"Tsk..." Seeing that Li Yexing was unwilling to comment on his clothes and tried to change the subject, Alexisa let go of Li Yexing's arm and stood aside with a bright smile on his face, although Li Yexing She didn't say anything, but Alexisa could tell that the other party seemed to like her clothes very much.

Ignoring the apostle on the opposite side who was getting closer and closer to her, Alexisa had already started thinking about what to wear inside next time.

The sound of the gun exploded, and the shells came out of the chamber. Li Yexing pulled the trigger one after another, trying to hit the apostle's head. After the thin black armor on the head was cracked by the bullet, the apostle directly raised his hands. Covering his head, he continued to run wildly in a strange posture. Perhaps because of his uncoordinated posture, the apostle's running speed seemed to slow down.

"This is really the weirdest BOW I've ever seen..." After half a magazine was emptied, Li Yexing stopped pulling the trigger, and while observing the monster through the scope, he said in a deep voice: "Avoid weak points A tyrant can also do this kind of thing, but for some reason, the movements of this monster are extraordinarily curious."

"You don't need to stare at it anymore, my dear, it is no longer a threat to us, I can burn it after it has come all the way..." A trace of disdain flashed in the snake pupils, Alek Lisa chuckled lightly and said: "Also, even if I don't use flames, I'm still quite confident in martial arts. Judging from the spear I just caught, the monster's power is still within my acceptable range. Give me a suitable weapon, maybe I can have a hearty fight with it..."

As she said that, a hint of sadness flashed in Alexisa's eyes again, and she said softly: "Think about it, for so many years, the only person who can accompany me in sparring is Haman Butler, and now, even Haman Butler Can't beat me anymore, he's too old..."

Turning his head and staring at the somewhat sad Alexisa, Li Yexing's eyes widened a little bit.

Just knowing that you are strong, does it turn out that your body is already strong enough to overthrow a tyrant by relying on your fighting ability? !

Wait, look at her previous set of flower guns. If she is really good at using cold weapons, maybe Hitomi will like her very much...

Before he knew it, Li Yexing had already started thinking about how Alexa would get along with the other girls.

On the lower floor, the surviving ghost zombies are still fighting stubbornly, trying to stop the running apostle. Black Umbrella's troops have already started to retreat, and the elevator is unusable. They are going to take a detour, but if this is the case, I am afraid It is very difficult to see them again within half an hour, and the chaotic battle in the center of the subsea oil field seems to be coming to an end.

Looking up at the giant chrysalis above his head, Li Yexing began to think about how to deal with it. According to the calculation of the original time, this thing will hatch in less than half an hour. If he jumps off the platform from here, he will be like a black amber The team pulled along the outside of the ring space like that, I don't know if they can reach the upper floor within half an hour...

Is it possible... Really want Lisa to hug me and jump on it?

After a while, Li Yexing finally compromised. He sighed faintly, turned around to face Alexisa, opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't speak. As a straight man of steel, Li Yexing always felt that this This kind of words were a little too difficult to say, but Alexisa tilted her head slightly, and there was a trace of searching in her eyes. She smiled lightly and said, "What's the matter, dear?"

"Well, Lisa... I thought about it... There is no way to go on like this, as expected..." With a face full of entanglement, Li Yexing spoke reluctantly, but before waiting After he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred!

Hearing a loud bang, the lifting platform under the feet of Li Yexing and Alexisa began to slowly descend!


Two more.

Chapter 141. The Macho World Destroyer

Seeing that the lifting platform under her feet suddenly began to descend, Alexisa immediately frowned. She looked around, a dangerous stream of light flashed in the orange-red snake pupils, and Li Yexing's expression also became ugly, anxious In spite of his face, he just wanted Alexisa to rush up with him in his arms. Suddenly, a piercing siren sounded from the circular space. Along with the siren, the computer control screen on the elevator Instantly turned red.

"What's going on?" Alexisa asked in a low voice, frowning slightly.

