Without replying, Kanan turned his head and whistled, pretending not to hear Li Yexing's words.

"Tsk..." Seeing Kanan's misfire, Li Yexing smacked his lips and focused all his attention on the roofs of the two black vans behind. After emptying a magazine, Li Yexing directly pulled the empty magazine Next, it seemed that he was about to change the magazine. The Ukrainian soldier who couldn't lift his head suppressed by Li Yexing's precise shooting immediately straightened up and prepared to fight back, but unexpectedly what Li Yexing took out from his waist was not the magazine, but the magazine. It's a pistol!

Holding the small black pistol in his hand, Li Yexing's eyes were full of determination. He turned on the three-shot switch, and frantically pulled the trigger at the opposite side. Accompanied by a burst of gunshots, screams came, the Ukrainian soldier A flower of blood exploded from his shoulder, and he fell directly back into the car.

"It's done!" Inserting the pistol back to his waist, taking out a new magazine and inserting it into the body of the VHS-2, Li Yexing yelled while raising the gun in his hand. A full shuttle of bullets, although only ten seconds before and after, was enough to attract the attention of the armed helicopter overhead. It adjusted its posture in the air, as if it was preparing to give priority to Li Yexing, who had caused great trouble to the ground troops. Ye Xing didn't seem to be afraid. Facing the heavy firepower on the armed helicopter, he locked the front sight in the sight on the windshield front window of the helicopter, and then fired directly. Immediately, bullets hit the armed helicopter's On the body, there was a clanging sound.

The machine gun began to roar and rotate, and then, violent firepower fell from the sky, tearing the asphalt-covered street and heading straight for Li Yexing's black van. There was only a dozen meters away from Li Yexing's car. Suddenly, two bullet holes with cracks exploded on the windshield of the helicopter. Immediately afterwards, the helicopter suddenly deflected and climbed higher. The bullet chain swept across in a straight line less than three meters away from Li Yexing's car.

"Amazing! They're scared!" Kanan yelled excitedly without stinging her admiration, but then she said with lingering fear: "I was really scared to death just now, shit!"

"Oh, it's not over yet..." Facing the armed helicopter trying to maneuver in the air, Li Yexing grinned grimly and took out the RPG on his back, aimed at the armed helicopter in the air, and barely restrained the armed helicopter in the air. When aiming in the scope, Li Yexing thought for a while, then lowered his head abruptly, and aimed at the speeding black van under the armed helicopter. Facing the horrified eyes of the Ukrainian special forces inside the van, Li Yexing grinned. The corner of the mouth said: "Claw!"

The next second, as the trigger was pulled, there was a sound like an air leak. Then, the green rocket trailed smoke and went straight to the black van. The moment the rocket penetrated the front windshield, , The entire black van exploded, and the wreckage of the van pushed by the explosion slammed into the bottom of the armed helicopter. Then, the fireball from the explosion rose up, engulfing the wreckage of the van and the hit helicopter together.

"Tsk..." Watching the rising fireball and billowing smoke, Li Yexing smacked his lips with a cold face. He dropped the sugarcane in his hand, and then quickly raised the gun in his hand. Jing Jing, his employer, Kou Hekemedia, and her personal bodyguards were stunned when he witnessed his amazing operation, but Li Yexing knew that the blow he had just missed was actually a miss.

Sure enough, in the next second, just as Li Yexing thought, just like the roar of the spiral wings tearing apart the crackling of the flames, the Mi-24 armed helicopter tore through the smoke screen and rushed out again. Its tail was on fire, and it was still smoking. Although its flying posture had become extremely uncoordinated, it stubbornly followed the two vans.

Perhaps because the machine gun was damaged in the explosion and impact just now, the armed helicopter stopped spouting flames, but kept firing rockets at the two vans for a while, and those rockets splashed with the sound of piercing the air On the street, it was like going crazy. Although it was inaccurate, it was more powerful. In bursts of explosion flames, the black van was rampaging, with harsh friction sounds, and the black van protruded. Li Yexing, who was half in size, ignored the debris scattered and scattered by the explosion, and frantically fired at the cockpit of the helicopter.

