"Please wait a moment, scanning..." With a soft "beep", the camera above the gate completed the facial recognition of Li Yexing, and the voice replied: "Sorry, Director Kasimir, this gentleman Not on Black Umbrella's employee list."

"Then access the higher-level data and communicate with the headquarters." As if he had expected the other party's reply, Kasimir said directly.

"Please wait a moment..." There was another soft sound, and less than ten seconds later, the voice spoke again: "The identification is complete, the authority is approved, Mr. Li, the acting speaker, Black Umbrella Europe Division D High-level work area, welcome to come."

Accompanied by that inorganic female voice, the metal door blocking the front finally opened.

Chapter 42. Macho European Division ([-])

"What was that just now?"

Following Casimir through the metal door, Li Yexing couldn't help asking in a low voice when he heard the sound of the metal door closing behind him.

"Ms. Freeman, the intelligent AI of the European branch is directly connected to the database at the headquarters. It was developed by my former colleague..." Casimir replied casually: "That's a great guy, very interesting , just like Mr. Li who likes monsters more than human women, that guy is very obsessed with his robot girlfriend, and has always wanted to develop an intelligent AI that can be his wife, but unfortunately, that guy is gone..."

As he said that, Casimir stopped in his tracks. He turned his head and looked at Li Yexing with some playfulness: "Speaking of which, you should have been there the day he died, Mr. Li."

"I was there..." Shrugging at Casimir, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, "The tyrant lost control after the power was liberated, and I watched him being knocked head-on from the cliff by the tyrant."

"What an unlucky guy..." In the end, Casimir just sighed lightly. Li Yexing could see that Casimir felt very sorry for the death of Director Freeman.

"Speaking of which, the last time I came here, I didn't seem to have been interrogated by your intelligent AI..." Seeing that Casimir seemed not in a high mood, Li Yexing changed the subject.

"Because the switch was pulled last time..." Turning around and continuing to move forward, Casimir explained in a low voice: "Mrs. Freeman is only connected to Area D, and is not connected to the emergency power supply inside the facility." .”

"Then you have to be questioned by it every time you come in?" Li Yexing asked curiously.

"Of course not. If you don't deliberately talk to her, she won't even make a sound. To us, that door is no different from an automatic door. As long as you walk up, it will open by itself..." Kasimir He shook his head and said, "The reason why you spoke today is probably because your face is not in the personnel database of the European branch."

"It sounds like he's really smart..." Li Yexing muttered softly.

"Of course, after all, this is Freeman's proud work..." Casimir said with a smile: "The combat AI of various tyrant-type BOWs in the early days was developed by Freeman. I don’t really understand, but that guy Freeman is really powerful, I’ve heard that if he didn’t offend the members of the Joint Committee, that guy wouldn’t have been sent to the European branch.”

"I offended the Joint Committee..." Li Yexing subconsciously repeated Kasimir's words, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Yeah..." As if thinking of something funny, Director Kasimir said with a smile: "It seems that he had some conflicts with the higher-ups because of his ideas, and that guy recorded his words in a fit of rage. The voice was edited into the intelligent AI at the headquarters, and as a result, for three hours, no matter what operations were performed at the headquarters, his curses would pop out of the voice."

"It seems that the chatterbox really has two brushes, otherwise those old things who confuse Lisa every now and then will definitely kill him. However, I can't understand it. People who are capable seem to have a bad temper... . " Li Yexing paused for a moment, then nodded and said, "For example, me."

"Not necessarily. Some people are talented, but they are surprisingly easy to talk..." Kasimir, who was walking in front, said with a smile, "For example, me."

"Does being talkative just mean dropping followers at other people's doorsteps at the slightest disagreement?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and mocked, "Then you are really talkative enough."

"Aha..." Smiling and scratching his head, Kasimir seemed very unwilling to bring up the old matter with Li Yexing again, after all, it was too embarrassing.

Holding Li Yexing's hand, and listening to the endless chat between Li Yexing and Kasimir, Tillylian remained silent, and she didn't know if it was because she couldn't get in the conversation, or because she was angry with her own Kasimir. Dad became a little wary, and after a while, seeing that the two of them were silent, Tillylian suddenly asked, "Speaking of which, Kasimir's father is very mysterious, what exactly is he going to show the perverted brother-in-law?"

