"Nutritious..." Grasping the key words in an instant, Tillylian's mind instantly thought of the sinister smiling face of a cannibal maid, so she shook her head and flicked her golden ponytail , holding his mouth and saying: "I don't eat green peppers!"

After a slight pause, Tillylian added: "I don't eat cauliflower either!"

"How about the fruit salad?" Facing Tillylian's rather childish speech, Jia Liya's stern face softened, and she said softly: "Fruit salad, fried steak, lemon chicken... By the way, I strongly recommend that Miss Tillylian try baked cauliflower with cheese, today's special recipe will definitely refresh your stereotype of cauliflower."

"It sounds...it looks really good..." After eating breakfast in a hurry and not having lunch, Tillylian was already a little hungry. After hearing the name of the dish reported by the secretary, Tillylian Her eyes lit up with excitement, she straightened up, shook Li Yexing's arm vigorously, then stretched out her finger and pointed forward, with her little nose raised high, she said, "Lead the way! My lord is going to eat!"

In this way, surrounded by a group of members of the security force, Li Yexing held Tilly Lian's hand and followed Jia Liya into the facility. After all the members of the security force dispersed and returned to their posts, the remaining The three people who got off took the elevator together and came to the researchers canteen of the European branch. It is located on the second floor of Area A, not far from the director's office in Li Yexing's impression. The overall layout of the canteen is quite spacious, and it is very clean and tidy. The distance between the tables is large enough to separate the private space. At this time, although the meal time has passed, there are still many people in white coats and glasses in the cafeteria who are eating with their heads buried in their meals. However, these The appearance of people eating looks a little absent-minded, as if they are concentrating on something.

It is clearly a cafeteria, but it is as quiet as a library. This feeling is quite novel to Li Yexing. Just as he was leading Tilly Lian forward slowly, suddenly, he saw a person who was eating. The researcher stood up abruptly like a spring, leaving behind half a stack of vegetable salad and a barely touched steak. He hurried towards the outside of the cafeteria. Perhaps because he didn't look at the road, he almost bumped into Li Yexing.

"Sorry, sir..." Without even looking at Li Yexing, the researcher in a white coat raised his glasses and walked towards the door of the cafeteria again. After a while, a voice came from the corridor outside the cafeteria door. his voice...

"I figured it out! Les! Why do we have to increase the proportional sacrifice strength of the human part?! If you want to enhance the latency, you can refer to the previous project. For example, let's just stuff the part of the tyrant into it soon?! Don't we still have two lovely ladies?!"

It wasn't until the excited voice like a speech disappeared into the corridor along with the footsteps that Tillylian pursed her mouth and whispered: "Perverted brother-in-law... Are my lord and elder sister being missed?"

Gently squeezed Tilly Lian's little hand, and signaled Tilly Lian not to take what happened just now to heart, Li Yexing turned his head and asked Jia Liya in a low voice: "Have they always been like this?"

"Under the leadership of Director Casimir, the research and development atmosphere of the technical department has always been good. The disadvantage is that they have become more and more like the psychopath of Director Casimir..." Facing the conversation between Li Yexing and Tilly Lian With subtle eyes, slandering and insulting her boss as if chatting casually, Jia Liya glanced at the researchers in the cafeteria who seemed to be stunned, and then whispered to Li Yexing: "Especially when Director Kasimir proposes a new After the conceptual BOW project, their symptoms of Casimirization became more serious, and from a biological point of view, this seems to be called convergent evolution."

Chapter 35. Macho European Branch ([-])

Perhaps it was because of the weird atmosphere in the cafeteria, or because a certain secretary was watching from the sidelines. Li Yexing ate very quickly. He was eating a whole piece of steak. It tasted strange but unexpected after drinking it. After the not-so-good creamy potato soup, Li Yexing took the napkin from Jia Liya and wiped his mouth, then looked at Tilly Lian who was sitting opposite him. At this moment, the pretty blonde girl was holding a knife and fork, Fighting against the baked cauliflower with cheese in front of her, she frowned tightly, chewing with puffed cheeks, looking rather weird.

Looking at the cauliflower covered with milky white cheese and mixed with red and green diced vegetables on the plate, and smelling the subtle fragrance in the air, Li Yexing asked Tilly Lian in a low voice: "Is it delicious? "

"It's so weird, I can't describe it..." Swallowing the cauliflower mixed with cheese in her mouth, Tillylian muttered softly while watching the things on the plate. After a while, she cut off a large piece of wrap with a knife The cauliflower with cheese came, and he handed it to Li Yexing with a silver fork, and then said softly: "Perverted brother-in-law, you should try it yourself, ah——"

"Ah—" imitating Tillylian's appearance and making a meaningless sound, Li Yexing opened his mouth wide and swallowed the cauliflower mixed with cheese from Tillylian in one gulp. With the double taste of soft and crunchy, accompanied by a wonderful chemical reaction, it diffuses in the cavity of Li Yexing.

