Seeing Alexisa's aggressive smile, Hitomi Chishima frowned. At this moment, she finally understood what Alexisa said that "skills cannot make up for".

Miss Ashford's legs are really too long!

That's right, although I don't really want to admit it, the fact is that Alexisa's legs are too long!In this kind of close-to-hand hand-to-hand combat, the evasion range that Hitomi Chishima can do is not enough to completely avoid Alexisa's kick!

As a girl, Chishima Hitomi has always been confident in her tall body that doesn't look like a Japanese girl, but when faced with Alexa Lisa, who is almost the same height as Li Yexing, Chishima Hitomi finally understands what comes from force and strength. A double whammy of stature.

hateful!Miss Ashford has such long legs!The figure is even better than those models!It's so enviable!

When envy turns into a little bit of jealousy, it will turn into real resentment gushing out of his eyes. Seeing Hitomi Qiandao staring at his legs wrapped in a large samurai uniform, his eyes are full of resentment, Ah Laclerisa seemed to understand something, and suddenly, the smile on her face became a little subtle, she slightly put her legs together, and then softly said to Hitomi Qiandao: "Otherwise, Miss Qiandao, let's try the orthodox swordsmanship competition, I always find it a bit strange to be able to kick the sword."

"It's okay..." Standing up, shaking his head slightly to get rid of distracting thoughts, Hitomi Qiandao inserted the black alloy long knife back into the scabbard at his waist, then bent slightly, and pulled out the sword from behind. Ghoutian Kuanggu, which was shining with a faint red light, said in a low voice: "When fighting, the enemy will not tie up my legs, let alone saw off everything below my knees to take care of my height, so this is good .”

"As expected of the samurai girl who is relied on by my dear..." Slightly squinting the orange-red snake pupils, while speaking, she still did not forget to lick Qiandao Tong's cool spot to brush up her favorability, Alexisa once again Putting on a posture, the corners of her mouth curled up in an aggressive arc, she chuckled and said, "Then follow Miss Qiandao's wishes, let's have a fight like a fight!"

Not long after, the sound of tinkling iron rang out again, filling the entire dojo.

"Boss, this lady from the Ashford family... is amazing..." Seeing that Alexis was able to fight back and forth with Hitomi Qiandao who pulled out the bone of Kui Tian, ​​Kanan sighed with emotion in a low voice Said: "Didn't everyone say that the young lady from a rich family is just like the flowers in the vase?"

"The Ashford family has never kept a vase..." Seeing Alexisa playing with the samurai sword in her hand, Li Yexing couldn't help but think of the time when Alexisa danced in the submarine oil field. The beautiful gun flower that came out, now it seems that, except that the thinking circuit is occasionally different from ordinary people, this Miss Ashford is really both civil and military.

"Boss, if you fight like this, Little Qiandao might lose..." Seeing that Hitomi Qiandao was faintly suppressed, Kanan said in a low voice: "Body size is too important for melee combat, this Ash Miss Ford's strength is not weaker than that of Little Qiandao, and her height is directly higher than that of Little Qiandao, especially those legs, which are ridiculously long..."

"To be honest, I don't care who wins and who loses at all, I'm just a trophy anyway..." Li Yexing muttered softly: "I just want to take a good rest now, and by the way, pray that the winner of this fight can be right I'm gentle..."

A moment later, amidst the sound of hammering irons, the battle was finally decided. Alexisa successfully tripped Hitomi Chishima by virtue of her long legs, and put the knife on the opponent's neck. So far, this battle The competition held to narrow the distance between the sisters is finally over.

The winner, Alexisa Ashford, declared her ownership of Li Yexing tonight.

Chapter 31.

There was a trace of blush on the white face, and a thin layer of sweat emerged. Hitomi Qiandao lowered her brows, panting lightly while moving in small steps to Li Yexing, looking at the Behind Li Yexing, she lowered her head slightly, and said a little disappointed: "I'm sorry, I let Lord Yexing see Hitomi's embarrassed side."

