"Didn't you say you want a peaceful settlement? Why did you touch it in a blink of an eye?" Li Yexing frowned and said while leaning on the flower bed to put on a new magazine: "Are all Japanese warriors as dishonest as you? Bushido It's gone!"

"I'm just a samurai, I dare not pretend to be a samurai..." Masamichi Miyamura on the opposite side of the flower bed responded loudly: "The only thing I can do is to devote myself to my lord. For this, I don't stick to trivial matters!"

"Damn, how dare you say it..." Cursing the other party's sanctimony in a low voice, Li Yexing poked his head out, put his gun on the flower bed above his head, and joked loudly at the same time: "It's really disillusionment, I thought we could come here It's an upright samurai duel, very Japanese."

After all, Li Yexing leaped onto the flower bed. Covered by the gunshots on Franklin Street, he kept stepping on the rain-soaked flowers and grass, and sneaked towards the other side of the flower bed. Right in front of him, Masamichi Miyamura, who was hiding under the flower bed, didn't seem to notice Li Yexing's arrival, he shouted loudly to himself: "I would also like to have a romantic duel with Mr. Li in the rain, but I always feel that as long as I If you dare to put down your gun and draw out my knife, Mr. Li will shoot at me immediately! After all, you are more informal than me!"

Li Yexing knew very well that Miyamura Masamichi was scolding him around the corner, but he didn't care. From Li Yexing's point of view, this executive officer was already dead.


One more.

Chapter 74

Stepping on the wet soil and the flowers and plants covered with raindrops, Li Yexing lowered his voice. Regarding the current situation, Li Yexing knew very well in his heart. As Simmons' partner, Black Umbrella must have told him The executive officer knew that a tactical nuclear bomb would fall on his head in a short time. In other words, this guy was as anxious as himself. His team was basically paralyzed by Li Yexing, and he could only leave here. It's up to him, but if he can't pass Li Yexing's hurdle, then he won't even think about it!

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Yexing's mouth curled into a sharp arc.

The edge of the flower bed was getting closer and closer, and Li Yexing could even see Masamichi Miyamura's hair slightly protruding from the edge of the flower bed. As long as he took another step forward, the back of his head would be completely exposed in front of Li Yexing. Well, wanting this guy's life is just a bullet to Li Yexing.

Slightly pressing the trigger with his fingers, Li Yexing was ready to shoot, but at this moment, the black hair suddenly sank, and then, the big black windbreaker suddenly lifted, and went straight to Li Yexing. Yaxing's pupils shrank, and he pulled the trigger subconsciously. The bullets shot out of the chamber one after another, and directly shot through the black coat in the sound of the gunshot. Then, the coat was suddenly torn, and the black alloy long knife The coat and the fine water droplets on it were cut open together, and they went straight to Li Yexing's neck with a cold light. Li Yexing immediately stopped his body, and at the same time leaned back as hard as he could, dodging the deadly blade at this critical moment, and flew away at the same time. He kicked on the blade.

On the other side of the black windbreaker, Masamichi Miyamura, who was wearing a black shirt and a dark red tie, instantly realized that the sword he was determined to win had been emptied. Suddenly, his wrists went numb, and Masamichi Miyamura's eyes widened in astonishment, but he saw Li Yexing half squatting under the windbreaker that went up with the blade, with one hand supporting his back so that he would not fall on the ground. In the flower bed, the other hand shook its arm rapidly, trying to point the muzzle of the gun at itself!

Under the fighting instinct, the body reacted before consciousness. The moment Li Yexing pointed the gun at him, Miyamura Masamichi quickly turned around and stuck it into Li Yexing's arms, letting Li Yexing's pistol by his ear With a roar, he retracted his arms, and pressed the handle of the long alloy knife in his hand to Li Yexing's chin fiercely. Seeing that Li Yexing couldn't dodge, he simply retracted his arm supporting his body, letting his back Falling into the flower bed, both feet came out at the same time, kicking hard on Miyamura Masamichi's chest.

Accompanied by a huge impact, two dirty shoe prints were directly printed on Miyamura Masamichi's spotless black shirt. Miyamura Masamichi flew out with a groan. At this moment, he only felt that It was as if he had been hit by a car, even breathing became a little difficult, and his wide eyes were full of astonishment.

What kind of monster is this guy who can kick people upside down with such a powerless posture? !

