hell!How did that guy precisely control the detonation of C4?Is it by listening? !

"Speaking of which, Mr. Li, I'm a little curious. I want to know what is the relationship between you and our mission target, the former real leader of the black Umbrella?" After a moment of deliberation, in order to confirm whether Li Yexing had changed positions , Christo turned sideways and yelled loudly.

"Tell me which side you are from first?" Immediately, Li Yexing responded from the other side of the thick fog, and he said loudly: "Don't try to fool me, I know, you are definitely not from the black Umbrella The security forces, they are much more useless than you, you can only be regarded as paraplegic at most, and the security forces can be said to be high paraplegia."

"The words are ugly enough. Are you trying to annoy me?" After muttering a few words in a low voice, Christo, who judged that Li Yexing's position had not changed based on the voice, waved his hand and signaled the nearby soldiers to distance themselves. The team double-teamed from left to right, and replied with a loud voice: "You really guessed it right, Mr. Li, we are not from the black Umbrella, we are foreign aid they invited from the 'Alliance'!"

"Oh, I see, it turns out to be someone from HCF." Immediately, Li Yexing's reply came back from the other side of the fog.

Hearing Li Yexing's reply, Christo's expression froze.

Wait, this guy knows HCF?Do not!How did he know our identities? !In this operation, all the soldiers should have no identification marks on them. No matter how many teams he kills, it is impossible to find any objects related to HCF. There is no reason for that...

After a few seconds of thinking, Christo's eyes widened suddenly. He suddenly realized that he had been tricked. There is no doubt that Li Yexing's answer just now should be just a test, and his short silence was almost quite So the default!

"It was discovered by you! Haha, that's right, we are from HCF!" In order to prevent his identity from being exposed, Christo decided to use reverse thinking to tell the truth. He believed that if he reported it so readily, the other party might instead Not so sure, in order not to give Li Yexing a chance to think too much, he directly said loudly: "Okay! Mr. Li! It's your turn! You haven't answered my question yet! You and that black Ambre What is the relationship with Ra's former leader?"

"She is my woman!" Li Yexing replied directly on the other side of the thick fog.

Hearing Li Yexing's answer, Christo was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

Poor mercenary from Itonia and head of the Ashford family, are you writing some fairy tale?

Just as Christo was thinking, suddenly, there was another explosion mixed with screams, and then the subordinates on the other side of the communicator reported in a panic: "This is the fourth group, my leg is injured! My teammate is lying On the ground, life and death are unknown."

"Stand by and wait for rescue, don't get up!" He lowered his voice and gave the order, and Christo pressed the communicator next to his ear and said: "Group three, change the route and make a detour towards the two o'clock direction of your original planned route." About ten meters, and then stand by."

Quickly arranged the next move of his subordinates, Christo gritted his teeth and showed a somewhat ferocious smile, he tilted his head and said loudly: "Mr. Li, you really know how to play, but I advise you not to hide it." , at this moment, dozens of teams are marching towards that Miss Ashford's hiding place, if you can't solve me quickly, your woman will be dragged out by my soldiers! And Sven people like you and me are different, they are all rough people, once they drag your woman out, I can't guarantee that something pleasant will happen."

"Really? Why do I feel that you are more anxious than me?" Li Yexing on the other side of the thick fog said with a smile: "You shout so happily, but the communicator is crying father and mother. Those of you who entered the castle The team's death rate may have reached [-]%, right?"

Being ridiculed by Li Yexing, Christo's face became even uglier. He and the acting commander obviously blocked the communication of every lost team in the first place, but they were still heard by Li Yexing.

"It's okay, Mr. Li, don't worry about us!" Forcing his mouth hard, Christo waved his hand, signaling the team behind him to turn around towards the mountain, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Black Umbrella has a lot of fun toys, I'm sure you've seen it before, they help my soldiers take care of those boring pets raised by Ashford..."

As he said that, as if to annoy Li Yexing, a disgusting smile appeared on Christo's face, with the scar on his face moving at the corner of his mouth, he shouted with a smile: "I'll let those monsters interrupt that The limbs of a rich lady, and brought her to me. I have seen the photos, and the girl is really beautiful, she is definitely a stunner. At that time, I will hold Shuangshuang first, presumably those big people above should not blame her I..."

