"Isn't it?!" Seeing the corpse that was thrown out of the car rolling on the street splashing blood, Kanan couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "Throw away the corpse of your comrade-in-arms? It's too Is it too much?!"

"Huh?! It's interesting..." Through the rearview mirror, Li Yexing witnessed what happened on another street. He was aroused and couldn't help asking Kanan in a low voice: "Good brother , do you want to join the gang?"

"What?" Pulling off the drum that was lit up again, Kanan was slightly taken aback when he heard Li Yexing's words, then retreated into the car, stepped on the seat, and propped up the roof of the car and said to Li Yexing, "Really?" of? Jump gang?"

"Come and dance, I'll pick you up..." Li Yexing smiled lightly and said to Kanan, "How is it? Do you want to dance?"

"Then I'm thinking too much!" Throwing away the smoking M249 in his hand, he took out the Gurkha saber from his waist that he hadn't used much since he got it from Japan. Kanan grinned and said: "Help me clear the way?"

"Come..." Li Yexing hooked his fingers at Kanan, and said with a smile, "Pass me the shotgun."

"OK!" Stretching his arms and handing the KS-23 shotgun on the back seat to Li Yexing's hand, Kanan said excitedly like a pet dog who couldn't hold back his desire to let the wind go, as if he had been imprisoned for a week: "When do you dance?"

"Right now! Hold on tight!" Eyes wide open for a moment, with a fervent smile, Li Yexing slammed the steering wheel and let the black van go straight to the street on the other side of the railing. With a loud bang, The van vibrated violently. Immediately afterwards, its four wheels ran over the railing that was knocked down, and went directly onto the other side of the driveway. It was going backwards unscrupulously, watching Kanan beside him shaking the car excitedly Li Yexing didn't care about picking prey, and directly steered the black van into a vicious collision with the van that was chasing the target and blocking the view from the front window.

Accompanied by a loud noise, another shock came, and the two black silk vans squeezed together, rubbing out a large area of ​​sparks. In a vague way, Li Yexing seemed to hear the Russian yelling from another car, and slightly Looking sideways, he saw that Kanan had already rolled up the car window, looking eager to try, he grinned grinningly at the horrified eyes of the Ukrainian special forces members in the other car, raised the shotgun with one hand, and pointed it directly at I pulled the trigger on the car window, and there was a loud "boom". The terrifying recoil of the KS-23 came from the arm. Even Li Yexing, whose body had been greatly strengthened, couldn't help shaking his arm violently. Under the bombardment of this powerful shotgun, the solid car window was torn apart like a can being torn by a can opener, and the shattered glass was scattered and scattered.

Perhaps because the Ukrainian soldiers in the car evaded in time, the bloody scene that Li Yexing and Kanan expected did not appear, but for the two of them, this was not important. Kanan kicked his legs suddenly, jumped, and jumped directly into the black van of the Ukrainian from between the windows of the two cars that were close together.

"Come on! Don't be shy! Can you waltz?!" In the dull eyes of the Ukrainian special forces soldiers in the car, Kanan, who was spinning his body in the car, laughed wildly and waved the Gurkha saber. The two soldiers who lay down to avoid the shotgun bombardment cut their throats, and then, accompanied by a spring of blood, she licked the blade and danced again. After the stump holding the gun was thrown out of the broken window, Li Yexing turned sideways and opened the co-pilot's door with his feet. On the roof of the car, Kanan, who was soaked in blood, jumped back to the co-pilot.

He closed the car door and wiped the blood on his face. With the sound of the grenade exploding in the Ukrainian car, the over-excited Kanan rushed over and kissed Li Yexing hard on the side of his face. One bite, leaving a lip print outlined by blood.

Chapter 24. Macho Odessa ([-])

The fragmentation grenade exploded inside the car, destroying the bulletproof windows, and even shredded the two Ukrainian special soldiers in the front seat who had escaped Kanan's strangulation. Dragging out, the out-of-control black van was pulled into several violent black fog streams, blocking the pace of the follow-up pursuers, and then, with a loud "boom", the out-of-control van finally exploded, flying into the sky. In the light of the flames, the dark wreckage rolled like a prop model in a Hollywood blockbuster, rising into the sky together with the blazing fireball, completely illuminating this somewhat empty street.

"Hey hey hey, isn't this a bit too exaggerated? Are you making a movie?" The little half leaned out of the roof of the car, letting the flames and the strong wind behind each other hit each other to illuminate his face, Uncle Rem held his M24, a cold light of alert flashed in his eyes, he muttered softly: "Don't show this to the old man, it's not good for the heart."

