Although the voice was not loud, it was like thunder on the ground. Hearing the familiar Zaun swearing, they fell to the ground, and the eyes of the monster girls who couldn't move suddenly lit up, as if they were afraid that the familiar swearing was just an illusion, they hurriedly turned their heads. , focused his sight on the direction where the sound came from, and Victor, who was closest to the sound, froze suddenly. Li Yexing was staring at him expressionlessly with his snake-like orange eyes open.

"Miao, it really hurts..." After a while, Li Yexing, who was pierced through his chest, let out a breath of cold air. He raised his left hand, held the bone spear under Victor's dull gaze, and put his The body was lowered from the bone spear, even though the blood was splashed all over the ground, the moment he left the bone spear, the hole in his chest began to be filled with dense blood-red granulation at a speed visible to the naked eye, until the muscles And the skin regenerates back to its original state.

Gently put his left hand on his neck, then turned his neck, and there was a sound like a bone bursting. Li Yexing, who supported his body on one leg, looked at Victor coldly and expressionlessly, then suddenly raised his fist, only to hear a sound mixed with With the muffled sound of the sonic boom, Victor's chest shattered in an instant, and the exoskeleton and flesh were mixed together, splashing wantonly. Accompanied by the gust of wind, Victor flew out like a cannonball and hit the wall fiercely. Stones and rubble were scattered, and large cracks spread like spider webs. Victor's mutilated body, which was punched by Li Yexing, was directly embedded in the wall!

With her mouth open, the surprise and astonishment in her gray eyes couldn't be added. Rita was already speechless, and Bai Muqing, who had also witnessed this scene, even twitched her facial muscles slightly, and mumbled her lips and said in a daze: "This is also... So... so much ups and downs..."

"Although I don't know what happened, Yaxing-kun not only survived, but also became...super strong!" Lying on the ground, Hitomi Chishima's eyes were full of joy, and Kanan, who was lying in the corner, was so excited that he couldn't bear it. He couldn't help raising his hands and shouting: "Boss! Cool! Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Desperately raised her small fist, Tillylian who was also lying on the ground waved it weakly and shouted excitedly: "What! Isn't the perverted brother-in-law super-super strong!!! After being resurrected from the dead, the firepower Fully open! Where did the protagonist of the manga come from?!"

Different from the over-excited Kanan and Tillylian, and also different from Rita and Bai Muqing who were beyond shocked, Alex Lisa took a panoramic view of all this, then shook her head with a light smile and said: "The miracle of walking, As expected of you, dear..."

Lying on Li Yexing's back, looking at Li Yexing's familiar back, Tilly Lisi couldn't believe her eyes, she asked in a low voice as if dreaming, " it really Yexing?"

"Well, it's me..." Turning his head, looking at the gloomy Tiliris in his eyes, Li Yexing's eyes were full of distress. He supported his body and knelt on the ground on one knee, and put his forehead on the ground with Tiliris. They pressed their foreheads together lightly, and then said softly: "I'm back, Tiriris..."

Feeling the familiar temperature coming from her forehead, the light finally lit up from Tiliris' eyes again, and then, driven by some unknown force, Tiriris, who was already unable to move, hugged her Li Yexing burst into tears, like a lost child who returned to his family.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Tiriris doesn't cry, I'm back, this time, I won't leave again..." Li Yexing whispered softly, comforting, rubbing Tiliris' forehead gently, However, at this moment, only a muffled sound came from behind, and Victor, who was embedded in the wall, finally returned to the ground with a large piece of gravel. Looking at the back on the dirt road, his eyes were full of Surprised, but more, it was a surprise.

" expected...easy...will not...die..." Quickly repairing the flesh and bones smashed by Li Yexing, Victor moved With his own arms, he grinned and said, "It"

"Sorry, Tilly Liss, there's another idiot here to cook..." After being broken by an outsider and his wife's affection, Li Yexing's snake pupils, which are no different from Wesker's, flashed a frightening cold murderous intent , He left Tilly Lisi's hug, grabbed the broken leg beside him with his left hand, and rejoined the broken leg on the wound below the knee like turning a screw, then stood up, stomping his feet lightly, Adapting to the strange feeling of regaining a broken leg, she smiled and whispered to Tilly Liss, "Don't worry, I can handle this bastard. Now, like other girls, let's take a good rest."

"Hmm!" With a sparkle in her ruby-like eyes, Tiriris nodded vigorously.

"Okay, I wanted to comfort my lovely little wives one by one first, but Mr. Victor is obviously a little puzzled..." Bending down, he wiped off the blood at the junction of the broken leg, revealing that it was intact. Li Yexing turned around and raised his eyebrows slightly. Facing Victor's excited gaze, he shook his broken right arm and said with a sneer, "It's just right, I also have an account, so I have to take care of it." Calculate with you..."

"Leaving aside the matter of the right hand, you bastard, you beat my wife while I was away, right?!"

Chapter 48. Manifestation

"Leaving aside the matter of the right hand, you bastard, you beat my wife while I was away, right?!"