"The end of the world..." Quickly walking to the computer, Li Yexing stared at the computer screen.On that screen, a world map suddenly appeared, and then, a line of red subtitles that read "Chaos Release Simulation" jumped out. Along with the subtitles, a red dot appeared on the map, and then quickly It radiated towards the surroundings, and soon, the entire world map turned red. Li Yexing frowned, turned around, looked up at the giant chrysalis above his head, and said with a stern expression: "It seems that we don't need to go up, it coming down."

As soon as the words fell, the entire circular space trembled violently. Gravel and small pieces of rubble mixed with dust continued to fall from the top of the head. In the light, the giant chrysalis suspended on the dome began to shake slightly, as if something wanted to Drilled out from inside, and immediately after, accompanied by the sound of the alarm and the increasingly violent shaking of the ring space, a crisp sound came from the giant khaki chrysalis.

That giant chrysalis burst open!

With the appearance of the first crack, more and more fine cracks began to extend along the giant chrysalis, and the broken chrysalis shells mixed with rubble fell together, falling into the abyss, and as the cracks became bigger and bigger, The swaying of the chrysalis became more and more intense, and the metal grapple used to fix the giant chrysalis on the dome let out a painful moan, as if it would burst at any moment, and then, something squeezed out from the crack in the chrysalis.

It was a layer of blue-gray meat membrane covered with blood vessels, and now, it has become the last barrier for the thing in the chrysalis to break free from the shackles and come to this world.

Vaguely, there was a sound in the air, as if something was roaring, the cables connected to the giant pupa began to break, sparks scattered and flew, and with the shaking of the giant pupa, the fleshy membrane opened up the pupa little by little. The shell squeezed out from the crack, and then, like a water polo cracking softly, the meat membrane suddenly exploded, and then, a huge object fell out of the giant chrysalis.

Perhaps it was because of its huge size, which blocked the white light from the dome. For a while, Alexisa couldn't see the appearance of the thing clearly. With a miserable howl, the giant stretched out its arms subconsciously, It firmly supported the inner wall of the entire huge annular space. For a moment, gravel and rubble burst from between the huge arms, crackling and falling from the sky, like hail, but due to the heavy weight, even if it supported the inner wall, it still Unable to stop the monster from falling, it howled and fell here. Its arms tore two terrifying cracks on the inner wall of the annular space, smashed every platform along the way, and went straight to Li Yexing and Aleikeli. Sha came from the elevator platform.

"Damn!" Seeing the thick giant hand tearing the wall and falling down, Li Yexing didn't care about the gravel falling from the sky. Amidst Alexisa's exclamation, he hugged Alexisa, and then He rushed towards the platform next to the lifting platform, and when the giant claws passed the lifting platform, Li Yexing guarded Alexisa's head tightly, hugged Alexisa and jumped up suddenly, the next second, The heavy lifting platform was directly blown away, falling directly into the darkness accompanied by gravel and rubble, while Li Yexing slammed heavily on the platform, driven by inertia, he hugged Alek tightly. Lisa slid forward until her head hit the wall hard.

Smoke and dust rolled around, blocking his sight. Li Yexing ignored the severe pain from the top of his head, and quickly stood up holding Alex Lisa, and asked anxiously, "Are you okay, Lisa?"

"I'm fine, my dear..." Alexisa, who was unharmed under Li Yexing's protection, helped Li Yexing's shoulders to stand up straight. She raised one leg and tapped lightly with the toe of her high-heeled shoes She touched the ground, let the sand and gravel rolled into the shoes fall out, and after finishing the high-heeled shoes, she turned around with her blond hair up, and smiled wantonly to capture the undisguised concern in Li Yexing's eyes.

"It's fine..." On the other side, seeing that Alec Lisa was fine, Li Yexing nodded, and then, a stream of heat flowed through his hair and down Li Yexing's forehead.

