"Leader C10..." Holding hands with the leader of H13, the leader of C10 glanced at the corpse on the ground, and then asked in a deep voice, "Is it okay? You know, killing teammates is a big taboo."

"He was killed by that lunatic covered in blood..." the leader of H13 said in a deep voice, "You had to shoot him after you failed to stop him."

"That's fine..." In just a few seconds, the two people who shot and killed their teammates reached a consensus. The leader of H13 glanced at the soldier's corpse lying on the ground covered in blood, and then asked in a deep voice: "So, what's up with this guy?"

"God knows, we waited by the stairs according to the original plan, and then he rushed up from below, and gave us a grenade without saying anything..." The C10 team leader frowned and said: "I really don't know if this poor guy is here What did I encounter below, and I was so frightened that I went crazy..."

"So he's not yours..." Hearing what the team leader of C10 said, the leader of H13 was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Your staff has been reduced. The commander didn't tell me about this before."

"Reduction?" The eyebrows were slightly raised, and the leader of C10 turned his head and whispered: "Isn't my people just..."

Before he could finish speaking, the leader of C10 was stunned. Behind him, there was only one soldier in black.

"Why are you the only one left?" After a brief surprise, the C10 team leader asked anxiously, "Where's the other guy?"

"The other..." The black-clothed soldier also looked confused, he turned his head subconsciously, and after realizing that there was no one around him, he quickly said: "That's not right! I helped that guy up! He should be right behind me!"

"Go! Go back!" Almost without hesitation, the leader of C10 raised his gun and rushed along the road he came from, while the black-clothed soldiers belonging to C10 followed closely behind. Seeing this, the leader and team members of H13 had to hurry After turning a few corners back and forth, the leader of C10, who was running in the front, saw his teammate who was behind at a glance. At this moment, his upper body was lying on the floor of the corridor, and his lower body was on the stairs. Unmoving, dead or alive, the leader of C10 saw this and was about to rush up. Suddenly, he saw the motionless black-clothed soldier slipping down the stairs, as if being dragged away by something, which looked extremely weird.

In an instant, the leader of C10 stopped in his tracks. He raised his hand to signal the team to stop. At the same time, he raised his gun and fired, aiming at the stairs ahead.

"Did you see it?" The leader of C10 asked in a deep voice.

"I see, that guy... seems to be dragged down by something..." Standing beside the leader of C10, the leader of H13 also raised his gun, and asked in a deep voice: "What did you see?" ?"

"I don't see it very clearly..." Recalling the blood red that flashed between the hollowed-out stair railings when his teammate was dragged down just now, the C10 leader whispered: "I think we need to call for backup."

"The nearest team is three floors away from us, we can't afford to wait..." The leader of H13 immediately removed the Thor Seat behind him, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, this thing is still very useful, no matter what monster it is, It’s impossible to survive a round of high-voltage electric shocks, come on, let’s meet that thing.”

"It's so brave..." As a veteran of HCF, the leader of C10 knows very well that he must always be in awe of these monsters. After a few seconds of tangling, he still contacted the commander, and the commander said that all the teams were on the way. Move down as far as possible, the backup force is still sufficient, and the highly controllable BOW provided by the black Umbrella is about to enter the bunker, requiring C10 and H13 to directly enter the lower floor.

"Mom..." After the communication was cut off, the leader of C10 muttered in a low voice while unloading the Thor Seat: "If it was Christo, he would definitely not give such a reckless order, the idiot acting as the commander..."

In this way, after confirming that the order remained unchanged, the remaining two people from C10 and the two remaining people from H13 formed a four-person team, and walked down the stairs to the dark abyss, where you can't see your fingers. In the darkness, there seemed to be a girl's sweet laughter drifting faintly.

Chapter 25. Encounter with the macho man

Sitting among the grass, with his back against the rough and wet bark, Li Yexing took off his shirt, and Li Yexing, whose upper body was covered with mud, was holding a gun, suppressing his breathing. In the silence, he squinted his eyes slightly. , listening to the voices from the surrounding grass, until he confirmed that the enemy was not outflanking from below, he puffed up his chest and turned his head slightly. As his gaze passed over the trees behind him, there seemed to be something moving in the white mist.

