With a hint of getting up, Li Yexing gritted his teeth and forcefully opened his eyes. He was about to see who touched his bad luck, but when he turned his head, he met Bai Muqing's sneering face. He had already changed his career as an OL The pretending secretary kicked off her high heels, climbed onto Li Yexing's bed, and said with a sneer, "Wild dog, it's time to get up, it's time to take the medicine every morning."

This time, Li Yexing finally experienced what is called physical and mental torture.

Helped by Bai Muqing to take care of him, he washed up in a daze, and then was dragged out of the room by Bai Muqing with a sneer. Li Yexing was about to escape back to the bedroom while Bai Muqing was not paying attention, but unexpectedly, Butler Harman and Rita had already picked him up. Waiting outside the house with cleaning tools.

"I heard from Miss Griffith that you guys had a lot of trouble last night, so you specifically asked me to help clean the bedroom..." There was a smile on his face under the bandage, butler Harman said in a deep voice: "Young man Well, you can wake up so early after a night of tossing, I hope you can love Miss like you love the other girls around you."

Even thinking of such a vicious torture method, looking at it this way, Rita and Bai Muqing were really a little angry about Li Yexing's random discovery of their little secret.

Seeing Harman hanging up the phone and carrying cleaning tools into the bedroom, Rita, who was following behind Harman's butler, smiled sweetly at Li Yexing, as if her trick had succeeded. Beside Li Yexing, Bai Muqing leaned into Li Yexing's ear, whispering Licking Li Yexing's ear, he sneered in a coaxing tone and said, "Do you think Rita and I can't guess what you're thinking? My dear wild dog? Come on, don't think about sleeping, be good, and Let's go have breakfast with your favorite Mu Qing..."

The above is the morning of Mr. Li Yexing. Considering the process was too embarrassing, he did not tell Kanan about these things.

"Kanan..." After a moment of silence, Li Yexing waved to Kanan, and he greeted in a low voice, "Come here."

"Huh? Why?" Seeing Li Yexing calling him, Kanan immediately walked up. As soon as he came to Li Yexing, he saw Li Yexing hugging her, then lying on her back, stroking her Her abs buried her face into her neck, and at the same time she narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Brother, lean on me for a while..."

"Oh, it's so pitiful, so pitiful..." Listening to Li Yexing's words, Kanan guessed that Li Yexing's appearance was probably because he made Rita and Bai Muqing angry, so she raised her hand and stroked it gently. While looking at Li Yexing's short hair, he whispered: "If your bedroom is not tidy, then go to my bedroom. After watching this good show in front of you, I will go back to find you..."

"No..." Li Yexing shook his head, he forced his eyelids to raise his head and said, "We'll go back together later, I have to watch this play too."

Chapter 29.

Under the wooden dome with Japanese-style chandeliers, the four sides of the room are wrapped by solid wood walls. On the wall, a huge Chinese "Wu" is swayed on the hanging paper, and the ink is dripping. Along the four corners of the wall, you can see There are all kinds of simple weapon racks, on which there are all kinds of weapons, such as crutches, long sticks, long spears, crescent swords, small swords, large swords, bayonets, epees, hammers, battle axes... From east to west, it can be said to have everything that one expects to find. It gathers along the surrounding walls towards the middle, and there is a wooden floor made of the same material as the wall. On the floor, there is a huge layer of dark red blanket, which almost occupies the entire room. Half of the area is embroidered with the logo of the old Umbrella and the crest of the Ashford family in a Japanese style.

It's hard to imagine that there is a Japanese-style dojo hidden in a typical European-style castle like the Ashford family manor, although in Li Yexing's view, this dojo seems to be slightly smaller than that of Qiandao Tong's house, and The Japanese taste is not so authentic, but this still does not prevent Li Yexing from being surprised and admiring it.

At this moment, Chishima Hitomi, who was wearing a white samurai uniform, was kneeling on the dark red carpet with bare feet, her eyes were tightly closed, and she gathered the black alloy long knife on the black Umbrella logo printed on it. In the scabbard, placed in front of her knees, on her back, there is also the large Taidao Kyuten Kuanggu made by a Japanese craftsman slung across her back.

Compared with Hitomi Chishima, who looks serious and full of Japanese taste, Alexisa standing opposite Hitomi Chishima looks much more relaxed. She is dressed in a black samurai outfit, stepping on the red carpet with bare feet, holding the same hand in her hand. Holding a Japanese samurai sword that looks very delicate, it seems to be a bit longer than the black Umbrella's executive saber, but far shorter than the Kui Tian Kuang bone behind Hitomi Chishima.

