Although the opponent's offensive was fierce, Li Yexing's heart was very calm. In the eyes of Masamichi Miyamura who came straight to him, Li Yexing saw that familiar color, which meant that he had thrown away his thinking and reason, and just The color left after the fighting spirit, how similar is this color to Hitomi Qiandao at the top of the long leaves?

It's just that Hitomi Qiandao who passed through the fog is much better than the executive officer in front of him!

Letting the black dagger spin continuously at his fingertips, Li Yexing's expression was indifferent. He silently watched Miyamura Masamichi approaching him quickly. When he entered the range of the first cut, Miyamura Masamichi yelled and clenched his fingers suddenly. Immediately afterwards, a cold light came out of the handle of the knife, and it went straight to Li Yexing's waist at a strange and tricky angle. Although the knife was powerful, Masamichi Miyamura did not give much hope. He knew very well that Li Yexing There must be a way to take this blow. Immediately afterwards, he had to think about how to break through Li Yexing's parry.

But then, Miyamura Masamichi's thinking stopped, because Li Yexing didn't move at all, he just stood there silently, playing with the dagger, as if he didn't care about the slash that Miyamura Masamichi was proud of .

In an instant, a burst of anger rose from his chest, Miyamura Masamichi's face was ferocious, he watched his blade cut into Li Yexing's flank little by little, and Li Yexing's blood oozed from the wound.

Feeling the pain, Li Yexing frowned slightly, and before the alloy long knife was torn deeper, he sent the dagger into Miyamura Masamichi's chest with a backhand at a faster speed.


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 76.

Under the drizzle, time seemed to have stopped. Miyamura Masamichi's black alloy long knife cut into Li Yexing's flank, and the dagger in Li Yexing's hand pierced Miyamura Masamichi's chest.

"In my opinion, there is at least one thing you said is correct..." Watching Miyamura Masamichi's shocked eyes, Li Yexing pushed Miyamura Masamichi away casually, and then pulled out the knife that had been cut into his side. Alloy long knife, after lightly dancing a knife flower to disperse the blood on the blade, he endured the pain and pulled out a smile: "We really don't have much time."

"You...why are you..." Lowering his head, looking at the bleeding wound on the lower edge of Li Yexing's body armor, Miyamura Masamichi staggered and took two steps back. After a few mouthfuls, he began to exhale blood foam continuously, and as the blood continued to flow down the corner of his mouth, he finally couldn't support his body, and sat down on the ground, his brows and eyes were full of puzzlement, he shook his head gently, He kept muttering in Japanese: "No, this is not what I want..."

When he came to the side of Masamichi Miyamura who was sitting on the ground, Li Yexing bent down, reached out and pulled the detonator off Masamichi Miyamura's waist. Masamichi Miyamura subconsciously wanted to stop him, but he couldn't use his strength. So he could only stare at Li Yexing silently with his eyes wide open.

Watching Miyamura Masamichi out of the corner of his eyes, to make sure that he would not violently attack anyone, Li Yexing held the executive commander's knife in one hand, and gently raised the other hand, and pressed the communicator next to his ear, he said in a low voice. Said: "Timberwolves, this is the first wolf, I got the detonator, I will return immediately, you hold on."

"You...girl horse...police...zombie..." In an instant, intermittent replies came from the communicator, with undisguised anxiety in his tone.

Hearing the reply, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, then he turned around and ran to the edge of the rooftop, looking at the street illuminated by flickering gunfire, he saw that Franklin Avenue was already in chaos, although the security The troops have already withdrawn, but the pressure around the convoy has not diminished. In addition to all kinds of monsters that have never been seen before or are faintly familiar, a large number of zombies are constantly coming out of the surrounding streets and alleys.

"I should go..." Turning around and quickly walking back to Miyamura Masamichi, Li Yexing asked curiously while removing the scabbard from Miyamura Masamichi's waist: "Executive officer, are you like Can you fight like this?"

