The voice sounded hysterical, and there was even a hint of crying. Obviously, the arms dealer lady was frightened by the shocking appearance of Li Yexing and Kanan!

"Huh?! Miss Hekmedia, what are you talking about?! If you don't shoot, do you want to see you surrounded by them?!" While pressing the communicator next to his ear, he wantonly vented his firepower After a while, Kanan tore off the empty drum and yelled at Li Yexing, "Boss! Another one!"

"Here comes my good brother!" He casually picked up the drum drum beside him and handed it to Kanan. Li Yexing held the steering wheel with one hand and said with a grin: "Don't leave one round, shoot them all."

"Do you still need to say?!" After receiving the drum drum from Li Yexing and installing it under the sound of gunfire, Kanan set up the gun again, and shouted while shooting wildly: "Come on! Come out and fire!" And ah! Don't shrink in that iron shell!"

Chapter 22. Macho Odessa ([-])

On the driver's seat of the white van, a pair of slender hands with slightly pale skin are holding the steering wheel tightly. The hands are protruding from the cuffs of the white coat, and the arms lacking muscles under the fabric are slightly stiff, and the owner of these hands is the one with silver hair. A young woman with long white hair and bright gray-blue eyes, with an expression that does not match her extraordinary beauty, lowered her body while putting on a face that looked like she was about to cry, and at the same time shouted hysterically: "Oh my God-!!!"

"Wow wow..." On the back seat, a slightly old muscular man with short silver-white hair squinted his eyes, with a subtle smile on his face, even though the intense gunshots had already filled his eardrums , but holding the M24 sniper rifle, he just shrugged and leaned against the soft back of the chair, as if he didn't care at all.

"Mr. Rem! Are you too calm?!" The silver-haired woman driving the van said anxiously with a cry in her voice, "That's M249 SAW, right?! You can tell it must be M249 SAW just by hearing the gunshots." Right?! Directly shooting Ukrainian special forces with M249 on the road in Odessa! Isn’t Miss Marfar going too far?!”

"It's really out of line..." The good-looking woman sitting in the passenger seat nodded in agreement. She turned her head with her short black hair shaking, and pulled the blindfold covering her right eye slightly to the side. Through the rear glass of the car, he stared at the black vans that were being crazily shot by machine guns, and at the same time whispered: "Miss Marfar is really as bold as she looks..."

"Right! Let me just say it!" The white-haired woman stepped on the gas pedal and said bitterly: "Although I thought that Miss Marfar would be a woman who does what she says, but this is too exaggerated, right?! "

"But it's not surprising if you think about it carefully. If it's her, she does have the capital to act like this..." As if remembering something, the black-haired one-eyed woman in the passenger seat narrowed her eyes, and the eyes flashed With a hint of sharpness like a dagger, she frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "After all, it's a monster in human skin..."

"Falme is no worse than her!" Hearing what the black-haired woman in the passenger seat said, the silver-haired woman driving the van pursed her lips.

"No, Kou Kou, it's a lot worse, it's too much worse..." Her face was reddish, and even her eyes were stained with moisture when she looked at the silver-haired woman, but then, she was called Falme The black-haired woman shook her head, and she whispered: "There is no need for Kou Kou to comfort me, the other party has already let go of the water, but I was still pressed and beaten, and the other party let the water go further in order to take into account my face, and the fight was a tie." , that would be an insult to me."

"Ahh! At least if it was Falme, he would never make such a reckless move, right?!" The woman called Kou Kou seemed to be very serious about trying to save face for her subordinates. The fierce gunshot forced his chest out, holding the steering wheel with one hand, stroking his chest with the other, and said solemnly: "Really, Falme definitely beat Miss Mafal in terms of tactical literacy and common sense, right?! "

"Koukou..." Immediately, Falme's eyes in the passenger seat became more moist.

"Haha, miss is really energetic, obviously the situation has become like this..." Holding a sniper rifle in his arms, the muscular old man called Rem shrugged again, and then he tilted his head and watched Looking at the rearview mirror of the front seat, he asked Kou Kou with a light smile, "But, Miss, to be honest, are you really complaining?"

