"Heh..." There was a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth, Kanan raised his head slightly, watching silently as the bullet swept down from the space on the roof of the car, and hit his military boots on the bottom of the car. After a while, the ballistic trajectory shook slightly, Kanan Seizing the opportunity, she jumped up suddenly, grabbed the edge of the roof and leaned out half of her body directly from the roof. Sure enough, just as she thought, the Ukrainian special forces member who climbed out of the black van on the side was on the sidelines. One-handed fire suppression while trying to throw a grenade into their car!

"Merry Christmas!" Facing the shocked and even panicked eyes of the soldier, Kanan held the gun with one hand and pulled the trigger with a smirk. Immediately, a burst of blood exploded on his face, and his head was pierced. The Ukrainian soldiers fell back into the Ukrainian car with the grenade that pulled the tab. The next second, there was a frightened Russian voice in the car...


"Ouch! Scary! Master slipped away!" He slammed the steering wheel again, widening the distance from the black van next to him. Seeing the door of the black van slam open, Li Yexing didn't give them the grenade at all. Taking the opportunity to get out of the car, the moment the car door opened, Li Yexing raised the shotgun with one hand and pulled the trigger, blasting back the Ukrainian special forces soldier who was trying to throw the grenade.

The next second, the sound of explosions and screams sounded at the same time. Immediately afterwards, the out-of-control Ukrainian black van fell directly to the ground with flames, and the following van hit the chassis because it could not dodge. The terrifying explosion sounded again, and immediately, the burning black parts were thrown into the sky by the rising fireball, scattering in all directions like lava after a volcanic eruption.

So far, there are only two black vans left behind...if their commander wants to continue chasing them.

"Tsk, my mind is a little wandering, I feel like I'm drunk..." Holding the steering wheel with one hand and his forehead with the other, Li Yexing shook his head vigorously, and then said in a low voice: "No, I'm a little over the top... "

"They probably won't catch up again, right?" Limp among the piles of firearms and bullets on the back seat, playing with the 5.56mm NATO bullet in his hand, looking at the reflection of Li Yexing reflected on the brass, Holding the bullet in her palm, she leaned forward, hugged Li Yexing's neck from behind, and then swallowed Li Yexing's ear, biting it with her white teeth while whispering: "Now, They shouldn't be catching up anymore, right?"

"Who knows?" He raised his hand and lightly stroked Kanan's cheek, letting the strong wind blow on his face from the front of the car without the windshield, Li Yexing narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "What if their Sir is a very resilient guy?"

"Don't..." Kanan shrugged, just about to tease her, but suddenly, her expression froze, and then, Li Yexing, whose senses were slightly inferior to Kanan's, raised his eyebrows slightly, and after a while , with a subtle expression, he shifted his gaze to the rearview mirror, and saw two black vans rushing out of the line of fire, biting the van of Li Yexing and his employer again. At the same time, the other side of the hillside There were bursts of roars, and with the roars, a pitch-black armed helicopter flew into Li Yexing's field of vision!

Chapter 26. Macho Odessa ([-])

"It's a Mi-24 gunship!" Looking at the roaring monster in the sky through the rearview mirror, Kou Kou, an arms dealer who has completely transformed into a commentator, shouted anxiously: "Yes! No mistake?! Do they really know what they are doing? They clearly want to kill me?!"

"It's a big trouble..." Rem, who was sitting in the back seat, frowned slightly, and finally there was a trace of seriousness in his expression. He turned around and tried to climb out of the car roof by stepping on the back seat, but Just when he probed, a row of 7.62 caliber bullets whizzed past Rem's head, pressing Rem back into the car. Then, suddenly, there was a clanging sound, and the back door of the white van was instantly hit by bullets. Rem frowned tightly, and lay down directly under the car with his gun in his hand, while Falme on the passenger seat quickly pressed Kou Ko's head, and in the next second, there was a crisp sound. , The windshield of the van suddenly shattered.

"Are you all right?!" Falme asked anxiously after a round of shooting.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Eyes are about to burst out of tears, Kou Kou can't restrain the corners of his mouth from rising and shouting hysterically as he shrinks his body and holds the steering wheel: "It's too much! It's too much! It's unacceptable Too much! I don’t want to come to Ukraine again in my life!”

