"It's him who took Ye Xing away in front of Tiriris..." There was a touch of anger in the ruby-like eyes, and Tiriris turned around directly, walking towards the corridor outside the central control room and said with a blank expression : "It's time to go, go find Ye Xing, as for the big man just now, Tiriris wants to kill him with her own hands."

Chapter 23. The back garden of the macho executive

Since the outbreak of the Raccoon City incident, almost all organizations and institutions involved in the secret research of BOW have adopted a risk zone classification system similar to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), which is limited by the work intensity, facility area and organization size. There are also different ways to divide the danger zone. As the fourth-level danger zone used by black Umbrella to store the highest-risk research data, in addition to its huge area and complex structure, it also has the least staffing and the highest work intensity. Partially fully wired for emergency power to ensure that even in the most dire of situations a large-scale virus spill does not occur.

With the research facility of Black Umbrella under the control of HCF, the Level [-] Dangerous Zone has completely become a no-man's land. Thanks to this, Li Yexing can pass through the Level [-] Dangerous Zone unimpeded.

To be honest, Li Yexing felt quite awkward about this situation. Obviously when he first entered the fourth-level danger zone, Li Yexing saw many wardrobes with protective clothing hanging on them. Li Yexing didn't pay much attention to it. As a result, when he crossed the C area of ​​the fourth-level danger zone and saw the biohazard warning signs everywhere, Li Yexing felt a little scalp tingling inexplicably.

Under the dim light, Li Yexing followed the guidance of the hand-painted map step by step. During this period, he was disinfected several times by the disinfection facilities in the fourth-level danger zone. At first, Li Yexing was worried that the disinfectants were alcohol. It would affect his firing, but to his surprise, the disinfectant was colorless and odorless, obviously not alcohol, but after soaking his clothes, it made Li Yexing's wounds all over his body feel a little painful.

For things like disinfectant, Li Yexing only knows medical alcohol. He doesn't know what those sprinklers sprinkled on his body, but he doesn't care that much, as long as it's not alcohol.

After being sprayed with disinfectant again, Li Yexing crossed the corridor and entered a very spacious hall. He stopped, looked around, and then lowered his head to look at the hand that was somewhat blurred by the disinfectant. After hand-drawing the map, he looked up at the thick and heavy round metal gate in front of him. After a while, Li Yexing said in a low voice: "It should be here, Nibelungen..."

The name "Nibelungen" is quite familiar to Li Yexing, but he can't remember where he heard it before. According to the information provided by no one from Cassie, there should be a big killer that can kill Victor hidden here.

Passing through the spacious hall with the huge black Umbrella logo printed on the ground, and coming to the huge circular metal door as high as two people, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and pushed it symbolically. Sure enough, just like him As expected, the metal gate remained motionless, so he moved his eyes to the gate. Beside the gate, there was a closed mezzanine, and a conspicuous small red button was installed next to the mezzanine, so Li Ye walked over and gently Press it lightly, and suddenly, the interlayer opens, and a set of keyboards and screens pop out from the interlayer.

Looking at the prompt to enter the password on the screen, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly. He lowered his head and looked at the hand-painted map in his hand again. At the bottom of the map, there were 26 characters composed of letters, numbers and punctuation marks written in beautiful small characters. Li Yexing did not hesitate, and entered the password directly according to the characters on that line. Sure enough, just as he thought, with a loud rumbling noise, the round metal gate rolled slowly open, revealing the The wide corridor on the other side.

"Okay, the former supervisor..." Li Yexing raised his legs and stepped into the Nibelungen laboratory with a slight smile on his lips, "See what you gave me?" What's left..."

Accompanied by Li Yexing's soliloquy, there was another roar, and the huge metal door that was thrown behind him rolled and closed again.

Walking in the Nibelungen laboratory that is not shown on the regular maps in the corridor, Li Yexing followed the guidance of the hand-painted map while looking around, with a trace of curiosity in his eyes. Although the lights were very dim just like the outside, but The entire Nibelungen looks much more spacious, and its structure is not as complicated as that of an ordinary level-four danger zone. It seems that this is just a large-scale laboratory, nothing more.

Looking at the clean and tidy laboratories, the consoles with complicated buttons, and the dark glass in front of the consoles, Li Yexing withdrew his gaze and continued to walk forward. An automatic door opened, revealing the unknown red glowing weird black pillars on the corridor wall, and the glass culture tanks with faint green light in the large experimental field. Most of the things in the culture tanks were Deformed pieces of meat, and occasionally some guys can grow into human shapes, but the facial features and limbs are extremely distorted. The deeper Li Yexing goes, the closer the existence in the culture tanks is to human shapes. Finally, in the last culture tank, Li Ye Nocturne found something interesting.

