"Run!" The moment the monster raised its hand, Li Yexing turned around and hugged Alexisa, and then went straight to the platform on the other side. This time, Alexisa was not surprised , as if he had expected Li Yexing's actions, behind Li Yexing, a platform fragment the size of a heavy truck slammed over, and with a loud noise, it was directly embedded into the metal wall, and the broken platform began to crack. Smoke billowed up.

After missing a hit, the monster became furious. It uttered a deafening roar again, then straightened up abruptly in the astonished eyes of Li Yexing and Alexisa, and pressed all of its weight onto the surrounding platform. On the tentacles, due to the change of posture and center of gravity, its huge body slipped slightly, but soon, it adjusted its posture and lowered its head, fixing its eyes on Li Yexing and Alexisa .

Li Yexing really didn't expect that this guy immediately changed his posture, and his height directly crossed the three-story platform. The platform that was still above his head can only reach its chest now, but right now, Li Yexing has no time to take care of it. Because the monster roared at the two of them again, lifted its giant claws, and then slapped them fiercely.

The body and brain reacted synchronously, and they moved instantly. Li Yexing turned around suddenly holding Alex Lisa, and ran to the side. At the position where he was standing, a loud noise bit behind him, smashing the platform together with the large piece of gravel embedded in the wall before, and the splashing gravel fell from the sky, crackling and hitting Li Yexing's head, Li Yexing Subconsciously, she leaned forward, and at the same time tightened her arms around Alexisa.

"My dear..." Alexisa, who was covered by Li Yexing's chest, opened her eyes wide in surprise when she saw the pieces of gravel mixed with sand and dust falling on Li Yexing's head. She straightened up in Li Yexing's arms, let the fine sand fall on her soft blond hair, and leaned close to Li Yexing's ears, she put her arms around Li Yexing's neck, and smiled at Li Yexing Asked: "You protect me so tightly, how dare you say you don't love me?"

"I'm simply not used to seeing women get hurt in front of me, that's all." Li Yexing frowned and shouted.

"Oh, my dear, you are really stubborn. It's as difficult as going to heaven for you to say that you love me..." Even though she couldn't get the answer she wanted from Li Yexing's mouth, Alexis still looked He was so happy that he raised his head and saw that Chaos raised another giant claw and was sweeping towards this side. With a sneer, Alexisa raised her hand and slapped the attacking giant claw lightly. With a snap of his fingers, accompanied by a crisp sound, a large group of flames instantly exploded on the giant claw.

Accompanied by a deafening scream, the giant claw that was waving towards Li Yexing and Alexisa suddenly retracted. On the giant claw, the translucent skin was slightly red, and blisters kept rising one by one, and then exploded. Hey, taking this opportunity, Li Yexing bent down and took Alexisa directly under the giant claws of the monster, while Alexisa turned around and hit the monster lightly again. snap your fingers.

This time, the place where the flame burst was the head.

The huge translucent head was instantly shrouded in raging flames, like a ghost knight. In the flames, the heart-piercing screams came again, and the monster let go of its hands holding the platform, and slammed its burning head frantically. , Immediately afterwards, its body suddenly fell back, its center of gravity changed, and its body became unbalanced again. The tentacles around its waist could no longer support its body, accompanied by the sound of the platform being smashed layer by layer and the inner wall of the annular space being torn apart. , the monster slid down suddenly, stirring up large pieces of gravel, and didn't stop until its head hit the wall hard.

"Beautiful hit!" First ignited the monster's arm, blocking its almost unavoidable attack, and then ignited the monster's head, causing it to fall directly, and, most importantly, these two times The power of the attack was just right, which made Li Yexing couldn't help expressing sincere admiration. He lowered his head and looked at Alec Lisa in his arms, only to see Alec Lisa blushing slightly, panting quickly and softly, A thin layer of sweat appeared on the forehead.

"Lisa?" Frowning slightly, Li Yexing asked in a low voice, "Have you controlled your power?"

"What do you think?" Alexa turned her head and whispered after giving Li Yexing an angry look.

