Gently patted the little boy on the shoulder, and sent the little boy back to his mother. Benford raised his gun and returned to the door of the carriage.

"Mr. President, please don't stand here..." Suddenly remembering the horrifying moment that almost killed the president just now, the policewoman behind hurried up and said anxiously: "This place is too dangerous, please and other survivors stay together."

"I've stayed with the survivors..." Benford said in a deep voice, "I'm the president of country A, and I have a gun in my hand. Why can't I fight for my people?"

As he said that, Benford couldn't help recalling the tragic situation in High Oak University. He turned his head and said with disgust: "Besides, I hate this feeling that nothing can change!"

Seemingly infected by Benford's words, the policewoman didn't insist after all, so Benford stayed at the door of the carriage, guarding the survivors in the trunk of the carriage like a god of war, holding his gun, Looking at the battlefield outside the car, searching for those monsters who have disappeared in the dark, pull the trigger and shoot them a few times, so as to relieve the pressure on the police officers as much as possible, and the car In addition, the news that the president is fighting with the police officers has spread. Did the police officers look here? After seeing Benford's figure, they were all excited. Suddenly, their will to fight was unprecedentedly high. It was as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

The gunfire was still shining with the sound of gunfire, illuminating the street shrouded in rainy night. Amidst the gunpowder smoke, wounded policemen were constantly being carried down, but the black-clothed mercenaries who had left earlier had already returned. On the battlefield, it seems that they have cleaned up the enemies on the side of the street.

As long as Li Yexing's side is going well, soon, the team will be able to break through the last barrier to leave High Oak City!

Thinking of this, Benford breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he emptied a magazine and was about to refill the ammunition, he suddenly saw the street in the distance, as if something flew over through the darkness, guarding Benford, who was at the door of the carriage, was slightly stunned. He watched the thing draw an arc in the air, and then slammed into the last police car in the convoy with a loud noise.

That thing turned out to be a red car!

Being smashed by the red car that fell from the sky, the glass shattered, and the police officers around the front line were startled by this sudden situation. They turned around in unison under the cover, and there seemed to be something vaguely heard. stand up.



Accompanied by a burst of heavy footsteps, in the darkness, a tall and strong figure walked out step by step through the darkness like a Terminator.


Two more.

Chapter 65. The hunk is happy

Lowering his body in the darkness, and walking slowly under the cover of the dense desks, Li Yexing stared straight ahead, and saw a member of the security force facing the street with his back turned to him in front of the window As they fired, the bullet casings protruded continuously along the gun body, and then fell on the white tiled floor, making bursts of noise.

The corners of his mouth curved slightly, and when the distance was close enough, Li Yexing leapt up, and while the security force member was about to reload, he bent down and hugged the security force member's legs, There was a burst of screams and he stood up suddenly, and the next second, the member of the security force was thrown out of the window by Li Yexing, and fell headfirst from the upstairs screaming.

"It's comfortable..." After cleaning an office, Li Yexing quickly stuck it against the wall, poked his head out slightly, and saw chaos on the street. As if being suppressed by something, the mercenaries of the Huanya Armed Forces also lifted out the grenade launchers and fired one after another. The flames produced by the bursts of explosions continued to illuminate the street.

"It seems that I'm in trouble..." Li Yexing frowned slightly and murmured in a low voice. He wanted to see what caused the commotion outside, but he didn't dare to show his head easily for fear of being accidentally injured by friendly troops. , After weighing for a while, he gave up.

For Li Yexing, the top priority is to find the detonator. As for the situation outside, Li Yexing believes that the people he brought are enough to deal with it.

No longer entangled in his heart, Li Yexing turned around and walked out of the office. He was just about to gently open the office door, when suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps from the other side of the door.

Frowning instantly, Li Yexing quickly took two steps back. At the same time, he propped up the desk with one hand, turned over and jumped behind the desk. As soon as he sat down against the desk, the wooden door of the office was violently pushed open. , I saw three members of the security force rushing in. They held up their guns and glanced around, as if they were searching for something.

"Not even a dead body?!" A member of the security force wondered after a while.

"It's probably because he fell through the window after being hit." He quickly came to the window and stood against the wall. Another member of the security force looked at the traces left on the window frame and said with a slight frown.

"Maybe it was pushed down, right?" The last member of the security force suddenly said.