"Tsk..." Subconsciously pressing the top of Kou Kou's head with one hand, Falme turned his head and looked at the black van in charge of guarding and the armed helicopter assisting the Ukrainian special forces in the rearview mirror, frowning. He said: "We seem to have underestimated their determination..."

Li Yexing and Kanan in the black van looked much calmer than those in the white van.

With his head tilted and a cigarette in his mouth, Li Yexing held the steering wheel with both hands, his eyes narrowed slightly due to the squeeze of the strong wind. Beside him, Kanan leaned forward and pressed behind the driver's seat, protecting the steering wheel with his hands. The flame of the lighter lit the cigarettes between their lips together, and when the two curls of green smoke rose together, Li Yexing turned his head, puffed the smoke through his nostrils and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "It turned out to be an armed helicopter, Are these guys trying to kill our employer?"

"Stop laughing, boss! This is super scary, okay!" Seeing Li Yexing's indifferent look, Kanan couldn't help but pat the back of Li Yexing's head lightly. She bit her cigarette holder and frowned. He said: "If the second lady of the Hekemedia family dies in our hands, the situation will be serious!"

"Don't panic..." The left hand was still holding the steering wheel, and the index finger and middle finger of the right hand held the cigarette together. Li Yexing exhaled a mouthful of white mist, flicked the ash, and then turned his head and smiled: "Our employer's The identity is too special, killing her will definitely cause a lot of trouble, the commander who directed this operation may not have the courage, so I think this armed helicopter is flying out to scare people, the commander wants to use this way of forcing our employers into submission."

"Oh? Is that so?" After listening to Li Yexing's analysis, Kanan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and said with a blank expression, "It seems...that's it..."

"Right? So, at a time like this, you just need to think about it..." Li Yexing put the cigarette back into his lips, and lightly raised the corner of his mouth, thinking about how to take the opportunity to preach to Kanan. Fan, to show his ability to analyze and judge the situation as a veteran mercenary, suddenly, there was only a burst of air breaking sounded from above his head, and then two S-24 rockets flew through the air, dragging their tail smoke and went straight to The white van in front went away, as if it had sensed the incoming rocket, the white van turned abruptly, making a screeching sound of tire rubbing, and the next second, an explosion sounded, setting off a large amount of flames on the street, blowing the gravel away. Fried splatters.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Li Yexing and Kanan in the white van were stunned at the same time. After a while, Kanan turned his head, raised his eyebrows and whispered to Li Yexing: "Boss, do you call this scaring?"

"Damn it!" At this moment, Li Yexing only felt that his scalp was numb, he lowered his figure subconsciously, and at the same time frowned and said in surprise: "These guys really want to kill that arms dealer! They What the hell are you doing?! Are you really not afraid of someone behind her?!"

"The commander behind this operation is probably a radical patriot..." Kanan rolled his eyes and said, "There are quite a lot of such muscular idiots."

"Go and shoot it down! Kanan!" Li Yexing said anxiously, "We can't let it fire casually anymore!"

"OK! Boss!" At any time, Kanan is a girl full of energy. After receiving Li Yexing's new order, she turned around directly, stepped on the back seat and tried to climb out of the roof again, but she just stretched out. He stretched out his hand, only to hear a series of gunshots, Kanan only felt a pain in his finger, and fell directly from the roof of the car.

"What's going on?!" Hearing the sound of Kanan smashing back into the car, Li Yexing subconsciously asked loudly.

"Ah, it hurts..." He hissed and landed on the bottom of the car, lying sprawled among the ammunition boxes. Seeing that he raised his hand, he saw that his right hand was already dripping with blood, and his middle finger was even worse. disappeared.

"Boss!" Although she didn't feel much pain, and the knocked out middle finger was still regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye, Kanan still howled like a pig, and she cried loudly: "The bastards !They knocked off the finger I used in your place!"

"To replace..." Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing didn't realize it for a while, but he still grasped the key words.

Kanan's finger was beaten off.

Seeing Kanan's aggrieved look through the rearview mirror, Li Yexing's face instantly turned cold. Seeing that the road ahead was straight, he let go of the steering wheel with both hands, then turned his head and said to Kanan: "Good brother, you Come and drive."

