With a confident smile on his face, Li Yexing said in a low voice: "At that time, let alone fire, even with a gun, I can kill it one shot at a time!"


Two more.

Chapter 144. The macho concussion

Although Alexisa was a little surprised that Li Yexing had a big killer hidden in his hands, she was not surprised. After all, since Li Yexing dared to carry out the reckless plan of entering the oil field on the aircraft carrier alone, then he There must be a way to solve the chaos. Now it seems that his confidence should be the so-called "Fist of the Saint".

As for where the so-called "Saint's Fist" came from, Alexisa didn't even have to guess. It must have been created by the first agency.

As Li Yexing gradually descended, the pipes inlaid on the walls and platforms began to become denser and more complex. Li Yexing stepped on the pipes, holding Alec Lisa, jumping and flying between the platforms layer by layer, while Alek Lisa waved her arms, letting the blazing white flames resist the bullets from the ghostly zombies around her. Under them, Chaos, who was fixed by the tentacles, roared fiercely to the arm wrapped in the chrysalis shell. It hit the wall, and suddenly, the hard and thick wall was smashed into a big pit full of cracks, and large pieces of gravel and rubble fell into the abyss together with the shattered chrysalis, revealing that the recovered body was intact. arm.

No, it cannot be said to be as good as ever. After being baked twice by Alexisa, the giant claw shrunk significantly, making it a whole circle smaller than the other arm.

"It's coming!" Seeing that the monster regained its arm, Alexisa reminded anxiously, because the monster suddenly hit the wall and Li Yexing, who was a little unsteady, forcibly stabilized his body and waited for the violent shaking. At the end, he hugged Alexis and continued to move forward, frowning while running wildly and said loudly: "It's almost there, Lisa! It's almost there!"

The giant claw landed on the platform again, but it didn't dare to reach out to block the way of Li Yexing and Alexisa like before. The monster shook its head, propped up its body, and blocked the bullets fired by the ghost zombies at the two of them. Facing the roar, Li Yexing turned a deaf ear to it and just ran quickly. In Li Yexing's arms, Alexisa once again raised her head to Chaos' head. arm.

Seeing Alexisa's thumb and middle finger squeezed together, Chaos' pupils suddenly narrowed, and the next second, just as Alexisa was about to snap her fingers, Chaos supported Li Yexing and Li Yexing. The platform where Alexa Lisa was on, then suddenly exerted force, and suddenly, with the sound of rivets and walls cracking, the platform under Li Yexing's feet was lifted up directly!

"Damn!" Li Yexing subconsciously hugged Alexa in his arms as he was lifted off the platform under his feet, and Alexa's attack fell through because of the sudden weightlessness. In the fireball that exploded not far away, Chaos grinned the corners of his mouth as if laughing maniacally, and opened his mouth suddenly towards the two people who fell in mid-air.

Lowering his head, watching the translucent bloody mouth biting towards him, Li Yexing subconsciously wanted to touch the grenade on his waist, but suddenly remembered that Alec Lisa was still in his arms. Then, he frowned, and there was nothing he could do for a moment. At this critical moment, Alexisa frowned, and waved her arms directly at Chaos' mouth in Li Yexing's arms. Suddenly, a terrifying heat wave rose and rushed over. Suddenly, the berserk stream of flames exploded from the monster's mouth in an instant, and then, the flames from the explosion spread rapidly, washing over Chaos' head like a tsunami, and bombarding the opposite wall, accompanied by heart-piercing With a scream, Chaos, whose skin was almost scorched black, finally let go of the tentacles supporting his body, waving his arms of different sizes, screaming and falling into the abyss.

This was Alexisa's unreserved blow, scorching every inch of Chaos' skin in just an instant!

The huge body collided back and forth against the closed wall, and the deafening screams still echoed in the closed circular space. The violent impact and the explosion caused by Alexisa just squeezed the center of the subsea oil field. After a while, The whole space finally began to shake violently.

Following the overturned platform, Li Yexing and Alec Lisa, who were flying in the air, smashed hard on the platform covered with thin metal layers. This time, Li Yexing failed to hug Alec Lisa. The moment his back hit the ground, his eyes widened suddenly, the air in his lungs was squeezed out violently, and even his ribs groaned in pain. As he subconsciously let go of his arms, he was embraced by him. Alec Lisa rolled over and hit the pipeline blocking the way.

Spreading his arms, feeling the tremors in the entire space, Li Yexing only felt that his hearing and vision had become a little blurred. He stared wide-eyed, watching the continuously collapsing dome panting violently, sand and stones falling, knocking He hit the platform and hit Li Yexing's face, causing Li Yexing to narrow his eyes subconsciously. In the next second, he heard a loud "boom", and the dome finally exploded, and the people who had just been affected by Alexisa The wall began to collapse first. Inside the wall, the metal structure softened by the high temperature bent and melted like butter under the heavy pressure.

In a daze, Li Yexing heard a voice in his ear, calling someone, and then, a blurred light and shadow mixed with black and gold appeared in his sight.



"Honey! Can you hear me?!"

Li Yexing looked a little dazed, and Li Yexing, who was thrown to the head, blinked. Seeing Li Yexing's reaction, Alexisa, who had just got up just now, looked happy. She was about to help Li Yexing up, but saw Li Yexing like Suddenly, like a spring, she hugged Alexisa in her arms, fell to the ground, and then rolled to the side with all her might. Alexisa's eyes widened, and before she could react, she saw the The incomplete platform that was embedded in the wall by chaos fell from the sky like a beheading knife, and slammed into the position where Li Yexing and Alexisa were just now, cutting off the entire platform.Fall into the abyss together.