The bullets ran out again, and Li Yexing, who had no time to reload, pulled out his pistol stubbornly, and kept pulling the trigger. Seeing the armed helicopter dragging black smoke, it began to climb stubbornly. In the woods, a missile suddenly flew out. It drew an arc in the air, trailing smoke, and then slammed into the armed helicopter fiercely under Li Yexing's surprised eyes.

In the next second, the armed helicopter exploded, turning into a huge fireball, spinning in the air, and smashing heavily on the road.

Chapter 28. Macho Odessa (fourteen)

As the Mi-24 fell to the ground, another explosion sounded, and the rising fireball instantly illuminated the street, reflecting a fiery red. In the fiery red, a military green car covered with green leaves and weeds The off-road vehicle rushed out of the forest with a roaring engine sound, and slammed heavily on the street ahead. At the same time, a rather calm voice sounded from the communicator. Said: "Miss, we are here... Fortunately, we caught up..."

As soon as the words fell, Li Yexing's employer lady complained softly in the communicator: "Willie! Why did you come here! If the foreign aid we hired is not reliable enough, we might stay here today!"

"It's my fault..." Another man's voice rang through the communicator, and he whispered: "Sorry, Kou Kou, there is something wrong with my route selection."

"Ah! Really..." Kou Kou in the communicator complained in a low voice, sounding quite upset.

Relaxing his tense nerves and muscles together, Li Yexing, who was galloping along the road with the black van, turned his back to the strong wind and stared at the farther and farther flames. After a while, he sighed softly, the corners of his mouth curled up A faint smile said: "This time, they probably won't catch up."

With that said, Li Yexing squatted down and shrank his body back into the van. He supported the roof with one hand, stepped on the guns and ammunition piled up on the ground, and walked back to the passenger seat with his legs. Relaxing on the soft seat, Kanan, who was holding the steering wheel, tilted his head slightly, and asked Li Yexing with great interest: "What's wrong? Are you tired?"

"No..." Li Yexing replied with a chuckle, "It's still far away."

"Really?" There was a hint of teasing at the corner of his mouth, Kanan stared at the road ahead illuminated by street lights: "I was thinking that if you are tired, boss, I can give you a knee pillow."

"Knee pillow?" The eyebrows were raised slightly, Li Yexing moved his eyes down, stared at Kanan's blood-stained pants, then shook his head slightly and said, "Forget it, I don't bother you to drive."

"Dirty?" Seeing through Li Yexing's careful thoughts easily, Kanan frowned slightly and asked, with a hint of dissatisfaction hidden in his tone.

"No..." Bending down decisively, curling up his body in this small space, Li Yexing rested his head on Kanan's thigh, rubbed his side face lightly, and then whispered: "It's better to say, you can't ask for it."

"Ha, boss, you are so cute..." Feeling the pressure from her thighs, Kanan chuckled and adjusted her sitting position so that Li Yexing could lie down more comfortably. Then, she let go of her right hand holding the steering wheel and moved her fingers Gently inserted it between Li Yexing's slightly sticky short hair, and gently stroked it.

Congealed blood stood on the fingertips, sliding across the skin, bringing a subtle touch. Li Yexing, who squinted his eyes slightly, raised his hand, grabbed Kanan's catkin that was stroking his hair, and then gently pressed it on the skin. At the same time, he could clearly feel that the texture of the skin on Kanan's middle finger was a bit different from that of other fingers. If he had to say it, the skin on Kanan's middle finger seemed to be too much. A little tender.

It seems that the finger that was knocked off has been completely repaired.

"Kanan..." After a moment of silence, Li Yexing murmured softly, "Your thighs are a bit uncomfortable to use as a pillow, it's wet and sticky..."

"There's a lot of blood on it, let's make it right..." Squeezing Li Yexing's face lightly, Kanan thought about it, and then asked in a low voice, "How about I pull up my trousers? No trousers It might be more comfortable.”