"How is it?" Tillylian asked curiously, leaning forward slightly.

"Hmm..." Li Yexing nodded after swallowing the cauliflower that Tillylian fed him, and said, "Not bad, it's better than I expected."

"Oh? This taste is obviously very strange, isn't it?" Brows frowned slightly, Tilly Lian pursed her mouth and said, "Although it's not unpalatable, but...my lord and cauliflower really don't get along... "

As she said that, Tillylian stretched out her hand and pushed the cauliflower in front of her to Li Yexing's. Then, she dragged the small plate with exquisite snacks to her face, and said with her little nose up, "Sure enough, it's still Ladies’ desserts are more suitable for me!”

"Master Tillylian..." Li Yexing stretched out his hand and dragged the small plate in front of him before the knife in Tillylian's hand was about to fall on the snacks on the plate, letting the meal in Tillylian's hand The knife made an empty cut, and then, under Tillylian's puzzled eyes, Li Yexing pushed the cauliflower back in front of Tillylian, and at the same time said in a deep voice to Tillylian: "Rita asked I, when I go out, must not let you picky eaters."

"Ah?! Why?!" The tone of his voice suddenly increased, attracting the attention of the group of dead otaku researchers around him. Facing the surprised eyes of the surrounding people, Tillylian said with an unhappy face: "That damned cannibal maid! I know it's aimed at me! The cannibal maid never restrains my sis..."

"That's because no matter how many snacks your sister eats, she can clean up her portion at the dining table, and she's never picky about food..." Li Lian looked at Tilly Lian with her puckered mouth. Ye Xing tapped the table lightly with his index finger, and said to Tilly Lian in a deep voice, "Come on, be obedient, finish your cauliflower, and then have dessert."

Her little face was flushed, as if she was sulking. Tillylian's nasal cavity made a nasal sound like a cub growling. She competed with Li Yexing until she realized that Li Yexing didn't intend to back down. Said: "My brother-in-law helped the cannibal maid to bully Tilly Lian, my dear brother-in-law doesn't love Tilly Lian anymore..."

"Don't do this..." Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "I won't fall down two...four times in the same pit."

"Is it really not good? Kiss brother-in-law?" There was mist in the strange-colored pupils, and Tillylian shrank her body and said: "Poor Tillylian, who was sold by Kasimir's father and was not liked by my elder sister. Bullied by the cannibal maid, now even her own brother-in-law doesn't love Tillylian, ah, poor little Tillylian, she just doesn't want to eat cauliflower, she just wants to eat that dessert, poor little Tilly Lillian..."

"I've said it, this set is useless to me..." Li Yexing turned his head awkwardly and said.

"Tch!" Turning her head, Tillylian curled her lips, her eyes were filled with the shadow of the plot being exposed. She was about to struggle, but found that the diners in white coats around her seemed to be looking at her, their eyes wide open. Zhongman was full of inexplicable taste. There is no doubt that although all the members were silent, their thinking was interrupted and they had already recognized the second princess of the European branch and the owners of the eldest princess and the second princess.

Feeling the sight from the surroundings, Tillylian blushed for no reason, so she waved her small hands and said angrily: "Eat! What are you doing, my lord?! Kill you all! Kill me!"

Being scolded by Tillylian, the researchers in the dead house in white coats all lowered their heads instantly, and began to wipe out the already cold lunch on the plate, but their eyes still glanced at Tillylian from time to time, which made Tillylian became even more irritable.

"Tililian, there are so many people around you looking at you..." Li Yexing leaned forward slightly as he stared at the red-faced Tiililian, raised the corners of his mouth and asked with a light smile, "No Can it? Can’t it? Can’t it? Can’t it be that the omnipotent Lord Tillylian can’t even eat a mouthful of cauliflower?”

"Huh?! Does the perverted brother-in-law think that this set of things that has been mastered by me will work for me?! Absolutely—no! Never mind! Use! My lord! I don't know how to eat cauliflower!" Seemingly angry Like a cub, Tillylian angrily declared her position to Li Yexing. It wasn't until the cafeteria fell into silence again that she suddenly realized that she seemed to have gone too far.