Pressing Alec Lisa under him, he used his back to protect Alec Lisa from the falling rocks. Under Alec Lisa's astonished eyes, Li Yexing staggered up and pushed Alec Lisa up. Lisa also pulled up. He spat out blood, then looked around, and whispered after a long while: "The female horse, it turned out like this in the end..."

"My dear..." Because Li Yexing was protecting her before and she was unharmed, Alexisa looked at Li Yexing in a daze. She was about to say something when Li Yexing grabbed her wrist and said : "The elevator is in front, let's get out of here first."

In the end, Alexisa just nodded, so Li Yexing pulled Alexisa, crossed the pipe bent by Alexisa, turned into the corridor inside the platform, and finally glanced at the abyss below. Li Yexing turned around and directly pulled Alexa into the container-like elevator. As Li Yexing pressed the buttons one by one, the elevator door closed soon, blocking the collapsed annular space from the elevator door. , Immediately afterwards, with the sound of mechanical pulling, the elevator finally started to move, headed towards the top of the platform against the falling fine gravel.


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 145. The hunk takes the elevator again

It didn't take long for the elevator to leave the collapsed annular space and the sound of the explosion behind it.

In the elevator, the gray-faced Alexisa lowered her eyebrows and crossed her arms. She gently lifted up her dusty blond hair, and then looked vaguely at Li Yexing, who was sitting on the side of the elevator. In the corner, with his back against the wall of the elevator, he was habitually holding his AR-15 with one hand, while stroking the back of his head with the other hand, with a somewhat painful expression on his face.

"Honey..." After a long while, Alexis stepped on her high heels and took small steps to Li Yexing's side. She bent slightly and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?"

"I fell on my head..." Li Yexing didn't shy away from it, he turned his head to Alexisa and said, "I feel a little dizzy now."

Seeing Li Yexing's brows were tightly furrowed, Alexisa bit her lips lightly, tangled for a while, and then whispered in a faint insect-like voice: "I'm sorry, dear, if it wasn't for me..."

"If it wasn't for you, I would already be lying in that monster's belly now..." Enduring the pain from the back of his head and the slight dizziness, Li Yexing forced the corners of his mouth and smiled at Alexisa: " Think about it, that scene is quite interesting, the belly of Chaos is transparent, when it swallows me, you can see me waving at you from inside its belly."

She knew that Li Yexing was trying to make herself laugh, but Alexa couldn't laugh.

The guilt lingering on her face, the always proud and enthusiastic Alexisa seemed to be surrounded by low pressure, she lowered her head, as if confessing her guilt, looking at the face without a smile, Li Yexing fainted. Sighing, he shook his head lightly, then stood up unsteadily, and under Alexisa's surprised gaze, he gently kissed Alexisa's lips.

Warm and soft, although there is no response, it is as sweet and greasy as honey, delicately tasted, and somewhat like noble red wine, which makes people intoxicated. If it is usual, Li Yexing certainly doesn't mind staying here for a long time, but he knows that this It's not over yet, so he chooses to dabble.

With his lips parted, Li Yexing didn't speak, but just watched Alexisa silently with a smile in his eyes.

"Honey, you really are..." After a long while, a helpless smile appeared on Alexisa's face, but then, the helplessness was dispelled, like a steel blazing sun, the proud queen once again She straightened her chest, with a charming smile on the corners of her lips, and there seemed to be an orange-red gleam in the snake's pupils. Alexisa raised her hand, and gently hooked Li Yexing's chin with her index finger, and then gently touched Li Yexing's chin. He smiled and asked, "So, what was this just now? Pay off the debt?"

"Have you paid it off?" Li Yexing asked with a smile, not minding Alex Lisa's frivolous behavior.

"Sorry, it's still early, the women of the Ashford family are not so easy to deal with..." His eyes narrowed slightly, a seductive gleam flashed in them, Alexisa pressed against Li Yexing's chest, his eyes Arms around Li Yexing's waist, looking straight at Li Yexing and saying: "It's my thing, I must hold it in my hand, it's my man, I must hold it in my arms, my dear, you owe me Things, you are not finished in this life, according to the concept of rebirth of the people of the Celestial Dynasty, you must at least be a husband and wife with me for a few more lives..."

"Will it take several lifetimes to pay it off?" Li Yexing joked, "Isn't this too much? Miss Ashford, how greedy are you?"

"You still don't know how many lives you owe, because you will still owe me in the next life, and you will owe me more and more..." Alecle pressed her foreheads together and gently pecked Li Yexing's lips. Sha Ru smiled and whispered in a low voice: "So, accept your fate, my dear, you have been tied to me, and you will live forever."

"It sounds like some kind of private loan or a curse..." Li Yexing whispered, gently hugging Alexisa's waist.

"Yes, this is a curse..." Letting her red lips rub against Li Yexing's repeatedly, Alexisa smiled and said: "I curse you, you will be with me forever, even death I can't separate you from me."

"Do you love me?" Li Yexing asked softly, eyes downcast, meeting Alexisa's eyes.

"I love you, honey," Alexisa responded softly.

"What do you love about me?" Not long after, Li Yexing asked the most unnutritious question between the couple again.

"I don't know..." This time, Alexisa didn't think about it, she honestly said the answer in the deepest part of her heart, and put the distance between the two closer. With the temperature of Li Yexing's chest, Alexa murmured in a low voice: "This feeling is wonderful, like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle that is watching alone. One day, I saw another piece, and I knew it was the one that was with me." The one that matched, so I waited, waiting for the day when I formed a perfect puzzle with that piece, and this wait was eight years. I thought I could wait any longer, but when I and that puzzle When the pieces are close, I know that I can't wait any longer, I want to be put together with you..."

"Even if there are six puzzle pieces bordering me?" Li Yexing asked softly.

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