Accompanied by Li Yexing's cold words mixed with piercing killing intent, a strange and frenzied aura erupted from Li Yexing's body and spread to the surroundings. Victor, who was at the center of this aura, only felt his neck As if stuck, even breathing began to become difficult.

"Hey hey...hey hey..." Under the pressure from the predator, Victor grinned the corner of his mouth that was about to tear off his entire head, and his uncoordinated face turned into a smile because of this smile. It was extraordinarily distorted and ferocious, with the rapid growth of granulation quickly repairing the wound, it lowered its center of gravity slightly, and then said with a strange smile: " tangled's really strange..."

As soon as the words fell, Victor suddenly got into trouble. He suddenly lowered his body, opened his arms of different lengths, and then opened his mouth wide, spitting dark green liquid towards Li Yexing like a leaking fire hydrant. , the moment the liquid met the air, it immediately turned into a blazing flame, scorching the ground with thousands of degrees of heat, and quickly slid towards Li Yexing. Facing the terrifying high temperature, Li Yexing subconsciously frowned. He frowned, he could dodge this flame, but once he dodged it, the flame would burn Tiriris who couldn't move.

"Can I just pick it up hard?" Quickly making a countermeasure, Li Yexing's brain began to move violently. The characteristics and abilities of various monsters from previous "Resident Evil" games were like a slideshow in his mind. It was playing, and in just a split second, he found the answer he wanted. With the corners of his mouth curled up, he rushed forward to face the approaching flames. Secreted, covering the whole body in just a few seconds.

"Resident Evil 6" Chris line final boss chaos, the C virus in its body has been specially tuned to resist all kinds of extreme environments, the pupa shell can even carry the fire of Alexisa, use it to resist Victor from T -Veronica's fire attack is perfect!

Facing Victor's shocked face, Li Yexing, who was wrapped in mud, rushed directly in front of Victor under the fire, and even though the chrysalis shell was scorched bright red due to the high temperature, he swung his left fist and punched him. Entering Victor's mouth that was spitting fire, all the jagged sharp teeth shattered in unison with the sound of "click" from the mandible. A spark exploded in Victor's mouth, and then the whole body flew out directly. He fell hard to the ground.

Looking at Victor who was still rolling on the ground, Li Yexing raised his left hand expressionlessly, and punched himself hard in the chest. Amidst a muffled sound, the bright red chrysalis shell shattered , revealing the pure black combat uniform under the chrysalis shell, imitating Bai Muqing's appearance, rebuilt with the power of ouroboros.

"Maybe you are really good. You know a lot. After all, you used to be a scientific researcher..." Taking steps, slowly approaching Victor who was struggling to get up, Li Yexing said in a cold voice, "But to be honest, I don't know much. I don't think that your understanding of this world and this power will be higher than mine."

"Hey hey..." He tore off his shattered jaw, revealing the tongue hanging in his mouth like a piece of rotten meat. Victor got up and tilted his head to look at Li Yexing. He wanted to say something, but because he lost his chin, he could only utter some clueless syllables. Immediately afterwards, the arms changed suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a pair of flesh-and-blood giant claws.

"This time, is it the T virus?" Facing the tyrannical Victor, Li Yexing gently closed his eyes. In a trance, he seemed to feel that the pulsation in his chest became stronger, and there were three hearts of different sizes. At the same time, he worked hard to visualize the power from the depths of his mind, and then transmitted it to his limbs. Feeling the unprecedented sense of fullness, Li Yexing grinned again, with a slight contempt in his eyes.

This time, the smile on Victor's face disappeared.

As a man who successfully climbed to the top of Black Umbrella, Victor never cared about the contempt of others, because he knew that those who despised him either had nothing to do with him, or would pay the price for his ignorance, but for some reason, when the contempt When Li Yexing's eyes appeared on Li Yexing's face, he felt extremely furious.

This was the second time Victor got angry today. The first time, it was because Li Yexing sacrificed his life to deny his ideas. The second time, it was because Li Yexing's contempt denied his power!

"Die! Saint!" Two pieces of bone of different sizes proliferated rapidly and turned into a new jaw. Victor roared in that chaotic and rough voice. He held up the giant claw and took heavy steps like At the same time, a real tyrant rushed towards Li Yexing, but facing the rampaging Victor, Li Yexing just raised the corners of his mouth, slightly spread his legs, and assumed a fighting posture.

In the next second, the heavy flesh and blood giant claws slammed towards Li Yexing fiercely with terrifying wind pressure.

Faced with this powerful blow, Li Yexing's eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam. He twisted his waist, avoided Victor's heavy blow with a flexible sideways limit, and then kicked the ground hard, bullying himself up , stuck into Victor's arms, and hit Victor's jaw with a right uppercut through the torque of his waist. Immediately, the newly regenerated jaw was crushed again, and Victor subconsciously stepped back, wanting to He used the pair of giant claws that belonged to the tyrant to fight back, but unexpectedly Li Yexing didn't give him a chance to fight back at all. He clung to Victor, and while frantically punching Victor, he sneered with the sound of bones breaking : "You are sitting in an office, and you want to use those claws that you can't use at all to fight hand-to-hand with a mercenary who has been fighting on the battlefield? Is your brain broken?!"

