However, Kalba doesn't ask what he shouldn't know.

In a trance, there seemed to be a gunshot behind his ears. The gunshot was very far away, and because it was separated by gates and walls, it seemed a bit stern, but Karba would never neglect, he quickened his pace again, Going straight to the central control room, after going down the stairs to the lower floor, the gunshots seemed to become more intense, and vaguely, he seemed to hear the sound of machinery running, as if a gate had been opened.

"Not enough success, more than failure..." In an instant, Karba came to a conclusion. He knew that it must be those HCF soldiers who couldn't bear to be killed by their comrades, so they opened the gate. In his opinion, this kind of not only If you can't save your teammates, it is undoubtedly very stupid to continue your own behavior.

However, Karba has no right to accuse and order them. After all, he does not have the power to command the HCF. Theoretically speaking, the acting command of the HCF is in the hands of Victor. Now, he can only pray for those unlucky people who open the door Dan can die a little bit more, and it will sound the alarm for the subsequent teams who want to open the floodgate.

Carrying the malice that had never been shown on his face, Karba finally came to the door of the central control room. He pushed open the door of the central control room and walked in quickly, only to see that the walls of the central control room were covered with The monitoring screens were dimly shining. Under the dim light of the screens, the faces of the technicians controlled by three HCF soldiers were full of uneasiness.

"The work has been done very well, you have practiced the credo of black Umbrella's dedication..." Glancing at the monitor that was functioning normally, Karba turned his head to the group of technicians and said in a deep voice: "It's hard work. Now, everyone, go back and rest well, we will end all this before dawn tomorrow."

Escorted by three HCF soldiers, the technicians shrank away, leaving Karba alone in the central control room.

Next to his ears, the sound of mechanical operation sounded again, indicating that the gate had been opened again, causing Karba to frown. He raised his head and looked at the wall full of monitoring screens, trying to find out who the HCF was. What is he doing, but when he finds the monitoring screen corresponding to the area, what awaits him is only a large piece of snowflake noise. Obviously, those monsters from the Ashford family not only killed people, but also destroyed all the monitoring screens .

"Extraordinary..." Frowning slightly, he commented on the monsters of the Ashford family. Karba began to quickly glance at other monitoring screens. The location of the central control room is not close to the office area A. Not far away, if those HCF idiots open a few more gates, then the monsters of the Ashford family will completely rush into the facility, and by then, no one will be able to stop them!Now, he must quickly find the location of the escaped mercenary, then report his location to Victor, and try to see if he can take Victor to retreat by the way.

Frowning became tighter and tighter, Karba narrowed his eyes slightly, letting his gaze quickly scan the monitoring screens, until a moment later, a figure caught his attention, so he moved his face closer to it, Observing carefully, I saw that on the screen, a man wearing a hospital uniform and a body armor was walking slowly in an awkward posture holding a gun. Even though he tried his best to avoid the monitoring range of the monitor, It is still unavoidable to be directly exposed to surveillance for a few seconds.

"I found you..." There was a trace of coldness in his eyes, Karba pressed the communicator next to his ear, and then said in a deep voice, "I found him, Speaker."

"Oh? Tell me, where is our saint?" Immediately, Victor's reply came from the other side of the communicator. I don't know if it was Karba's illusion, but Victor's voice seemed a little hoarse.

"He's on the third floor underground, near the level-four danger zone..." Karba replied in a deep voice, "Do you need me to control him?"

"Actually, I want to say that you don't need to come, but right now, you don't seem to have anything else to do..." Victor on the other side of the communicator said with a smile: "So, my answer is, go! Mr. Karba Go and face our saint! I will arrange a team for you at the gate of the fourth-level danger zone!"

"The matter of evacuation..." Karba asked hesitantly.

"No hurry, Mr. Karba..." Victor smiled and said, "Just do what you should do, I have my arrangements."

"Understood..." After a while, Karba replied in a deep voice.