Hearing Tilly Lian's question, Li Yexing remembered that he had entered the fourth-level danger zone, so he raised his head and said to Kasimir who was walking in front: "Are you still keeping secrets?"

"Actually, it's not a trick for you..." Casimir who walked in front chuckled and said, "If it was you, you should be able to guess what I want to show you."

"A new weapon to use against me?" Li Yexing blurted out.

"Stupid!" Before Kazimir could reply, Tillylian shook Li Yexing's hand vigorously. She frowned slightly and said softly, "I must have a younger sister, right?!"

"This is really beyond my expectations..." After being told by Tillylian, Kasimir turned his head in surprise and looked at his little daughter's beautiful pair of different-colored pupils. For some reason, Kasimir Simir suddenly felt that this little girl raised from an embryo by himself looked a little strange.

There seemed to be something else in Tillylian's eyes.

"So...that's it..." There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Supervisor Kazimir nodded excitedly. While sizing up Tillylian, he rubbed his chin and murmured incessantly: "The human soul cannot be quantified by data. Angelica and I actually made such a low-level mistake. Damn it. Sure enough, we can't just look at the data for the changes in Tiliris and Tillylian..."

"What are you talking about?" Li Yexing couldn't help asking in a low voice seeing that Kasimir had suddenly entered a state of meditation.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I lost my composure, but I suddenly had a new idea..." Suddenly straightened up, Kasimir narrowed his eyes slightly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said to Li Yexing with a smile: "Forget it, It's not a secret anymore, Tillylian is right, she has a new sister."

Looking at Kasimir's smiling eyes, and feeling the inexplicable emotions hidden in them, Li Yexing suddenly had a very strange feeling. Kasimir's answer just now seemed to have something in his words...

Tilly Lian has a new sister?

Are you sure what you want to say is not that I have a new wife?

After a moment of deliberation, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "Tililian's new sister, shouldn't she be the hunter?"

"That's why I said, this is not a trick for you, Mr. Li..." He snapped his fingers lightly, indicating that Li Yexing answered correctly. Director Kazimir smiled and said: "During the civil war in the European branch, Haven't you met her already? How is it? She's cute, right?"

"Perverted brother-in-law... have you met my lord's younger sister?" There was a trace of suspicion in the strange-colored pupils, Tillylian turned her head, looked at Li Yexing's side face, and said with a trace of scrutiny in her eyes: " The perverted brother-in-law has never mentioned this to my lord or my lord sister."

"Because I don't think there is anything to mention..." Li Yexing, who was not afraid of the shadow being crooked and never cheated, gently squeezed Tillylian's little hand, and then said in a low voice: "After all, she is not as cute as Lady Tillylian. "

"Really?" There was light in her eyes, and Tillylian beamed with joy. It was obvious that this was what she wanted.

"Of course it's true!" Nodding his head swearingly, Li Yexing leaned slightly, and said to Tilly Lian solemnly: "When did I ever lie to my sister-in-law?"

Chapter 43. Macho European Division ([-])

Seeing that Li Yexing coaxed his precious little daughter... to be precise, the second daughter, Kasimir's eyes became more and more playful. Simir couldn't help chuckling and jokingly said: "It's so heartless, Mr. Li, Miss Tililya will be sad if you are like this..."

"Tililyfa..." Holding Tillylian's leg with one hand, Li Yexing turned his head to look at Kasimir, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes. Simir explained with a smile: "I originally wanted to choose the name according to the naming format of the Hunter series. After all, the 'T' in Tillyris and Tillylian is just a reference to the Tyrant series, but considering Tilly Lifa I still chose to use a naming method that is closer to humans..."

"So, it's really that hunter girl?" Recalling the monster girl with scales and fangs, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "You've been lying for a long time, just for this?"

"I've said it all, it's not a trick..." Casimir shook his head and said.

"Does your hunter girl have anything to do with what we are going to discuss next?" Li Yexing continued to ask.

"Of course it has something to do with it, and it has a lot to do with it..." Turning his head, he continued to lead the way for Li Yexing. After deliberating for a few seconds, Kasimir, who was walking in front, whispered to Li Yexing: "I'm going to... Form an armed force entirely of BOW."

"Don't you already have a scavenger in your hands?" Li Yexing asked with some doubts: "What? That thing doesn't work anymore?"

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