"Really, acting like a baby again..." Tilting her head slightly, so that Li Yexing could bury her face deeper, the displeasure in Tillylian's pair of heterochromatic pupils disappeared, and was replaced by a touch of pampering. Raising his hand, he gently stroked Li Yexing's short hair while laughing softly, "Is the perverted brother-in-law a child?"

"No, I'm a real adult male, the kind who likes to hold guns, the kind that's very dangerous..." Rubbing his face against Tillylian's neck vigorously, Li Yexing said with a sigh of relief: "I like it." Dangerous adult men with guns like sweet, soft, tender, white and cute blond girls, what's wrong with that?"

"No... no problem... don't... don't rub like this... it's itchy... blowing... ah... sticking out your tongue... you are indeed a perverted brother-in-law..." Li Yexing's neck was itchy, and Tillylian couldn't help giggling, trembling for a while, and even the little hand inserted between Li Yexing's hair changed from stroking to clenching, enjoying Li Yexing Caressing coquettishly, the blond monster girl raised her head slightly, her white and tender face was blushing with happiness, like a girl in love, but this demeanor didn't last long on Tillylian's body, after a while, I saw Tililian's pupils surrounded by blue-purple irises suddenly constricted, and then she put away her smile, gently pulled Li Yexing's hair, and at the same time whispered: "Stop playing, pervert!" Brother-in-law, there are two people here, the one wearing high heels is Miss Galiya, and the other one seems to be Papa Casimir..."

"Oh." Lifting his head and nodding expressionlessly, Li Yexing buried his face into Tillylian's neck again, and rubbed vigorously.

"Ah! Perverted brother-in-law...what are you doing?!" Hearing the approaching footsteps outside the office, Tillylian's face turned red instantly, and she kicked her two slender legs while beating them gently. Touching Li Yexing's shoulder, he said, "It's just calling you a perverted brother-in-law, don't really act like a perverted one! Otherwise...otherwise...Tililian won't like the perverted brother-in-law!"

"Huh? You don't like me anymore?" The corners of his mouth curled into a vicious arc, Li Yexing suddenly increased his strength, and while desperately rubbing and sucking Tillylian's neck, he said with a smirk: "Then I have to take advantage of it." Now it's time to play with you!"

"What! Playing... Playing or something... My lord said he didn't like it, but... he didn't like it for just an hour..." Pushing Li Yexing's chest, but he was reluctant to use force, his complexion swelled Tilly Lian, who was blushing, said anxiously: "If you do this again! There will be no reward for the perverted brother-in-law!"

"Oh? You dare to threaten me?" With a serious look on his face, Li Yexing suddenly stood up with Tilly in his arms. Buried between Tillylian's neck again, he rubbed vigorously while muttering non-stop: "Dulululululu..."

"Ah! Is the perverted brother-in-law...a pig?!" The kicking of Baisi's calf became more intense, Tillylian pushed Li Yexing's head, and said with a hint of crying: "Don't...don't make trouble. ..Perverted brother-in-law, Papa Casimir and Miss Galiya have already entered the corridor! They will be there soon!"

"Do you still dare to threaten me in the future?" Li Yexing asked in a low voice, stopping his movements without moving his face away.

"No...don't dare..." Tillylian muttered in a low voice.

"Where's my reward?" Li Yexing continued to ask.

"Yes...I will give it..." Tilly Lian blushed slightly and said in a low voice: "It was agreed earlier... I will wear this outfit to accompany my perverted brother-in-law..."

"Very good..." Nodding in satisfaction, Li Yexing asked the last question: "In the future, I don't need Rita to supervise, and I don't need to feed, can I eat cauliflower and green pepper by myself?"

"So this is the most important thing?!" Frowning instantly, Tillylian said with a small face, "No way!"

"Then let's keep this posture and wait for your father to enter the office..." Li Yexing said with a smirk, "Let him take a good look at his cute brother-in-law who is messing around with his brother-in-law in his own father's office." daughter."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh') finally was the pot broken, and Tillylian said anxiously, "I'm going to eat broccoli! I'm going to eat it well!"