As the voice fell, Li Yexing spun around violently, and slapped Victor's temples fiercely with a whip leg. With the pair of eyeballs of different sizes shot out due to the sudden increase in intracranial pressure, blood spurted out from the seven holes. Victor flew out again and hit the wall heavily. Immediately, rubble fell off from the cracks in the wall at any time, splashed out, and set off clouds of dust. Did Li Yexing, who knocked Victor into the air, not stop? , this time, he didn't intend to give Victor a chance to breathe!

Taking advantage of Victor's head being repaired, Li Yexing dashed into the dust mist and headed straight for Victor. However, before he got close to Victor, the direction of the dust mist seemed to change!

The orange-red snake's pupils shrank suddenly, and Li Yexing's body exploded into a cloud of black mist, dodging the oncoming black and red at a speed that was sufficient to avoid bullets. Immediately afterwards, balls of black mist exploded in the smoke and dust , avoiding the tentacles that shot one after another, and then danced wildly like a whip, accompanied by the muffled sound caused by the continuous knocking and penetration of the ground and the agitation caused by Li Yexing's crazy dodge, the smoke and dust in the violent airflow It quickly dissipated, and the postures of the two were revealed again. Li Yexing was still Li Yexing, but Victor had turned into an even weirder monster, with short lower limbs, bloated upper body, and thick arms like giant trees. Hanging on the ground like a gorilla's arm, not only is it covered by a cracked exoskeleton at this moment, but the exoskeleton is also full of hideous bone spikes!

After realizing that he could not defeat Li Yexing in hand-to-hand combat, Victor simply turned himself into an invulnerable hedgehog!

Chapter 49. The True Eye of the Macho Evil King

In front of Li Yexing, Victor transformed himself into an invulnerable hedgehog, which roared like a beast while beating the ground hard. Except for the thorns, this shape is similar to that of "Resident Evil 6" The C virus pupating monster raider is very similar.

"It seems that your understanding of your power is only limited to your understanding of me. You blaspheme the gods, but you can't jump out of the established logic at all..." During the brief confrontation, Li Yexing had already According to the nature of his own power, he managed to find out the details of Victor. If the prediction is correct, Victor may only be able to use T virus, T-Veronica virus, C virus, Ouroboros virus and Las Plags parasites. Li Yexing, and most of the use of these powers are learned from those monster girls, but Li Yexing is different. Out of his understanding of this world, Li Yexing at this moment is the strange world of "Resident Evil". The concretization!

Accompanied by the gushing steam, the cracks between the exoskeleton opened layer by layer, revealing bright red flesh and blood. Then, tentacles formed by black and red condensed together formed rapidly, stabbing at Li Li like a spear. Yexing, they are so fast that they are almost impossible to catch with the naked eye, but they just can't stab Li Yexing, just because Li Yexing's dodge speed is faster, which is comparable to that of Albert Wesker!

While deviously trying to approach Victor from the flank, while dodging the attack like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, even Li Yexing couldn't help but frowned slightly in front of this flood of attacks. Wesker's speed means that almost all long-range attacks can be dodged, but at this moment Victor is like a fortress, Li Yexing can only dodge, and cannot get close at all!

Now, new coping methods are needed!

Images of countless monsters flashed through Li Yexing's mind like a slideshow. Looking at Victor's small eyes hidden between the exoskeleton, Li Yexing kicked the ground hard and quickly distanced himself from Victor. Getting rid of Victor's attack range was enough to slow down the speed of Victor's tentacles. On the other side, when Victor saw this, he immediately rushed towards Li Yexing with all fours, but before he could get close to Li Yexing, he saw Li Yexing standing in front of him. Frozen in place, purple mist continuously oozes out from the skin, and then he raised his left hand, gently pulled down the eyelid of his left eye with his middle finger, and at the same time roared with a middle-two face: "The real eye of the evil king!"

"Evil...king..." Hearing Li Yexing's words, Victor was taken aback for a moment, before he could use his increasingly sane brain to figure out what Li Yexing was talking about, suddenly, a dazzling white light came from Li Yexing's eyes radiated out, like a flash bomb that instantly invaded the entire space, and was filled with the dazzling white light. Victor subconsciously snorted, staggered back two steps while covering his eyes, and waited to relax again. Opening the heavy claws covering his eyes, Victor was stunned.

In front of it, there were ten Li Yexing standing side by side!

Same wound!Same stain!Same outfit!Same expression!It seems that even the hair is not bad!

For some reason, a word suddenly popped out of Victor's chaotic mind: Shadow clone!

While Victor was still trying to figure out the situation, suddenly, those ten Li Yexing moved in exactly the same posture!They lowered their center of gravity, expressionless, and came straight to Victor at exactly the same speed. Seeing this, Victor felt a trace of fear in his heart. In a panic, it retreated while trying to force Li Yexing and the others back with its tentacles , but those Li Yexing kept dodging its attacks in exactly the same posture, it was so weird!

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