After the voice fell, the woods instantly returned to silence, and for a while, the atmosphere was a little depressing.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Mr. Li? Are you angry?!" He taunted casually, trying to force Li Yexing to answer. Christo was smiling, but suddenly froze. He realized that, Li Yexing's reaction seemed a little abnormal, and after a while, with a hint of doubt and astonishment, he couldn't help but asked loudly: "I said...you really slept with that Miss Ashford, right? Is she human?! She looks like a fucking monster?!"

What responded to Christo was a familiar soft sound.

Immediately afterwards, an explosion sounded.

Chapter 27. Rush

"I am!"

Accompanied by shouts and curses, a large piece of soil was blown away with the flames, and weeds mixed with sparks fell on Krystal's head. In an instant, Krystal figured out the situation. His voice fired a grenade directly at him!The most damning thing is that this grenade almost hit him!

"Could this bastard really be able to tell by sound?" Taking off the black cap on top of his head and shaking off the dirt on it, Krystal was about to fight back when he heard bursts of gunshots in front of him, accompanied by that The gun rang, and the mist was illuminated by the flames. Christo gritted his teeth, poked his head out and pulled the trigger directly in the direction where the gunfire was flickering. However, before a few shots were fired, he heard another There was a soft sound.

"Mom, it's endless..." Realizing that Li Yexing fired a grenade, Christo immediately hid behind the tree, but the next second, the grenade directly hit the big tree where Christo was hiding. Accompanied by the flames and thick smoke, sawdust scattered and splashed, the big tree was broken in the middle of the explosion, and it fell directly towards Krystal. In desperation, Krystal had to rush out from behind the tree, avoiding the big tree. The giant tree that collapsed suddenly, while pressing his hat with one hand, he lowered his figure and passed through the grass. To reach the next bunker, a figure rushed out of the thick fog!

His lower body was wearing tattered trousers, and the shoes on his feet were covered with mud. His upper body was naked and covered in mud, spreading all the way to his face. At first glance, the figure looked like a clay figurine, but at this moment, the face of the clay figurine was extremely gloomy. He didn't show any ferocious expression, but Christo still felt terrified. He let go of the hand holding the cap, and was about to hold the gun with both hands. Suddenly, a huge force slammed into his body armor, instantly Krystal felt short of breath for a while, and staggered and fell between the bushes. Seeing the clay figurine getting closer and closer, being shot, he could only resist the pain coming from his chest, and forcibly pointed the muzzle of the gun at him. Li Yexing, who was covered in mud, was allowed.

The trigger was pulled suddenly, and the bullet came out. It was too far for ordinary people to react at this distance. However, Li Yexing was not an ordinary person. By virtue of inertia, he directly fell into the grass and let the bullet graze his shoulder. Immediately afterwards, he did not Standing up, he lay on the ground like a beast, moved his limbs through the grass and advanced at a high speed, and went straight to Christo. On the other side, Christo, who had run out of bullets, saw the bushes tremble, and he was about to struggle. When he got up, Li Yexing jumped out suddenly and hit his stomach with his head. This blow directly knocked Christo to the ground again.

"Mom..." Taking advantage of the inertia of being hit, Krystal turned over and forcibly stood up. He knew very well that it was impossible to reload the HK-416 in his hand at this distance, so he borrowed the moment he turned over. With a secret movement, he directly pulled out the pistol from his waist. However, before the pistol was raised, Li Yexing pushed the pistol away from Krystal's hand, and at the same time pressed down Krystal's hand. Wrist, under the pain of Christo, couldn't help letting go of his hand. The moment the pistol slipped from his hand, his heart sank, he turned around, and thrust his shoulder into Li Yexing's arms In the process, this blow not only knocked Li Yexing away, but also knocked away the dropped pistol, cutting off Li Yexing's desire to snatch the pistol.

