
Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 66.

In the corridor outside the office, a group of members of the black Umbrella security force were standing against the wall on both sides of the wooden door of the office, looking serious, through the wooden door of the office, they could not hear the slightest sound.

After a while, the security force member closest to the door raised his hand and began to make tactical gestures, while the security force member standing on the other side of the door nodded immediately, and at the same time lightly pressed his hand on the wooden door.

He took out a shock bomb from his waist, looked at the opposite teammate, and held down the door with one hand, and the security department began to count down to the team members, and when all his fingers were retracted, he suddenly pushed the door open a gap , and on the other side, members of the security force who had already been prepared tore off the tab of the shock bomb, and were about to throw it into the gap.

At this moment, an Asian face suddenly appeared between the cracks in the door. Li Yexing grinned with a strange expression, only half of his face was exposed. Under the darkness, his face was blurred It's like a ghost in a Lanxiang horror movie!

The member of the security force who was holding a shock bomb in his mobile phone trembled subconsciously, and his movement was half a beat slow, but he saw Li Yexing, who was smiling strangely in the crack of the door, suddenly stretched out his hand from the crack of the door, and slapped the man in his hand. The shock bomb fell to the ground, and then, with a soft bang, the door of the office was closed from the inside.

Seeing that the shock bomb landed at his feet and made a soft sound, all the members of the security force around the office door were stunned. The next second, the expression of the leading member of the security force suddenly became tense, and he subconsciously opened his mouth wide. I wanted to shout something, but then, the shock bomb exploded suddenly, and the terrifying and exciting sound and light effects instantly filled the corridor, destroying the senses of the members of the security force. Just when the members of the security force were dizzy, the office The wooden door was kicked open, and Li Yexing walked out with a sneer, without even holding a gun, he directly weighed the black dagger in his hand, grinning and said happily: "Look at you guys!" , how can you throw things around?"

After all, Li Yexing arched his body suddenly, and shot out like a black dog. The black dagger was spinning in his hand, and then it was suddenly reversed, and it stabbed a member of the security force in the neck. In an instant, Blood gushed out like a fountain, and the member of the security force wanted to scream, but he could only make a meaningless sound from his throat. He collapsed and pulled the trigger indiscriminately, trying to kill the attacker in the dark, but Li Yexing had already circled behind him.

There was a burst of gunfire, and the member of the security force who was pierced through the throat swept away several teammates before dying. However, Li Yexing's battle was not over yet, and while the members of the security force had not recovered, he shot again , lowered his figure and went straight to the other two members of the security force in front of him, the dagger spun in the palm of his hand again. Seeing that the two members of the security force wanted to raise their guns, Li Yexing came to the end suddenly, and a sliding shovel brought the leading security force The team member fell to the ground with a shovel, and then, he put his hands on the ground, kicked out with both feet, and directly kicked the muzzle of the security force member behind him.

The bullet that lost its aim came out, leaving bullet holes on the ceiling of the corridor. Li Yexing turned over and stuck to the body of the security force member. At the same time, he stabbed him in the eye socket, and then As soon as it was stirred, the member of the security force immediately collapsed. Li Yexing pulled out his dagger, and there was a trail of blood. When he went out, the dagger pierced through the air, and with the sound of the tip of the knife piercing into the flesh, it was nailed hard into the throat of the member of the security force who had just gotten up after being knocked to the ground by Li Yexing's shovel.

In just a few seconds, more than half of the team members of the security department under the operation code-named "Black 3" have been killed or injured by Li Yexing's blow, but it is obvious that Li Yexing does not intend to end here. Seeing the security forces in front of him The team members had begun to recover their senses and pointed their guns at themselves in a daze. Li Yexing did not retreat but advanced, bullying himself, before the security force member whose throat was impaled by him fell down. He grabbed the security force member by the collar and blocked him in front of him. He picked up the AR-15 with one hand and passed it under the armpit of the corpse. Li Yexing fired like a tank. On the one hand, the members of the security forces in front charged.