"It's okay, right?" Seeing that Alexisa seemed a little tired, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered: "Don't make things too difficult for yourself, it's not yet time for the decisive battle, I can handle it."

"Then do you love me or not?" Alexisa turned her head and asked in a low voice, frowning like an awkward young girl.

Raising his head and staring at the road ahead, Li Yexing missed Alexisa's sight and said nothing.

Seeing that Li Yexing still didn't answer, Alexisa suddenly felt a little wronged. She didn't speak, but frowned slightly and leaned on Li Yexing's chest. However, at this moment, Li Yexing suddenly whispered: " it's OK."

Faintly hearing Li Yexing's words, Alexisa was startled for a moment, then quickly turned her head. She stared at Li Yexing's side face and asked softly, "Honey, what did you say...?"

"I said! I don't hate it!" Li Yexing frowned as if he had been publicly executed, and shouted hysterically while running forward: "You are so beautiful! You have a good figure! You can be as domineering as a queen." You can act like a baby girl like your first love! You are so strong like a monster, but you still have a good gun! Damn! I can’t hate a woman like you at all! You are sent by God to tie me down Dog leash?!"

"My dear..." There was a trace of water mist in the orange-red snake's pupils. The innocent Queen covered her slightly opened mouth and stared blankly at Li Yexing's side face. After a while, she tightened her grip suddenly. With the arm around Li Yexing's neck, he kissed Li Yexing's profile fiercely.


One more.

Chapter 143. The hunk's plan

To change the position of Alek Lisa in his arms, to protect Alek Lisa's head, Li Yexing jumped down from the break of the high platform, rolled and landed on the ground, then ejected with the help of inertia, and once again lifted Alek in his arms. In the arms of Princess Lisa, Li Yexing, who was covered in dust, stared and ran down layer by layer. In his arms, Alex Lisa was also ashamed, but her face was full of excited smiles, because Just when Li Yexing was about to take off and change his posture for Alexisa, Alexisa seized the opportunity and pecked lightly on Li Yexing's lips.

There was a soft and moist touch between his lips. Taking advantage of the fact that there was no threat around him, Li Yexing lowered his head slightly, and glanced at Alec Lisa from the corner of his eye, and Alec Lisa smiled at him, squinting like a snake. The pupils are full of sweet cunning.

To be honest, Li Yexing really wanted Alexa to be serious and cautious, after all, the two of them are still running away, but after thinking about it carefully, Li Yexing gave up, according to his knowledge of Alexa , even if the other party smiled and nodded in agreement, they would still kiss when it was time to kiss...

Just as she was thinking, Alexa suddenly straightened up and pecked lightly on the side of Li Yexing's cheek.

"Lisa, restrain yourself a little..." After all, Li Yexing decided to persuade him. He frowned, and said in a deep voice while galloping along the circular platform, "Chaos is on our third floor." Under the circumstances, we are in a very dangerous situation, and you will distract me like this."

"It's okay, honey, just hold me. I've been paying attention to that ugly monster. I'll only kiss you when it's safe..." Green onion fingers penetrated into Li Yexing's collar, and there was a scar carved on it. With circles drawn on her pectoral muscles, Alexisa chuckled and said: "If it's always so incomprehensible, then I'll knock it down, after all... I'll see my sisters when I go back, and be alone with my dear." There may not be many chances, so, as the first date in my life, we must be more romantic, sweeter, and closer..."

"So you think this is a date?!" Li Yexing finally couldn't help but shouted.

"Isn't it?" Alexa Lisa asked with a chuckle: "Today, my dear and I visited the deck of the aircraft carrier together, took a helicopter together, and kissed in the submarine elevator together, and then we visited the seabed together. oil field, and now we visited BOW that could destroy the world together..”

Speaking of this, a faint flush appeared on Alexisa's face. She kissed Li Yexing again, and then whispered to Li Yexing: "Ah, dear, what a fulfilling night!"

"This dating place is not as good as my roof." Li Yexing couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Rooftop?" A trace of doubt flashed between Alexisa's brows.