Seeing Li Yexing gritted his teeth and staggered back, a ferocious smile appeared on Christo's face, the scar on his face was affected, he pulled out the black dagger from his waist, and went straight to Li Yexing's arms, Unexpectedly, Li Yexing was faster than him, and saw a flash of cold light, and the same black dagger was already on Li Yexing's chest. At the moment the dagger hit, he deflected the angle to remove the impact of Christo, Amidst the metallic sound of sparks, Krystal pierced through the air, while Li Yexing took advantage of this inertia to stagger back again, distanced himself from Krystal.

"How dare you charge straight up, you really deserve to be the wild dog of Lopulus..." Stretching his wrist, which was still slightly painful He said: "It seems that you are very angry with me."

"Indeed, I'm angry..." He didn't shy away from his anger. Although Li Yexing looked indifferent, his eyes were extremely cold, as if he wanted to swallow Christo alive with his eyes.

"This is your fault, Mr. Li..." The smile on his face became more sinister, and it was set off by the scar connecting the corner of his mouth. Christo smiled and said: "The more irrational a person is, the easier it is to Make a mistake and you will pay for your recklessness."

Hearing Christo's words, Li Yexing just raised his eyebrows, and threw the dagger in his right hand into his left hand. Li Yexing casually pressed the half-exposed detonator on his waist bag. Suddenly, there was a burst of explosion accompanied by screams. .

Christo's facial muscles twitched vigorously.

"You're right, Mr. HCF who can't remember his name..." Li Yexing said coldly: "There is a price to pay for recklessness, no matter what plans you have, you shouldn't hit me on the head, you shouldn't Come to me."

"Are you always so confident?" Krystal asked with a sneer after dispelling the gloom on his face, "Maybe there is someone behind you?"

As soon as the words fell, there was another explosion. With the explosion, the smile on Christo's face finally couldn't hold back.

"Trip wire grenade, it's a very old-fashioned thing. If your team is following my traces, they will definitely bump into it..." Li Yexing said blankly: "Now, you have no cards."

"Are you really so sure?" Crystal asked.

"I have deduced the approximate number of you based on the gunshots when we first encountered each other. In the round of firefights just after the grenade was fired, I killed two and blew up two. And the one who just stepped on the thunder, it should be just right..." After easily finding out the opponent's cards, Li Yexing said indifferently: "Now, most of the teams are probably about to arrive at the castle. No chance."

"Mom, you can actually tell your position by hearing..." Seeing that his bluff didn't work, Christo's face completely darkened, and on the other side, Li Yexing was still gently throwing the dagger, As if he didn't pay attention to Christo at all, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, he said in a deep voice: "Don't you want to play with me with daggers? Now, I've given you a chance, what are you waiting for? "

"Oh, that's not bad, just let me see your weight..." Observing Li Yexing's body covered in mud, and seeing that Li Yexing's figure is not burly, Christo heaved a sigh of relief. As a veteran, he knew very well that his body was very important in this kind of close combat, and he was much bigger than Li Yexing. In other words, he didn't think he would lose to Li Yexing.

Footsteps moved lightly, making soft noises among the bushes. Christo slowly approached Li Yexing while slowly waving the dagger in his hand. On the other hand, seeing Christo getting closer, Li Yexing slightly Squinting his eyes, when the thrown dagger fell back into his palm again, he suddenly held the knife in his backhand and put on a posture.

For a moment, except for the rustling among the grass and the flickering gunshots overhead, the woods shrouded in thick fog fell into a cold silence again.

Chapter 28. The Macho Plants Flowers

Although he didn't think he would lose to Li Yexing in fighting, when he really faced this ugly war dog, Krystal was still a little bit drummed, because he had been a mercenary before, so he was different from most Guys with a stable job, Christo has always been in awe of those legendary monster-like fighters. He knows how difficult it is to survive in that kind of hell, let alone when that monster is rampant in the streets, people Ropulus, who is as evil as a ghost!

As a veteran of HCF in the true sense, Marley Christo has experienced all kinds of hells. Even so, when he was hunting Li Ye Xing, he still brought a fully armed team, but When the last member of the team fell, Krystal realized in surprise that he still underestimated the enemy, and he shouldn't use human scales to measure this Eastern European vicious dog!

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