"Why..." Without answering Li Yexing's question, Masamichi Miyamura sat on the roof with weak breathing, staring blankly at the darkness in front of him, and he kept whispering in Japanese: "This is what I thought. Not the same... not the same..."

"Don't think so much..." After removing the scabbard, Li Yexing stuffed the black alloy long knife into the scabbard with his backhand. Li Yexing glanced at Miyamura Masamichi for the last time, smiled lightly and said to him: "There are not so many reasons in this world. If you have to talk about why, then I can only say, you stand in my way!" Way to go."

With the black alloy long knife on his waist, Li Yexing quickly retrieved his pistol and the AR-15 with a broken shoulder strap. He did not pull out the dagger on Miyamura Masamichi's chest, as if he had forgotten the dagger , while changing the magazine, he quickly ran to the stairwell, and conveniently stuffed back the intestine that was about to flow out of the wound. The horrible wound on the side of the abdomen, which was enough to kill a normal person, seemed to have nothing to do with it. He makes an impact.

Watching Li Yexing's back gradually disappear into the darkness covering the stairwell, Miyamura Masamichi sat blankly in the drizzle. As his body temperature got lower and lower, his consciousness began to slacken. What happened, a smile appeared in Miyamura Masamichi's empty eyes.

"Hehe... so it's like this... no wonder... like a monster..."

"No... it should be said... almost like a human being..."

With the last strength in his body, Masamichi Miyamura raised his arm little by little, pressed the communicator next to his ear, and said angrily, "He...he's not...not..."

Before he finished speaking, Masamichi Miyamura lowered his hand, maintaining that expression of inexplicable joy, and his breathing finally stopped.

"Executive Miyamura?"

"Executive officer Miyamura? Did you hear that? Please answer if you get it!"

"Executive Miyamura?!"

In the communicator, the communication from the stronghold on the outskirts of High Oak City is still echoing between the communicators.


"Fuck you girl!"

He hit a collared, skinless but extremely muscular zombie dog with the butt of his gun. Petronev made two backhand shots. He didn't turn around until he confirmed that the zombie dog was completely dead. The zombies approaching the other side kept firing. Groups of zombies poured out from the alley, stepped over the mutilated corpse of the silver-haired muscular man with the collar on the ground, and approached the convoy step by step. The police officers stared With his eyes closed, he roared like he was going crazy, and kept firing at the zombies. Some zombies were overwhelmed by the firepower, and fell directly on the street, turning into balls of flames, but some zombies fell and did not retreat. When they died, their skin festered and cracked rapidly while spraying steam, exposing scarlet and solid muscles. After losing their eyes, their brains were directly exposed, and their teeth were squeezed out of their mouths like razors.

The zombies that have experienced death but have not fallen down have become more terrifying than ordinary zombies. They rushed towards the convoy's defense line with fast steps in that strange posture, and then jumped over with the shotgun fire. Knocking a police officer to the ground, tearing his throat desperately, for a while, blood spattered everywhere, and the bitten policeman couldn't even scream and died on the spot.

The snow-white and delicate hand pulled the bolt and ejected the large shell casing. The silver-haired girl Grete who was using the NTW-20 had completely lost that elegant smile on her face. She gritted her teeth and kept growling like a wild beast. While searching for the prey in the scope, I saw a purple-red monster jumping out of the street corner ahead. The monster looked very similar to the invisible monsters before, and also wore a collar around its neck. It's just that there are many pustules on their skin, which makes them look more disgusting and hideous than the previous invisible monsters.

Violence and cruelty erupted from the eyes, Gretel chuckled, and directly pulled the trigger. Immediately, the purple-red monster flew upside down, with its head missing half of its shoulder, and purple-red blood splashed on the side. The face of the zombie, in the next second, the face of the zombie quickly turned black and festered, and fell to the ground after a while, and began to twitch continuously.

There is no doubt that the purple-red monster is highly poisonous!