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh" In the car, Kou Kou on the driver's seat is like a child who has seen something strange Fireworks held the steering wheel in his hand and kept twisting his body, excitedly said to Falme in the passenger seat: "Did you see it?! What is that?! It's really human!" Can it be done?! Is this the legendary strength of the mercenary world?! God! I can’t believe my eyes!”

"That...that kind of thing, I can do it too!" Seeing little stars in Kou Kou's eyes, Falme, who was worried that Kou Kou's heart would be taken away by foreign mercenaries, hurriedly patted his chest and said: " If Coco needs it, I can..."

"No!" In Falme's eager eyes, Kou Kou resolutely rejected Falme's proposal, she waved her hand and said to Falme: "We are mature arms dealers and bodyguards of mature arms dealers. If we lose a car, we have many more practical methods, and there is no need for Falme to risk his life."

"Koukou..." Seeing that the munitions queen holding the steering wheel was so concerned about her own safety, Falme's complexion was instantly stained with red, and his eyes became moist again.

"However, it's really cool..." After comforting Falme, Kou Kou fixed her eyes on the road ahead, and whispered with her lips. After a while, she couldn't help but roll her eyes Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced at the rearview mirror, and looked at the black van that was covered in wear and scars, but was still following closely behind him. Since the windshield of the front window was still there, Kou Kou could not see through the rear view. The mirror observes the state of the people in the car.

In other words, after the show is completed, what are those two monster-like guys doing in there now?

Probably in the repair state, waiting for the next battle, right?

In fact, Kou Kou did not guess wrong. In the black van, Li Yexing and Kanan were indeed in the repair state, but for the two of them, it was obviously not helpful for the next battle to adjust an M249 that was hit and needed maintenance. , Therefore, without any discussion, the two made the same choice tacitly, which is to help Kanan, who is the main attacker, decompress.

The strong wind poured in along the opened car window, blowing the black ponytail that was no longer supple due to the smoke and sweat. The owner of the ponytail, Kanan, squinted his eyes slightly, letting his upper body and Li Yexing was close to each other, hugging Li Yexing's neck and kissing Li Yexing ecstasy, sometimes she bit Li Yexing's lower lip with her white teeth, and sometimes let the tip of her tongue mixed with the faint smell of tobacco lightly penetrate, entangled, let the blood on his lips and cheeks stain Li Yexing's face and lips, and on the other side, Li Yexing held the steering wheel with his left hand, and his right hand hugged Kanan's waist tightly, while catering to Kanan's Excitedly, he watched the road ahead and the flames in the rearview mirror from the corner of his eye. He didn't let go of Kanan's lips until the black vans that were chasing them passed through the flames.

In Kanan's eyes mixed with dissatisfaction and a touch of nostalgia, Li Yexing patted Kanan's waist lightly, and at the same time whispered: "The enemy is here, and the rest time is over."

"Tsk, what a group of guys who don't know how to read the atmosphere..." Smacking her lips viciously, Kanan gave up the M249. She carried the RPG on her back, stepped on Li Yexing's thighs, climbed out of the roof again, and set up With the VHS-2 in his hand, he pointed his middle finger at the pursuers and yelled: "Can't you bastards just leave the field obediently?! Do you have to stand in line at the gate of hell?! Are you in such a hurry to die?!"

What responded to Kanan was a burst of gunfire. From the car window with a gap open, heavily armed soldiers forcibly suppressed the fear of death, used the bulletproof car window as a cover, and began to try to shoot at Kanan. In the hail of bullets, Kanan just frowned slightly, listening to the continuous sound of breaking through the air, until a bullet grazed her side face and tore a thin bloodstain on her side face, then she stood up. When the gun came, he kept firing and trying to fight back while frowning: "Damn! It's really annoying!"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of roaring gunshots and shattering glass reached his ears at the same time. Immediately afterwards, Kanan saw a black van deviate from the street, run over the railing, and hit the dam beside the road. On the stalk, almost overturned directly.

The strong and hairy arm pulled the bolt and ejected the cartridge case. The corners of Uncle Rem's mouth curled up slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "Don't forget me..."

"There are four more! Uncle!" Looking through the sights and pulling the trigger with his finger, Kanan kept firing, trying to forcefully suppress the firepower fired from the remaining four black vans, while roaring: "I'm working harder!"

"Ah, young people are really impatient..." A faint smile appeared on his face, and Uncle Rem, who caught Kanan's voice in the strong wind, held his breath again and set up the M24. He was about to pull the trigger, when suddenly, two heavily armed soldiers in black appeared on the roofs of the last two black vans in the tracking team. They carried AK-47-shaped machine guns in their hands. Put it on the roof of the car, and then, the terrifying firepower swept across the roof of the white van in front and the roof of Li Yexing's black van on the flanks.

