"Speaking of which, is this really okay?" Holding the phone, looking at the navigation on the phone screen, lying on the passenger seat with his legs on Li Yexing's lap, Kanan raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "Aren't we getting farther and farther away from the employer?"

"It's not a big problem. The car under our feet has been modified. If the horsepower is fully turned on, it will take less than two minutes to return to the employer's side..." I slightly adjusted the car hanging on the ear. Then he put his hands back on the steering wheel, and Li Yexing said in a deep voice, "And you said before, the guys around that woman are pretty good at fighting."

"No matter how you can fight, you are still human..." Kanan rested his palms crossed on his head and looked at the roof of the car, shaking his legs lightly and said: "When I commissioned last time, I had a meeting with the arms dealer lady's subordinates. A one-eyed woman is sparring, how should I put it? Pretty strong...by the standards of Roples..."

"What about your standards?" Li Yexing asked curiously.

"I can't see it. If it was before, there is a high probability of being beaten violently, but now... After all, they are not the same species..." His expression became a little subtle, and Kanan turned his face to the side and whispered: "Speed ​​and strength Also, the flexibility of the body is too poor, and I can press and hit casually. I originally wanted to sell my flaws and force a draw, and it was also a little face for Miss Hekemedia. Throwing in the towel..."

"Sounds like an upright person..." Li Yexing commented in a low voice.

"Indeed!" Nodding his head vigorously, Kanan said with a smile, "Aside from his extraordinary strength, those guys are really fun."

"No wonder the other party asked you to walk by name..." He straightened up, squeezed Kanan's calf on his knee, and Li Yexing smiled lightly: "It seems that the impression you left on the other party is also It's pretty deep."

"Hey..." Smiling at Li Yexing, Kanan sat up abruptly and put his arms around Li Yexing's neck. Li Yexing, who was suddenly attacked, frowned subconsciously, and said in a low voice: " Don't worry, I'm driving."

"What are you afraid of?" Looking at Li Yexing's side face, Kanan slightly raised the corners of her lips, leaned into Li Yexing's ear, and whispered softly, "Don't forget, we are going out together this time. For the honeymoon, murder and arson are just part of the honeymoon entertainment, boss, don't be confused..."

"If you let our employer know about this, the reputation of Huanya Armed Forces will be ruined..." Seeing the smooth road ahead, Li Yexing squinted slightly, looking at Kanan beside him from the corner of his eye, and at the same time Curling the corner of his mouth, he asked, "Guess, Kanan, how many monitors are there in this car?"

"Ah!" Accompanied by an exclamation, Kanan's expression suddenly became ugly, she suddenly retracted the co-pilot, and at the same time raised her hands to cover her mouth, with a trace of anger in her eyes, as if she was Ask Li Yexing why he didn't remind her earlier.

"Heh..." Seeing Kanan's stupid look, Li Yexing's brows and eyes showed a hint of complacency. He reached into his trousers pocket and took out a bunch of keys. Under the bunch of keys, there was a pink Small colored capsules, with counting screens and switches, look like some kind of sex toy.

"This is..." Looking at the small capsule that Li Yexing deliberately showed off, Kanan leaned forward and narrowed her eyes slightly, she subconsciously whispered: "Boss, you brought the toy of the maidservant?" ?”

"It's my toy!" The smile on his face instantly subsided, and he put on an expression like looking at a mentally handicapped child. Li Yexing gently shook the key chain in his hand and said: "The toy of the first organ can interfere with the isolation of one hundred and six All the listening and monitoring devices within ten square meters, and the number of devices can be fed back in real time, it is obvious that there are no monitors in this car, and our employer is quite sincere."

"Wow! Boss, you scared me..." He raised his hand and punched Li Yexing on the shoulder angrily. Kanan frowned slightly and said, "Is this fun?!"

"I think it's quite fun." Li Yexing nodded and said seriously.

"Tsk..." He smacked his lips lightly, unabashedly venting his dissatisfaction with Li Yexing's teasing him. Kanan watched Li Yexing's side face, thinking about how to get back the scene. After a while, a ray of thought Flashing through Kanan's mind, Kanan, who caught his thoughts, raised a slightly malicious arc at the corner of his mouth again, and she leaned into Li Yexing's ear again, and whispered softly like a devil: "Speak up! , Boss, at the end of last year, you went to Japan with Xiao Qiandao, and now you accompanied me to Ukraine. According to this posture, you are afraid that you will take all the girls on their honeymoon alone..."