"Yes, the rooftop..." Li Yexing nodded, and said in a low voice, "My rooftop is small, cold, and a bit dirty, but the girls in my family like to run up."

"Really..." Nodding thoughtfully, Alexisa whispered to herself, "When I get a chance, I'll go up and have a look, my dear."

"Okay..." Li Yexing nodded subtly and said, "However, that place is really cold..."

While talking, Li Yexing finally ran to the edge of the platform. Seeing the layers of pipes stacked on the lower platform, Li Yexing jumped up with Alexa in his arms, stepped on the pipe with one foot, and then used the pipe to The cushioned feet fell off the platform and continued to run wildly. Just when Li Yexing was about to transition directly down the stopped lifting platform, suddenly.A giant claw came out from below, slapped Li Yexing fiercely in front of him, blocking Li Yexing's path, and then, with a terrifying roar, Chaos climbed up from the abyss again waving its tentacles .

The burnt arm and head were covered with a thick layer of khaki-yellow shell, which shattered little by little with the chaotic activities, and fell off, revealing the intact translucent skin. Only Li Yexing was keenly aware that this guy's head and the previous The burned arm seemed to have shrunk a bit, which made the monster's deformed body even more uncoordinated.

"Lisa!" Without too many words, Li Yexing called out directly, and Alex Lisa understood, she raised her hand, and directly hit the long-planned claw at Chaos' giant claws blocking the way forward. He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the flames appeared, the hot wind swept across, and the giant claws were hit hard again before they could grasp it firmly. Chaos howled miserably and fell down again with the burning arm.

Seeing that the giant claws blocking the way had been emptied, Li Yexing directly stepped on the crack left by the chaotic giant claws on the platform, landed on the suspended elevator platform, and then jumped to the lower floor with the cushion of the elevator platform. platform.

After a smooth landing, Li Yexing lowered his head again, paying attention to Alexisa's state. It seemed that it was because she had been brewing for a long time, so this time, her state was much better than before, but for some reason, she frowned slightly. Frowning, as if thinking about something.

"Honey, its head and arms seem to have shrunk?" A moment later, Alexisa frowned slightly while observing the chaos below that had just stopped sliding from the corner of her eye, Obviously, she also noticed the abnormality of Chaos. Alexisa was a little surprised by the change of Chaos. In contrast, Li Yexing, who knew the BOWs in the "Resident Evil" series well, seemed much calmer. He said in a deep voice: "It seems that this monster is not that difficult to deal with. In order to heal the wound quickly, it has to shrink in size every time it pupates."

"Does every injury lead to a reduction in body size?" Repeating Li Yexing's words, Alexisa finally caught a glimpse of inspiration, and she said softly: "That is to say, as long as I control the power and repeatedly burn it several times, it will The body will become smaller and smaller until it can no longer withstand my flames!"

"That's right." Li Yexing nodded.

"However, it is necessary to control the power, but also to constantly kill and injure it, and stimulate it to repair its injuries..." A trace of embarrassment finally appeared in her eyes, and Alexisa struggled: "Sorry, dear, I'm not sure about my The state can ensure that I can always control my strength, which is a test for me... a bit big, once I collapse from exhaustion before shrinking it to the point where it can be directly burned to death..."

"Don't worry about this..." The corners of his mouth finally curved slightly, Li Yexing sneered and said, "You just need to shrink it as much as possible, as long as it's the right size, I can directly use my ultimate arms!"

"The ultimate weapon?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Alexisa was taken aback for a moment, and then asked curiously, "What ultimate weapon?"

"It's just hanging on my back..." Shrugging his shoulders, he weighed the black metal cylinder on his back, Li Yexing said with a smile: "The Fist of the Saint, a universal inhibitor based on my blood sample , can suppress the self-healing ability of any BOW known so far, but because it cannot be mass-produced, the dose is only so much. It is definitely unrealistic to use this thing to inject a monster the size of a building, but if you can It shrinks to a certain size, and this thing can instantly destroy its self-healing ability!"

"By then..." Alexisa slowly widened her eyes.

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