"Actually...it's not...you can't eat..." After a while, the wayward girl finally gave in. Tillylian frowned slightly, shrank her body, and moved her little butt to the side, leaving half of the room open. Then, with a reddish complexion, she patted the seat under her body and reluctantly said: "If the perverted brother-in-law feeds my lord, maybe... maybe... I can consider it. ..eat a little...just a little..."

"Okay, hey, just eat a little..." Even if the other party is a wayward kid, Li Yexing still couldn't stop his girl from coming down, so he stood up and walked quickly to the other side of the dining table , and then sat on the half of the seat vacated by Tilly Lian, stretched his hands to Tilly Lian's armpits, picked Tilly Lian up, and placed him on his lap. Li Yexing took the knife from Tilly Lian Fork, reach out and drag the cauliflower to the front, and then quickly cut it.

"Come on, open your mouth..." Like Tillylian before feeding, Li Yexing handed the cauliflower on the silver fork to Tillylian as if he was coaxing a child, and then said softly: "Ah—— "

"Don't treat me like a child!" Blushing, she expressed her dissatisfaction with Li Yexing. Tilly finally swallowed the cauliflower that Li Yexing handed over, and then, she sternly Staring at Li Yexing, he chewed viciously, as if he was demonstrating.

Chapter 36. Macho European Division ([-])

Perhaps it was because the resistance to baked cauliflower with cheese only came from Tillylian's psychological effect, and the actual taste was not that bad, or maybe it was because Li Yexing's soft and encouraging eyes concealed the encouragement when feeding. Under Li Yexing's feeding, the whole plate of cauliflower was smoothly sent into Tillylian's stomach.

As if she had accomplished some great feat, Tillylian raised the corners of her mouth and raised her small nose, as if she wanted to impress God. She proudly patted her belly, and said arrogantly to Li Yexing: "This Adults eat it all!"

"Awesome!" Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, and hugging the delicate girl, Li Yexing lightly rubbed Tillylian's blond hair and said with a chuckle: "A heroic feat! Lady Tillylian stepped forward towards the unknown life!" It's a very important step in life."

"Does a very important step in life mean conquering baked cauliflower with cheese? Isn't that how you coax children?" Taking advantage of this high-spirited spirit, Tillylian mercilessly poked at Li Yexing's tricks, It's just that at this moment, because she is in a good mood, she doesn't intend to argue with Li Yexing.

The fragrant tongue protruded from the cherry petals, swept between the lips, and let out the cheese sticking to the corners of the lips, leaving only a faint greasy sheen. Tillylian raised the corners of her mouth and said arrogantly to Li Yexing: "Perverted brother-in-law, coconut oil!" The cauliflower is finished, now it's time to fulfill the promise!"

"No problem..." Li Yexing dragged the small plate of dessert on the opposite side of the table in front of the two of them, and said with a light smile, "Let's eat, Lord Tillylian's after-dinner dessert."

"No, that's not right..." Shaking his head lightly at Li Yexing, Tillylian corrected him solemnly: "Dessert is the highlight of this meal, and it should be treated seriously..."

As she said that, Tillylian raised her nose again and said, "Hey my lord."

"No problem..." Never minding a little bit of indulgence to the weird little willfulness of his own girls, Li Yexing picked up the knife and fork again, cut the simple and delicate tiramisu on the plate into small pieces, and then rushed to Before the chocolate sauce flowed out, he put his hand under it and gently handed it to Tillylian.

"Ah——" Tillylian's eyes lit up instantly as she looked at the dessert with a rich chocolate aroma on the silver fork. She opened her mouth and made a meaningless delicate sound. Putting his chin on the palm of Li Yexing's palm that was used to draw on the chocolate sauce, he swallowed the small piece of tiramisu on the silver fork in one gulp.

Puffing her round, pink cheeks, feeling the aroma of tiramisu spreading to every inch of her mouth, Tillylian narrowed her eyes gradually, and let out a comfortable humming sound from her nasal cavity, and even her cheeks swelled. There was a faint blush, perhaps because she was too addicted to the sweetness and softness of the entrance, Tillylian's small face softened a little bit, and became a lump on Li Yexing's palm.

Her throat squirmed and she swallowed the tiramisu. Tillylian squinted her eyes slightly, opened her mouth like a dream, and said softly, "Ah—"

Instantly comprehending Tillylian's intentions, Li Yexing supported Tillylian's small face with one hand, and held the knife and fork between his fingers with the other hand. He first cut the remaining tiramisu with the fork, and then Then he sent it to Tillylian's mouth with a silver fork. Accompanied by Tillylian's happy hum, after a while, all the tiramisu on the plate was wiped out.

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