Before he had time to think about it, Masamichi Miyamura fell hard into the stagnant water on the roof. The water splashed everywhere and soaked through his clothes in an instant, but Masamichi Miyamura had no time to take care of it, and he didn't even look at him lying on the flowerbed. On the ground, Li Yexing, who had already pointed the gun at him, Masamichi Miyamura drew his gun backhand and fired. Li Yexing missed two rounds hastily, and then rolled his body rapidly, avoiding the firepower of Masamura Miyamura, and at the same time Waiting for an opportunity to fire at Masamichi Miyamura, who was also unable to stand up under the flower bed, and Masamichi Miyamura immediately rolled over when he saw this. The two fired at each other on the roof while rolling crazily following each other's movements until The pistols in the hands of the two made a crisp sound at the same time.

The bullets are out!

Li Yexing and Masamura Miyamura were taken aback for a moment at the same time, and then quickly sat up. The two faced each other, and quickly reached for their spare magazines. He buckled the pistol in his hand to the body armor. In desperation, he gave up pulling out the magazine and turned over abruptly. The long knife in his hand slashed at Li Yexing's wrist, and Li Yexing subconsciously let go when he saw this. With his hand, he dropped the half-pulled magazine on the ground, and then, the black tip of the knife was close to Li Yexing's side face, and slashed across the body armor.

Seeing that Miyamura Masamichi didn't intend to let him change the magazine, Li Yexing simply stood up, one was on the flower bed and the other was under the flower bed. Seeing that it was too late to adjust the knife's posture, he quickly leaned back to avoid the blow. Then, he spun the alloy long knife in his hand and slashed straight at Li Yexing's calf. Simply jumping up on the spot, let the sharp knife light sweep across the soles of his shoes, and the moment he landed, Li Yexing kicked his legs violently, splashing a burst of water, trying to interfere with Miyamura Masamichi's line of sight, but Miyamura Masamichi did not blink Without avoiding it, he shouted loudly, changed the posture of the saber again, and chopped off the oncoming spray.

Although the splash of water was resolved by Masamura Miyamura, it bought time for Li Yexing. Taking advantage of Masamura Miyamura's inability to adjust the knife's posture, Li Yexing quickly reached for the magazine, but it was obvious that Masamura Miyamura would not let him Li Yexing got what he wanted, but it was too late to swing the knife. Miyamura Masamichi simply jumped up and directly slammed his shoulder into Li Yexing. Unprepared, Li Yexing was knocked to the ground and jumped onto the flower bed of Miyamura. Zhengdao took the opportunity to stab hard with the long alloy knife, and the tip of the knife went straight to Li Yexing's throat. Li Yexing frowned, and turned his face away suddenly, allowing the tip of the knife to tear a small wound on his neck. Inserting into the soil, he was about to kick back to fight back, but unexpectedly, Miyamura Masamichi's goal was not to kill him from the beginning.

"Come on, Mr. Li! Fight me like a warrior!" The indifference on his face was finally replaced by cruelty and ferocity. Masamichi Miyamura's face was distorted, and he kicked Li Yexing's pistol , Li Yexing only felt his fingers go numb, and the pistol in his hand flew out. Seeing that Masamichi Miyamura held up the alloy long knife and slashed at him again, Li Yexing quickly turned over to dodge, although the knife was only on Li Yexing's shoulder. A not deep wound was left, but it cut the AR-15's shoulder strap, and with a light sound, Li Yexing's AR-15 fell directly to the ground.

It wasn't until he pulled back that Li Yexing suddenly realized that he had been disarmed by this guy!

Quickly pulling out the black dagger from his waist, Li Yexing lowered his body and assumed a fighting posture, his eyes fixed on Miyamura Masamichi in front of him, and on the other side, Miyamura Masamichi swung the knife violently, causing the people who had accumulated in the knife The water droplets on his body dispersed, he grinned and said excitedly: "Mr. Li is very skilled! You are really strong, too strong, you are definitely one of the strongest people I have ever seen!"

"You're not bad..." Feeling Miyamura Masamichi's scalp-numbing fighting instinct, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "I thought the executive officers of the black Umbrella were all brains, but I didn't expect There is still a monster like you."


Two more.

Chapter 75

Looking at the executive who was dressed like a Japanese gang member after taking off the black windbreaker, Li Yexing thought of Hitomi Qiandao for no reason. Something very similar.

That is the desire for fighting, the desire for the strong, and the desire for strength.

It's just that right now, this executive officer is definitely stronger than Hitomi Qiandao before the mutation, and maybe even stronger than his former self!

There is no doubt that he is a real monster born for battle!

While being scrutinized by Li Yexing, Miyamura Masamichi was also sizing up Li Yexing. It seemed that the first round of the fight did not lose the wind, but Miyamura Masamichi knew very well that the state of the two had begun to diverge. The opponent came to him after killing two teams alone, but he was still in good condition. On the other hand, he was kicked firmly in the first round, and he still hasn't recovered yet, his chest heaving , Miyamura Masamichi faintly felt that his breathing was a bit difficult.