"Of course I'm complaining!" Kou Kou frowned and said, "I'm a businessman! Not a mercenary! Why do you have to rely on weapons to solve problems that can be solved by sitting down and having a good talk!"

"I don't think that selling arms to Ukrainian pro-R armed forces on the territory of the pro-A regime in Ukraine is a problem that can be solved by sitting down and talking..." Uncle Rem smiled, and then said to Kou Kou in the front seat Said: "Also, miss, aren't you very happy? I see the corners of your mouth are raised very much."

"Oh?" Hearing Rem's words, Falme turned his head subconsciously. Sure enough, even though his brows were furrowed, even though there were faint tears in his eyes as if he was about to cry, the corners of Kou Kou's mouth couldn't be restrained. , as if something happy happened, maybe because Kou Kou is so beautiful, these two extreme emotions are mixed on the face, and it doesn't look out of harmony at all.

"Ah... there's nothing I can do about it..." Even though she couldn't hold back the corners of her lips, Kou Kou couldn't help but said loudly: "Because this is really interesting! Isn't it a novel experience?! Really As expected of Lisa, even the people under her are so interesting!"

Putting on an expression of "I knew it", Uncle Rem reminded in a low voice: "Miss, don't forget, Miss Marfar is Miss Ashford's friend, and Mr. Li is Miss Ashford's boyfriend ..."

"It's the husband." Falme further reminded.

"Yes, it's my husband..." Nodding to Falme, Uncle Rem smiled lightly and said, "It's fine in private, but if you make a mistake in front of others, maybe the relationship will be strained of."

"Because you still can't believe it?!" With a weird expression on her face, Kou Kou murmured softly: "Obviously she was a cold little beauty back then, and her eyes were like looking at ants. Why did my friend and husband die once? Got it all?! Obviously I am Lisa's good friend?!"

"Kuu Kou likes that Miss Ashford?" Hearing what Kou Kou said, Falme in the passenger seat instantly became alert.

"Of course I like it!" Without noticing the strangeness on Falme's face, Kou Kou raised her head and said loudly: "Look, Lisa is so beautiful, she has a good figure and mind, she is very knowledgeable, and she has a strong smell Lisa is so queenly, neither a man nor a woman can refuse Lisa?! Really, why did you marry a mercenary?"

Hearing Kou Kou's words, Falme's face was ashen, as if struck by lightning.

Between the words, the van drove forward for a long distance. Accompanied by the conversations of several people in the car who seemed to be in danger but had no sense of tension, the sound of gunfire behind the car gradually became chaotic. For a while, illuminated by street lights The gunfire on the street was bright, and bullets flew across. Sitting in the passenger seat, Falmy, who was always observing the battle behind him, said loudly: "The Ukrainians are starting to fight back!"

"I heard it! It's AKS-74U!" Kou Kou, who was holding the steering wheel, said anxiously: "5.45x39mm small-caliber rifle bullets! It can't penetrate the car I prepared for Miss Marfar! But if it's six cars , Miss Marfar's firepower will definitely be suppressed!"

As he said that, Kou Kou pressed the communicator next to his ear, and said loudly to the other side of the communicator: "The people we invited may be in trouble! Willie! It's your turn to play!"

"Understood, miss." Immediately, a short and capable answer came from the other side of the communicator.

After arranging the subordinates who he used as backup insurance, Kou Kou looked at the rearview mirror in front of him, and said to Rem who was sitting behind: "Mr. Rem, I'm afraid you need to take action to share the pressure for our allies. Can it be done?"

"Ah, actually, I want to say that it can't be done, but the lady has already spoken, so I have nothing to do..." Shrugging, Uncle Rem raised his hand, opened the roof of the white van, and then While lighting a cigarette, she climbed out holding the M24 in her hand. On the other hand, seeing Uncle Rem lighting a cigarette, Falme in the passenger seat subconsciously covered her nose, but then she froze, As if seeing Godzilla landing in San Francisco, she said to Kou Kou with dull eyes: "Not suppressed..."

"What?" Hearing Falme's words, Kou Kou was slightly taken aback.

