"Tililian, the dessert is finished..." Li Yexing asked softly as he leaned slightly closer to Tiililian, "Do you want more?"

"No need, my lord is very satisfied..." Leaving Li Yexing's palm, Tillylian sat up straight in satisfaction, with a smile still on her face. Her lips were blackened with a little bit of chocolate sauce, Li Yexing reminded softly: "Tililian, your lips are full of chocolate sauce."

"Oh? Really?" Pursing her lips, as if she wanted to spread the lip gloss turned into chocolate sauce evenly, Tillylian slightly raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Wipe it clean, my lord."

"Okay, you little lazy..." With a helpless smile on his face, Li Yexing turned his head and stretched out his hand to the napkins that Jia Liya had prepared in advance and stacked on the corner of the table. Afterwards, he took the napkin and approached Li Yexing's Tillylian's lips, his eyes were full of doting, but before the white tissue touched Tillylian's cherry lips, his actions were overwhelmed by Tilly's lips. Lilian blocked it.

Gently blocking Li Yexing's hand with her petite and white catkin, Tillylian shook her head at Li Yexing, holding her mouth shut and said, "No, it's too ordinary."

"Ah..." Li Yexing understood Tilly's thoughts in an instant as he stared at Tilly's small face, so he subconsciously turned his head and looked around, only to see the secretary sitting beside her. Jia Liya was flicking her mobile phone with her head down, turning a blind eye to everything that happened around her, while the researchers in white coats seemed to be still, staring at their empty plates with their heads down.

Now that you've finished eating, then get out of here honestly!Why are you all sitting there motionless?Waiting to die? !

With a trace of confusion in his expression, Li Yexing turned his head and whispered to Tilly Lian: "Feeding in public is outrageous enough, isn't kissing a bit..."

Keeping the distance between her lips that were about to collide, Tillylian persisted in her stubbornness and remained motionless, as if she hadn't heard Li Yexing's words.

"Okay..." As we all know, in family life, Li Yexing has always been very good at housework cleaning, cooking ingredients, night shift work and the most important and core point-compromising with his girls, so, just like this, facing Li Yexing pressed his lips together with Tillylian's lips, and at the same time used the tip of his tongue to gently suck the chocolate sauce on Tillylian's lips. After a while, Li Yexing let go of Tilly Lian's lips, accompanied by the flushed Tilly Lian's lips. After Li Yexing's careful cleaning, Tilly Lian's lips finally returned to the moistness before Fuchsia.

"Okay..." Looking at the girl who was limp and panting in her arms, Li Yexing said in a low voice, "It's been dealt with."

"Hmm..." With a voice like a mosquito, Tilly Lian murmured softly, whispering with her lips: "Very good... I will give my brother-in-law a reward..."

"Reward?" His expression became a little subtle. Li Yexing was about to inquire about the specific matters about receiving the reward. Suddenly, accompanied by a loud noise, the researchers in the cafeteria suddenly stood up and took big steps. Continue to walk out of the corridor, and after a while, one after another, the sound of calls rang out from the corridor outside the cafeteria...

"Bob! I've got a new idea! It's not enough to make a weapon look like a girl! That has no soul!"

"Lunch break is over! Wilson! I have an impromptu meeting! Bring your team to my office immediately! I have a new idea to convey! Perhaps we need to reorient our accelerated education syllabus for our new concept BOW !"

"Liu! I have a new tactical guide! Why not let our new concept BOW say 'I love you' to our targets? They are so cute! No man can say no to them!"

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Dr. Angelica! I think it's necessary for me to report my new ideas to you immediately! Why do we have to make BOW contagious according to Director Kasimir's idea? The direction of research is largely towards latent Wouldn’t it be better to adjust the ability?! Use viruses to positively modify BOW’s genes to create beautiful girls that are completely impossible to generate naturally! Then let them carry out espionage and sabotage activities! Isn’t this more reliable and concealed than large-scale transmission? much?!"

Chapter 37. Macho European Division ([-])

Since the war in the European branch less than a year ago, with the follow-up downsizing and scheduling of personnel, all the laboratories under the technical department of the European branch have been led by insiders from the first agency. The inside of the branch has been completely disclosed. Although Li Yexing's special physique is still only news inside the first agency and is classified as a top secret, most researchers in the technical department already know that the director of the mental hospital, Kasimir, put himself His two precious daughters were entrusted to an Eastern European mercenary with rich experience in BOW combat.