The gunshot exploded suddenly, and Li Yexing retracted his head suddenly. The bullets penetrated the air and passed Li Yexing's side face, splashing sawdust from the tree behind Li Yexing.

"I can see you! Mad dog!" There was a burst of angry and passionate roar, piercing through the thick fog and echoing in the mountains and forests, the voice shouted loudly: "Come on! Don't hide Aren’t you! Aren’t you the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere?! Touch me! Let’s have a good fight!”

"Actually, I really don't mind!" Li Yexing used the cover of white mist to casually throw a piece of C4 explosives into the grass far above while counting the supplies on his body, and then squeezed the detonator loudly. Said: "The key is, who knows how many people there are on your side?!"

"Just me!" Immediately, the angry voice said: "Come on! Don't be shy! Come out and touch me!"

"Sorry, my family has a beautiful wife, so I don't fencing with men!" Loudly replying to the message from the opposite side, Li Yexing started to move. Between the white mist and the grass, he turned his back to the tree that he used as a cover He lowered his figure and slowly moved forward. When he was a little away from the tree, Li Yexing completely lay down in the grass and stopped talking.

"Don't fencing? How about a dagger?!" The man on the opposite side asked loudly with a smile: "You killed so many of my men, you must have a dagger, right? We can have a hearty dagger duel! "

This time, Li Yexing didn't reply, he just waited silently, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Mr. Li? You talk!" On the other side, Li Yexing didn't get a reply, and he shouted through the thick fog, "Mr. Li, are you... Did you sneak away?"

Gently pressing the trigger with his finger, Li Yexing knew that the opponent would definitely come here to check the situation in a short time, and most likely would come from above. At this time, as long as the C4 thrown before is detonated, the enemy's personnel will be reduced instantly. Before that, the only thing he needs to do is to wait patiently, waiting for the enemy to lose his composure.

In the previous several ambushes, Li Yexing would pick up the enemy's helmet almost every time, and judge the enemy's movement through the sound in the enemy's communicator. Judging from the communication status in the communicator, although the enemy's external army gradually It has stabilized, but the battle in the Ashford family castle is not smooth. In other words, the opponent should be more anxious than Li Yexing. Li Yexing believes that if it is more patient, the opponent cannot be his opponent .

Since Li Yexing did not reply for a long time, the enemy on the other side of the dense fog seemed to have given up communicating. In this silence, Li Yexing waited silently for the enemy to take the bait like a calm hunter. There seemed to be some movement on the grass. Although the movement was small, Li Yexing could sense it keenly, so he held the gun with one hand, and gently pressed his thumb on the detonator button with the other hand. It was ready to detonate at any time, but at this moment, Li Yexing suddenly heard a familiar soft sound from the thick fog ahead.

Li Yexing's pupils suddenly shrank.

hell!That looks like a...grenade!

The moment Li Yexing realized what had happened, he saw a bunch of tail smoke quickly squeezed through the thick fog with the airflow, penetrated the air, and slammed into the tree where Li Yexing was hiding before. There was a loud bang, and the fire and smoke dispersed in an instant. The towering trees broke directly under the ravages of the explosion, and slammed towards Li Yexing not far away. In order to avoid the trees, Li Yexing had to grit his teeth , one turned over and hid to one side, and on the other side, it seemed that he had observed the bushes shaking due to Li Yexing's movements, and the angry voice shouted: "I saw him! He's under you! "

"Playing with me?!" Li Yexing, who was lying in the grass avoiding stray bullets, hurriedly pressed the detonator when he heard the angry roar and the fierce gunshots. Suddenly, there was a burst of explosions mixed with screams It came from above, Li Yexing didn't have time to confirm the result of the battle. He stood up against the mud that was thrown into the sky by the C4 explosive and then fell like raindrops. The bright light on the side pulled the trigger, and Li Yexing moved his body while shooting at the enemy when they couldn't see each other. He didn't stop until he found a tree that was suitable enough, and then he stopped and dodged behind the tree. Sitting against the tree like before, Li Yexing began to change the magazine. On the other side of the thick fog, he realized that Li Yexing had found a bunker, and the other side immediately ceased fire.