"Don't scare yourself. There is a team guarding around this building, and the reinforcement team is about to enter the arena. If they enter this building, there will be no movement at all..." The security guard leaning against the window A member of the army said in a deep voice: "Running in quietly and killing everyone, there has been no disturbance, how is that possible?"

"However, the death rate on this floor is too high..." After running to another window and gunning, the suspicious member of the security force whispered: "Since ten minutes ago, a small half of the team has lost contact. , which is unreasonable."

"Maybe it's because the floors here are low, so it's easier to be hit. Besides, Petermont's team is useless..." The security team member who was the first to stick to the window was a little impatient, and he frowned. : "The higher-ups asked us to come down to discuss this kind of issue. We are here to fill the vacancy of Black 4. As for the autopsy, that is the job of Black 3. Let them get busy."

After a brief discussion, the three members of the security force quickly entered the fighting state. They leaned out and pulled the trigger on the police officers guarding the convoy on the street. When the bullets from the street came, they quickly Retracted body.

"What the hell is that big guy?!" Leaning against the window and tilting his head slightly, a member of the security force said with a look of surprise: "Tyrant? Not like that, at first glance he looks like Schwarzenegger."

"That's for the European branch..." Another member of the security force replied in a deep voice: "I heard that the European branch is the most expensive branch. It's like trying to grab money, and to be honest, I kind of wish I could be released from the headquarters."

Hiding behind the table, holding the AR-15 in his hand, Li Yexing silently listened to the meaningless conversation of the three security forces members, planning to rush out when they opened fire next time, within two seconds Throw them all down the window one by one. At this moment, a member of the security force suddenly pressed the communicator.

"This is Black 2, the office on the second floor, please tell me."

"What? Got a broken neck?!"

"I see..."

After quickly hanging up the communication, the member of the security force turned his head suddenly, frowned and said to the other two members beside him: "The situation is not right, let's retreat up!"

"What's wrong?" Another member of the security force asked in confusion.

"The bastard's body of Petermon was found! It was hidden behind the desk, and his head was almost taken off!" The member of the security force said anxiously: "Someone has sneaked in! Black 3 is going to attack the tower. Carry out a complete search, and the other teams will directly divide into groups to reinforce the third floor."

"Understood..." The member of the security force at the farthest corner nodded, put away his gun and said, "Let's withdraw."

As soon as the words fell, suddenly, a black figure suddenly appeared from behind the desk. Before the three members of the security force could see what it was, they saw the body of the member of the security force in the corner instantly. Unbalanced, accompanied by a scream, he was thrown directly out the window.

The melodious screams were still echoing in my ears, before the sound of the heavy object falling to the ground, Li Yexing, who was like a ghost, had already rushed to the side of the second member of the security force. Both legs, and then directly lifted them out of the window, and lifted the two of them in succession. Li Yexing's movements were smooth and smooth, gradually getting better, but only the remaining member of the security force had woken up from his daze. It was too late for the gun, and the member of the security force was so heartbroken that he simply pulled out the dagger from his waist, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Then, Li Yexing hugged his legs and threw him out of the window.

After a short scream, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded, and Li Yexing's expression in front of the window gradually became a little subtle.

It took less than two seconds to lift three people in succession. Normally speaking, this time is only enough for normal people to run from one end of the room to the other, but Li Yexing not only ran over, but also lifted three people by the way.

Sure enough, whether it's physical strength or reaction speed, in various senses, this body of mine has begun to move farther and farther away from the human beings in common sense.

"It took eight years to become what I am now. If another eight years pass, will I become the second Wesker?" Thinking of this, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered.

Just when Li Yexing couldn't help thinking wildly, another burst of hurried footsteps came from outside the office door, but the footsteps became much denser than before, and then, at the moment they gathered at the door, the dense footsteps The footsteps stopped abruptly.

"Heh..." Looking at the wooden door of the office in front of him, Li Yexing was sure that the fact that he was hiding in this office had been revealed.

"So those three unlucky guys are the bait used to lure me to make a move and determine my location?" Suddenly realizing something, Li Yexing was surprised to find that he seemed to have been calculated, but judging from his expression, he didn't seem to care at all. Lifting the AR-15 in his hand, tilting his head slightly, Li Yexing sneered and said softly, "Isn't that the way to consume consumables? The unlucky ones of the security forces were really tricked by your black Umbrella." gone."

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