Beside the bullet itself, it passed through the ear rapidly, and some of them hit the security force member standing in front of him. At this distance, even the bulletproof vest cannot avoid the damage caused by the bullet, but with two layers The bulletproof vest and the bunker made up of a large number of muscles and organs are enough to protect Li Yexing to walk through this firepower. The last bullet blasted a flower of blood on the forehead of the last member of the security force, and Li Yexing casually left the battered corpse.

Skillfully changing the magazine, Li Yexing turned his head, looked at the corpse lying on the ground in the corridor behind him, and said softly: "I guess, the detonator will definitely not be on your body."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yexing's expression was slightly startled. He raised his head and stared at the ceiling silently, as if he wanted to penetrate the ceiling with his own sight. He could vaguely hear the dense and hurried footsteps coming from above his head. Right now, the sound of footsteps is constantly drifting in the direction of the stairway.

Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the stairwell not far away. The sound of footsteps seemed to have subsided, but Li Yexing could clearly see the slightly shaking light and shadow on the wall.

It seems that there are new enemies coming.

His eyebrows raised slightly, Li Yexing quickly raised his gun and leaned aside, pressing his back against the wall. If he expected correctly, besides the stairwell on this side, the stairwell on the other side might also appear. If the enemy is not handled well, he may fall into a situation where he is attacked from both sides.

Perhaps it would be a good choice to find a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but Li Yexing has never been very good at waiting. He prefers to attack rather than defend. It was evaporating, and his head was almost filled with the smell of gunpowder!

"In the final analysis, does it really matter who owns the detonator?" Li Yexing raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and murmured softly, "My task is to find a way. Helping the convoy pass, not finding the detonator, so as long as I kill you all so that you can't press the detonator, my mission will be accomplished."

The footsteps in his ears were getting closer and closer, and Li Yexing seemed to be able to catch the breath of those guys through the darkness. He could feel that those guys were sticking to the wall and they were already approaching the corner. Two steps, and he will be exposed in front of their eyes.

The heartbeat became faster and faster, the adrenaline surged, and a weird and frenzied pleasure began to bombard Li Yexing's mind continuously. He took a breath silently, then grinned the corners of his mouth little by little, revealing his teeth, and outlined a face like Crazy smile like a mad dog.


Fourth watch, I really don't like to pick up py, I will eat a chapter of saved manuscripts after receiving a wave of py, I vomited.

Come on, practice, tell me about the good-looking post.

Title: Why is My Daughter Mordred? "

At first glance, it is the moon text that everyone loves to see. Is there really such a market for Yueqiu text in Shuke?How about I write a book on the moon in the future?With a bunch of original characters, Li Yexing himself stood on the summoning array as a holy relic, and finally summoned a despicable outsider. This kind of setting is quite interesting when you think about it.

Chapter 67. Hunk Man Huanya New Era

The roar of the grenade explosion resounded through the street, the large group of flames expanded rapidly and turned into billowing smoke, and the intensive firepower dragged out flashes of light across the night, sweeping randomly into the billowing smoke, and burning Dispelling the darkness together with the flames, illuminating the street. There is no doubt that this brutal firepower is enough to punch holes in the body of any creature, and even blow it to pieces.

Unless, that creature is not a natural creation!

I saw a big hand wearing a black leather glove suddenly waving out of the billowing smoke to disperse the smoke, and then, accompanied by a dull sound, the monster in the smoke took a heavy step Stepping out, stepping on the flames reflected in the stagnant water, revealing his real body.

At this moment, what caught the eyes of the police officers on Franklin Avenue and the armed mercenaries in Huanya was a giant man over [-] meters tall!The giant man's complexion was pale, his face was square, his silver hair was gathered on the top of his head, and then all of it fell down naturally along one side, swaying gently beside the large sunglasses that covered his eyes, exposing the other side of his head by the way. With a worrisome hairline, the giant's neck is very thick, connecting the collarbone straight down, inserting it into the open collar, and surrounding its thick neck is a metallic black mechanical collar.The green indicator light on the collar flickered from time to time, and down the neck, the muscular body was exaggerated, like a bodybuilder's body, wrapped in a large black windbreaker with buckles, under the windbreaker was a black The legs of the trousers were inserted straight into the heavy black boots with metal soles.

