Suddenly, Victor finally realized something. It changed its attack method and stabbed the tentacles at a completely different angle and speed. Sure enough, just as Victor thought, all Li Yexing made exactly the same dodge at the same time. Immediately afterwards, a few tentacles passed through the body of an individual Li Yexing!

It's an illusion!Only one is genuine!

In an instant, Victor understood Li Yexing's little trick. The mist that diffused from Li Yexing's body just now is probably some kind of neurotoxin, which can produce hallucinations with strong light!

"! Not worth mentioning!" After understanding Li Yexing's attack principle, Victor let out a beast-like roar. It retracted its tentacles, hammered the ground frantically, and then opened its arms violently. He straightened his chest, and suddenly, terrifying blue arcs spewed out from it, sweeping in all directions, tearing everything around like a snake, passing through phantoms, until the ten Li Yexing Victor raised his left fist in front of him at the same time, and then disappeared.

Ten of them turned out to be hallucinations!None are genuine!

This time, Victor was really stunned, and the panic in his heart became more and more intense. It twisted its bloated body, looked around and staggered, and kept saying: " Where? Where?"


Accompanied by a burst of whispers, Victor was slightly taken aback, then lowered his head subconsciously, and saw black worms gushing out from the cracks that covered the entire field under his feet, condensing rapidly, and re-emerged in mid-air. Gathered into Li Yexing, and then, a thin burst of electric light with a touch of blue instantly wrapped Li Yexing's body. Facing the electric light, Li Yexing's left arm formed a palm with five fingers, like a blade, and slapped Li Yexing fiercely. Piercing the flesh and blood between Victor's exoskeleton.

Crackling sounds suddenly sounded, and around the position stabbed by Li Yexing, the hard exoskeleton began to disintegrate rapidly, shatter, and sparks continued to burst out, as if some invisible force tore them all to pieces, and then , Li Yexing kicked on Victor's chest, and before Victor's heavy giant claw hit him, he used a gorgeous backflip to distance himself from Victor and landed perfectly.

"Hoo..." I was using the hallucinogenic ability of Norman, the final boss of "Resident Evil. After the electromagnetic shield of the final boss Murphys broke through Victor's defense in Crisis. The Soul of the Gun Downstream 5. Heroes Don't Die, the slightly tired Li Yexing finally exhaled, raised his head, and set his eyes on Victor's face again On the way, Li Yexing sneered and said, "Beheaded."

"What are you talking about? just..." Viktor grinned, not aware of the seriousness of the problem, just about to laugh, when suddenly, in the scene Everything disappeared, and Victor fell into darkness.

Victor froze again.

How is this going?

Or phantom?

Suddenly, another white light filled Victor's line of sight, and then the white light dissipated. In the darkness, thousands of Li Yexing dressed in black rushed towards it expressionlessly.

"The same...little trick...sage...will you... still...use it?!" As if feeling that he was being despised by Li Yexing, Victor roared again, repeating the old trick , trying to destroy Li Yexing with an electric arc, but the next second, it was stunned, because those electric arcs did not come out as he thought.

"This...what's going on?" The language center returned to normal again, Victor lowered his head in a daze, and looked at his arms, only to see that the exoskeleton had long been lost on those arms, and they were as smooth as before , white, and slender, and the place on Victor's chest where Li Yexing's right hand was stitched was already empty!

Chapter 50. The last madness of the macho speaker

Taken away?

God's authority...taken away?

His face turned pale in an instant, and his heart was completely occupied by fear. Victor was not afraid of death, but he couldn't accept the fact that the power had left him. Looking at Li, who filled the darkness and rushed towards him like a tsunami, Night walkers, he was lying in cold sweat, his lips were trembling, and he kept muttering softly: " it back..."

Facing thousands of Li Yexing, who was about to rush in front of him, Victor yelled like crazy: "Give it back to me!"

Suddenly, there was another flash of white light, and the countless Li Yexing disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if they had never existed.

"No, no, no, no, no..." His body softened, and Victor fell to the ground in embarrassment. He crawled like a defeated dog, searching, looking for the group of Li Yexing who had disappeared, and then, a pair of The feet on the black combat boots appeared in his sight. He raised his head tremblingly, and saw Li Yexing standing in front of him with a devilish smile on his face. His right wrist was neatly cut. The wound was still spurting blood, and in his left hand, he was holding the blood-stained severed hand.

"Want?" Li Yexing slightly raised the corner of his mouth, shaking his severed hand, and asked with a sneer, "Mr. Victor, do you have faith?"

"I..." Victor was at a loss for words for a moment, he looked at the severed hand in Li Yexing's hand, his eyes were full of greed and desire, but when faced with Li Yexing's question, he didn't know how to answer, after a long while, he muttered Pursing his lips, he squeezed out a flattering smile and said, "I...I believe in God..."

"No! You don't believe it! You damned liar!" Suddenly, Li Yexing's expression became extremely hideous, and he said angrily, "If you don't believe in God! You don't deserve God's authority! You damned liar! You're lying Believer! Betrayer! You are unworthy! Unworthy!"

Accompanied by Li Yexing's words, suddenly, Li Yexing's figure began to retreat rapidly. Although Li Yexing remained standing still, the distance between Victor and him was inexplicably opened. Seeing the severed hand leave him Farther and farther away, in desperation, Victor scrambled and rushed towards Li Yexing. Although he was in a mess, he still stubbornly shouted: "Trust me! Believe in my faith! I believe in God! Give me! Give me that damn hand!"

"Do you really believe in God?!" Li Yexing asked viciously, who was retreating rapidly.

"Of course I believe in God! I am God's most loyal believer!" Hearing Li Yexing's question, Victor hurriedly answered with a roar.