"Honey..." Seeing the blood dripping down the top of Li Yexing's head and onto his face, the smile on the corner of Alexisa's mouth disappeared.

"Huh?" Wiping it casually, Li Yexing looked down at the blood on his palm, then frowned slightly and said, "Damn, it bleed a lot..."

After that, he raised his head again, raised his eyebrows and whispered to Alexisa: "Drink some? If you don't drink, it will be wasted."

"You..." Looking at Li Yexing's face that looked even more ferocious because of being wiped, for a moment, Alexisa didn't know what to say, she put one hand on Li Yexing's shoulder, Ye Xing groaned and forced him down. Alexisa stretched out her other hand and fiddled with the hair on the top of Li Ye Xing's head nervously. After a long time, she finally said in relief: "The skull hasn't come out yet. Question, honey, you scared the hell out of me..."

"There's something wrong with my skull, so I can't stand here and talk to you..." He patted Alec Lisa's shoulder lightly, signaling her to rest assured. Li Yexing was about to make a joke to ease the atmosphere, when suddenly, A terrifying roar came from the lower platform, and it echoed in the circular space. Hearing the sound, Li Yexing and Alexisa's expressions turned serious, and they both stepped forward at the same time and came to the On the edge of the platform, I saw that the huge monster had stopped falling, and it was on the platform less than three floors away from the two of them.

At this moment, Alexisa finally got a glimpse of the whole picture of this world-destroying BOW.

Huge, this is Alexisa's first impression of it. The monster is extremely huge. The last time I saw such a huge BOW was at the Black Umbrella Eastern European Branch in Smolensk. The monster's Its upper body looks extremely similar to that of a human being, except that the proportions of its arms are a bit out of balance, making it look extraordinarily huge, while its lower body grows strangely into the shape of a lobster tail, one after another, with tiny jointed limbs hanging from it. The connection between the monster's upper body and lower body was covered with tentacles of different lengths. Those tentacles were like the tentacles of an octopus, supporting the monster's arms on the surrounding platform, so that the monster would not continue to fall.

In addition to being huge, the second sense is weirdness. The texture of the monster's skin and flesh looks like a jellyfish, almost completely transparent. Through the monster's skin, Alexisa can clearly see every bone in the monster's body , every organ, even every nerve!

It's so huge, so weird, even someone as powerful as Alexisa felt a little bit of pressure.

Frowning slightly, Alexisa, who was standing on the edge of the platform, looked down at the huge monster. After a while, she whispered, "Is this Chaos?"

As if hearing Alexisa's call, under the platform, the monster supported its body, panted and raised its head, pointed the face that could see every bone clearly at Li Yexing and Alexisa, and then slammed He opened his mouth and let out a piercing roar like a baby crying.


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 142. Strong men don't hate

Under the almost transparent skin, Li Yexing could clearly see every change in Chaos' body. It seemed that because of the roar, the internal organs in its body trembled crazily, and the loud but unpleasant roar overwhelmed the gunshots. , constantly reverberating in the huge and closed circular space, shaking off the dust from the dome, beside its thick arm, the apostle was still running wildly, and when it reached the huge arm, it supported the chaos with one arm. His wrist turned over like a hurdle, and Chaos stared at the pair of eyes without eyelid protection, staring at the apostle who was only the size of his own palm rushing past him. The next second, it suddenly raised its hand, as if He slapped the apostle like a fly.

There was a loud "boom", and the thick platform collapsed instantly like paper paste, and the broken stones and rubble were scattered in all directions, mixed with the broken black armor and blurred flesh and blood of the apostle, and fell into the abyss together. .

Without the protection of its lips, Chaos hit the upper and lower gums, making a burst of noise. It slapped the apostle to death and raised its head again, staring straight at Li Yexing and Alexisa. Then, It grabbed the platform on one side with the arm that slapped the apostle to death, tore off that section of platform like breaking a biscuit, and then moved towards Li Yexing and Alecle on the upper platform. Sha threw it hard.

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