Sliding down from Kanan's back, Li Yexing hugged Hitomi Qiandao, and buried his face in Hitomi Qiandao's neck while Hitomi Qiandao whispered softly. He closed his eyes and put all his weight on Touching Hitomi Qiandao's body, she rubbed lightly and whispered, "As expected of a beautiful girl of swordsmanship, even the sweat is fragrant..."

"Really, Lord Yexing, people always say something embarrassing..." Feeling the familiar breath from Li Yexing, Hitomi Qiandao finally had a smile on her face, and she walked out of the shadow of failure in the competition. Smiling and hugging Li Yexing in his arms, he gently stroked Li Yexing's back and said shyly, "However, Hitomi doesn't hate it..."

"Not bad, really good, hearty..." The other half retracted his knife into the scabbard and inserted it back into the weapon rack. Alexisa walked over barefoot, just like Hitomi Chishima, Alexis There was also a thin layer of sweat on Sha's body. Seeing Li Yexing looking over, she hooked her fingers and gently pulled off the collar of the warrior uniform, revealing a touch of snow. While fanning back and forth to dissipate heat, she smiled and said: "I didn't even know that the competition could have been like this. Sure enough, the competition with Butler Harman was a bit too rigid..."

Knowing what the action of Alexa pulling the collar meant, Li Yexing let go of his arms holding Hitomi Qiandao, turned his head unsteadily, and let his body lean forward naturally towards Alexa who was walking towards him. Seeing this, Alexisa immediately stepped forward to catch Li Yexing's face, and then asked softly, "Do you think I smell sweaty? Honey?"

"No..." Li Yexing said with a sigh of relief: "The milk smell is very strong, and it's mixed with the smell of roses. I like it very much..."

"Really?" There was a satisfied smile on the corner of her mouth, and Alexisa stretched out her hand, stroking Li Yexing's short hair lightly while smiling and said: "If you like it, just bury it for a while, it's all yours anyway. ..."

Seeing Li Yexing leaning against Alexisa, Kanan's expression became a little subtle, and she couldn't help whispering: "By the way, will growing so big affect your movement?"

On the other side, Hitomi Chishima seemed to have the same question. She looked down at herself, and then looked up at Alexisa, with a trace of envy in her eyes: "Miss Ashford is really amazing, I think mine is already cumbersome enough, I have to tie it up with a bandage before every battle..."

"There's really nothing to envy..." Wrapping her arms around Li Yexing's neck to bury Li Yexing deeper, Alexisa said with a wry smile: "Actually, I'm also quite troubled, although dear I am very happy that I like it, but to be honest, once I exercise vigorously, it is really inconvenient, and it will be a little painful when it is severe, so since my body has become like this, apart from occasionally competing to ensure my body is flexible, I will I seldom exercise..."

"It's such a sweet trouble..." Hitomi Qiandao couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Anyway, it's much stronger than my pectoral muscles..." Kanan agreed with the corner of his mouth.

"Well, it seems that you don't understand my pain very well, maybe I should discuss this with Miss Griffith..." Seeing that Kanan and Hitomi Chishima still had a hint of envy in their eyes, Alexisa said helplessly. Sighing, she patted Li Yexing on the back of the head lightly, and then said softly: "Okay, honey, stop being coquettish, I'm going to take a bath with Miss Qiandao, and I'll go find you again tonight ..."

"Oh..." Li Yexing nodded at Alek Lisa, even a little dazed, reluctantly left Alek Lisa, and turned his face to Kanan. Kanan thought for a while, imitating Alek Lisa puffed up her chest, and caught Li Yexing, but unexpectedly Li Yexing said in a stern voice: "It's really tough, as expected of my good brother..."

"Go to hell..." There were harsh words on her mouth, but Kanan still gently wrapped her arms around Li Yexing's waist so that Li Yexing would not slip down. She turned her head and looked at Qiandao Tong and Alek Lisa raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you going to take a bath?"

"Well, by the way, let's share the experience of the exchange..." Wiping off the thin sweat on her forehead, Alexisa reached out and put her arms around Hitomi Chishima's shoulders, and then asked Kanan with a chuckle: "You and my dear?" Want to go together?"