This is a good show that Li Yexing wants to watch despite his sleepiness, the fight between Hitomi Qiandao and Alexisa!

After a long while of silence, Hitomi Chishima finally opened her eyes slowly. She looked at Alexisa not far in front of her, and then focused her gaze on the long knife in Alexisa's hand that hit the ground from time to time. superior.

"Miss Ashford's knife is very beautiful." After a while, Hitomi Chishima praised softly.

"From the hands of a famous craftsman, the name of the knife is 'Unsetting Sun Wheel'..." Seeing that Hitomi Qiandao seemed to be interested in the knife in his hand, Alexisa smiled and introduced: "However, I prefer my grandpa for it. Named - 'Immortal Kingship'."

"Is it kingship..." There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, Chishima Hitomi slowly stood up, holding the sheath of the alloy long knife in her left hand, she asked softly: "Miss Ashford, do you really not want to change the wooden sword?" Do you want to compete?"

"Don't worry..." Alexisa smiled and said as she swung the unsheathed samurai sword in a cold arc in her hand, "I can keep it, it won't hurt you."

"It seems that I have been underestimated by Miss Ashford. Fortunately, I am very confident in the way of swordsmanship..." Little by little, he raised the scabbard of his left hand across his waist, and slowly pressed the handle of the knife with his right hand, Putting on a posture, Hitomi Chishima's mouth curled up a confident arc, and she asked softly, "Miss Ashford, are you ready?"

"I can do it anytime." Still in that casual posture, Alexisa said with a smile.

After receiving Alexisa's answer, Hitomi Qiandao narrowed her eyes slightly, and she let out a mouthful of turbid air to let herself enter the state. The next second, she saw those eyes suddenly sharp, as if she was about to release sword energy, accompanied by As the murderous intent dispersed, Hitomi Qiandao shot violently. The speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to catch it with the naked eye. , no matter where you pull it out, it will point directly at Alexisa's neck!

Amidst the orange red, the vertical black snake pupils suddenly tightened. The moment Hitomi Qiandao held the handle of the knife with her right hand, Alexisa moved violently. Suddenly, sparks flew everywhere, Hitomi Qiandao's thunderous strike was actually stopped by Alexisa!

"Nice eyes, good speed, but if you want to deal with me, I'm afraid..." Steadily received Hitomi Chishima's blow, the hand holding the knife was still trembling slightly, Alexisa was about to take the opportunity to say After a few words on the scene, Hitomi Qiandao saw a trace of sternness in her eyes, and the knife in her hand was held. Instead of retreating, she stepped forward and flew straight towards Alexisa's calf. .

This blow was beyond Alexisa's expectations. After the momentary surprise, she immediately drew back, while Hitomi Chishima took advantage of the victory and pursued, slashing all the way. Flying up and down, the cold light danced back and forth amidst the rapid sound of hammering iron. For a moment, Li Yexing, who was too sleepy and unable to cheer up, could only see sparks exploding in mid-air, until he was about to be forced After getting out of the red carpet, Alexisa, whose rhythm was disrupted, turned cold and grunted. Accompanied by her sudden exertion, Hitomi Chishima was pushed out directly, taking five or six steps back.

"It seems that I really underestimated Miss Qiandao. I didn't expect Miss Qiandao's offensive to be so swift and fierce, just like a real fight, without the slightly exaggerated and cumbersome aesthetics of traditional Japanese kendo..." Swayed a little numb Alexisa chuckled and asked: "It's within my range to accept moves, but can Miss Qiandao explain? Why did you kick suddenly in the kendo competition?" "

"Swordsmanship is the art of killing, and the way of the sword is the way of killing. Iai, which I am good at, is also the same..." Putting the knife back into the scabbard, and posing for Alexisa again, Hitomi Chishima responded with a light smile Said: "Ye Xingjun said that as long as you can kill people, punching is Iai, kicking is Iai, even shooting a gun can be Iai."

"This is really... a novel understanding, and I can't help but think of western cowboys..." Turning his head, and looking at Li Yexing hanging behind Kanan at the entrance of the dojo, Alexisa chuckled and said: "It seems that my dear has taught you a lot of fighting concepts that are more suitable for fighting. In this regard, maybe you are really better than me, a rich lady who hides in the deep boudoir."

"Miss Ashford, do you want to admit defeat?" Hitomi Qiandao asked with a smile, "If you admit defeat, Lord Yaxing will belong to me tonight."

"Huh?!" Li Yexing, who was watching the battle between half asleep and half awake, woke up instantly.