Chapter 22. The route of the macho harem group

When the gunfire and gunfire disappeared together, the only thing that could reflect the blood on the wall was the red emergency light. Accompanied by the sound of machinery running, the last metal gate in Area A of the office area of ​​the black Umbrella European Branch It was opened, revealing the stumped limbs and broken arms all over the corridor, and the six girls standing between the stumped limbs. In the darkness, their eyes seemed to be shining faintly, looking straight at Bai Muqing on the other side of the gate.

"Former Black Umbrella Tenth Executive Officer, graduated from STF University with a Ph. Kicking away the corpse covered in black slime beside him, he stuffed the black hollow alloy sphere that Rita handed over into his chest and said coldly, "And your door opener."

"Ha! Don't mind, don't mind, after all, only Xiaobai can get in! There's no other way..." Kanan waved his left hand lightly at Bai Muqing. The girls in black took a step forward and stepped out from the wide and deep corridor. Seeing this, Bai Muqing turned around silently and walked in front of her. Seven monster girls with glowing eyes gathered together, Facing the constantly flickering dark red light, walking forward step by step, either indifferently, or smiling, or with a hint of innocence, or mixed with frightening madness, interpreting what is the real "all villains".

Now, they have successfully entered the research facility, and what they have to do is to rescue their villainous leader, and smash some unsightly usurper along the way.

"Have you noticed that after killing all those guys hiding behind the gates, there seem to be fewer enemies in the corridor..." Hearing the occasional bursts of gunshots from inside and outside the facility, Kanan grinned chuckled lightly.

"As I said, they don't have enough manpower..." Bai Muqing, who was walking in the front, said coldly: "If there is only the security force of Black Umbrella, maybe they still have a chance, even with the addition of ordinary mercenary groups, They still have a chance to hold back, but now they are facing our Ring Asian Armed Forces, and us..."

There was a touch of pride in the words, Bai Muqing subconsciously raised her head slightly, making the corners of her mouth draw a glamorous arc, as if mocking something, she said with a sneer: "For small-scale battles in complex terrain, the environment Sub-armed forces can definitely compete head-on and defeat all armed forces below the regular army of a major country, even the HCF is not enough."

"Indeed..." Nodding in agreement, Alexisa who followed behind smiled and said, "To combine a group of freelance mercenaries with outstanding personal abilities into a team and allow them to fight together, I have to say , Miss Bai has cultivated a very rare armed force for my dear, no wonder my dear relies on you so much."

"It can't be regarded as my training. If you want to unite them, you have to rely on the wild dog..." Bai Muqing said indifferently, "The average quality of those guys is already ridiculously high. I just We have planned some development directions a little bit, that’s all.”

Listening to Bai Muqing's footsteps that became a little brisker, seeing Bai Muqing's slightly twisting crotch unconsciously like a snake, and her walking posture leaning closer to the strong woman mode, Tilly Lisi was expressionless, she turned slightly Turning around, she glanced at Aleklisa beside her, only to find that Aleklisa was also looking at her. When the eyes met, Aleklisa smiled at Tillyris.

To be honest, when she first met Alexisa and learned of her identity, Tilly Liss was worried that Alexisa would get along with other girls because she was too arrogant, but now it seems that she thinks more By the way, this aristocratic lady from the Ashford family is really good at boasting.

Praise Rita as "the head maid who is relied on by my dear", praise Kanan as "a good brother who can be entrusted by my dear", praise Hitomi Chishima as "a harbor of heart that is relied on by my dear", and praise Ti Lilian is "a cute girl who is loved by my dear", and Bai Muqing is praised as "a secretary who is trusted by my dear"...

Thinking about it carefully, Tiriris seems to be the only one among all the sisters who has not been praised by Alexis like this, not because of Alexisa's opinion of Tiriris, but because Tiriris doesn't like this at all, and Alexisa happened to be able to see that Tiriris didn't like this, so the conversations between the two were often more pragmatic, and lacked a lot of politeness that was very unnutritious in Tiriris' view.