Therefore, the researchers who had received internal information in advance and knew that Li Yexing would bring Tilly Lian back to visit relatives today were not surprised that Li Yexing and Tilly Lian appeared in the cafeteria. Director Mir has set the research and development direction for the entire technical department or the entire European branch. These researchers are all paying attention to the way Li Yexing and Tilly Lian get along with each other with the attitude of observing animals through a cage. Take inspiration from it.

Now, they got what they wanted as they wished, and after getting a burst of inspiration, they rushed out of the cafeteria in a crowd, leaving only a mess, and a little dazed, Li Yexing, Tilly Lian, and There is the secretary, Jia Liya, who is watching all this with cold eyes.

"Please don't be surprised, and please forgive their rudeness..." Until Li Yexing and Tilly Lian's little beauty ended amidst the noise of the researcher's rampage, Jia Liya, who had been avoiding her eyes, put her phone back on. Back in her pocket, she raised her head and whispered to Li Yexing who was holding Tilly Lian: "I said before that since Director Casimir became the default acting minister of the European branch, the spirit of the researchers in the technology department The problem just got worse."

"I understand, people who are engaged in technology and scientific research are just like those who are engaged in art, they have some eccentricities..." Using the prejudice brought by stereotypes to cater to Jia Liya's complaints about Kasimir, Li Yexing took out The phone glanced at the time, and then asked in a low voice: "Speaking of which, when will Casimir's meeting be over? Didn't you ask me to help train the security department?"

"Affected by the latest development strategy of the Joint Committee, the route of black Umbrella is becoming smoother. It is foreseeable that we will not have any conflicts with our colleagues in the short term, so the training of the security forces is actually not necessary. Urgent..." Shaking her head at Li Yexing, signaling Li Yexing to be calm, Jia Liya stood up and said slightly forward to Li Yexing: "Besides, Director Kazimir once said that if the meeting ends , he will contact me as soon as possible."

"Looks like I have to wait a little longer." Li Yexing shrugged and hugged Tilly Lian's arm tightly.

"Don't worry, the European branch won't make you and Ms. Tillylian feel bored..." Although Li Yexing didn't express dissatisfaction with waiting for Kasimir, Jia Liya still whispered out of her duties as the secretary in charge Said: "Last time your visit was too hasty, and we were unable to entertain you due to the internal affairs of Black Umbrella, so this time, if Mr. Li is interested, you might as well visit the European branch with me, and It can be regarded as understanding your partners...or the recent development direction of the family power..."

After a slight pause, Jia Liya continued to add: "However, as you can see, I am just a secretary in charge and do not have the authority to enter some secret facilities in Area D. If you are interested in the secret facilities of the European branch, I will contact Dr. Angelica for you, she should be... spending precious private time now."

"I'm being lazy..." Li Yexing instantly understood Jia Liya's implication. He put Tilly Lian on the ground beside him, then stood up, and said to Jia Liya while holding Ti Lilian's hand: "Forget it!" Well, I'm just a layman, you show me these things, but I can't understand them, so I don't bother you, just find a quiet place for me and Tillylian to rest for a while..."

As he spoke, Li Yexing squeezed Tillylian's little hand, and said softly to Jia Liya, "After all, this child got up early today and took the plane all morning, so he must be exhausted."


Hearing Li Yexing's words, Jia Liya's eyes suddenly became subtle. Although she didn't know much about biotechnology, Jia Liya didn't think that Ti Lili, who was the classic BOW tracker in the pre-Umbrella era, Ann would be exhausted from waking up early and flying.

He looked at Tilly Lian who was holding Tilly Lian's hand with a reddish complexion, then looked at Li Yexing who was holding Tilly Lian's hand, his eyes were full of doting, and then he thought of the Li Yexing he heard when he was pretending to play on his phone before. The conversation between Yexing and Tillylian that was both like a father and daughter and a lover, and Miss Jialiya, who had not had much contact with Li Yexing, suddenly realized that this mercenary leader who was highly respected by the director of Kasimir seemed to be He has always insisted on treating monsters in the same way as humans.

It's really interesting, a mercenary known for his cruelty and ruthlessness in the industry, but he exposed his softest side to the monster?

Thinking of this, Jia Liya looked at Li Yexing and Tilly Lian with a touch of warmth in her eyes. There is no way, Jia Liya is actually a very emotional woman, unlike her pretending cold appearance, otherwise she would Nor will he fall into Casimir's psychotic trap.