"Miss Mafar was not suppressed by the firepower!" Falme couldn't hide the shock on his face any longer, and said urgently: "Coco! Miss Mafar is continuing to fire against the firepower of the Ukrainians!"

"Huh?!" Hearing Falme's words, Koko was dumbfounded. She subconsciously turned her head to look at the rearview mirror outside the car window. Kanan on a street still didn't flinch. She was manipulating the M249, whose barrel was about to be red, to shoot at the six black vans, while trying to reverse the pressure. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the arc of Kanan's mouth seemed to be getting more and more intense. hideous.

"Monster..." Witnessing this scene, Kou Kou, who was holding the steering wheel, couldn't help but whispered.

Chapter 23. Macho Odessa ([-])

"Koukou Heikemedia, the second lady of the Hekemedia family, serves the world-class arms trafficking organization HCLI, mainly engaged in arms transportation, and its business focuses on Africa and Europe..."

"Rem Blake, former major of the Delta Special Forces, president of PMC, currently serving the Hekmedia family... Tsk, it turned out to be a colleague..."

"Sofia Weima, code-named Falme, was born in a military family, a former major of the Finnish Mechanized Private Squadron, and her father is an active lieutenant general and chief of staff..."

Holding the steering wheel in his left hand and the mobile phone in his right hand, although the sound of gunfire above his head and beside him has been connected, Li Yexing didn't care. The information was just provided by Alexisa and sent by Bai Muqing. After a while, he couldn't help but cocked his lips and said, "Is it a bodyguard group composed of retired special forces from various countries and the Mafia? I thought it was just a group of arms sellers. I didn't expect the composition of personnel to be quite complicated..."

"Boss! The gun barrel is smoking! It's too hot!" The empty drum fell from the top of his head and hit the car, and Kanan, who leaned out of the van with half his body, yelled and asked, "Can this gun still fire? It won't explode, will it?!"

"It's okay! Keep hitting! Hit until the barrel can't stand it! There is no need to question the performance of the M249!" Casually stuffing the drum beside him into Kanan's hands, Li Yexing said to Kanan while glancing at the phone screen: "By the way, the firepower on the other side seems to be fierce. Remember to protect yourself and don't get shot."

"Don't worry! Boss! I know it!" After receiving the drum drum from Li Yexing amidst the hail of bullets, Kanan quickly inserted it into the sound of the gunfire, and while pulling the steel storm of M249 with his left hand, he stretched out his right index finger, Brutally digging out the bullets that had been pierced into the facial muscles one by one, and wiping the blood off her face with her sleeve, she said with a smirk, "I know how to protect myself!"

Hiding in the iron shell, they followed the target's white van and poured bullets at each other. For a while, Kanan and the Ukrainian special forces were unable to do anything to each other. When Kanan became more and more irritable, he saw a strong old man Leaning out from the roof of the white van, he set up the M24 in his hand, and on the other side, sensing the old man's movements, the formation of the six black vans quickly changed.

With his back facing the strong wind, Uncle Rem gently pressed the trigger with his right index finger, and locked the leading black van with the crosshair in the middle of the scope. After a while, he decisively pulled the trigger, his body remained motionless like a mountain, letting his shoulders Hit by the recoil, the 7.62mm bullet that pierced through the chamber tore through the air at the moment when it showed its quality as a top-level PMC, and with the roaring gunshot, it shattered the windshield that was strong enough to withstand the 5.56mm caliber bullet. The exploding blood blocked the van's vision like splashed tomato sauce.

"You played well, uncle!" Kanan said excitedly with a grin at Uncle Rem's thumbs up.

"Oh, oh..." Although he couldn't hear Kanan's praise because of the loud wind, but seeing Kanan's ferocious smiling face covered in blood, Uncle Rem still scratched his head with a smile and said: "Now Young man, his murderous intent is really great."

Losing the driver, the car skidded and slammed into the other side of the street, but just as the van was about to overturn, it swayed and turned around, and then returned to the road of chasing the white van. Then, the door on the side near the co-pilot opened, and a corpse with a broken head was thrown out of the car.

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