"Speaking of which, it's so dark here..." Looking at the emergency lights around, Tillylian tilted her head slightly and said, "Can the Ice Cube Girl really remember where to go? This should be my lord's home." Come on, as a result, my lord is a little lost."

"Don't worry, I remember it very clearly. After all, a few years ago, I ran back and forth in this facility..." Bai Muqing said in a low voice, "Except for the danger zone above level [-], I can say that I know the structure of this facility by heart."

"However, it seems that the number of enemies has really decreased..." Hitomi Qiandao, who had to take out the bone blade because the Kuanggu bone and the executive officer's saber were all curled up, said with some regret: "According to In general comic book movies or game plots, shouldn’t the villain’s lair be full of enemies that can be used to test knives?”

"According to the plots of the comics, movies and games, everyone is the big villain..." Tilly Liss, who had been silent until now, said blankly: "The evil monsters created by the evil organization brutally slaughtered the defenseless humans... What."

"Speaking of which, there seems to be an enemy just now, under our feet..." There was a faint light in the blue-purple eyes, Tillylian pressed her lips lightly with her index finger and said: "Before I had time to shoot, I was caught by the ice cube." The fried noodles released by the girl were killed, so I didn’t tell you.”

"Miss Bai is so cunning..." Hitomi Qiandao muttered softly in Japanese with a hint of resentment between her brows. When she was thinking about whether to secretly ask Tilly Lian to help her keep an eye out for nearby enemies who could try her sword, she just Bai Muqing suddenly said, "Here we are."

Immediately afterwards, Bai Muqing turned around and walked straight into the room next to her.

Following Bai Muqing into the room, a group of girls looked around, and saw that in this not-so-spacious room, the walls were covered with surveillance screens, shining faintly because of the pictures.

"It's here. Just as I thought, in order to maintain the control of the facility, they immediately adjusted the circuit supply in the central control room..." There was a hint of complacency at the corner of Bai Muqing's mouth, and Bai Muqing went to the pile of In front of the screen, he smiled coldly and said, "Now, let's find out, where is our wild dog locked up?"

"Below, the second row from the bottom, and the third from the left." Before Bai Muqing could start looking, Tilly Lisi pointed to a screen and said.

"Huh?" Surprised by Tiriris' speed, Bai Muqing subconsciously lowered her head, and the girls around her also moved up in the direction Tiriris was pointing at. The man in uniform was holding a gun, and was walking slowly and stealthily. Who else would it be if it wasn't Li Yexing?

For a while, the girls were silent.

"I knew it..." After a while, Kanan covered his forehead and said with a helpless smile: "The boss is not the kind of guy who will behave and wait for others to save him..."

"However, since I escaped, why didn't I try to go out, but got farther and farther away from the exit? Could it be to avoid pursuit?" Bai Muqing asked with a puzzled face: "This is a level-four dangerous area, the most dangerous area in the entire research facility." The dangerous viruses are all here, what is he going to do? Relying on his own virus immunity to release the virus and kill all the HCF people?"

"Also, the posture of the perverted brother-in-law holding the gun is so weird..." Tilly Lian whispered beside him, "Can HK-416 be held by the arm?"

"Yoxing-kun, you wouldn't hold a gun like this before..." Hitomi Qiandao also echoed.

Watching that figure gradually disappear from the monitoring, the girls suddenly thought of something, and their faces all became ugly. After a long time, a trace of uncontrollable anger appeared on Alexisa's face. She gritted her teeth and said coldly: "My dear right hand is injured, these bastards, how dare they?!"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly, several figures appeared on the side monitor. I saw a big man in a black windbreaker, leading a whole team slowly forward, and the monitoring position, Just outside the gate of the fourth danger zone!

"That guy... that's Kalba! The first executive officer!" The moment she recognized her former colleague, Bai Muqing's expression suddenly became tense, and she said anxiously: "This guy must be hunting down wild dogs so It just appeared in the fourth-level danger zone! If the wild dog's right hand is really injured, it may be dangerous to meet him!"

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