The invulnerable strong man in front of him was outrageous enough, but what was even more outrageous was still behind. When the righteous-faced giant man passed through the thick smoke, a security force followed closely behind!After passing through the firepower network built by the police with the help of the giant man's body, they quickly spread out in all directions, using the cars on the street and the walls of the alley as cover, and began to constantly try to break through from all angles Police line of defense.

"Then what the hell is his female horse?!" With the M4 carbine in his hand, he fired at the giant man who was approaching every step of the way. After sparks clanging on his black windbreaker, the black policeman Emmons turned around. Squatting behind the police car, he turned his head and shouted to Petronev, who was sticking out his head and firing while changing the bullets.

"Enemy reinforcements." Petronev, with a cigarette in his mouth, replied succinctly, with a white mist overflowing from his lips.

"Of course I know they are reinforcements! I'm talking about that big guy!" After changing the bullets, he was shot back to the police car by a sudden burst of fire just as he was about to poke his head out. The black police officer covered his head and stared loudly: "What the hell is that?! It's Schwarzenegger with dyed silver hair! He looks like a Terminator!"

Petronev didn't want to answer the question of the black police officer. He was very familiar with the tactics of the guys in front of him. Three years ago, this gang of guys played like this when they were in Loples. The coordinated attack in the alley disrupted the position of the scumbags just by meeting them face to face. With this system, they actually forcibly knocked back two lines of defense built by the scumbags in the alley and the block. street!

"You girl, it's a bit difficult to deal with..." Piercing the shoulder of a member of the security force in the distance with the AK in his hand, Petronev immediately dodged and sat next to the black police officer by leaning on the police car. He vomited With a burnt cigarette butt in his mouth, he frowned and looked at the building beside him. As soon as he glanced over, he saw a security force member screaming and falling out of the window on the fourth floor.

"It's only hit the fourth floor?!" Seeing the windows on the fourth floor illuminated by the flickering gunfire, Petronev couldn't help cursing: "I'll fuck you! Li! Can you hurry up?" ?! The lineup of enemy reinforcements is getting more and more outrageous!"

Having said that, Petronev knew very well that Li Yexing's speed was already very fast. If it was another person, let alone reach the fourth floor with the strength of at least two teams, it would be great to survive!

"We need a bigger gun..." Muttering softly, Petronev raised his hand and held down the communicator, frowning and shouting: "Grete!"

"Here! Grandpa!" Immediately, the girl's crisp answer came from the other side of the communicator.

"Come to the end of the convoy to support! They're on the big guys!" Hearing Grete's reply, Petronev immediately ordered loudly.

"Oh?! Grandpa can't keep it?!" Gretel on the opposite side of the communicator was surprised, and then she replied: "Grandpa is so shameless! You should retire quickly!"

"Damn brat! Come here quickly!" Stretching his head out, seeing the enemy's support troops faintly trying to advance through the monster wearing a human-like dog, Petronev's veins burst out, and he roared angrily: "Get your brother over here too! We need a machine gun!"

"Ah, ah, I got it! Grandpa is so annoying!" There was a hint of impatience in his tone, and Gretel, who was on the opposite side of the communicator, said anxiously, "Come right away!"

Calling for support, Petronev poked his head out suddenly, repelling the security forces who wanted to advance, then turned his head, and while changing the magazines, he shouted to the black police officer: "Look for your chief! Tell him to go forward Hang two machine guns! If my guess is right, there will be people coming from the other side soon!"

"Ah? Oh! Understood!" The black policeman was taken aback for a moment, then nodded. He took out the walkie-talkie, poked out half of his face, and frowned while looking at the burly man in black, saying: "This is Emmons! Director! Mr. Petronev wants to shift the defensive center of gravity of their team to the rear! We want our people to push forward! At least two heavy machine guns!"

"Understood!" Immediately, the hysterical roar from the chief of the High Oak City Police Department came from the walkie-talkie: "Attention all TST! Move towards the front half of the convoy! We are going to switch defenses with our allies!"

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