On the other side, being watched by Jia Liya with strange eyes, Li Yexing felt goosebumps inexplicably on his back, so he coughed lightly and cleared his throat to break the weird atmosphere, and then said to Jia Liya: "So, Is there another place where Tillian and I can rest for a while?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I'm a little distracted..." Piaofei's thoughts were pulled back by Li Yexing's words, and a slight embarrassment appeared on Jia Liya's face. In order to cover up the embarrassment, she sped up her speech Said: "Director Kasimir has told you that if you don't want to visit the European branch, you can take Miss Tillylian to his office to rest. If you are interested, you can read all his research materials...Although, From a personal standpoint, I suggest that you stay away from those mental pollutants."

"Don't worry, I won't rummage around, and I can't understand... I should..." Li Yexing, who would be wrong, shrugged at Jia Liya and whispered to Jia Liya: "Now, if If possible, please take me to Director Kazimir's office."

"No problem..." Bowing slightly to Li Yexing again, Jia Liya turned around and whispered as she walked out of the cafeteria, "Please follow me."

In fact, there is no need for Jia Liya to lead the way to Casimir's office. Because of the previous incident, Li Yexing was quite impressed with Casimir's office, and followed Jia Liya to Casimir's office again. In front of the door, watching Jia Liya take out the key from her pocket and open the door with ease, Li Yexing's expression became more subtle.

"Please come in, Mr. Li..." As if not noticing Li Yexing's weird expression, Jia Liya slightly bowed to Li Yexing, made a "please" gesture, and then whispered: "Next, Forgive me for not being able to accompany you due to work, if you need anything, you can call me at any time, and I will arrange it for you as soon as possible."

Chapter 38. The European Branch of the Macho ([-])

Although the red leather diary on the foot of the table was no longer there, the black aviation cup with Jia Liya's name written on it was still quietly lying in the drawer.

It has to be said that the office of Director Casimir is very spacious, more than a circle larger than the office of a bare chief of the Central Asian Armed Forces Secretariat, and the area is almost comparable to the living room of Li Yexing's office, which is used as an office. Moreover, the bookshelves placed against the wall were filled with all kinds of research materials, ranging from theory to practical results, but neither Li Yexing nor Tilly Lian had any interest in these things.

Although guarding the secret treasure house of Director Casimir, waiting for the two of them still feels a little boring. When this kind of boredom reaches its peak, the strange thoughts after warming up will turn into a little charming, from the slightly pink breath Breed out.

Sitting on the desk, facing Li Yexing, gently swinging her little feet wrapped in white stockings, with her toes spread out to support the tip of the stockings, allowing the air to pass through the gap between the toes, Tillylian's face was still stained. With a hint of blush, she raised the corners of her mouth and said with some pride: "Perverted brother-in-law, my lord or Ice Cube girl, who is better?"

To be honest, Li Yexing is more inclined to give Bai Muqing more points for the high-intensity exercise of the toes and the multi-angle application of stockings. There is also Rita, the hexagonal warrior, but considering the major premise of coaxing Tillian to be happy without telling lies, Li Yexing could only praise carefully: "Master Tillian is very talented."

"That is to say, is the perverted brother-in-law dissatisfied with my lord's reward?" Hearing Li Yexing's answer, Tillylian frowned slightly and asked with her mouth held back.

"No, no, no..." Li Yexing waved his hand and said softly to Tilly Lian after failing to fool him in a tactful way, "Tililian is fragrant and soft, very cute... It's just that the proficiency is a little bit different. It's just lacking."

"Oh..." Nodding seriously, Tillylian slightly raised the corners of her mouth like a little devil, and she lightly stepped on Li Lian's toes that were not yet dry and still stained with moisture through the thin white silk. On Yexing's abdominal muscles, he tilted his head and chuckled as he slid slowly, "The perverted brother-in-law thinks that my lord needs more practice, right?"

"Don't make trouble..." Li Yexing patted Tilly Lian's calf lightly. Li Yexing stretched out his hands, picked Tilly Lian up in his dissatisfied eyes, and then put it back on his own. On his thighs, he put his arms around Tillylian's waist, and buried his face into Tillylian's neck. Li Yexing sucked in his breath and said with a chuckle, "It smells so good, Lord Tillylian."

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