I saw a girl soaking in the cultivation tank with a faint green light. The girl's face was quite delicate, she was a rare beauty, with long dark golden hair, she should be of European and American race from the figure, but the skin Some are grayish white with faint black blood vessels. Of course, what caught Li Yexing's attention the most were the girl's hands. Those hands were covered with black scales from the forearm, which looked like lizards. The black scales go down a little bit, and there are slender claws like a girl's fingers, short but sharp, with a faint black light shining faintly.

It stands to reason that there are already seven monster girls in Li Yexing's family, which is enough to open a family-shaped BOW exhibition hall. There is also Helena's younger sister Deborah hidden in Durand Technology and Medicine. For monsters with the shape of human girls, Li Yexing should not be surprised at all, but when he saw the existence in the cultivation tank, Li Yexing couldn't help but lean over it. When he saw the black thorns faintly growing near the spine on the girl's smooth back, Li Yexing, who was leaning against the culture tank and staring wide-eyed, couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Casimir, how much does he like to make monsters into human forms..."

Suddenly, as if woken up by Li Yexing's whisper, the girl in the cultivation tank moved her fingers lightly a few times, and then she slowly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of lizard-like eyes with vertical pupils. His dark golden eyes stared directly at Li Yexing.

Surprised, Li Yexing took two steps back subconsciously, and at the same time pressed his finger on the trigger secretly, a faint alertness appeared between his brows, and in the culture tank in front of him, the girl tilted her head slightly, watching He looked into his eyes, then slowly raised his hand covered with black scales, and gently pressed his palm against the thick glass.

I don't know which thread in his brain was wrong, a strong impulse made Li Yexing put down the gun, and then raised his left hand like the girl in the culture tank, gently placing his palm between the glass and the girl's sharp edge. The claws overlapped.

Staring at Li Yexing's eyes, and then slowly moving his eyes down to the overlapping palms, the girl in the training tank blinked with the pale pink film hidden under her eyelids, then grinned suddenly, A mouthful of shark-like sharp teeth was exposed, and then, a scene that surprised Li Yexing appeared.

As the body faded little by little, the girl disappeared little by little out of thin air!

Chapter 24. The Macho's Travels in the Nibelungen

It is indeed Casimir's back garden!Worthy of the Nibelungs!

When leaving the large glass culture tank with his gun in his arms, Li Yexing thought so, the black scales, the thorns on the back, and the ability to be invisible... As a hardcore fan of the "Resident Evil" series of games, he can It's too clear what's in that jar.

The prototype of that thing is definitely a variant of the hunter bred by the Greyhound organization - the slanderer!

How the hell did Casimir turn the hunter into a girl? !How obsessed is he with turning the monster into a girl? !

At this moment, Li Yexing had a deeper understanding of the technical ability of this cheap old man.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his head, Li Yexing continued along the corridor, and when he reached the first fork, he glanced at the map in his hand. The map showed that the fork on the right seemed to be reserved for employees and security personnel. It is used to place the experimental material into a suitable laboratory or to allow the security forces to deal with the aftermath, while the left side leads to the independent central control room and storage room of the fourth-level danger zone.

Seeing the pretty little red cross in the storage room on the map and the character "GK" with unknown meaning, Li Yexing chose to turn left without hesitation.

Knowing that the Nibelungen is Casimir's back garden, there will never be HCF patrol soldiers inside, so Li Yexing's pace became much bolder. He accelerated, walked through the corridors, and passed through rooms one by one. I soon arrived at the storage room where the target was, and I saw that this so-called storage room was exactly the same as the gate of the Nibelungen. It was closed with a round thick metal door, but the size seemed a little smaller. For such a closed door , Li Yexing was already familiar with the road, he went directly to the side of the metal door, pressed the button, and the matching keyboard and screen jumped out, compared the characters at the bottom of the map, entered the password again, and immediately, accompanied by a burst of machinery With the sound of running, the door rolled and slowly opened, revealing the dark storage room.

"I really don't understand. Since all of them have used a set of passwords, what is the point of setting up a password for this door?" Looking at the dark storage room in front of him, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, and stuffed the hand-painted map in his hand. Since he didn't want to search for the light switch in the storage room in the dark, he directly turned on the tactical flashlight mounted on HK-416, and then walked in, but the moment he stepped into the storage room, only Hearing a soft sound, the bright white lights suddenly turned on, illuminating the entire storage room.

Was it the sensor light?