"Sorry, Miss Qiandao, I've waited too long tonight, and I don't intend to let anyone get in my way..." The orange-red snake pupils narrowed slightly, and the corners of its mouth became more aggressive. After the enemy, Alexisa finally took a stance. She slightly spread her legs one after the other, held the knife in both hands, pointed the blade at Hitomi Chishima, and said with a chuckle: "Besides, I just admit that Chishima Miss has richer fighting experience, that’s all. I never think that I am weaker than Miss Qiandao, let alone that I will lose to Miss Qiandao. Rather, if I follow Miss Qiandao’s set of rules, I will definitely It will be stronger than Miss Qiandao, after all, there are some things that skills cannot make up for."

"Really?" In the fierce eyes, the fighting spirit became stronger, Hitomi Qiandao smiled and said: "Then let me see what Miss Ashford said can't be compensated by skills!"

With the fighting spirit between the two rising little by little, the second round is about to begin!

Chapter 30.

Hitomi Qiandao stared at Alexisa with her right hand held on the handle of the knife, with a trace of solemnity in her eyes.

Even though she gained an advantage in the first round of fighting, at this moment, Hitomi Chishima's heart has gradually sank. From the moment Alexisa easily caught her first knife, she realized that the girl in front of her was covered in blood. The noble lady who exudes a strange sense of oppression is definitely not an airs, especially in the next series of fights, even if the rhythm is disrupted, the opponent still catches her every knife stably, and even Yu tried to push her away.

There is no doubt that Miss Ashford is quite proficient in martial arts!

Having gained a certain understanding of Alexisa, this time, Hitomi Chishima no longer acted rashly. She put on a posture, her nerves were tense, and she silently waited for the right opportunity to make a move. Alexisa narrowed her eyes, she chuckled lightly and said, "This time, won't you take the lead?"

"If there is a suitable opportunity, I will make a move." Hitomi Qiandao replied with a smile.

"Okay..." After receiving Hitomi Chishima's answer, Alexisa shrugged and said, "Then this time, let me do it."

As soon as the words fell, Alexisa leaned forward and rushed towards Hitomi Chishima. She waved a samurai sword with one hand. The speed is obviously not as fast as Hitomi Chishima, but for some reason, every time she advances, there is an irresistible sense of oppression. Before she reaches Hitomi Chishima, she suddenly strikes, letting the saber slightly longer than the executive officer The samurai's long blade flashed a cold light in the air, and slashed hard at Hitomi Qiandao's forehead.

Seeing that Alexisa's knife seemed to have no intention of stopping at all, Hitomi Qiandao was startled, and quickly drew out the knife to resist. Accompanied by the sound of iron striking, sparks exploded. For a moment, Hitomi Qiandao felt a huge force pressing on her She touched the long knife in her hand, and even the arm holding the long knife couldn't help trembling slightly. She raised her head and met Alexisa's eyes. She was about to fight back, but she saw Alexisa smile slyly. In the next second, she imitated Hitomi Chishima's way and raised her leg suddenly, kicking Hitomi Chishima's calf.

Although slightly surprised, Hitomi Chishima had expected Alexisa's way of attack. The blade suddenly spun, Hitomi Chishima drew back, and was about to regain her posture. Followed by some imbalance.

Instantly, Hitomi Chishima realized that he was still being kicked!

Taking advantage of Hitomi Chishima's body being out of balance, Alexisa strode forward and slashed at Hitomi Chishima with one hand again. Hitomi Chishima had no time to regain his posture and had to keep retreating while maintaining a somewhat unbalanced body. Laclerisa did the same thing. At the moment when she was blocked from the attack, she kicked again, which was different from the previous kick. This time, she actually kicked Hitomi Chishima's calf. With this blow, Hitomi Chishima Her body was completely out of balance, and Alexisa, who had already slashed, did not give Chishima Hitomi a chance to adjust her center of gravity. Seeing that the blade in her hand was too late to slash back, she turned sideways suddenly, and pushed her palm on Chishima Hitomi's stomach.

Breathing stagnantly, Hitomi Qiandao was pushed out by this powerful blow, and she tried her best to adjust her posture, her eyes became sharper, she put the long knife in her hand across her side, and supported it with one hand and two feet together. Staying on the ground, he slid back five or six meters before barely stopping.

Seeing that the distance was opened again, Alexisa did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, she just flicked the knife in her hand lightly, letting the cold light outline a waning moon in the air, then smiled and said to Hitomi Qiandao: "Hmm... I really want to understand this feeling a little bit, it is indeed much more enjoyable than practicing against Butler Harman..."

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