"Good trick! It's indeed the mad dog of Lopulus!" After a while, the angry voice came from the other side of the fog again, and the man on the opposite side smiled and said loudly: "I just like hunting people like you!" Opponent! It is because of your existence that I can feel how fulfilling and interesting it is to be alive!"

"Then your life is really not enough to pursue..." Quickly analyzing the surrounding terrain, he threw the last few pieces of C4 explosives in the direction where the two enemies might sneak attack. He didn't close the waist bag, but directly opened the lid, and set up a row of detonators in the order of throwing C4, so that half of their body was exposed. After finishing everything, he turned his face and said loudly: "Also, don't you think your words are too much?!"

"Sorry! Mr. Li! I'm a talkative person!" The other side of the dense fog responded loudly: "If you bother Mr. Li, then I apologize to you! But! I will not shut up! Haha !"

"Since you like to talk, let's talk about something meaningful!" Knowing that the other party wanted to relax his vigilance through the conversation and confirm his approximate location by the way, Li Yexing simply followed suit. After all, he also needed time to adjust the arrangement slightly , tore off the grenade around his waist, and while he was tying the pull ring of the grenade with the thread torn from the frayed trousers, he observed the surrounding environment, and at the same time he said in a loud voice: "Are you interested in reporting yourself?" ? After all, you almost checked out my household registration!"

"Call me Christo! Mr. Li!" Marley Christo, the HCF frontline commander on the other side of the thick fog, said with a loud smile, "Just like you, Mr. Li, I also rely on fighting for my living! But I'm not as famous as you, that's all!"

"Well, I can see it..." He pressed the detonator on his waist casually, and listening to the screams mixed with the sound of the explosion, Li Yexing smiled and said loudly: "Obviously talk to me again, but there is still a small trick The next one, your uneducated appearance is no different from our group of mercenaries!"

Chapter 26. The Macho Confrontation

Although he is not eager to reunite with his own girls because he has enough confidence in the strength of his own girls, but now, Li Yexing's situation is not good. According to the plan, he should have completed the rest of the journey by this time Halfway, they should reach the top of the mountain soon, but the actual situation is that not long after killing the apostle who suddenly ran out of the jar, Li Yexing was bitten to death by a group of guys who suddenly appeared.

Seeing the opponent's extremely targeted posture, Li Yexing did not believe that this was an encounter. It was obvious that the opponent came after him, especially after the opponent directly reported Li Yexing's identity, Li Yexing became more and more determined .

Different from those smelly fish and rotten shrimps that he encountered before, Li Yexing could feel that the guy hiding in the fog opposite him was probably a bit powerful...

Tsk, have you gotten into trouble by messing around too much behind enemy lines?

And... how the hell did they lock my location?

Putting the meaningless doubts behind him, tied the wire grenade in his hand between the trees and the bushes, hidden in the knee-high grass, Li Yexing took out a grenade from under the detonator in his pocket The grenade was stuffed into the grenade launcher, and there was a mischievous smirk at the corner of his mouth.

Compared to Li Yexing, who was able to do a job with ease, on the other side of the white mist, Marley Christo, who was also hiding behind a tree, looked not so pretty. Just now, he gave away three men for nothing, all of whom were killed by C4 The explosives were blown up, two people were killed and one was injured. Christo couldn't understand such a situation.

Reasonably speaking, in such a heavy fog, the visibility should not support Li Yexing to see the enemies touching from the flank. Even if Li Yexing has the ability to predict their attack route and set the C4 explosives in advance, in this dense fog Li Yexing's visibility should not be able to support Li Yexing to see his men.

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