Obviously, he had already given Li Yexing high enough psychological expectations, but when he actually fought against Masamichi Miyamura, he suddenly realized that he still seriously underestimated the opponent. Li Yexing was not at all the embarrassing wild dog in the mud that the other executives said!Li Yexing is a monster mixed with wild dogs!Something in the skin of a wild dog...something else!

At this moment, Miyamura Masamichi clearly realized the fact that if he continued to fight, he might really die!

His complexion gradually became indifferent, and Masamichi Miyamura panted lightly. While confronting Li Yexing, he adjusted his state of mind. He tried to let his reason cool down his desire to fight Li Yexing to the death. The executive officer of Umbrella was the commander of the USS troops of the Japanese branch in the Umbrella era. He was also a retainer of the Sendoin family. It's just because the last blood descendant of the head of the Qiandaoyuan family is serving that man, that's all.

Now, if you want to save your life, the safest way is to defeat Li Yexing head-on, but this is as difficult as heaven for Masamura Miyamura. Life, in front of that monster that eats people but does not spit out bones, is also at stake, and if Li Yexing cannot be defeated, there is probably only one way to get out.

Admit cowardly.

Give Li Yexing the detonator in his hand, let Li Yexing's team cross Franklin Street, leave High Oak City, and then pray that Li Yexing will not lose his nerve and shoot himself a black gun, but this possibility is a bit low.

Moreover, regardless of this aspect, Masamichi Miyamura is very clear that Li Yexing's team and the local police escorted by him are an important part of this large-scale experiment. Ye Xing was taken away with the police and the survivors, he will not be able to help the technical department collect enough data in this rare large-scale experiment, in other words, the mission failed.

In all fairness, there were a lot of variables in this mission. He didn't expect that the target team would be the Central Asia Armed Forces. He didn't expect that the Central Asian Armed Forces, which had a close relationship with the European branch, didn't intend to show good looks to the headquarters at all, and even openly wanted to fight with the Central Asian Armed Forces. The headquarters faced each other, and what surprised him the most was that he had to face that legendary mercenary with swords. Every variable was enough to affect this operation, and so many variables were superimposed at the same time, instantly disrupting this operation. It's a mess!

At first glance, such a failure seems to be justifiable, but as the last retainer of the Sendoin family, Miyamura Masamichi must ensure that his actions will not shame the Sendoin family. He knows very well that Sendoin Miss Yard cared very much about that man's evaluation of her, so she would rather die in battle than mess things up and slip back like a dog with a broken spine to ask for forgiveness.

In other words, there is nothing else on the road ahead, but a fight to the death?

Thinking of this, Miyamura Masamichi's rationality began to be disintegrated a little bit, and a fanatical smile reappeared on his face.

Maybe, fighting to the death is not the best solution, maybe I should go back alive, maybe Miss Sendoin won't blame him for his failure, maybe that adult who is always smiling doesn't care whether he succeeds at all, but Masamichi Miyamura doesn't want to think about it anymore up.

Perhaps, it's just that the desire to fight overwhelmed my sense of responsibility... right?

Under the soft rain, Masamori Miyamura patted the detonator hanging on Li Yexing's waist lightly, then raised the long alloy knife in his hand little by little, pointed the tip at Li Yexing, and he grinned. With an excited and fanatical smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Mr. Li, the detonator is on my waist. As long as you get it, you can take your team out of here. Before long, a tactical nuclear bomb will fall. In this city, we don't have much time left..."

As he said that, Masamichi Miyamura lowered his center of gravity a little bit. He put the alloy long knife in his hand into the scabbard, made a posture of drawing the knife, and smiled at Li Yexing at the same time: "Come on, Mr. Li, come with me. Let's have a fight between warriors, and let the sound of the rain, as soft as wine, become the accompaniment of our swan song!"

"I can't tell, you're quite artistic..." Holding the dagger back, Li Yexing smiled and said, "But I still agree with what you said. Anyway, there is only one person who can walk out of this rooftop today, just kill him."

"Then, I'm going to go, Mr. Li!" The momentum on his body suddenly increased, as if something was roaring between the rain curtains, Miyamura Masamichi laughed wildly and lowered his body lower and lower, his fingers lightly covered the handle of the knife without holding it Immediately afterwards, he kicked his legs fiercely and came straight to Li Yexing, letting his body knock away from the rain, and letting the handle of the knife sway around his waist, his hand remained in the empty holding position. For a moment, Li Yexing I couldn't tell from which angle he was going to draw the knife!

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