"That's what I planned too..." Feeling the faint malice in Kanan's tone, but not knowing what kind of medicine Kanan's gourd sells, Li Yexing nodded and said: "I guess it will be before the new year next year." , I will take you guys out to play one by one, and make sure to leave some alone time for each girl, is there any problem with that?"

"Well, there's no problem, I think it's very good..." The corners of her mouth became more and more charming. When Kanantu saw it, she asked with a light smile, "Xiaobai, how does the boss plan to arrange it?"

Suddenly, Li Yexing's facial muscles froze.

"Ever since I settled Lisa's matter and Xiaobai talked with her family on the phone, she's been talking about taking you to California for three days..." She showed a casual expression , as if just mentioning it casually, Kanan lightly pressed his lips with his index finger, rolled his eyes and said to Li Yexing: "Tsk tsk tsk, I can't wait to take you back to see your parents, boss, What can I do about this? I've heard about it, and Xiaobai's big family..."

"This matter... needs to be discussed in the long run..." Li Yexing's facial muscles twitched slightly when he thought of Bai Muqing's indifferent face that was clearly looking forward to death but had to pretend to be calm.

"I can't procrastinate! Boss!" Pressing Li Yexing's nerves with words, Kanan said with a smirk: "Xiaobai told her all about you when she made a video call with her family for the first time. That family of social elites who graduated from a prestigious school are all waiting to meet you, a son-in-law who just graduated from junior high school..."

"'Father, mother, grandpa, grandma...I...that...that is...I'm married...'" imitating Bai Muqing's appearance and putting on a dirty face, imitating Bai Muqing's After finishing what Bai Muqing said to her family in an awkward manner, Kanan finally couldn't hold back any longer. She thumped Li Yexing's shoulder vigorously, and then said with a smirk, "What should I do? Wild dog! Dad, Mom, and Grandpa Grandma is clamoring to see you!"

"I can go to your mother!" His mentality exploded in an instant, Li Yexing held the steering wheel with his left hand, raised his right fist at Kanan, and Kanan parried with a smirk, and then kicked Li Yexing directly in the face, For a moment, the black van was rampaging on the empty street, swaying from side to side, as if the driver was driving drunk. Seeing that the man in the driver's seat and the woman in the passenger seat were about to wrestle together, suddenly, a message came from the communicator. The voice of the employer, Hekemedia, came out.

"Wolf one, wolf two, we have a situation here."

Chapter 21. Macho Odessa ([-])

The movements of his hands were interrupted by the intrusive communication. Li Yexing pushed away the soles of Kanan's shoes that almost stepped on his face, then sat up straight, raised his hand and pressed the communicator next to his ear and said, "This is Wolf Two, what's going on with you?"

"There are six cars following us. They are black and have no identification marks. It is impossible to tell which side it is..." Immediately, Hekemedia's reply came from the other side of the communicator, and she said in a deep voice : "Our men are ready to fight, but I'm not sure we can get rid of them."

"Understood, move towards your direction immediately..." Li Yexing quickly replied, and cut off the communication. Beside him, Kanan sat up straight, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Going to work?"

"Well, they're in trouble..." Pulling the black half-covered mask up from his neck to cover the lower half of his face, Li Yexing said in a deep voice while turning the steering wheel: "I suspect it's the other party. Ukrainian forces."

"Boss, what are you going to do with it?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Kanan tilted his head slightly, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Isn't it a bit... inappropriate to directly fire at other people's troops on other people's territory?" what?"

"Don't you already have the answer in your heart?" Looking at the excited arc of Kanan's mouth, a dark sneer appeared on Li Yexing's face. He turned his head slightly and said to Kanan: "Wait a while and enter the arena." Now, let’s fire directly, understand?”

"I like this!" Randomly hanging the VHS-2 on her body, Kanan turned sideways, stretched out her arms and pulled the M249 on the back seat, and then she pulled an RPG behind her back, waiting Pulling the half-cover mask to her face, she couldn't help but smile and said, "Ha, boss, I feel like my blood is going to burn!"