"Damn it!" Shocked into a cold sweat, Kanan hugged his head and shrank back into the car. Before retracting the car, she clearly saw that Uncle Rem just fired a hasty shot, and then hid After getting up, a burst of flames swept across Li Yexing's face and shattered the front window of the black van. If Li Yexing hadn't reacted quickly enough, this shot would have directly shredded his neck!

"艸!" After surviving a catastrophe, there was a raging tantrum. After cursing viciously, Li Yexing turned his head and picked up the previous one that was used to knock on the car under Kanan's surprised eyes. With the heavy shotgun on the window, he pulled the handguard with the bend of his left arm to eject the cartridge case. Then, he slammed the steering wheel, and against the scattered fierce firepower, he directly slammed into the Ukrainian special forces convoy.

Chapter 25. Macho Odessa ([-])

"Wow?! Still here?! Did you make a mistake!" Through the rearview mirror, looking at the black van that crashed into the Ukrainian convoy, Kou Kou, who was driving a white van, couldn't help saying: "Although the Ukrainian troops The RPK light machine gun is an old antique, but it fires real 7.62mm bullets! The car I provided them can't stop this thing at all?!"

"You're so bloody..." Facing the firepower of the machine gun, even Rem couldn't do it with ease. He lowered his figure, looked at the rearview mirror through the corner of his eye, and then pressed the communicator next to his ear to sink. asked in a low voice, "Willie, how long are you going?"

"Hurry up! We can already hear gunshots!" There was a hint of anxiety in the calm voice of the past, and the man on the other side of the communicator said anxiously: "The mountain road here is more difficult than we imagined. "

"Oh, it's troublesome now..." Rem scratched his short white hair, and said with a wry smile, "Now we're probably going to hand over the trouble to our Mr. Key."

"Koko, if you need..." Seeing that Rem was about to touch the fish, Falme subconsciously touched the dagger at his waist, but unexpectedly, this time, she always took her Kou Kou, who was like a sharp knife, turned her down.

"No need..." The corners of her lips curved into an irrepressible arc, Kou Kou's gray-blue eyes were full of excitement, she chuckled and said, "That's good, Rem is right, since the situation is rotten , then just hand it over to our Mr. Key."

"They're afraid..." The words came to her lips, but she swallowed them again. Although Falme didn't want to question Kou Kou's choice, the tangle between her brows still revealed her worry.

"Don't worry, that's the man Lisa has her eyes on, and his shot must be extraordinary!" A thin line of sweat rose from the palms of his hands due to excitement, and Kou Kou smiled lightly while stepping on the gas pedal: "Think about it carefully, Fa Erme, that guy is the mad dog of Lopulus, known for his rough and crazy fighting style and bad character of vengeance. It is not surprising that such a person dies hundreds of times, but he used this way of shortening his life in the After living in a high-intensity combat career for a full ten years, and still alive and kicking, do you think that such a monster can really do things without a brain?!"

"Miss, what do you mean..." Hearing Kou Kou's words, Falme asked subconsciously.

"Keep your eyes open and watch carefully, Falme, to see how the monsters who have transcended their attempts and reached the limits of human beings fight..." Eyes shone with excitement, Kou Kou curled up his mouth and chuckled: "At this moment, That vicious dog must be using that seemingly crazy method to carry out his meticulous and watertight battle plan step by step!"


"Vaporized, evaporated! Reason is about to evaporate!"

No thinking at all!No plan at all!There are only muscles in the brain and blood that is about to boil!Li Yexing seemed to be delirious from taking drugs, tilted his head, rolled his eyes, grinned and let out an incomprehensible laugh while turning the steering wheel frantically, and kept hitting the Ukraine next to him with his black van. People, in the car that was hit repeatedly, the soldiers wanted to directly open the window to shoot at Li Yexing several times, but when they saw the shotgun that looked like a cannon in Li Yexing's hand, they subconsciously Swallowed, and behind them, the Ukrainian soldiers with RPKs were already a mouse-throwing weapon. After accidentally piercing through the rear door of the friendly army, they basically gave up strafing and switched to short-range guns with slightly higher accuracy. Burst.

The bullets hit the trunk, tearing holes one after another, making clanking noises. Kanan, who was almost hit by the bullets several times, wiped the blood that had coagulated on his face, then turned his head to look at the side that kept smirking while hitting Li Yexing, who was in the van next to her, raised her eyebrows slightly as the car shook violently again and again, "It's over, the boss is too excited."


There was another violent shaking, and the two black vans squeezed together again, igniting sparks, and the Ukrainian on the opposite side finally lost his temper. Accompanied by this burst of yelling, after a while, the sound of jingling came naturally. There was a sound overhead, and it seemed that someone had climbed out of the roof and was firing on the roof of Li Yexing's car.

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