Resentfully turning off the tactical flashlight, Li Yexing began to look around. I have to say that this storage room is really big and scary. The shelves are filled with all kinds of materials, and the walls are covered with cabinets of different sizes. The doors of the big cabinets are as big as the head of a truck, while the small ones are only as big as a desk drawer. If it weren’t for the size The disparity is so great that this place is like a morgue in a hospital.

Looking at the densely packed cabinet doors, Li Yexing couldn't help but want to try to open one casually, but the moment he stretched out his hand, Li Yexing gave up again.

Forget it, this place looks so hellish, God knows what's in those cupboards.

Not wanting to turn himself into the cat killed by curiosity, Li Yexing chose to stay away from those weird cabinets, sticking to the shelves full of documents, he turned his head and saw the shelves. There is an English letter label on the head. The largest number of files is "P", followed by "T". After these two letters occupying most of the shelves, it is the turn of "U", "C" and some other miscellaneous letters.

"Let me think about it...GK, right?" Li Yexing glanced at the densely packed file shelves, refocused his attention on the cabinets built into the wall, and began to search along the wall, because these cabinets They vary in size and there is no specific number, so it takes a lot of effort to find the number left by Casimir. After spending a few minutes searching the entire wall but failing to find what he wanted, Li Yexing had to Focus on the other wall. Compared with the previous wall, the area of ​​this wall is much smaller, and the size of the cabinet is also smaller overall. But it is precisely because of this that it is easier to search than The big wall before was even more difficult.

Touching the doors of the cabinets with his fingers, Li Yexing moved his gaze up and down the wall, while constantly reciting the numbers of the cabinets in a low voice. As he reached the center of the wall, his gaze slowly moved down, and finally stopped at With his fingertips, he saw two inconspicuous black printed letters: GK on the door of a white cabinet with a length of almost two meters.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes, Li Yexing turned around in a hurry, and pressed the switch next to the cabinet door. Suddenly, there was a sound of mechanical operation, followed by a soft "click", and the cabinet door finally opened. Slowly open it obliquely, and let the cold white mist escape from the gap in the cabinet door. As the cold air dissipated, the things in the cabinet revealed their true colors, Li Yexing couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice Said: "Wow, there is an internal taste."

I saw a gun lying in the cabinet!

That's right, it is indeed a gun. After all, it has a trigger, a grip, and even a butt. However, compared to a traditional gunpowder gun, that thing is more like a square box. The whole body of the gun was pitch black, and although it was unknown what material it was made of, it had a hint of metallic texture. On the pitch black, there were neat blue diagonal stripes printed one after another.

Seeing Lie Xinxi, Li Yexing couldn't wait to pick up the big gun with a length of [-] meters. After examining it carefully, he saw that the other side of the gun body was not as smooth as before. The groove the size of a fist contained a strange circuit structure, which seemed to be used to insert something, so Li Yexing lowered his head again, and saw that in the air-conditioned cabinet, there were still five bibills lying quietly. The cylindrical metal tank with the size of the fist is different from the gun body. The metal tank is silver in color, with a diagonal blue stripe in the middle, and a red arrow below, indicating that this end should be inserted.

Without speaking, Li Yexing just took one out of the air-conditioning. After finding that there was no identification like a serial number, he aligned the buckle, and then inserted a canister into it with a little force with a soft sound. The groove of the gun body.

Then, nothing happens.

Um?Isn't that what it's used for?Or do I need to install all the jars?

With this in mind, Li Yexing inserted the cans one by one into the gunfire, and when there was only the last can, Li Yexing took a breath, and then installed it without hesitation, accompanied by the last can After the canister was installed, suddenly, there was a buzzing sound from the big gun in his hand. Immediately afterwards, a trace of blue light was seen in the narrow groove on the gun body, and the blue light flowed through the gun body and spread across the The body of the gun melted into a jar, which gathered on the side of the big gun. After a burst of noise, it turned into an auxiliary aiming projected by a light curtain. Under the crosshair, there was a light blue subtitle: 100%.

Accompanied by the generation of the projection aiming, a mechanical female voice said indifferently: "Charging is complete, testing...testing is complete, welcome to use the final weapon against Li Yexing—God Killer."

Chapter 25. The Rush of the Macho Harem Group

Under the red emergency light, the sound of hurried and dense footsteps rang together. It was not the sound of emergency dispatch by HCF soldiers, but the sound of a group of monster girls rushing through the corridor. Although the seven monster girls were extremely fast, they ran It wasn't slow at all, but as they got deeper into the facility, the more winding corridors actually slowed down the girls' speed in disguise.

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