"Forget it, it's not just the two of us here..." Li Yexing lightly tapped the communicator on his ear that was still ringing, and said with a light smile, "They're still arguing..."

"Boss, do you care about this kind of thing?" A slight surprise flashed between his brows and eyes. Kanan thought for a while, and then took off his body armor and tactical equipment, leaving only the one on his upper body that was scratched by bullets. After wearing a black leather jacket, she opened the zipper, revealing her belly that was stained with a thin layer of sweat, and then gently stretched her hand behind Li Yexing's head, so that Li Yexing's face and her own The abs are pressed together.

"How is it now? Are you feeling better?" There was a rare blush on his cheeks, and Kanan said softly, "No one else can give you this..."

"Hmm..." His face was buried in Kanan's abdominal muscles and covered by a unique touch. Li Yexing couldn't help but licked Kanan's mermaid line lightly, feeling the slightly subtle lightness on the tip of his tongue. Salty, he whispered: "Kanan, it's a little salty."

"It's not like you haven't tasted saltier ones on me..." He raised his hand and patted the back of Li Yexing's head lightly, and Kanan said angrily while gently stroking Li Yexing's neck : "Just enjoy it honestly, don't talk!"

After a slight pause, Kanan continued: "Don't lick too hard, I'm driving, I'm ticklish."

"Hmm..." Li Yexing said with a sigh of relief.

"Forget it..." After a while, Kanan changed her words, her face was reddish, and she frowned slightly: "It's better to use more force, it's even more itchy if you lick me like this..."

"Hmm..." There was another burst of angry reply, Li Yexing rubbed his face vigorously on Kanan's stomach, rubbing all the blood stained on his face mixed with sweat, with Seeing Li Yexing's gentle movements, there was no sound in the car for a while, and only the family noise from the communicator was left in the ears.

"They're so happy..." After a moment of silence, Kanan, who had been stroking Li Yexing's short hair, couldn't help but whispered.

"Hmm..." Li Yexing said with a sigh of relief, "I'm quite happy."

"No matter how many times I watch it, I can't help feeling a little surprised..." Feeling the airflow constantly blowing on his face, Kanan whispered: "These guys are completely different from the arms dealers I know. ..”

"Really..." Li Yexing seemed to be interested, and asked softly, "Kanan, what do you think an arms dealer should look like?"

"Let me think about it..." Wei Wei raised his head, sketching the image of an arms dealer in his mind, and after a while, Kanan said softly: "A middle-aged man in a suit or leather shoes must be in good shape. Like a boss, or a profiteer with a big belly, except when selling goods... this feeling?"

"Well, it's not bad to think about it this way..." No longer entangled with Kanan's abdominal muscles, Li Yexing turned over slightly, curled up, and lay flat on Kanan's lap as a pillow. Stretching out the car window, he smiled lightly at Kanan and said, "But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing surprising. There are all kinds of people, and arms dealers are also people, so there are all kinds of arms dealers." Not surprising, is it?"

"That's what I said..." Covering Li Yexing's eyes with his right hand, he tapped Li Yexing's forehead lightly with his index finger, and then tried to curl Li Yexing's short hair. Kanan said awkwardly: " However, the atmosphere of this group of guys...how should I put it? Although Miss Hekmedia's bodyguard group is indeed high in gold content, but...isn't it a bit too loose?"

"Heh..." Without directly answering Kanan's doubts, Li Yexing asked with a chuckle, "Then according to your standards, does our office look like a mercenary office?"

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Kanan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed at himself and said, "It seems...that's right..."

Chapter 29. Macho Odessa ([-])

In the end, the white van with a black van and a green off-road vehicle stopped beside the road without street lights. The light here is dim, and the road is surrounded by hills full of trees on both sides. If you look over the hills, You can see the flames of civilization faintly coming from a distance, and if you can stand on a hill, you can also see the beautiful river like a ribbon of stars in the distance.

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