"Let's forget about it..." Shaking his head at Alex Lisa with a smile, Kanan patted Li Yexing's back lightly, and at the same time said to Alex Lisa: "The boss was raped by the maid and the little girl last night." It's been a lot of trouble for nothing, I'll take him back to rest first, so there's no need to call us for lunch."

"Miss Maid and...Xiaobai...refer to Miss Griffith and Miss Bai?" She was slightly taken aback by the address in Kanan's mouth, and then smiled knowingly, Alexisa He nodded and said: "I understand, today's lunch will not greet you and my dear, but I will let Haman butler prepare some desserts for you, if you are hungry after rest, you can go to me or Haman housekeeper."

"Oh! Thank you so much!" The smile on his face brightened immediately, Kanan waved his hands towards Alexisa and Hitomi Chishima, and then said with a smile: "Then I will take the boss back to the bedroom first." !"

"Please go slowly." Alexisa said with a light smile.

"Be careful on the road." Hitomi Qiandao agreed happily.

Just like that, pulling Li Yexing, Kanan turned around and walked into the corridor outside the ashram.

The Ashford family has a big business, and the interior of the castle is intricate. Even so, after living in it for a few days, Kanan was able to easily remember a few common routes. It didn't take long before she took Li Yexing back to her home. In front of the door of his room, at this moment, Li Yexing was in a daze. He could walk by himself but insisted on pressing on Kanan's body. In order to prevent Li Yexing from slipping down, Kanan supported Li Yexing with one hand, and the other He twisted the golden doorknob with his hand. After pushing the bedroom door open, before she could take a step, Li Yexing broke free from her embrace, went straight to the big bed in the middle of the bedroom, and gently Jumping up, he slammed his body onto the bed, and buried his face in the bed mixed with Kanan's faint body fragrance.

"Look at your virtue..." Can't help laughing and cursing, Kanan closed the wooden door of the bedroom with her backhand. She came to the French window and drew the dark red curtains in the bedroom. Suddenly, the light in the room It was getting dark, and after drawing the curtains, Kanan turned his head and returned to the bed, turned over for Li Yexing, and helped Li Yexing take off his shoes. After placing the slippers neatly by the bed, she stood Standing up, looking down at Li Yexing who was lying on the bed with his eyes squinted, he frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "It's the first time I've met you since I met you, what did the maid and Xiaobai do to you? ?”

"It's a long story, I suggest you don't ask..." Li Yexing murmured softly.

"Okay, don't ask if you don't ask..." Shrugging at Li Yexing, Kanan kicked off his shoes, climbed onto the bed together, and lay down gently beside Li Yexing.

Chapter 32.

Different from Li Yexing's bedroom, although the layout is roughly the same, the room arranged by Harman Butler for Kanan has no rocking chairs and a little less complicated decoration. In contrast, Kanan's room has many more antique solid wood bookshelves , The bookshelves are full of all kinds of books.

However, according to Li Yexing's understanding, Kanan probably wouldn't spend time reading books.

As time passed, Li Yexing's eyelids became heavier and heavier, but for some reason, he couldn't fall asleep for no reason. Gradually, a faint irritability grew in Li Yexing's chest. I didn't want to get up, but I heard Kanan next to me whispering, "Haven't slept yet?"

"Hmm..." Li Yexing replied in a weak voice, "I don't know why, I'm obviously sleepy, but I just can't fall asleep."

"Sleepy? But can't sleep? What's the reason?" Kanan muttered in a low voice with a hint of doubt between her brows. Darkness leaned into Li Yexing's ear and whispered softly, "Do you want to smoke a cigarette?"

"Okay..." Li Yexing replied in a low voice.

"Okay, wait until I lock the door..." Gently kissing Li Yexing's side face, Kanan climbed out of bed, walked quickly to the door of the room, and locked the room. Behind her, Li Yexing Struggling to get out of bed with dark circles under her eyes, she wobbled to the floor-to-ceiling windows. After a while, Kanan came to Li Yexing's side. She opened half of the curtains to let the sunlight into the room again, then stretched out her hand He opened half of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and immediately, a trace of sea breeze blew into the room. Feeling the oncoming sea breeze, Li Yexing suddenly felt refreshed, and even the irritability in his heart dissipated a lot.

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