"Don't worry, buddy, burn it slowly, the dance hasn't started yet..." He slammed the steering wheel, causing the black van below him to pull out two dark marks on the street with screeching brakes, and then Drilling into the alley next to him, he let the sound of violent engines bombard the buildings on both sides. When he rushed out of the street, he saw a large number of black cars approaching. Seeing this, Li Yexing not only did not slow down, but directly stepped on the accelerator. At the same time, he honked his horn crazily until he got into the alley opposite the front of the black car, leaving the driver of the car who stepped on the brakes out of fear and sat in the driver's seat.

"Wow..." Almost hit by a passing car, Kanan couldn't help whistling, she tilted her head and chuckled and said to Li Yexing, "If I were that driver, I'd scold him."

"Heh..." Li Yexing smiled nonchalantly, shrugged his shoulders and said, "If I were that driver, I would have shot him."

Compared with the previous alley, the alley in front of me seems darker and narrower. The black van is almost speeding along the walls of the buildings on both sides. Because there are garbage bags on the front road from time to time, the front of the car The road was a little bumpy, and after the paint on the fronts of the two sides was wiped off, the black van returned to the street with an arrogant drift.

"Hey! Boss! Are you too good at driving?!" After being bumped all the way, Kanan covered his head that hit the roof of the car and said with displeasure: "Driving like this, the car must have been scratched badly, right?!"

"What are you afraid of?!" Holding the steering wheel in his hand, Li Yexing's expression became more ferocious. He grinned and said, "It's just the paint coming off, and there will be a lot of bullet holes in a while!"

"That's right..." Kanan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded suddenly, she shifted her gaze, held the M249 in her hand, and silently looked out of the car window, until the car rushed up the viaduct, she said anxiously : "Boss! I saw their car! On the opposite side! Slower than us!"

Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing turned his head slightly and looked at the road on the other side from the corner of his eye. Through the rearview mirror, he could clearly see a white van on the road on the other side of the railing, and the white van After buying the chartered car, there seemed to be several black cars following, which were exactly the same as the Ukrainian special forces troop carrier I saw in the alley near the hotel, but I couldn't see how many of them there were.

"Kanan! Hit!" Li Yexing shouted excitedly, as if infected by the madness escaping from Kanan's body.

"Hey! Let's just wait for this sentence!" The smile on her face became brighter. Kanan stepped on the seat and stretched her hand to the roof of the van. The hair blown away by the strong wind, and then shouted: "Damn it! This is too cool!"

Blocking the turbulent airflow with her back, Kanan took the cigarette and the lighter out of her pocket, flung out a cigarette, held it in her mouth, and threw the cigarette case in the car. She moved the lighter, pulled off the cover, and at the same time pressed down on the flint with her middle finger. Immediately, a misty flame ignited the cigarette between her lips. Ring to close the lighter.

"Hoo..." Spit out a mouthful of white mist, let it turn into a silk thread that cuts through the air accompanied by the fast-moving black van, Kanan suddenly took out the M249 from the car and put it on the roof, aiming at the opposite street The black vans following the white van grinned wildly while biting their cigarette holders: "Let's Dance!"

In the next second, accompanied by the hot flames spewing out of the muzzle, the terrifying gunshots instantly tore apart the tense atmosphere on the road. The 5.56X45mm standard NATO bullets pulled a metal storm, which set off sparks on the street, and almost hit the road. After bursting the tire of the white van in the front, he pulled and went straight to the following black vans, while the other side seemed to be frightened by the sudden firepower, and for a while, followed the white van The formation of the black vans in the back was a bit scattered.

The sound of gunshots, the roar of engines, Kanan's wild laughter, and the tinkling sound of bullets hitting metal, they echoed and superimposed, crazily filling Li Yexing's eardrums, immersed in this peerless symphony, Li Yexing only felt that what he was holding in his hand was not the steering wheel, but the baton. The smell of gunpowder on the battlefield was like some kind of poison, crazily eroding Li Yexing's sanity. , Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from the communicator next to his ear.

"Mamamamamafa, that's not right, it's wolf wolf wolf one! Why did you suddenly shoot!!!"

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