As if tripped by something, Victor fell to the ground. Immediately, his heart was filled with fear and panic. He thought that Li Yexing would disappear again, but unexpectedly, at some point, Li Yexing stopped. After he got down, he still stood in front of him, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

"Give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me quickly!" The arc of his mouth was without dignity, Victor tremblingly grabbed Li Yexing's leg, his eyes were full of longing and pleading, he grabbed Li Yexing's combat uniform, as if he was crawling Shulike stood up a little bit, but when he raised his head again, it was not Li Yexing standing in front of him, but Qiandaoyuan Yenagi!

Seeing this familiar face, Victor was stunned again.

"Mr. Victor, thank you, thank you for everything you have given me..." Wearing the familiar secretary's attire, Qiandaoyuan's face was flushed, his eyes wandered, and there was an imperceptible shyness between his brows and eyes. After a while, it seemed to be Gathering up his courage, Qiandaoyuan raised his head, but met Victor's eyes full of anger.

"What...what's the matter? Mr. Victor?" Sensing Victor's unusual behavior, the slight shame on Qiandaoyuan's face disappeared, replaced by a trace of panic, as if thinking that his actions or words had angered Victor, Qiandaoyuan Daoyuan shook her head gently, she wanted to explain something more, but saw Victor grabbed her wrist, and then lifted it to her face, staring at Qiandao with his usual calm eyes Yuan's palm, as if there should be something in Qiandaoyuan's hand.

"Where are your hands?" Victor asked coldly.

"Hand? The hand is here..." Facing Victor's question, Qiandaoyuan was full of doubts. She was about to ask Victor's question, but she heard Victor roar: "I ask! Li Yexing's hand Woolen cloth?!"

"Li...Yexing? That's..." Looking even more confused, Qiandaoyuan shook his head, as if he didn't know Li Yexing, so Victor swung Qiandaoyuan's wrist and knocked Qiandaoyuan away. Yuanyuan went straight to the darkness in front of him. Seeing that Victor was in a bad state, Qiandaoyuan hurriedly stretched out his hand and tried to hold Victor, but at this moment, Victor had lost his mind. He stubbornly walked towards the boundless darkness while walking He kept shaking off the hand that Qiandaoyuan held up again and again, until he was annoyed by Qiandaoyuan, Menge stopped, turned around, and said fiercely to Qiandaoyuan: "Get out! You are in the way woman!"

Then, Victor was stunned again, only to see that Qian Daoyuan who was pulling him was wearing an executive coat riddled with holes, his body riddled with blood, and the flesh on his entire face was almost Facing Victor's sight, she threw away the bloody executive command knife, then raised the severed hand little by little, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Victor, are you looking for this? "

"That's right! That's it! It's worthy of being my zeroth executive officer!" His eyes were instantly filled with joy, and Victor couldn't wait to reach out to the severed hand in Qiandaoyuan's hand, eager to take it as his own. However, to his surprise, Sendaoin took a slight step back, avoiding Victor's movements.

"Stop making trouble, Miss Qiandaoyuan, give it to me quickly..." His expression became more and more urgent, Victor was about to step forward, but Qiandaoyuan asked softly: "Mr. Victor, have you ever loved me? ?”

"Why did I love you? I love you now too!" He walked forward without hesitation, hugged Qiandaoyuan, who was about to lose his human form after being baptized by grenades and C4 explosives, and leaned closer Lips, kissing Qiandaoyuan's lipless, bloody mouth with forgetfulness, taking advantage of Qiandaoyuan's body relaxing slightly, he stroked his hand down Qiandaoyuan's twisted and broken arm little by little, Until he touched the severed hand in Qiandaoyuan's hand.

Grabbing the severed hand in his own hand, Victor suddenly got rid of Qiandaoyuan's embrace. He kicked Qiandaoyuan away with one kick, and ran towards the boundless place in front of him with wild laughter amidst Qiandaoyuan's cries. In the darkness, until the cries from Qiandaoyuan gradually disappeared behind him, and only Victor was left in the darkness. He hugged the severed hand in his arms, and looked around nervously, confirming that no one would talk to him. After snatching it, he let go of his embrace with a strange smile, and then, he found that the hand that he held tightly in his embrace was gone!

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!" His face turned pale again, cold sweat began to drip down with fear in his heart, Victor staggered back, and then roared like crazy: "Where's the hand?! Where is my hand?! My authority! Who is it?! Who took it?!"

"You're so boring..."

Suddenly, a familiar voice appeared beside Victor, and the nervous Victor subconsciously turned around in the direction of the voice, only to see a man in a long black dress with blond hair and The petite girl with a tear mole was looking at him indifferently, and that girl was none other than the teenage Alexisa Ashford!

"Is this the direction you want to pursue? Your pleasure? You usurped my throne just to pursue this impossible thing?" Looking at the severed hand in his hand, the corner of his mouth curled up with a faint sarcasm. Alexisa asked with a look of disdain.

"Give it to me! Give it to me quickly! Give it it to me!" Kneeling in front of Alexisa without hesitation, Victor begged madly: "Ashford Miss! Give it to me! I am willing to pay any price! I will always follow you! Always assist you! Always be loyal to you!"

"No, that's disgusting..." A faint disgust appeared on the face of the pretty girl, Alexisa casually threw the severed hand in her hand to Victor, then turned and left without even looking at Victor , as she left, she said coldly: "Anyway, I have already got the part that is most worthy of love, this kind of boring thing, you can play with it, tsk, it's really sad..."

"Ha! A stupid woman without blood and tears!" His expression suddenly became cheerful and evil. Victor crawled up to the severed hand and lifted it up. Before he could appreciate it, suddenly Suddenly, the severed hand turned into powder and flowed away from Victor's fingers.

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