"Ah?" The contrived grievance on his face disappeared instantly, and Kanan said in a daze, "I'm driving? Then what are you doing?"

"Kill." Li Yexing replied concisely.

"No, boss, calm down, I can handle it, and it doesn't hurt that much, you see, your fingers are almost growing..." Subconsciously waved at Li Yexing, Kanan was about to say something , Li Yexing said in a deep voice: "I'm not angry, I'm really not angry, I'm calm, this is just a normal work handover."

"Okay..." Seeing that the whites of Li Yexing's eyes were about to burst into bloodshot eyes, Kanan wisely chose to shut up. She quickly climbed to the passenger seat, unfastened the RPG on the back and handed it to Li Yexing. Ye Xing frowned slightly and said, "Then be careful."

There was no reply, the other one silently took the RPG handed by Kanan, then got out of the driver's seat and crawled towards the back seat. Beside him, Kanan quickly took his place, stretched his legs After stepping on the gas pedal, Kanan suddenly turned his head and pecked Li Yexing's side face lightly after the two exchanged their positions.

Feeling the fleeting soft touch of his side face, Li Yexing was slightly stunned for a moment, but he heard Kanan who had taken over the driver's seat beside him, holding the steering wheel and said softly: "Boss, you are so kind to me."

"Oh..." The chill on his face finally dissipated, Li Yexing still didn't answer, just crawled towards the back seat, now, he wanted to see which bastard dared to beat his wife!

Chapter 27. Macho Odessa ([-])

As we all know, Li Yexing's only... the only weakness is his monster girls, but as a weakness, these girls are a bit too tough, which makes Li Yexing feel that his girls are offended by outsiders He is very sensitive to this matter. He has been with Kanan day and night and slept with the same pillow for so many years. Of course, he knows that just losing a finger is nothing. He just simply cannot accept his girl emotionally. It will eat up such a thing.

Sitting on the back of the co-pilot's seat, stepping on the weapon boxes randomly piled up on the back seat, listening to the sound of gunshots, bursts of air breaking and explosions, Li Yexing was holding the VHS-2 with an incomparable look on his face. He tilted his head slightly, stared at the rearview mirror at the front of the car with the corner of his eye, and observed the two black vans and the armed helicopter biting behind him. After a while, he held his breath, and then jumped out of the The roof poked out.

The gust of wind hit the back of his head in an instant, shaking Li Yexing's spirits. The roaring gunshots rang out suddenly accompanied by Li Yexing's movements, dragging a 7.62 mm caliber metal storm towards Li Yexing. However, at this moment , Li Yexing skipped the aiming action and directly pulled the trigger by relying on the previous observation and muscle memory through the rearview mirror.

Accompanied by a short burst of gunfire, the scorching bullet grazed Li Yexing's side face, leaving a bloodstain, while the bullet fired by Li Yexing tore through the air and hit the Ukrainian soldier's head precisely. Accompanied by a blood flower bursting, the soldier let go of the RPK on the roof of the car, and fell back into the car lying on his back.

After killing a machine gunner, Li Yexing did not stop his actions. He quickly turned his head, raised his gun, and locked the machine gunner on the roof of another car through the sights, and then hurriedly dragged the ammunition chain to the other car's roof. He pulled the trigger directly before his head, and with the rapid burst of fire, the machine gunner subconsciously shrank his body, and even the trajectory of the bullet began to drift.

"Beautiful shot, boss!" Kanan's cheers came from beside her ears, and she couldn't help but excitedly said after watching the battle through the rearview mirror: "The boss's marksmanship is as cool as ever!"

"If you can drive the car more steadily, I won't miss a single shot!" I pressed the trigger repeatedly with my finger, letting the bullets shoot out rhythmically. Li Yexing kept adjusting the muzzle of the gun through the sight position, and shouted at Kanan: "The car is too wobbly!"

"I don't want to drive like this! There seems to be something wrong with this car!" Li Yexing accused him of poor driving skills, and Kanan, who was holding the steering wheel, put away his smile and said with a displeased face: "It's all your fault, boss ! Must go to engage in bumper cars with the Ukrainians!"

"Then why didn't you stop me?!" Li Yexing retorted loudly while firing on the roofs of two black vans: "Aren't you excited too?!"

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