"Sister, where did these things come from?!" Manipulating a light machine gun to shoot all kinds of monsters approaching from all directions, Hansel, a beautiful silver-haired boy, roared angrily, staring at his bloodshot eyes. Dao, just when he emptied the bullet and was about to replace the new bullet chain, he saw a strange monster suddenly descend from the sky and smashed hard on the roof of the police car in front of them.

Accompanied by a strong stench, the monster let out a piercing neigh. It was covered in a khaki-yellow carapace with dense black spots on it. At first glance, it looked like an oversized cockroach. The limbs are covered with hard and sharp barbs. On the monster's body, there are wires all over the body. The wires are connected to the body and inserted straight into the back of the monster's head, making the monster look full of the combination of machinery and biology. Come weird.

"Ahhh!" Looking at the oversized worm in front of her, Gretel couldn't help screaming, she dropped the gun suddenly, hugged her head and squatted down, Hansel's expression on the side was even more serious Turning pale in an instant, Petronev was about to turn his head, but saw a strange zombie with a naked upper body and a bright red and swollen throat running out from the alley. The next second, there was only a loud noise, and the heads of the zombies around it burst like watermelons, but more zombies became agitated as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

"You girl, what the hell is this?!" Seeing that the zombies around him suddenly started to speed up, Petronev cursed with his eyes reddened. He turned his gun and was about to shut up the red-necked zombie when he suddenly Suddenly, there was a burst of gunshots, and the swollen neck of the red-necked zombie suddenly burst, blood and flesh splashed all over the ground, and the throatless zombie knelt on the ground. Several zombies fell to the ground.

Seeing the red-necked zombie falling limply, Petronev was slightly taken aback. He turned his head hastily, but saw Li Yexing on the other side of the street, holding a gun in one hand and pressing his bleeding flank with the other. He rushed to the convoy desperately, and shouted while running wildly: "It's done! It's a female horse! It's done! Drive fast! Drive!"


One more.

Chapter 77. Breakthrough

Although he knew that the situation on Franklin Street had become a mess, Li Yexing was still taken aback by seeing it with his own eyes.

What is this?Monster runaway?

In addition to the large number of zombies attracted by the gunshots, the streets are filled with all kinds of strange things. Most of these things are familiar to Li Yexing, but if you look closely, some of them are far from the monsters you are familiar with, such as the police car At first glance, the super big cockroach on the screen looks a bit like the reaper that appeared in "Resident Evil 5", but its body is full of wires, and the abdomen that belongs to the insect part is much larger than the reaper.

Before he had time to think about it, Li Yexing directly picked up his gun and rushed towards Gretel and Hansel while continuously firing at the cockroach monster. The bullets hit the monster's carapace one after another, creating cracks one after another. , Between the cracks, yellow-green liquid began to seep out continuously, as if it was because of pain, the monster let out a shrill neigh, it turned around to face Li Yexing and straightened its buttocks, and its abdomen began to squirm and swell continuously, as if it was in pain. Brewing something.

In an instant, a strong sense of crisis rose from Li Yexing's heart. Li Yexing endured the pain in his abdomen and jumped towards the police car beside him. In the next second, he heard a loud noise, and a strong stench instantly filled the air. Li Yexing's nasal cavity, accompanied by a strong and foul-smelling gas, an unknown liquid mixed with yellow and white spurted out from the abdomen of the cockroach monster, and the surrounding zombies that had their heads sprayed began to emit green smoke, and then , the viscous and foul-smelling liquid suddenly exploded, blowing the zombie out, and for a while, even the temperature in the air began to become scorching hot.

"My God..." Li Yexing, who was lying on the ground, stared blankly at the scene in front of him, his facial muscles twitching slightly. Shooting down from the sky, it almost illuminated the entire Franklin Street, and then, accompanied by the sound of mechanical operation, a metal storm wrapped in death shot down from the sky in an instant, and ruthlessly washed on the body of the insect monster. Seeing this, Petronev quickly turned around and threw Grete and Hansel to the ground, letting the terrifying firepower sweep across from the front.

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