"Okay! Very energetic!" Li Yexing straightened up suddenly, let go of Tilly Lian who was pressed on the desk, and sat back on Kasimir's office chair, with the expression on his face that he had bullied the children. After that, the refreshed Meipin smiled, and on the other side, Tillylian turned over and got off the desk, hurriedly inserted the pair of Miss Baisi back into the small round-toed leather shoes, and then hurriedly arranged the messy clothes.

The next second, there were knocks on the door, and outside the door, a rather familiar voice asked with a smirk, "Hello? Are you there?"

Chapter 39. Macho European Division ([-])

Hearing the inquiry from the familiar voice outside the door, Li Yexing swallowed "buzai, CNM" forcefully, and replied in a deep voice, "I'm here."

"Then... Is it convenient for me to go in now?" The familiar voice outside the door continued to ask meanly.

"This is your office." Li Yexing replied with raised eyebrows, pulling Tilly Lian into his arms casually.

"Then, I'm about to go in..." Said the words that made Li Yexing feel uncomfortable for no reason, the next second, the wooden door of the office was slowly pushed open, and immediately after that, the familiar figure bowed his body and walked from Squeezed in between the cracks in the door.

Wearing a white coat, there are still faint dark circles under the eyes, and the brown hair is shiny and spreads out like an antenna. It can be seen that he has not washed his hair. Today, Director Casimir is still unkempt, obviously returning to himself However, he was like a burglar in his office, every step he took revealed a wretchedness from the bone marrow. After fixing his eyes on Li Yexing and Tilly Lian behind the desk, he secretly raised his nose and sniffed. He sniffed, and then revealed a stiff and twisted smile.

It's been almost a year and the guy looks more like a psycho.

With the sound of "creaking", the wooden door of the office was completely pushed open, and Jia Liya, who was standing outside the office door, put her long legs wrapped in black stockings together and with well-proportioned muscles, standing straight, watching After seeing Kasimir's stooped figure, she sighed softly, and then said in a deep voice: "Director Kasimir, Mr. Li is a distinguished guest who is above the joint committee, and his power is second only to the speaker. Please. ..pay attention to your appearance."

"Aha..." After being reminded by Jia Liya, Director Kazimir immediately stood up straight, inserted his fingers between the hair and stroked it back, so that the hair did not look so disheveled, and pushed his eyes to the bridge of his nose , Hiding the gleam in his eyes, he smiled lightly and said to Li Yexing: "I'm sorry, I can't help being a little excited when I think of meeting you..."

As he spoke, Kasimir strode towards Tilly Lian, who was held in Li Yexing's arms. How are you doing recently? Have you grown taller? Have you gained weight? Have the parasites stabilized recently? Has there been any further changes in muscle strength and bone strength? Have gene fragments been further edited? Have Mrs. Li exchanged gene fragments? Is the married life still harmonious..."

Seeing Kasimir getting closer and listening to Kasimir's question after question, Tillylian, whose face was still flushed, squeezed vigorously into Li Yexing's arms, and said with shrinking eyes, "Kasi Simil's father is...so weird today..."

"Ah!" The footsteps stopped instantly, and Kazimir seemed to be struck by lightning. After a while, he shrank up again and kept chanting: "If you have a man, you forget your father. If you have a man, you forget your father." Once you have a man, you will forget about your father. A daughter who is so scornful, you should go back to the furnace, go back to the furnace, go back to the furnace, daddy is so sad, so sad, so sad..."

Suddenly, the weird and brainwashing thoughts stopped, Kazimir stood up straight, groped his chin and whispered: "Wait, it doesn't seem so sad..."

"Have you played enough?" Watching Kasimir's one-man show that was not only not funny, but also inexplicably scalp-numbing, Li Yexing hugged Tillylian, who was showing fear in his arms, and asked in a deep voice, "What are you doing?" What kind of nerve is this? It's been less than a year, why are you so sick?"

"Aha, I'm sorry, I'm a little deep into the drama, because I'm studying psychology recently..." The weird and stiff smile on his face disappeared instantly, and Kasimir waved his hands at Li Yexing and Ti Lilian, Then he asked with a chuckle, "By the way, did my behavior make you feel uncomfortable from the moment I entered the door?"

"I've been feeling uncomfortable since you stood outside the door..." Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and asked, "What kind of tricks are you playing?"

