing was also looking at him, and the corner of Li Yexing's mouth almost grinned. From ear to ear, there was a rippling smile all over his face.

"Mr. President..." Li Yexing stared at Benford, who was frowning, and said with a happy face: "The burst of fire just now came from the tall building opposite, and there is at least one person in that building. Considering the perspective of the two teams, I think the detonator of the front bomb must be in their hands."

"So?" Benford asked subconsciously.

"It's nothing, Mr. President..." Li Yexing said excitedly, "Let's go smash that building!"

"Are you serious?!" Benford was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he said with a look of surprise: "Didn't you say that my safety is the top priority? Why did you turn your head and want to charge me?" Already?!"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot about this..." He said sorry, but there was no apology on his face, Li Yexing shook his head and said: "If you don't want to, I can let my team Cover your reunion with the other survivors of the convoy, and leave the stabbing of that building to me."

Looking at the uncontrollable excitement in Li Yexing's eyes, Benford instantly understood that it seemed that Li Yexing had started to get on top because he was stimulated by the gunshots!

And the most damning thing is, for some reason, Li Yexing's words seem to carry some kind of magic power, which always tempts Benford to make some irrational and outrageous actions with him. In Benford's ears, Li Yexing's suggestion So damn passionate!

After struggling for a while, reason finally prevailed, Benford shook his head and said: "I still have to do something, I can't follow you, I will give priority to reconciling with the convoy, and the police in High Oak City Fighting side by side with our officers to protect civilians."

"Tsk, I thought I would have a chance to bring the Grand Commander up to a Hollywood-level performance..." Li Yexing smacked his lips, looking a little disappointed.

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