"Mr. Li, don't worry..." Waggling his fingers at Li Yexing, Kasimir was not in a hurry to answer Li Yexing's question. He put his hands on the desk and asked Li Yexing with a smile: "Excuse me, would you Ever heard of clown phobia?"

"What is that?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously.

"It's nothing, it's just a kind of modern fear. It's one of the topics I've been researching recently..." Seeing Li Yexing and Tillylian's puzzled faces, Kazimir straightened up and tidied up his emotions a little. In a white coat, he raised his index finger and explained with a smile: "A sage once said that fear is one of the strongest and oldest emotions in human beings, and what arouses human fear the most is the unknown. That's what clowns are like. When their faces are painted with exaggerated paint and fake smiles, it will be difficult for people to judge their real emotions, and this emotion will be transformed into fear in an intuitive way."

"Why is Papa Kasimir studying this?" Although Kasimir's appearance has returned to his usual appearance, Tillylian still seems to be in a lingering fear. He clenched his big hands tightly, and said with a somewhat uneasy expression: "I always feel that... the things Kasimir's father studies are either very strange or... very dangerous."

According to what he knew about his idiot daughter, Kasimir didn't want to explain at first, but after noticing Li Yexing's curious eyes, his mood immediately improved, as if he had been opened up, Kasimir Mir smiled and said, "Do you still remember the monster that was thrown to Lopulus by the Eastern European Division a few years ago?"

"The monster that was thrown to Lopulus?" Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, and then said, "You mean that steel tyrant?"

"That's right, Ymir, the steel tyrant, even if you look at the whole circle, its performance can still be at the forefront, and it can be regarded as one of the best monsters. It's really hard to imagine that this kind of thing that can be close to a work of art is actually the Eastern European branch. Produced... No, maybe only those muscular brains can produce such a thing..." Lightly snapped his fingers at Li Yexing, Director Kazimir chuckled and said: "However, at the beginning After being amazed, I calmed down and gave Ymir a slight score. Maybe in the eyes of those mediocre people or the idiots of the joint committee, that thing is great, but for me, it failed."

"Why?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously: "According to what I know about Umbrella and those messy things that follow up, the monster's combat ability is considered top-notch, right?"

If you don't count the sweet, lovely and caring girls in my family...

"That's right, in terms of individual combat power alone, it is very difficult for a BOW to surpass Ymir, and it is estimated that it will be difficult in the future..." Kasimir shrugged and said: "It's just that, as a battle-tested hired Bing, you should understand very well that if a monster like Ymir is piled up with money, if it is placed on the frontal battlefield, it will most likely be just a pile of scrap iron that can shoot. Its ability to achieve results will definitely be quite inferior to its research and development cost."

"You can't say that, BOW is not used on the frontal battlefield..." As a hardcore player of the "Resident Evil" series, Li Yexing subconsciously wanted to refute Director Kasimir's words, but the words came to his lips. But he suddenly got stuck, and on the other side, looking at Li Yexing's staring eyes, Supervisor Casimir clapped his hands excitedly and said, "As expected of you! Mr. Li! You immediately understood my thoughts! So I said I love chatting with you!"

Chapter 40. Macho European Division ([-])

Perhaps because of his identity as a time traveler and the bonus of being a fan of the "Resident Evil" series, Li Yexing can always look at everything that happens in this world from a special perspective. Clear the mind of a madman like Casimir, and Casimir can always draw inspiration from the conversation with Li Yexing.

"It seems that you have figured it out! They got the positioning of BOW wrong! Ymir is indeed very strong, but the guys from the Eastern European Division are working hard in the wrong direction! Once the direction is wrong, the harder you work, the more outrageous the result will be. And Ymir, a monster that is infinitely approaching a work of art, is the embodiment of this outrageous mistake!" Seeing that Li Yexing understood his thoughts, Kazimir said excitedly: "BOW is only a body of flesh and blood after all, excessive pursuit Their combat effectiveness on the frontal battlefield is a fallacy! BOW should maximize its strengths and avoid its weaknesses! Their battlefield should be behind the enemy! Their mission is not to use flesh and blood to fight against aircraft and artillery, but to spread fear behind enemy lines in an extremely inhumane way ! Carry out sabotage!"

"So you want to study what people are afraid of?" Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows.

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